Leading Edge Materials Announces Exploration Driling Underway at Bihor Sud Project, Romania

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Leading Edge Materials Corp. (TSXV: LEM) (OTCQB: LEMIF) has initiated exploration diamond drilling at its Bihor Sud Project in Romania. The primary goal is to identify a large-scale, potentially mineable body of mineralization. Initial findings indicate strong potential for significant polymetallic mineralized zones with evidence of extension in both strike and depth.

Drilling will begin in gallery G7, targeting Cobalt-Nickel-Gold mineralization zones reported in late 2023, before moving to gallery G2. The Company's new Chief Geologist is on-site managing the exploration program. Previous assay results from G7 showed high-grade samples including 6.7% Cobalt, 13.0% Nickel, and 7.5 g/t gold. In gallery G2, extensive Zinc-Lead-Silver-Copper mineralization zones were identified, with a zinc-equivalent average grade of 7.34% from ten chip samples.

Leading Edge Materials Corp. (TSXV: LEM) (OTCQB: LEMIF) ha avviato sondaggio di esplorazione con diamante presso il suo progetto Bihor Sud in Romania. L'obiettivo principale è identificare un corpo minerario di grandi dimensioni, potenzialmente estraibile. Le scoperte iniziali indicano un forte potenziale per zone mineralizzate polimetalliche significative con evidenze di estensione sia in direzione che in profondità.

Il sondaggio avrà inizio nella galleria G7, mirando alle zone di mineralizzazione di Cobalto-Nichel-Oro segnalate alla fine del 2023, prima di passare alla galleria G2. Il nuovo Chief Geologist dell'azienda è sul posto per gestire il programma di esplorazione. I risultati dei precedenti campioni della G7 hanno mostrato campioni ad alta gradazione, inclusi 6.7% Cobalto, 13.0% Nichel e 7.5 g/t oro. Nella galleria G2, sono state identificate ampie zone di mineralizzazione di Zinco-Penaire-Argento-Rame, con un grado medio equivalente di zinco del 7.34% da dieci campioni a pavimento.

Leading Edge Materials Corp. (TSXV: LEM) (OTCQB: LEMIF) ha comenzado un sondeo de exploración con diamante en su proyecto Bihor Sud en Rumania. El objetivo principal es identificar un cuerpo mineral explotable de gran escala. Los hallazgos iniciales indican un fuerte potencial para zonas mineralizadas polimetálicas significativas, con evidencia de extensión tanto a lo largo como en profundidad.

La perforación comenzará en la galería G7, dirigiéndose a las zonas de mineralización de Cobalto-Níquel-Oro reportadas a finales de 2023, antes de pasar a la galería G2. El nuevo Geólogo Jefe de la empresa está en el lugar gestionando el programa de exploración. Resultados de análisis anteriores de la G7 mostraron muestras de alta ley, incluyendo 6.7% Cobalto, 13.0% Níquel y 7.5 g/t oro. En la galería G2, se identificaron amplias zonas de mineralización de Zinc-Plomo-Plata-Cobre, con un grado promedio equivalente de zinc del 7.34% a partir de diez muestras de chip.

Leading Edge Materials Corp. (TSXV: LEM) (OTCQB: LEMIF)는 루마니아의 Bihor Sud 프로젝트에서 탐사 다이아몬드 드릴링을 시작했습니다. 주요 목표는 대규모, 잠재적으로 채굴 가능한 광물덩어리를 식별하는 것입니다. 초기 발견은 강한 잠재력을 나타내며, 깊이와 방향에서의 확장 증거가 있는 상당한 다중금속 광물화 구역을 나타냅니다.

드릴링은 갤러리 G7에서 시작되며, 2023년 말 보고된 코발트-니켈-금 광물화 구역을 목표로 하고, 그 후 갤러리 G2로 이동할 것입니다. 회사의 새로운 수석 지질학자가 현장에서 탐사 프로그램을 관리하고 있습니다. G7의 이전 분석 결과는 6.7% 코발트, 13.0% 니켈, 7.5 g/t 금을 포함한 고품질 샘플을 보여주었습니다. G2 갤러리에서는 아연-납-은-구리 광물화 구역이 광범위하게 발견되었으며, 열 개의 조각 샘플에서 아연 원소 등급 평균이 7.34%로 나타났습니다.

Leading Edge Materials Corp. (TSXV: LEM) (OTCQB: LEMIF) a lancé un forage d'exploration au diamant sur son projet Bihor Sud en Roumanie. L'objectif principal est d'identifier un corps minéralisé de grande taille, potentiellement exploitable. Les premières découvertes indiquent un fort potentiel pour des zones minéralisées polymétalliques significatives, avec des preuves d'extension tant en longueur qu'en profondeur.

Le forage commencera dans la galerie G7, visant les zones de minéralisation en Cobalt-Nickel-Or rapportées à la fin de 2023, avant de passer à la galerie G2. Le nouveau géologue en chef de l'entreprise est sur le site pour gérer le programme d'exploration. Les résultats des analyses précédentes de la G7 ont montré des échantillons de haute qualité, comprenant 6,7 % de cobalt, 13,0 % de nickel et 7,5 g/t d'or. Dans la galerie G2, de vastes zones de minéralisation en Zinc-Plomb-Argent-Cuivre ont été identifiées, avec une teneur moyenne en zinc équivalente de 7,34 % à partir de dix échantillons de roches.

Leading Edge Materials Corp. (TSXV: LEM) (OTCQB: LEMIF) hat mit der Erkundungs-Diamantbohrung in seinem Bihor Sud Projekt in Rumänien begonnen. Das Hauptziel ist die Identifizierung eines großflächigen, potenziell abbaubaren Mineralisierungs-Körpers. Erste Ergebnisse deuten auf ein starkes Potential für bedeutende polymetallische mineralisierte Zonen hin, mit Hinweisen auf eine Ausdehnung sowohl in die Länge als auch in die Tiefe.

Das Bohren beginnt in der Galerie G7, die auf Kobalt-Nickel-Gold-Mineralisierungs-Zonen abzielt, die Ende 2023 gemeldet wurden, bevor es in die Galerie G2 übergeht. Der neue Chefgeologe des Unternehmens ist vor Ort und leitet das Explorationsprogramm. Frühere Analyseergebnisse aus G7 zeigten Hochgradproben, darunter 6,7 % Kobalt, 13,0 % Nickel und 7,5 g/t Gold. In der Galerie G2 wurden umfangreiche Zink-Blei-Silber-Kupfer-Mineralisierungs-Zonen identifiziert, mit einem durchschnittlichen Zinkäquivalentgehalt von 7,34 % aus zehn Gesteinsproben.

  • Initiation of exploration diamond drilling at Bihor Sud Project
  • High-grade assay results from gallery G7: 6.7% Cobalt, 13.0% Nickel, 7.5 g/t gold
  • Extensive Zinc-Lead-Silver-Copper mineralization identified in gallery G2
  • Zinc-equivalent average grade of 7.34% from ten chip samples in G2
  • Potential for large-scale, mineable mineral resource
  • Delayed start to drilling due to late arrival of drill rig


- Diamond Drilling in gallery G7 targeting Cobalt-Nickel-Gold mineralization

- Mapping of significant Zinc-Lead-Silver-Copper mineralization in gallery G2

- Drilling to follow in G2 after G7

- Focus is on defining a large-scale, potentially mineable body of mineralization

Vancouver, September 24, 2024 – Leading Edge Materials Corp. (“Leading Edge Materials” or the “Company”) (TSXV: LEM) (Nasdaq First North: LEMSE) (OTCQB: LEMIF) (FRA: 7FL) is pleased to announce that exploration diamond drilling is underway at the Company’s Bihor Sud Project in Romania.   The primary objective is to identify a large-scale, potentially mineable body of mineralization. Early findings have already highlighted the strong potential for discovering significant polymetallic mineralized zones with evidence of extension of both strike and depth, reinforcing the project's exciting prospects.

Drilling will first take place in gallery G7, following up on the zones of Cobalt-Nickel-Gold mineralization and high-grade chip sampling assays reported in late 2023, before the drill is moved to gallery G2.

The delayed start was due to the late arrival of the drill rig and the implementation of robust health and safety protocols. Inspections and final works have now been completed, ensuring a safe and compliant start. In July, the Company welcomed a new Chief Geologist, who is on site and closely managing the exploration program.

Recap (See Fig. 1 for plan of underground galleries)

On December 14, 2023, the Company announced further positive assay results for Cobalt-Nickel-Gold from gallery G7. The results prolongate the zone of Cobalt-Nickel-Gold observations in G7 to a total length of approximately 400 meters NNW-SSE. Structurally controlled mineralized zones are commonly traced on the gallery walls over few meters to tens of meters and range 20-80 cm in thickness. Assay highlights from chip sampling included 6.7% Cobalt, 13.0% Nickel, 7.5 g/t gold. All assay results are available in the announcement:

On June 18, the Company announced the identification of extensive Zinc-Lead-Silver-Copper mineralization zones in gallery G2. G2 offers safe access along its principal axis for approximately 3.2 kilometers, from which extensive transversals emanate, mainly to the north, for a total of over 8 kilometers of galleries in the G2-system.

The first two crosscuts, 1,600 meters from the mouth of G2, encounter carbonate several meters in thickness, which is pervasively altered and mineralized where the gallery cuts it in several places. Alteration with Zinc-Lead-Silver-Copper mineralization is exposed on a scale of tens of meters to greater than 100 meters. Hand-held XRF-data showed lead-zinc grades of several percent along with significant silver grades in the altered carbonates.

Ten chip samples of 1-2 kg each were collected on a G2-reconnaissance visit from an 80-meter-long mineralized sector. The zinc-equivalent average grade* for these ten samples is 7.34%. See previous announcement for assay tables:

The Dibarz gallery system is at a level 120 meters higher than G2 and reportedly served to mine high-grade Zinc-Lead-Silver-Copper ore north of the Dibarz galley mouth. Further Zinc-Lead-Silver-Copper mineralization of the type encountered in G2 has been observed in the southern part of the Dibarz gallery system. There appears to be a NNW-SSE mineralized trend of at least 2.2 kilometers from Dibarz to G2, which corresponds to the regional first order fault direction, also observed on the Zinc-Lead-Silver-Copper veins in G4.

Kurt Budge, Chief Executive Officer, states: "While the delayed start to drilling has been frustrating, we're excited to finally have our Chief Geologist on site and be diamond drilling. Ensuring the safety of our workforce remains our top priority. The Company is focused on defining a large-scale, mineable mineral resource and making up for the lost time as efficiently as possible. We are excited to follow-up on the work done in G7 last year and the extensive Cobalt-Nickel-Gold mineralized zone, before moving to G2 which has shown its potential for extensive Zinc-Lead-Copper-Silver mineralization."

* Metal prices used for Zn- and Ag-equivalent calculation: Zn – 2700 US$/t, Pb – 2100 US$/t, Ag – 29 US$/oz, Cu – 9500 US$/t.

Figure 1: Overview of the southern license area with its historical galleries and the Zn-Pb-Ag+/-Cu mineralization inventory.
GD = Dibarz Gallery. Note that the Dibarz gallery system is 120 m above the level of G2, which opens significant vertical potential to the mineralization observed in both galleries.

Qualified Person

The scientific and technical information in this release has been reviewed, verified, and approved by, a Martin S. Oczlon, PhD Geol, CEngMIMMM, a consultant to Leading Edge Material and Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101 “Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects" (“NI 43-101”).

Sample preparation and gold assays were performed by ALS Romania; assays for all other elements were performed by ALS Geochemistry in Ireland (Loughrea). The QP has reviewed and verified the QA/QC data including sample handling, security and analytical procedure, and has no doubt the reported results have been obtained by the laboratory to best industry practices.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Leading Edge Materials Corp.

Kurt Budge, CEO

For further information, please contact the Company at:

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About Leading Edge Materials

Leading Edge Materials is a Canadian public company focused on developing a portfolio of critical raw material projects located in the European Union. Critical raw materials are determined as such by the European Union based on their economic importance and supply risk. They are directly linked to high growth technologies such as batteries for electromobility and energy storage and permanent magnets for electric motors and wind power that underpin the clean energy transition towards climate neutrality. The portfolio of projects includes the 100% owned Woxna Graphite mine (Sweden), Norra Karr HREE project (Sweden) and the 51% owned Bihor Sud Nickel Cobalt exploration alliance (Romania).

Additional Information

The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact person set out above, on September 24, 2024, at 11:30 PM Vancouver time.

Leading Edge Materials is listed on the TSXV under the symbol “LEM”, OTCQB under the symbol “LEMIF” and Nasdaq First North Stockholm under the symbol "LEMSE". Mangold Fondkommission AB is the Company’s Certified Adviser on Nasdaq First North and may be contacted via email or by phone +46 (0) 8 5030 1550.

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What is the current status of Leading Edge Materials' drilling program at Bihor Sud Project?

Leading Edge Materials (LEMIF) has initiated exploration diamond drilling at the Bihor Sud Project in Romania, starting in gallery G7 and targeting Cobalt-Nickel-Gold mineralization zones.

What were the high-grade assay results from gallery G7 at Bihor Sud Project?

The high-grade assay results from gallery G7 at Bihor Sud Project included 6.7% Cobalt, 13.0% Nickel, and 7.5 g/t gold from chip sampling.

What type of mineralization was identified in gallery G2 of the Bihor Sud Project?

Extensive Zinc-Lead-Silver-Copper mineralization zones were identified in gallery G2 of the Bihor Sud Project, with a zinc-equivalent average grade of 7.34% from ten chip samples.

What is the primary objective of Leading Edge Materials' drilling program at Bihor Sud?

The primary objective of Leading Edge Materials' (LEMIF) drilling program at Bihor Sud is to identify a large-scale, potentially mineable body of mineralization.

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