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Luduson G Inc. (OTCQB: LDSN) has announced a significant investment of USD 5 million in Metasense B88, a pioneering Metaverse Venture Builder based in Portugal, aiming to strengthen its position in the Metaverse landscape. The partnership will facilitate the launch of innovative projects within Metasense's pipeline and broaden its global venture studio capabilities. The funding is expected to enhance customer experiences and advance Metasense's mission to build an Open Metaverse. Both companies anticipate that this collaboration will drive technological innovation and create value for stakeholders.
Luduson G (OTCQB: LDSN) announced its exclusive online distribution of the BE@RBRICK - Official Licensed Product for FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™. The limited offer includes 3,000 units, with 1,000 sized at 1000% priced at US$980, and 2,000 at sizes of 100% and 400% priced at US$250. The campaign allows collectors from various regions to sign-up for a chance to purchase, with deliveries expected by mid-November 2022. The company anticipates over US$1 million in sales from this collaboration.
Luduson G Inc. (OTCQB: LDSN) announced its collaboration with a Hong Kong event organizer to develop an interactive exhibition based on a popular Japanese anime, set to launch in Q4 2022. The exhibition aims to attract over 100,000 visitors and will feature interactive games, digital installations, and themed displays. As the technology provider, Luduson will utilize advanced technologies such as augmented reality and intelligent e-ticketing. The exhibition represents a strategic move for Luduson, anticipated to bolster its business operations in the coming years.
Luduson G Inc. (OTC:LDSN) has issued a shareholder letter outlining its post-pandemic growth strategy, focusing on B2B interactive gaming technology and digital marketing solutions. The company acknowledges the adverse effects of COVID-19 on its 2021 financials and recognizes ongoing challenges in 2022. However, it aims to revitalize business through new projects, enhanced eMarketing strategies, and potential mergers or acquisitions to expand its market reach across Asia and globally.