Leidos U.K. Unveils Sustainability Report

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Leidos U.K. has released its Sustainability Report, outlining progress and targets to achieve net zero emissions by 2040. The report highlights a carbon reduction plan aligned with the Paris Agreement and limiting global warming to 1.5°C. Leidos U.K. has joined the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to ensure accountability in setting greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets.

The company aims to drive sustainable improvements through partnerships with key organizations like the Home Office, Ministry of Defence, Metropolitan Police Service, and National Air Traffic Services. Leidos U.K. is committed to carbon reduction and environmental ethical business practices, implementing educational programs for employees and working on projects like the Logistics Commodities & Services Transformation programme for the Ministry of Defence.

Leidos U.K. ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto sulla Sostenibilità, che delinea i progressi e gli obiettivi per raggiungere emissioni nette zero entro il 2040. Il rapporto evidenzia un piano di riduzione del carbonio allineato con il Accordo di Parigi e il limite di riscaldamento globale a 1.5°C. Leidos U.K. ha aderito all'iniziativa Science Based Targets (SBTi) per garantire responsabilità nella definizione degli obiettivi di riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra.

L'azienda mira a promuovere miglioramenti sostenibili attraverso collaborazioni con organizzazioni chiave come il Ministero dell'Interno, il Ministero della Difesa, il Servizio di Polizia Metropolitana e i Servizi Nazionali di Controllo del Traffico Aereo. Leidos U.K. è impegnata nella riduzione del carbonio e nelle pratiche aziendali etiche ambientali, implementando programmi educativi per i dipendenti e lavorando su progetti come il programma di Trasformazione dei Commodities e Servizi Logistici per il Ministero della Difesa.

Leidos U.K. ha publicado su Informe de Sostenibilidad, que describe los avances y objetivos para lograr emisiones netas cero para 2040. El informe resalta un plan de reducción de carbono alineado con el Acuerdo de París y limitando el calentamiento global a 1.5°C. Leidos U.K. se ha unido a la iniciativa Science Based Targets (SBTi) para asegurar la rendición de cuentas en el establecimiento de objetivos de reducción de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero.

La empresa tiene como objetivo impulsar mejoras sostenibles a través de asociaciones con organizaciones clave como el Ministerio del Interior, el Ministerio de Defensa, el Servicio de Policía Metropolitana y los Servicios Nacionales de Tráfico Aéreo. Leidos U.K. está comprometida con la reducción de carbono y las prácticas comerciales éticas ambientales, implementando programas educativos para los empleados y trabajando en proyectos como el programa de Transformación de Logística, Bienes y Servicios para el Ministerio de Defensa.

Leidos U.K.는 지속 가능성 보고서를 발표하며 2040년까지 탄소 중립 달성을 위한 진행 상황과 목표를 개괄하였습니다. 이 보고서는 파리 협약에 따라 글로벌 온도 상승을 1.5°C로 제한하는 탄소 감소 계획을 강조합니다. Leidos U.K.는 온실가스 배출 감소 목표 설정에 대한 책임을 보장하기 위해 Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)에 참여하였습니다.

회사는 내무부, 국방부, 메트로폴리탄 경찰 서비스, 국가 항공 교통 서비스와 같은 주요 조직과의 파트너십을 통해 지속 가능한 개선을 추진할 계획입니다. Leidos U.K.는 탄소 감소와 환경 윤리 경영에 헌신하며, 직원들을 위한 교육 프로그램을 시행하고 국방부를 위한 물류 상품 및 서비스 변환 프로그램과 같은 프로젝트를 진행하고 있습니다.

Leidos U.K. a publié son Rapport sur la durabilité, présentant les progrès réalisés et les objectifs pour atteindre zéro émission nette d'ici 2040. Le rapport met en avant un plan de réduction des émissions de carbone conforme à l'Accord de Paris et limitant le réchauffement climatique à 1,5 °C. Leidos U.K. a rejoint l'initiative Science Based Targets (SBTi) pour garantir la responsabilité dans l'établissement des objectifs de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre.

L'entreprise vise à favoriser des améliorations durables grâce à des partenariats avec des organisations clés telles que le Ministère de l'Intérieur, le Ministère de la Défense, le Service de police métropolitaine et les Services nationaux du trafic aérien. Leidos U.K. s'engage à réduire son empreinte carbone et à adopter des pratiques commerciales éthiques au niveau environnemental, en mettant en œuvre des programmes éducatifs pour les employés et en travaillant sur des projets tels que le programme de transformation des biens et services logistiques pour le Ministère de la Défense.

Leidos U.K. hat seinen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht veröffentlicht, in dem die Fortschritte und Ziele zur Erreichung netto null Emissionen bis 2040 dargelegt werden. Der Bericht hebt einen Kohlenstoffreduktionsplan hervor, der mit dem Pariser Abkommen in Einklang steht, um die globale Erwärmung auf 1,5 °C zu begrenzen. Leidos U.K. ist der Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) beigetreten, um Verantwortung bei der Festlegung von Zielen zur Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen sicherzustellen.

Das Unternehmen strebt nachhaltige Verbesserungen durch Partnerschaften mit wichtigen Organisationen wie dem Innenministerium, dem Verteidigungsministerium, der Metropolitan Police Service und den National Air Traffic Services an. Leidos U.K. verpflichtet sich zu Kohlenstoffreduzierung und umweltethischen Geschäftspraktiken, indem es Bildungsprogramme für die Mitarbeiter implementiert und an Projekten wie dem Logistics Commodities & Services Transformation Programm für das Verteidigungsministerium arbeitet.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 4, 2024 / Leidos

By Silka Patel

Leidos U.K. recognises that our footprint gives us great responsibility to think about the planet in everything we do.

We recently published our U.K. Sustainability Report, which outlines our progress to date, the areas where we can do more, and the ambitious targets we've set to help Leidos U.K. achieve net zero emissions by 2040.

The report highlights our U.K. carbon reduction plan, which is in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement and the latest climate science for limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, described by the United Nations as "code red for humanity."

We believe the greatest contribution we can make to driving sustainable improvements is through the work we deliver for some of our most trusted partners, including the Home Office, the Ministry of Defence, the Metropolitan Police Service, and the National Air Traffic Services.

That's why, to hold ourselves accountable, we've signed up to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). As such, targets we set ourselves will be done in direct alignment with science-based targets.

The SBTi enables companies and financial institutions worldwide to play their part in combating the climate crisis by developing standards, tools, and guidance to allow those that sign up to set greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets in line with what is needed to keep global heating below catastrophic levels.

Leidos U.K. is committed to carbon reduction and environmental ethical business practices in all our work - delivering improvements not only for ourselves but for our customers.

Enhancing our sustainability practices and putting them front and centre of everything we do will not only futureproof our success as a business, but also the future success of our partnerships in the U.K. and further afield.

All businesses should see themselves as stewards of the environment. Through our educational programmes to help employees understand how to reduce their carbon footprint and our work delivering the Logistics Commodities & Services Transformation programme for the Ministry of Defence, we're already making significant strides to become a better, greener, and more sustainable business.

Learn more about our UK sustainability work

* Leidos Innovations U.K. Ltd and Leidos Europe (Emersons Green site only) are referred to as Leidos U.K. Information in our Leidos U.K. Sustainability Report refer only to Leidos U.K. and not Leidos enterprise.

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Contact Info:
Spokesperson: Leidos

SOURCE: Leidos

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What is Leidos U.K.'s target year for achieving net zero emissions?

Leidos U.K. has set an ambitious target to achieve net zero emissions by 2040.

Which initiative has Leidos U.K. joined to ensure accountability in setting emissions reduction targets?

Leidos U.K. has signed up to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to ensure accountability in setting greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets.

What is the global warming limit that Leidos U.K.'s carbon reduction plan aims to support?

Leidos U.K.'s carbon reduction plan is aligned with limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, as described in the Paris Agreement.

Which key organizations does Leidos U.K. partner with to drive sustainable improvements?

Leidos U.K. partners with the Home Office, Ministry of Defence, Metropolitan Police Service, and National Air Traffic Services to drive sustainable improvements.

Leidos Holdings, Inc.


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