Leidos awarded $249M Army force protection contract

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Leidos has been awarded a $249 million contract by the Army Contract Command to enhance security at 92 additional Army and select Joint-Service installation access control points worldwide. The Automated Installation Entry (AIE) Next Generation contract has a six-year period of performance.

As the AIE prime contractor, Leidos has transformed the Army's enterprise Physical Access Control System to a fully extensible cloud-based solution with advanced biometrics modalities. The system is designed to expedite access control for authorized personnel and vehicles, validating identification credentials against authoritative and law enforcement databases.

Leidos will perform work on-site at Army and Joint-Service installations, with systems engineering and test activities primarily executed at their Edgewood, Maryland facility. The cloud deployment aims to provide near real-time updates to authentication requirements in response to changing force protection conditions.

Leidos ha ricevuto un contratto di 249 milioni di dollari dal Comando Contratti dell'Esercito per migliorare la sicurezza in 92 ulteriori punti di controllo per l'accesso a installazioni dell'Esercito e selezionati servizi congiunti in tutto il mondo. Il contratto per la prossima generazione di Entrata Automatica nelle Installazioni (AIE) ha un periodo di attuazione di sei anni.

In qualità di appaltatore principale AIE, Leidos ha trasformato il Sistema di Controllo Accesso Fisico dell'Esercito in una soluzione completamente estensibile basata sul cloud con modalità biometriche avanzate. Il sistema è progettato per accelerare il controllo degli accessi per le persone e i veicoli autorizzati, verificando le credenziali di identificazione contro database autorevoli e forze dell'ordine.

Leidos effettuerà lavori in loco presso le installazioni dell'Esercito e dei servizi congiunti, con attività di ingegneria dei sistemi e test eseguite principalmente presso la loro struttura di Edgewood, nel Maryland. Il dispiegamento sul cloud mira a fornire aggiornamenti quasi in tempo reale sui requisiti di autenticazione in risposta ai cambiamenti delle condizioni di protezione della forza.

Leidos ha sido adjudicada un contrato de 249 millones de dólares por el Comando de Contratos del Ejército para mejorar la seguridad en 92 puntos de control de acceso a instalaciones del Ejército y de servicios conjuntos seleccionados en todo el mundo. El contrato de la próxima generación de Entrada Automática en Instalaciones (AIE) tiene un período de ejecución de seis años.

Como contratista principal de AIE, Leidos ha transformado el Sistema de Control de Acceso Físico del Ejército en una solución completamente extensible basada en la nube con modalidades biométricas avanzadas. El sistema está diseñado para acelerar el control de acceso para personas y vehículos autorizados, validando las credenciales de identificación contra bases de datos de autoridades y de la ley.

Leidos realizará trabajos en el sitio en las instalaciones del Ejército y de servicios conjuntos, siendo principalmente la ingeniería de sistemas y las actividades de prueba llevadas a cabo en su instalación de Edgewood, Maryland. El despliegue en la nube tiene como objetivo proporcionar actualizaciones casi en tiempo real sobre los requisitos de autenticación en respuesta a las condiciones cambiantes de protección de fuerzas.

Leidos는 육군 계약 사령부로부터 전 세계 92개의 추가 육군 및 일부 합동 서비스 설치 접근 통제 지점의 보안을 강화하기 위해 2억 4,900만 달러의 계약을 수여받았습니다. 자동화 설치 출입(AIE) 차세대 계약은 6년의 수행 기간을 가지고 있습니다.

AIE 주요 계약자로서 Leidos는 육군의 물리적 접근 제어 시스템을 선진 생체 인식 방식이 포함된 완전하게 확장 가능한 클라우드 기반 솔루션으로 변화시켰습니다. 이 시스템은 권한이 있는 인원과 차량의 접근 통제를 신속하게 처리하도록 설계되었으며, 권위 있는 데이터베이스 및 법 집행 기관 데이터베이스에 대한 신원 인증을 검증합니다.

Leidos는 육군 및 합동 서비스 설치에서 현장 작업을 수행하며, 시스템 엔지니어링 및 테스트 활동은 주로 그들의 메릴랜드주 에지우드 시설에서 실행됩니다. 클라우드 배치는 변화하는 군사 보호 조건에 대응하여 인증 요구 사항에 대한 거의 실시간 업데이트를 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Leidos a obtenu un contrat de 249 millions de dollars du Commandement des Contrats de l'Armée pour améliorer la sécurité à 92 points de contrôle d'accès supplémentaires aux installations de l'Armée et à certaines installations de services conjoints dans le monde entier. Le contrat pour la prochaine génération de l'Entrée Automatisée des Installations (AIE) a une durée de six ans.

En tant qu'entrepreneur principal de l'AIE, Leidos a transformé le Système de Contrôle d'Accès Physique de l'Armée en une solution entièrement extensible basée sur le cloud avec des modalités biométriques avancées. Le système est conçu pour accélérer le contrôle d'accès pour le personnel et les véhicules autorisés, validant les identifications contre des bases de données autorisées et de forces de l'ordre.

Leidos réalisera des travaux sur site dans les installations de l'Armée et des services conjoints, avec des activités d'ingénierie des systèmes et de tests principalement exécutées dans leur installations à Edgewood, dans le Maryland. Le déploiement sur le cloud vise à fournir des mises à jour presque en temps réel des exigences d'authentification en réponse à l'évolution des conditions de protection des forces.

Leidos wurde vom Army Contract Command mit einem Vertrag über 249 Millionen Dollar beauftragt, um die Sicherheit an 92 zusätzlichen Zugangskontrollpunkten der Armee und ausgewählten Joint-Service-Installationen weltweit zu verbessern. Der Vertrag für die nächste Generation des Automated Installation Entry (AIE) hat eine Laufzeit von sechs Jahren.

Als Hauptauftragnehmer von AIE hat Leidos das physische Zugangskontrollsystem der Armee in eine vollständig erweiterbare cloudbasierte Lösung mit fortschrittlichen biometrischen Modalitäten umgewandelt. Das System ist darauf ausgelegt, den Zugang für autorisierte Personen und Fahrzeuge zu beschleunigen und Identifikationsberechtigungen gegen autoritative und strafrechtliche Datenbanken zu validieren.

Leidos wird vor Ort an Armee- und Joint-Service-Installationen arbeiten, wobei die Systemeingenieur- und Testaktivitäten hauptsächlich in ihrer Einrichtung in Edgewood, Maryland durchgeführt werden. Der Cloud-Einsatz zielt darauf ab, nahezu in Echtzeit Aktualisierungen der Authentifizierungsanforderungen als Reaktion auf sich ändernde Schutzbedingungen bereitzustellen.

  • None.
  • None.

Company to provide enhanced biometrics applications for 92 additional CONUS and OCONUS locations

RESTON, Va., Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Leidos (NYSE: LDOS), a FORTUNE ® 500 innovation company, was recently awarded the Automated Installation Entry (AIE) Next Generation contract to enhance security at 92 additional Army and select Joint-Service installation access control points located around the world. The single award IDIQ was awarded by the Army Contract Command for the Program Executive Office Intelligence, Electronic Warfare & Sensors. The follow-on contract has a six-year period of performance with a total ceiling value of $249 million.

"We are proud to be the Army's solution of choice for access control and security for all Army installations worldwide," said Mike Diggins, Senior Vice President, Homeland and Force Protection Solutions at Leidos. "Our use of cloud technology and biometrics applications is intended to enable secure, frictionless pedestrian and vehicle throughput at military access control points."

As the AIE prime contractor, Leidos has transformed the Army's enterprise Physical Access Control System to a fully extensible cloud-based solution with advanced biometrics modalities. Leidos develops its biometric systems, including those for AIE, to validate digital identities and to incorporate evolving cybersecurity protections. The cloud deployment is designed to provide near real-time updates to authentication requirements in response to changing force protection conditions.

AIE is the Army's program of record to expedite access control for authorized personnel and vehicles, validating identification credentials against authoritative and law enforcement databases. Leidos will perform work on site at Army and Joint-Service installations, with systems engineering and test activities primarily executed at their Edgewood, Maryland facility.

"In collaboration with the Army customer, we've been able to demonstrate cloud-scale and persistent innovation to advance force protection solutions," Diggins said. "We're excited to apply this success to the next generation of the program."

About Leidos

Leidos is a Fortune 500® innovation company rapidly addressing the world's most vexing challenges in national security and health. The company's global workforce of 48,000 collaborates to create smarter technology solutions for customers in heavily regulated industries. Headquartered in Reston, Virginia, Leidos reported annual revenues of approximately $15.4 billion for the fiscal year ended December 29, 2023. For more information, visit

Certain statements in this announcement constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the rules and regulations of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). These statements are based on management's current beliefs and expectations and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. These statements are not guarantees of future results or occurrences. A number of factors could cause our actual results, performance, achievements, or industry results to be different from the results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to, the "Risk Factors" set forth in Leidos' Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 29, 2023, and other such filings that Leidos makes with the SEC from time to time. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. Leidos does not undertake to update forward-looking statements to reflect the impact of circumstances or events that arise after the date the forward-looking statements were made.

Media Contacts:

Alyssa Pettus
(571) 526-6743

Greg Hellman
(571) 526-7592


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SOURCE Leidos Holdings, Inc.


What is the value of the Automated Installation Entry (AIE) Next Generation contract awarded to Leidos (LDOS)?

Leidos (LDOS) was awarded a $249 million contract for the Automated Installation Entry (AIE) Next Generation program.

How many locations will be covered under the new Leidos (LDOS) AIE contract?

The contract covers 92 additional Army and select Joint-Service installation access control points located around the world.

What is the duration of the AIE Next Generation contract awarded to Leidos (LDOS)?

The contract has a six-year period of performance.

What technology is Leidos (LDOS) using for the AIE Next Generation contract?

Leidos is using cloud technology and advanced biometrics applications to enable secure, frictionless pedestrian and vehicle throughput at military access control points.

Where will Leidos (LDOS) perform the systems engineering and test activities for the AIE contract?

Leidos will primarily execute systems engineering and test activities at their Edgewood, Maryland facility.

Leidos Holdings, Inc.


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