Respected Military Advocate Bryan Bergjans Joins loanDepot as National Director of Military Growth and Strategy

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loanDepot (NYSE: LDI) has appointed Bryan Bergjans as its national director of military growth and strategy, strengthening its Veterans Administration (VA) lending program. Bergjans, a U.S. Navy Veteran and respected military advocate, brings nearly two decades of military experience and a passion for serving the active-duty military and Veteran community. This strategic move aligns with loanDepot's mission to enhance its VA lending capacity and expertise.

Executive Vice President John Bianchi emphasized that this appointment reinforces loanDepot's commitment to VA lending, aiming to become the premier home loan provider for servicemembers and Veterans. Bergjans, known for his industry-first initiatives and impressive growth strategies, joins loanDepot after eight years at Caliber Home Loans. He continues to serve in the Navy Reserves and has a track record of creating educational programs and initiatives to support military homeownership.

loanDepot (NYSE: LDI) ha nominato Bryan Bergjans come direttore nazionale per la crescita e la strategia militare, rafforzando il suo programma di prestiti per i veterani (VA). Bergjans, un veterano della Marina degli Stati Uniti e rispettato sostenitore militare, porta con sé quasi due decenni di esperienza militare e una passione per servire la comunità dei militari in servizio attivo e dei veterani. Questa mossa strategica si allinea con la missione di loanDepot di migliorare la propria capacità e competenza nel prestito VA.

Il Vice Presidente Esecutivo John Bianchi ha sottolineato che questa nomina rafforza l'impegno di loanDepot nei prestiti VA, con l'obiettivo di diventare il fornitore di prestiti ipotecari di riferimento per i militari e i veterani. Bergjans, noto per le sue iniziative pionieristiche nel settore e per le sue sue strategie di crescita impressionanti, si unisce a loanDepot dopo otto anni in Caliber Home Loans. Continua a servire nelle riserve della Marina e ha un comprovato storico di creazione di programmi educativi e iniziative per supportare la proprietà abitativa dei militari.

loanDepot (NYSE: LDI) ha nombrado a Bryan Bergjans como su director nacional de crecimiento y estrategia militar, fortaleciendo su programa de préstamos para veteranos (VA). Bergjans, un veterano de la Marina de los EE. UU. y respetado defensor militar, aporta casi dos décadas de experiencia militar y una pasión por servir a la comunidad de militares en servicio activo y veteranos. Este movimiento estratégico se alinea con la misión de loanDepot de mejorar su capacidad y experiencia en préstamos VA.

El Vicepresidente Ejecutivo John Bianchi enfatizó que este nombramiento refuerza el compromiso de loanDepot con los préstamos VA, con el objetivo de convertirse en el principal proveedor de préstamos hipotecarios para militares y veteranos. Bergjans, conocido por sus iniciativas pioneras en la industria y sus impresionantes estrategias de crecimiento, se une a loanDepot después de ocho años en Caliber Home Loans. Continúa sirviendo en las Reservas de la Marina y tiene un historial de creación de programas e iniciativas educativas para apoyar la propiedad de viviendas por parte de los militares.

loanDepot (NYSE: LDI)는 Bryan Bergjans군 성장 및 전략을 위한 국가 디렉터로 임명하여 재향군인청(VA) 대출 프로그램을 강화했습니다. 미국 해군 재향군인인 Bergjans는 거의 20년의 군 경험과 현역 군인 및 재향군인 커뮤니티를 위한 헌신적인 마음을 가지고 있습니다. 이 전략적 결정은 loanDepot의 VA 대출 능력 및 전문성을 향상시키려는 사명과 일치합니다.

부사장 John Bianchi는 이번 임명이 loanDepot의 VA 대출에 대한 약속을 강화한다고 강조하며, 군인과 재향군인을 위한 최고의 주택 대출 제공업체가 되는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 업계 최초의 이니셔티브 및 놀라운 성장 전략으로 알려진 Bergjans는 Caliber Home Loans에서 8년을 보낸 후 loanDepot에 합류했습니다. 그는 해군 예비군으로 계속 복무하고 있으며 군인 주택 소유를 지원하는 교육 프로그램 및 이니셔티브를 마련한 경력이 있습니다.

loanDepot (NYSE: LDI) a nommé Bryan Bergjans en tant que directeur national de la croissance et de la stratégie militaire, renforçant ainsi son programme de prêts pour les vétérans (VA). Bergjans, un ancien combattant de la Marine américaine et un défenseur militaire respecté, cumule près de 20 ans d'expérience militaire et une passion pour servir la communauté des militaires en service actif et des vétérans. Ce mouvement stratégique est en adéquation avec la mission de loanDepot d'améliorer sa capacité et son expertise en matière de prêts VA.

Le vice-président exécutif John Bianchi a souligné que cette nomination renforce l'engagement de loanDepot envers les prêts VA, visant à devenir le principal fournisseur de prêts hypothécaires pour les militaires et les vétérans. Bergjans, connu pour ses initiatives innovantes dans l'industrie et ses impressionnantes stratégies de croissance, rejoint loanDepot après huit ans chez Caliber Home Loans. Il continue à servir dans les réserves de la Marine et a un parcours exemplaire en matière de création de programmes éducatifs et d'initiatives pour soutenir la propriété de logements par les militaires.

loanDepot (NYSE: LDI) hat Bryan Bergjans zum Nationaldirektor für militärisches Wachstum und Strategie ernannt, um sein Programm für Veteranenkredite (VA) zu stärken. Bergjans, ein Veteran der United States Navy und angesehener Militäranwalt, bringt nahezu zwei Jahrzehnte militärischer Erfahrung und eine Leidenschaft dafür mit, der aktiven Militär- und Veteranengemeinschaft zu dienen. Dieser strategische Schritt steht im Einklang mit der Mission von loanDepot, seine VA-Darlehenskapazität und -kompetenz zu erweitern.

Der Executive Vice President John Bianchi betonte, dass diese Ernennung das Engagement von loanDepot für VA-Darlehen stärkt, mit dem Ziel, der führende Anbieter von Hypothekendarlehen für Militärangehörige und Veteranen zu werden. Bergjans, bekannt für seine branchenweit ersten Initiativen und beeindruckenden Wachstumsstrategien, tritt nach acht Jahren bei Caliber Home Loans zu loanDepot über. Er dient weiterhin in der Marine-Reserve und kann auf eine erfolgreiche Bilanz bei der Schaffung von Bildungsprogrammen und Initiativen zur Unterstützung des Immobilienbesitzes von Militärangehörigen zurückblicken.

  • Appointment of Bryan Bergjans, a respected military advocate and VA lending expert, as national director of military growth and strategy
  • Strategic investment to strengthen loanDepot's VA lending program and expertise
  • Potential for increased market share in the military and Veteran lending space
  • Alignment with company's mission to serve military personnel and Veterans
  • None.

The appointment of Bryan Bergjans as loanDepot's national director of military growth and strategy is a strategic move that could potentially boost the company's VA lending business. However, the immediate financial impact is likely to be . While loanDepot's focus on strengthening its VA lending program is commendable, it's important to note that the VA loan market is highly competitive. The success of this initiative will depend on how effectively Bergjans can leverage his expertise and connections to drive growth in this segment.

From an investor's perspective, this news is mildly positive but not game-changing. It demonstrates loanDepot's commitment to diversifying its product offerings and targeting a specific market segment. However, the real test will be in the execution and results over the coming quarters. Investors should monitor future earnings reports for any significant uptick in VA loan originations or market share gains in this sector.

Bergjans' appointment signals loanDepot's intensified focus on the VA lending market, a niche but potentially lucrative segment. The VA loan market has been growing steadily, with $252.95 billion in loan volume in 2022, up from $227.79 billion in 2021. This move could help loanDepot capture a larger share of this expanding market.

However, it's important to consider the broader context. The overall mortgage market has been challenging due to rising interest rates, which have dampened demand for home loans. While VA loans offer competitive rates and terms, they're not immune to market pressures. loanDepot's success in this initiative will depend on its ability to differentiate its offerings and effectively reach the military community amidst a tough market environment.

From a legal standpoint, loanDepot's focus on VA lending comes with both opportunities and responsibilities. VA loans are subject to specific regulations under the Department of Veterans Affairs and lenders must comply with these guidelines. Bergjans' expertise in this area could help ensure robust compliance and potentially reduce legal risks associated with VA lending.

However, it's worth noting that increased focus on a specific lending segment can also attract regulatory scrutiny. Investors should be aware that any missteps in VA lending practices could lead to regulatory actions or legal challenges. That said, Bergjans' background and experience suggest that loanDepot is taking a proactive approach to compliance and best practices in VA lending, which could be a positive factor in mitigating legal risks.

Bergjans’ unwavering dedication to veterans aligns perfectly with loanDepot’s mission to serve those who’ve served us

IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- loanDepot, Inc. (“LDI” or “Company”) (NYSE: LDI), a leading provider of products and services that power the homeownership journey, continues to build on its strength in Veterans Administration (VA) lending with the appointment of U.S. Navy Veteran and VA lending powerhouse Bryan Bergjans as its national director of military growth and strategy. Bergjans, a highly respected national advocate for the military community, is a dynamic mortgage industry leader with nearly two decades of military experience and an abiding passion for serving the active-duty military and Veteran community.

Over the last several years, loanDepot has made a series of strategic investments in its VA lending program, all designed to build a best-in-class VA lending capacity with unparalleled expertise and outreach capabilities.

Said loanDepot Executive Vice President John Bianchi, “Today’s announcement reinforces our strength and commitment to VA lending. Bryan is well known as a trailblazer in the military and Veteran lending space who has spearheaded countless industry-first initiatives that fueled impressive growth, brand equity and awareness. Our ultimate goal is to ensure more of our nation’s servicemen and women can benefit from the advantages offered by VA mortgage products, and with Bryan on our team we are poised to become the premier home loan provider for the servicemembers and Veterans of the Armed Forces.”

Bergjans, who joins loanDepot after eight transformative years at Caliber Home Loans, is currently serving in the Navy Reserves as the Readiness Officer for Navy Cargo Handling Battalion 11 HQ in Jacksonville, Fla.

Among his many accomplishments, Bergjans created and taught a VA Home Loan Benefit curriculum for the St. Louis Association of Realtors, taught the National Association of Realtors’ Military Relocation Professional Designation Course, established a Military Spouse Advisory Council, and served as the host of Mortgage News Network’s “Homeownership Heroes” and “Military Spouse Mondays” programs.

“We owe our military more than a thank you; we owe them an opportunity to achieve the dream of homeownership,” said Bergjans.

About loanDepot

At loanDepot (NYSE: LDI), we know home means everything. That’s why we are on a mission to support homeowners with a suite of products and services that fuel the American Dream. Our portfolio of digital-first home purchase, home refinance and home equity lending products make homeownership more accessible, achievable, and rewarding, especially for the increasingly diverse communities of first-time homebuyers we serve. Headquartered in Southern California with local market offices nationwide, loanDepot and its sister real estate and home services company, mellohome, are dedicated to helping customers put down roots and bring dreams to life – all while building stronger communities and a better tomorrow.


Jonathan Fine

VP, Public Relations

(781) 248-3963

Source: loanDepot, Inc.


Who did loanDepot (LDI) appoint as national director of military growth and strategy?

loanDepot appointed Bryan Bergjans, a U.S. Navy Veteran and respected military advocate, as its national director of military growth and strategy.

How does Bryan Bergjans' appointment strengthen loanDepot's (LDI) VA lending program?

Bergjans brings nearly two decades of military experience, expertise in VA lending, and a track record of creating industry-first initiatives that have fueled growth and awareness in military and Veteran lending.

What is loanDepot's (LDI) goal in strengthening its VA lending program?

loanDepot aims to become the premier home loan provider for servicemembers and Veterans of the Armed Forces, ensuring more can benefit from the advantages offered by VA mortgage products.

What was Bryan Bergjans' previous role before joining loanDepot (LDI)?

Bryan Bergjans worked at Caliber Home Loans for eight years before joining loanDepot as the national director of military growth and strategy.

loanDepot, Inc.


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