loanDepot Appoints Nancy Smith as Regional Vice President for Colorado and Wyoming

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loanDepot (NYSE: LDI) has appointed Nancy Smith as Regional Vice President for Colorado and Wyoming, leading its In-Market Retail branches in these states. Smith brings extensive experience in sales leadership and a strong track record in the Mountain States region. Colorado, with its rapid population growth of 19.25% from 2010 to 2023, is a key market for loanDepot. Wyoming, an emerging market traditionally underserved by independent mortgage banks, will benefit from Smith's leadership.

Smith's appointment aligns with loanDepot's strategy to provide deep local expertise and industry knowledge to homebuyers and real estate professionals. Her focus on team growth and development, based on integrity, respect, and accountability, matches loanDepot's company culture. The company expects Smith's leadership to enhance its services in these markets and attract top producers in the region.

loanDepot (NYSE: LDI) ha nominato Nancy Smith come Vicepresidente Regionale per il Colorado e il Wyoming, guidando le sue filiali retail in questi stati. Smith porta con sé una vasta esperienza nella leadership commerciale e un solido curriculum nella regione degli Stati Montani. Il Colorado, con una rapida crescita della popolazione del 19,25% dal 2010 al 2023, rappresenta un mercato chiave per loanDepot. Il Wyoming, un mercato emergente tradizionalmente sottoservito da banche ipotecarie indipendenti, trarrà beneficio dalla leadership di Smith.

La nomina di Smith si allinea con la strategia di loanDepot di fornire una profonda expertise locale e conoscenza del settore ai compratori di case e ai professionisti immobiliari. Il suo focus sulla crescita e lo sviluppo del team, fondato su integrità, rispetto e responsabilità, corrisponde alla cultura aziendale di loanDepot. L'azienda si aspetta che la leadership di Smith migliori i suoi servizi in questi mercati e attragga i migliori produttori della regione.

loanDepot (NYSE: LDI) ha designado a Nancy Smith como Vicepresidenta Regional para Colorado y Wyoming, liderando sus sucursales minoristas en estos estados. Smith aporta una amplia experiencia en liderazgo de ventas y un sólido historial en la región de los Estados de Montaña. Colorado, con un rápido crecimiento poblacional del 19.25% de 2010 a 2023, es un mercado clave para loanDepot. Wyoming, un mercado emergente tradicionalmente desatendido por bancos hipotecarios independientes, se beneficiará del liderazgo de Smith.

El nombramiento de Smith se alinea con la estrategia de loanDepot de proporcionar una profunda experiencia local y conocimiento del sector a los compradores de vivienda y profesionales inmobiliarios. Su enfoque en el crecimiento y desarrollo del equipo, basado en la integridad, el respeto y la responsabilidad, coincide con la cultura empresarial de loanDepot. La empresa espera que el liderazgo de Smith mejore sus servicios en estos mercados y atraiga a los mejores productores de la región.

loanDepot (NYSE: LDI)는 낸시 스미스를 콜로라도와 와이오밍의 지역 부사장으로 임명했습니다. 스미스는 이 두 주의 현장 소매 지점을 이끌게 됩니다. 스미스는 판매 리더십에서 광범위한 경험을 보유하고 있으며 산악 주 지역에서 강력한 실적을 가지고 있습니다. 2010년부터 2023년까지 19.25%의 인구 증가율을 기록한 콜로라도는 loanDepot에게 중요한 시장입니다. 전통적으로 독립 모기지 은행의 지원을 받지 못했던 신흥 시장인 와이오밍은 스미스의 리더십 덕분에 혜택을 볼 것입니다.

스미스의 임명은 주택 구매자와 부동산 전문가에게 깊은 지역 전문성과 산업 지식을 제공하려는 loanDepot의 전략과 일치합니다. 팀의 성장과 개발에 대한 그녀의 초점은 정직, 존중 및 책임을 바탕으로 하며 loanDepot의 기업 문화와 일치합니다. 회사는 스미스의 리더십이 이러한 시장에서의 서비스 향상과 지역 내 최고의 생산자를 유치할 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.

loanDepot (NYSE: LDI) a nommé Nancy Smith au poste de Vice-Présidente Régionale pour le Colorado et le Wyoming, dirigeant ses agences de détail dans ces États. Smith apporte une vaste expérience en leadership commercial et un solide parcours dans la région des États Montagnards. Le Colorado, avec une croissance rapide de sa population de 19,25 % entre 2010 et 2023, est un marché clé pour loanDepot. Le Wyoming, un marché émergent traditionnellement sous-servi par les banques hypothécaires indépendantes, bénéficiera du leadership de Smith.

La nomination de Smith s'inscrit dans la stratégie de loanDepot de fournir une expertise locale approfondie et des connaissances sectorielles aux acheteurs de logements et aux professionnels de l'immobilier. Son accent sur la croissance et le développement de l'équipe, basé sur l'intégrité, le respect et la responsabilité, s'aligne avec la culture d'entreprise de loanDepot. L'entreprise s'attend à ce que le leadership de Smith améliore ses services dans ces marchés et attire les meilleurs producteurs de la région.

loanDepot (NYSE: LDI) hat Nancy Smith zur Regionalvicepräsidentin für Colorado und Wyoming ernannt, die ihre Einzelhandelsfilialen in diesen Bundesstaaten leitet. Smith bringt umfangreiche Erfahrungen in der Verkaufsführung und eine starke Erfolgsbilanz in der Region der Rocky Mountains mit. Colorado, das von 2010 bis 2023 ein rapides Bevölkerungswachstum von 19,25% verzeichnet hat, ist ein wichtiger Markt für loanDepot. Wyoming, ein aufstrebender Markt, der traditionell von unabhängigen Hypothekenbanken unterversorgt ist, wird von Smiths Führung profitieren.

Smtihs Ernennung stimmt mit der Strategie von loanDepot überein, tiefgreifende lokale Expertise und Branchenkenntnis für Hauskäufer und Immobilienprofis bereitzustellen. Ihr Fokus auf Teamentwicklung und -wachstum, basierend auf Integrität, Respekt und Verantwortung, passt zur Unternehmenskultur von loanDepot. Das Unternehmen erwartet, dass Smiths Führung die Dienstleistungen in diesen Märkten verbessert und die besten Anbieter in der Region anzieht.

  • Appointment of experienced leader Nancy Smith as Regional Vice President for Colorado and Wyoming
  • Expansion in Colorado, the sixth-fastest growing state in the US
  • Entry into Wyoming, an underserved market for independent mortgage banks
  • Potential for attracting top producers in the region due to new leadership
  • None.

IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- loanDepot, Inc. (“LDI” or “Company”) (NYSE: LDI) a leading provider of products and services that power the homeownership journey, has appointed Nancy Smith to lead its growing Colorado and Wyoming branches as Regional Vice President, In-Market Retail.

loanDepot has appointed Nancy Smith to lead its growing Colorado and Wyoming branches as Regional Vice President, In-Market Retail. (Photo: Business Wire)

loanDepot has appointed Nancy Smith to lead its growing Colorado and Wyoming branches as Regional Vice President, In-Market Retail. (Photo: Business Wire)

“To successfully navigate today’s homebuying markets, homebuyers and real estate professionals look for mortgage partners who can provide deep local expertise and industry knowledge,” said loanDepot Executive Vice President John Bianchi. “Nancy is well known for her success building highly productive teams in the Colorado, Wyoming, Arizona, Utah and New Mexico markets. Equally important, she emphasizes her teams’ growth and development based on the core values of integrity, respect, and accountability, which perfectly align with our company culture. I am tremendously excited to have Nancy join us and take our Colorado and Wyoming teams even further.”

Colorado, with the sixth-fastest percentage rate of growth in the US, is an important market for loanDepot. The state’s population grew by 19.25 percent from 2010 to 2023, and it has added approximately 1.55 million residents since 20001. Wyoming is an emerging market, traditionally underserved by independent mortgage banks, that will benefit from the leadership of top local talent.

Over the course of her career, Smith has held sales leadership roles at companies like Bank of America, MetLife Home Loans, Caliber Home Loans and Homeowners Financial Group. She has a long track record in the Mountain States region and brings both strong relationships and extensive experience in building successful partnerships with local real estate companies and financial institutions.

“There is no one better to help us serve the needs of our Colorado and Wyoming teams,” said LDI Mortgage President Jeff Walsh. “Not only is Nancy a proven partner who will help our originators further hone their skills and expand their reach, we’re confident her impressive leadership will attract other top producers in the region.”

About loanDepot

At loanDepot (NYSE: LDI), we know home means everything. That’s why we are on a mission to support homeowners with a suite of products and services that fuel the American Dream. Our portfolio of digital-first home purchase, home refinance and home equity lending products make homeownership more accessible, achievable, and rewarding, especially for the increasingly diverse communities of first-time homebuyers we serve. Headquartered in Southern California with local market offices nationwide, loanDepot and its sister real estate and home services company, mellohome, are dedicated to helping customers put down roots and bring dreams to life – all while building stronger communities and a better tomorrow.



Jonathan Fine

VP, Public Relations

(781) 248-3963

Source: loanDepot, Inc.


Who did loanDepot (LDI) appoint as Regional Vice President for Colorado and Wyoming?

loanDepot appointed Nancy Smith as Regional Vice President for Colorado and Wyoming, leading its In-Market Retail branches in these states.

What is the significance of Colorado for loanDepot's (LDI) business?

Colorado is an important market for loanDepot due to its rapid population growth. The state grew by 19.25% from 2010 to 2023, making it the sixth-fastest growing state in the US.

Why is loanDepot (LDI) expanding into Wyoming?

loanDepot is expanding into Wyoming as it's an emerging market traditionally underserved by independent mortgage banks, presenting a growth opportunity for the company.

What experience does Nancy Smith bring to her new role at loanDepot (LDI)?

Nancy Smith brings extensive experience in sales leadership roles at companies like Bank of America, MetLife Home Loans, Caliber Home Loans, and Homeowners Financial Group, with a strong track record in the Mountain States region.

loanDepot, Inc.


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