LithiumBank Reports >99% Impurity Removal, >3,000 mg/L Lithium in Eluate and Production of Battery Grade Lithium Carbonate from DLE Pilot Testing in Calgary, Alberta

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LithiumBank Resources has announced successful results from their Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) pilot plant testing in Calgary. The desorption process generated lithium-rich liquors with concentrations ranging from 2,600 to >4,000 mg/L, achieving a composite eluate averaging >3,100 mg/L lithium.

Key achievements include:

  • >98% lithium recovery in adsorption
  • >99% impurity removal
  • 44x average lithium concentration upgrade from feed
  • Production of battery-grade lithium carbonate (>99.95% purity)

The process utilized sulfuric acid for desorption, demonstrating excellent rejection of impurities such as calcium, strontium, and barium. The company also clarified that their September 2024 pilot plant operation achieved 95% uptime, processing 29,000L of brine during the testing period.

LithiumBank Resources ha annunciato risultati positivi dai test della loro pianta pilota per l'estrazione diretta di litio (DLE) a Calgary. Il processo di desorbimento ha generato soluzioni ricche di litio con concentrazioni che variano da 2.600 a oltre 4.000 mg/L, raggiungendo un eluato composito che in media supera i 3.100 mg/L di litio.

I principali risultati includono:

  • Oltre il 98% di recupero del litio in adsorbimento
  • Oltre il 99% di rimozione delle impurità
  • Aumento medio della concentrazione di litio di 44 volte rispetto al materiale di partenza
  • Produzione di carbonato di litio di grado per batterie (oltre il 99,95% di purezza)

Il processo ha utilizzato acido solforico per la desorbimento, dimostrando un'eccellente capacità di rimozione delle impurità come calcio, stronzio e bario. L'azienda ha anche precisato che l'operazione della loro pianta pilota di settembre 2024 ha raggiunto il 95% di tempo di attività, elaborando 29.000L di salamoia durante il periodo di test.

LithiumBank Resources ha anunciado resultados exitosos de las pruebas en su planta piloto de Extracción Directa de Litio (DLE) en Calgary. El proceso de desorción generó soluciones ricas en litio con concentraciones que varían de 2,600 a más de 4,000 mg/L, logrando un eluato compuesto que promedia más de 3,100 mg/L de litio.

Los logros clave incluyen:

  • Más del 98% de recuperación de litio en adsorción
  • Más del 99% de eliminación de impurezas
  • Aumento promedio de la concentración de litio de 44 veces con respecto al material de entrada
  • Producción de carbonato de litio de grado para baterías (más del 99.95% de pureza)

El proceso utilizó ácido sulfúrico para la desorción, demostrando un excelente rechazo de impurezas como calcio, estroncio y bario. La empresa también aclaró que su operación de planta piloto de septiembre de 2024 alcanzó un 95% de tiempo de actividad, procesando 29,000L de salmuera durante el período de pruebas.

리튬은행 자원이 캘거리에서 직접 리튬 추출(DLE) 파일럿 플랜트 테스트의 성공적인 결과를 발표했습니다. 탈착 과정에서 리튬 농도가 2,600mg/L에서 4,000mg/L 이상까지의 리튬 풍부한 용액이 생성되었으며, 평균 >3,100mg/L의 복합 엘루트를 달성하였습니다.

주요 성과에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

  • 98% 이상의 리튬 회수율
  • 99% 이상의 불순물 제거
  • 원료 대비 평균 44배의 리튬 농도 상승
  • 배터리 등급 리튬 탄산염 생산(99.95% 이상의 순도)

이 과정은 탈착을 위해 황산을 사용하였으며, 칼슘, 스트론튬 및 바륨과 같은 불순물의 우수한 거부 능력을 발휘하였습니다. 회사는 또한 2024년 9월의 파일럿 플랜트 운영이 95%의 가동 시간을 달성하였으며, 테스트 기간 동안 29,000L의 염수를 처리했다고 밝혔습니다.

LithiumBank Resources a annoncé des résultats réussis de ses tests de l'usine pilote d'extraction directe de lithium (DLE) à Calgary. Le processus de désorption a généré des solutions riches en lithium avec des concentrations variant de 2 600 à plus de 4 000 mg/L, atteignant un éluté composite d'une moyenne de plus de 3 100 mg/L de lithium.

Les principales réalisations comprennent :

  • Plus de 98 % de récupération du lithium par adsorption
  • Plus de 99 % d'élimination des impuretés
  • Augmentation moyenne de la concentration en lithium de 44 fois par rapport à l'apport
  • Production de carbonate de lithium de qualité batterie (plus de 99,95 % de pureté)

Le processus a utilisé de l'acide sulfurique pour la désorption, démontrant une excellente capacité de rejet des impuretés telles que le calcium, le strontium et le baryum. La société a également précisé que son opération pilote de septembre 2024 a atteint 95 % de temps de fonctionnement, traitant 29 000 L de saumure pendant la période de test.

LithiumBank Resources hat erfolgreiche Ergebnisse aus den Tests ihrer Pilotanlage zur Direkten Lithium-Extraktion (DLE) in Calgary bekannt gegeben. Der Desorptionsprozess erzeugte lithiumreiche Lösungen mit Konzentrationen von 2.600 bis über 4.000 mg/L und erreichte einen durchschnittlichen Eluat von über 3.100 mg/L Lithium.

Wichtige Errungenschaften umfassen:

  • Über 98% Lithiumrückgewinnung in der Adsorption
  • Über 99% Entfernen von Verunreinigungen
  • Durchschnittliche Erhöhung der Lithiumkonzentration um das 44-fache im Vergleich zum Ausgangsmaterial
  • Produktion von Lithiumcarbonat in Batteriequalität (über 99,95% Reinheit)

Der Prozess verwendete Schwefelsäure für die Desorption und zeigte eine hervorragende Abweisung von Verunreinigungen wie Calcium, Strontium und Barium. Das Unternehmen stellte auch klar, dass der Betrieb ihrer Pilotanlage im September 2024 eine Betriebszeit von 95% erreichte und während des Testzeitraums 29.000L Sole verarbeitete.

  • >98% lithium recovery rate from brine
  • 44x average lithium concentration upgrade achieved
  • >99% impurity removal rate
  • Production of battery-grade lithium carbonate with >99.95% purity
  • 95% uptime during pilot plant operation
  • Correction of previously reported brine processing volume from 40,000L to 29,000L

Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - December 5, 2024) - LithiumBank Resources Corp. (TSXV: LBNK) (OTCQX: LBNKF) ("LithiumBank'' or the "Company") is pleased to announce the results from the desorption component of the initial Direct Lithium Extraction ("DLE") pilot plant testing campaign at the Calgary facility. This follows the results announced from the adsorption stage of the pilot plant testing process that was previously announced September 11, 2024. The desorption campaign generated multiple lithium-rich liquors (eluates) ranging from 2,600 mg/L lithium (2.6 g/L Li) to >4,000 mg/L lithium (4 g/L Li) that were blended to make a composite eluate with an average grade of >3,100 mg/L lithium (>3.1 g/L Li). The composite eluate was then used as the feedstock for refinery and downstream laboratory test work to produce a battery-grade lithium carbonate (>99.95% purity) product.

Brine collected from Boardwalk was processed through the adsorption circuit of the cDLE® pilot plant and successfully achieved >98% lithium recovery as previously reported by the Company in September. The loaded ion exchange material (or sorbent) was then manually processed to desorb the lithium from the sorbent using a dilute sulfuric acid solution. This process produced an eluate that removed greater than or equal to 99% of the impurities leaving a lithium concentration of at least 3,100 mg/L lithium.

The eluate quality summarised in the table 1 below is the result of a single cycle. Eluate grade and purity were largely in-line with results predicted from previous test work at a lab scale that was previously announced on Nov. 22, 2023. Consistent with the project's strategy of minimising the volumetric flow and impurity load entering the refinery, it is noted that the recent campaign demonstrated:

  • An average lithium concentration upgrade from feed of 44x.
  • The use of sulfuric acid - a low-cost industrial chemical - for desorption provides excellent rejection of impurities such as calcium, strontium and barium.

Table 1. Eluate grade from a single cycle of piloting

Eluate Grade mg/L lithium
(g/L Li)
Lithium Concentration Upgrade from Feed Brine44x57x38x
Impurity Rejection99% Ba, Ca, K, Mg, Na, Sr


As an extension of the desorption campaign, preliminary purification of the eluate was undertaken at the Calgary facility. The chosen process utilised low-cost, industrial-grade reagents and demonstrated our ability to further reduce the impurity load on the downstream refinery. This preliminary purification further increased the rejection of impurities, without materially impacting the eluate grade, as summarised below.

Table 2. Eluate grade after a purification step showing additional impurity rejection.

Eluate Grade (g/L Li)
Lithium Concentration Upgrade from Feed Brine44x57x38x
Impurity Rejection99.95% Ba, Ca, K, Mg, Na, Sr


A 5L sample of the composite eluate was further refined into battery grade lithium carbonate by Telescope Innovations Corp. using their proprietary ReCRFT™ recrystallisation process. The cDLE® eluate was initially concentrated by evaporation, carbonated to form a crude lithium carbonate and then processed into battery-grade lithium carbonate. The analysis of the product at the various stages is summarized in Table 3 below.

Table 3. Composition of lithium concentrate, crude and processed lithium carbonate

ElementComposition of cDLE® eluate after evaporation 
Composition of crude lithium carbonate 
Composition of recrystallised lithium carbonate 
Calcium (Ca)2,40921,32332.5
Potassium (K)941.0<5<5
Lithium (Li)17,336162,489173,579
Magnesium (Mg)137.0351.79.3
Sodium (Na)2,536341.938.9
Purity (%)74.22%88.07%99.95%


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Figure 1. LithiumBank's DLE pilot plant facility: #1 - Raw brine brought in from Boardwalk (raw brine has been through a de-gassing process by AMGAS), #2 - Filtered brine tank holds brine post filtration for suspended solids and hydrocarbons (filtration system not visible in photo), #3 - Heated brine tank is insulated and holds brine at a temperature of ~70°C, #4 - DLE columns continuously move brine and the IX sorbent in a counter current manner, #5 - Baren brine, depleted of lithium is held here until properly disposed of in a disposal well, #6 - IX sorbent was collected for later processing for this particular pilot campaign (not visible in this photo).

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The brine that was processed by the adsorption circuit of the pilot plant was collected within the hydrocarbon zone from four wells in the Indicated resource area of Boardwalk (Figure 2) originally reported June 28, 2022 and are summarized in Table 4 below. In future piloting campaigns LithiumBank expects to process brine from the Company's own licensed well 100/10-06-069-21W5/00 ("10-6") which it has recently completed drilling as reported August 8, 2024. The Company has collected 248 cubic metres of brine from below the hydrocarbon zone for piloting purposes.

Table 4. Source brine for initial pilot campaign

Well IDNumber of assaysMaximum Grade Lithium (mg/L) Minimum Grade Lithium (mg/L)Average Grade Lithium (mg/L)
Average grade71.8


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Figure 2: Boardwalk map showing location of bulk brine sample wells and NI 43-101 resource estimate area entitled: Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) For LithiumBank Resources Corp. Boardwalk Lithium-Brine Project in West-Central Alberta, Canada, effectively dated February 22, 2024 and authored by the following Qualified Persons: Roy Eccles, P. Geol. of APEX Geoscience Ltd., Kim Mohler, P. Eng. of GLJ Ltd., Gordon MacMillan, P. Geol. of Fluid Domains, Jim Touw, P. Geol. of HCL Ltd., Frederick Scott, P. Eng. of Scott Energy, Egon Linton, P. Eng. of Hatch Ltd., Evan Jones, P. Eng. of Hatch Ltd., Stefan Hlouschko, P. Eng. of Hatch Ltd., and Lisa Park, AusIMM. Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. There is no guarantee that all or any part of the mineral resource will be converted into a mineral reserve. The Estimate of mineral resources may be materially affected by geology, environment, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing, or other relevant issues.

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The Company's DLE facility in Calgary includes a satellite lab operated by AGAT Laboratories. The on-site, 3rd party, AGAT Lab is a vital piece of equipment that allows real time assay results during the piloting campaign on a 24-hour basis. This helps ensure efficient processing and allows for real time adjustments as and when required. To ensure Quality Assurance and Quality Control ("QA/QC") standard reference material was used on a regular basis as well as duplicate samples that were run at the on-site lab and at AGAT's main lab in Calgary.

The Company would also like to comment on disclosure initially made on September 11, 2024, when it announced that a portion of the DLE pilot plant was operating over a period of four and a half days continuously for 120 hours. For clarity, after further audit the plant had an uptime of 95% during this operating period. Furthermore, the audit indicated that a total of 29,000L of brine was put through the adsorption portion of the piloting process and not the previously stated 40,000L of brine.

Qualified Person

The information that forms the basis for the scientific and technical information disclosed in this news release was prepared and approved Viraj Patel, P.Eng., who is a Qualified Person (QP) for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Viraj Patel consents to the inclusion of the data in the form and context in which it appears.

About LithiumBank Resources Corp.

LithiumBank Resources Corp. (TSXV: LBNK) (OTCQX: LBNKF), is a publicly traded lithium company that is focused on developing and de-risking the largest portfolio of lithium brine assets in North America. The Company has completed a NI 43-101 Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") at Boardwalk (Jan. 16, 2024), an initial NI 43-101 Resource Estimate at Park Place (June 24, 2024) which are both located in west central Alberta. The Company is currently conducting large scale pilot testing of a licensed Direct Lithium Extraction ("DLE") technology at the Company's facility in Calgary (since July 10, 2024). The DLE technology process being piloted is currently being used at a commercial scale for use in other metals. The Company owns 100% of the 2,130,470 acres of brown-field brine hosted mineral licenses within Alberta and Saskatchewan.

Rob Shewchuk
CEO & Director
(778) 987-9767

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward Looking Statements

This release includes certain statements and information that may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. All statements in this news release, other than statements of historical facts, including statements regarding future estimates, plans, objectives, timing, assumptions or expectations of future performance, including without limitation, that LithiumBank expects to process brine from the Company's own licensed well 10-6 in future pilot campaigns , are forward-looking statements and contain forward-looking information. Generally, forward-looking statements and information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "intends" or "anticipates," or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may," "could," "should" or "would" or occur.

Forward-looking statements are based on certain material assumptions and analysis made by the Company and the opinions and estimates of management as of the date of this press release, including that LithiumBank will process brine from the Company's own licensed well 10-6 in future pilot campaigns.

These forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or forward-looking information. Important risks that may cause actual results to vary, include, without limitation, the risk that LithiumBank will not process brine from the Company's own licensed well 10-6 in future pilot campaigns.

Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement, forward-looking information or financial outlook that are incorporated by reference herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

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What lithium concentration did LBNKF achieve in their DLE pilot testing?

LithiumBank achieved lithium concentrations ranging from 2,600 mg/L to >4,000 mg/L, with a composite eluate averaging >3,100 mg/L lithium.

What was the impurity removal rate in LBNKF's DLE pilot testing?

The DLE pilot testing achieved >99% impurity removal rate, including elements such as calcium, strontium, and barium.

What was the purity level of lithium carbonate produced by LBNKF?

LithiumBank produced battery-grade lithium carbonate with >99.95% purity through their DLE process.

How much brine did LBNKF process in their September 2024 pilot testing?

LithiumBank processed 29,000L of brine during their pilot testing, with a 95% uptime during the operating period.

LithiumBank Resources Corp


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