Lazard Global Total Return and Income Fund Declares Monthly Distribution and Issues Estimated Sources of the Distribution Announced in September

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Lazard Global Total Return and Income Fund (NYSE:LGI) has declared a monthly distribution of $0.14941 per share on its outstanding common stock, payable on November 22, 2024 to shareholders of record on November 12, 2024. The distribution is 100% from Net Realized Long-Term Capital Gains.

The Fund's average annual total return for the 5-year period ending September 30, 2024, was 10.28%. The annualized current distribution rate is 9.40% of NAV. For the fiscal year through September 30, 2024, the Fund's cumulative total return was 12.79%, with cumulative fiscal year distributions at 5.64% of NAV.

The Fund's investment objective is total return, consisting of capital appreciation and current income. It invests in a portfolio of 60 to 80 US and non-US equity securities, emerging market currencies, and debt obligations.

Il Lazard Global Total Return and Income Fund (NYSE:LGI) ha dichiarato una distribuzione mensile di $0.14941 per azione sulle proprie azioni ordinarie in circolazione, pagabile il 22 novembre 2024 agli azionisti registrati il 12 novembre 2024. La distribuzione è interamente proveniente da Guadagni di Capitale a Lungo Termine Netto Realizzati.

Il rendimento totale medio annuale del Fondo per il periodo di 5 anni concluso il 30 settembre 2024 è stato del 10,28%. L'attuale tasso di distribuzione annualizzato è del 9,40% del NAV. Per l'anno fiscale fino al 30 settembre 2024, il rendimento totale cumulativo del Fondo è stato del 12,79%, con distribuzioni cumulative dell'anno fiscale pari al 5,64% del NAV.

Il principale obiettivo d'investimento del Fondo è il rendimento totale, costituito da apprezzamento del capitale e reddito corrente. Investirà in un portafoglio di 60-80 valori mobiliari azionari statunitensi e non statunitensi, valute dei mercati emergenti e obbligazioni di debito.

El Lazard Global Total Return and Income Fund (NYSE:LGI) ha declarado una distribución mensual de $0.14941 por acción sobre sus acciones ordinarias en circulación, pagadera el 22 de noviembre de 2024 a los accionistas registrados el 12 de noviembre de 2024. La distribución proviene 100% de Ganancias de Capital a Largo Plazo Netas Realizadas.

El rendimiento total anual promedio del Fondo para el período de 5 años que finaliza el 30 de septiembre de 2024 fue del 10,28%. La tasa de distribución anualizada actual es del 9,40% del NAV. Para el año fiscal que finaliza el 30 de septiembre de 2024, el rendimiento total acumulativo del Fondo fue del 12,79%, con distribuciones acumulativas del año fiscal en el 5,64% del NAV.

El objetivo de inversión del Fondo es el rendimiento total, que consiste en la apreciación del capital y el ingreso corriente. Invierte en un portafolio de 60 a 80 valores en acciones de EE. UU. y no EE. UU., monedas de mercados emergentes y obligaciones de deuda.

라자드 글로벌 총 수익 및 소득 펀드 (NYSE:LGI)는 주당 $0.14941의 월 배당금을 발행한다고 발표했습니다. 이 배당금은 2024년 11월 22일2024년 11월 12일 기준 주주에게 지급됩니다. 배당금은 100% 순 실현 장기 자본 이득에서 발생합니다.

펀드의 5년 평균 연간 총 수익률은 2024년 9월 30일 기준으로 10.28%였습니다. 현재 연환산 배당율은 NAV의 9.40%입니다. 2024년 9월 30일까지의 회계연도 동안 펀드의 누적 총 수익률은 12.79%이며, 누적 회계연도 배당금은 NAV의 5.64%에 해당합니다.

펀드의 투자 목표는 자본 증가 및 현재 수익을 포함하는 총 수익입니다. 60에서 80개의 미국 및 비미국 주식, 신흥 시장 통화 및 채무 의무의 포트폴리오에 투자합니다.

Le Lazard Global Total Return and Income Fund (NYSE:LGI) a déclaré une distribution mensuelle de $0.14941 par action sur ses actions ordinaires en circulation, payable le 22 novembre 2024 aux actionnaires inscrits au 12 novembre 2024. La distribution provient à 100% des Gains en Capital à Long Terme Réalisés Nets.

Le rendement total moyen annuel du Fonds pour la période de 5 ans se terminant le 30 septembre 2024 était de 10,28%. Le taux de distribution annualisé actuel est de 9,40% de la valeur nette d’inventaire (NAV). Pour l'exercice fiscal jusqu'au 30 septembre 2024, le rendement total cumulé du Fonds était de 12,79%, avec des distributions fiscales cumulées à 5,64% du NAV.

L'objectif d'investissement du Fonds est le rendement total, qui se compose de l'appréciation du capital et des revenus courants. Il investit dans un portefeuille de 60 à 80 titres de participation américains et non américains, des devises de marchés émergents et des obligations de dette.

Der Lazard Global Total Return and Income Fund (NYSE:LGI) hat eine monatliche Ausschüttung von $0.14941 pro Aktie auf seine ausstehenden Stammaktien erklärt, zahlbar am 22. November 2024 an die Aktionäre, die am 12. November 2024 registriert sind. Die Ausschüttung stammt zu 100% aus realisierten Nettogewinnen aus langfristigen Kapitalanlagen.

Die durchschnittliche jährliche Gesamtrendite des Fonds über den Zeitraum von 5 Jahren bis zum 30. September 2024 betrug 10,28%. Der annualisierte aktuelle Ausschüttungszins beträgt 9,40% des NAV. Für das Geschäftsjahr bis zum 30. September 2024 betrug die kumulierte Gesamtrendite des Fonds 12,79%, wobei die kumulierten Ausschüttungen des Geschäftsjahres 5,64% des NAV betrugen.

Das Anlageziel des Fonds ist die Gesamtrendite, die aus Kapitalwachstum und laufenden Einkünften besteht. Er investiert in ein Portfolio von 60 bis 80 US- und Nicht-US-Aktien, Währungen aus Schwellenländern und Schuldtitel.

  • None.
  • None.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Lazard Global Total Return and Income Fund, Inc. (the "Fund") (NYSE:LGI) is confirming today, pursuant to its Managed Distribution Policy, as previously authorized by its Board of Directors, a monthly distribution of $0.14941 per share on the Fund’s outstanding common stock. The distribution is payable on November 22, 2024 to shareholders of record on November 12, 2024. The ex-dividend date is November 12, 2024.

The Fund will pay a previously declared distribution today, October 22, 2024. The following table sets forth the estimated amounts of the current distribution and the cumulative distributions paid, including today’s distribution, from the following sources: net investment income, net realized capital gains (short-term and long-term), and return of capital. All amounts are expressed per share of common stock and are based on accounting principles generally accepted in the US, which may differ from federal income tax regulations.


Current Distribution

% of the Current Distribution

Total Cumulative Distributions for the Fiscal Year to Date

% of the Total Cumulative Distributions for the Fiscal Year to Date

Net Income





Net Realized Short-Term Capital Gains





Net Realized Long-Term Capital Gains





Return of Capital










Average annual total return (in relation to NAV) for the 5-year period ending on September 30, 2024


Annualized current distribution rate expressed as a percentage of NAV as of September 30, 2024


Cumulative total return (in relation to NAV) for the fiscal year through September 30, 2024


Cumulative fiscal year distributions as a percentage of NAV as of September 30, 2024


You should not draw any conclusions about the Fund's investment performance from the amount of this distribution or from the terms of the Fund's Managed Distribution Policy.

The Fund estimates that it has distributed more than its net investment income and net realized capital gains; therefore, a portion of your distribution may be return of capital. A return of capital may occur, for example, when some or all of the money that you invested in the Fund is paid back to you. A return of capital distribution does not necessarily reflect the Fund's investment performance and should not be confused with "yield" or "income".

The amounts and sources of distributions reported above are only estimates and are not being provided for tax reporting purposes. The actual amounts and sources of the amounts for tax reporting purposes will depend upon the Fund's investment experience during the remainder of its fiscal year and may be subject to changes based on tax regulations. The Fund provides financial intermediary firms the information necessary to produce the Form 1099-DIV, and then the relevant financial intermediary firm will send you a Form 1099-DIV for the calendar year that will tell you how to report these distributions for federal income tax purposes. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please call us at 1-800-823-6300.

Portfolio data as of September 30, 2024, including performance, asset allocation, top 10 holdings, sector weightings, regional exposure, and other Fund characteristics have been posted on Lazard Asset Management's ("LAM") website,

The Fund's investment objective is total return, consisting of capital appreciation and current income. The Fund's net assets are invested in a portfolio of approximately 60 to 80 US and non-US equity securities, including American Depository Receipts, generally of companies with market capitalizations greater than $2 billion, and may include investments in emerging markets. The Fund also invests in emerging market currencies (primarily by entry into forward currency contracts), or instruments whose value is derived from the performance of an underlying emerging market currency, and also may invest in debt obligations, including government, government agency and corporate obligations and structured notes denominated in emerging market currencies.

An indirect subsidiary of Lazard, Inc. (NYSE: LAZ), LAM, the Fund's investment manager, offers a range of equity, fixed-income, and alternative investment products worldwide. As of September 30, 2024, LAM and affiliated asset management companies in the Lazard Group managed $247.7 billion worth of client assets. For more information about LAM, please go to Follow LAM at @LazardAsset.

Media contact:

Aziz Nayani, +1 212 632 6042

Investor contact:

Ben Wulfsohn, +1 800 823 6300

Source: Lazard Global Total Return and Income Fund, Inc.


What is the monthly distribution amount for Lazard Global Total Return and Income Fund (LGI) in November 2024?

Lazard Global Total Return and Income Fund (LGI) has declared a monthly distribution of $0.14941 per share, payable on November 22, 2024.

What is the source of the November 2024 distribution for Lazard Global Total Return and Income Fund (LGI)?

The November 2024 distribution for Lazard Global Total Return and Income Fund (LGI) is 100% from Net Realized Long-Term Capital Gains.

What was the 5-year average annual total return for Lazard Global Total Return and Income Fund (LGI) as of September 30, 2024?

The average annual total return for Lazard Global Total Return and Income Fund (LGI) for the 5-year period ending on September 30, 2024, was 10.28%.

What is the investment objective of Lazard Global Total Return and Income Fund (LGI)?

The investment objective of Lazard Global Total Return and Income Fund (LGI) is total return, consisting of capital appreciation and current income.

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