SEALSQ Integrates Internet of Payment (IoP) in Next-Generation IoT-Enabled Semiconductors, Revolutionizing Connected Commerce

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SEALSQ Corp (NASDAQ: LAES) has announced the integration of Internet of Payment (IoP) capabilities into its next-generation IoT-enabled semiconductor solutions. This innovation transforms connected devices into dynamic commercial hubs capable of secure and autonomous transactions. The IoP concept evolves IoT devices into commercial platforms that can process payments, order services, and manage resources autonomously.

Key features of SEALSQ's next-generation semiconductors include:

  • Secure, autonomous transactions
  • Real-time transaction processing
  • Scalability across various industries
  • Energy-efficient payment modules

Potential applications span automotive, home automation, and industrial IoT sectors. By 2025, an estimated 75 billion devices will be interconnected through IoT, with global cashless payment volumes expected to surge by over 80% between 2020 and 2025. SEALSQ's IoP capabilities offer a solution for secure, real-time transactions between machines in this rapidly evolving payment ecosystem.

SEALSQ Corp (NASDAQ: LAES) ha annunciato l'integrazione delle capacità di Internet of Payment (IoP) nelle sue soluzioni di semiconduttori abilitati all'IoT di nuova generazione. Questa innovazione trasforma i dispositivi connessi in hub commerciali dinamici in grado di effettuare transazioni in modo sicuro e autonomo. Il concetto di IoP evolve i dispositivi IoT in piattaforme commerciali che possono elaborare pagamenti, ordinare servizi e gestire risorse in modo autonomo.

Le caratteristiche principali dei semiconduttori di nuova generazione di SEALSQ includono:

  • Transazioni sicure e autonome
  • Elaborazione delle transazioni in tempo reale
  • Scalabilità in vari settori
  • Moduli di pagamento energeticamente efficienti

Le applicazioni potenziali spaziano nei settori automobilistico, automazione domestica e IoT industriale. Entro il 2025, si prevede che saranno interconnessi circa 75 miliardi di dispositivi tramite l'IoT, con un aumento previsto dei volumi di pagamento senza contante globale di oltre l'80% tra il 2020 e il 2025. Le capacità IoP di SEALSQ offrono una soluzione per transazioni sicure e in tempo reale tra macchine in questo ecosistema di pagamento in rapida evoluzione.

SEALSQ Corp (NASDAQ: LAES) ha anunciado la integración de las capacidades de Internet de Pago (IoP) en sus soluciones de semiconductores habilitados para IoT de nueva generación. Esta innovación transforma los dispositivos conectados en centros comerciales dinámicos capaces de realizar transacciones de manera segura y autónoma. El concepto de IoP evoluciona los dispositivos IoT en plataformas comerciales que pueden procesar pagos, solicitar servicios y gestionar recursos de manera autónoma.

Las características clave de los semiconductores de nueva generación de SEALSQ incluyen:

  • Transacciones seguras y autónomas
  • Procesamiento de transacciones en tiempo real
  • Escalabilidad en diversas industrias
  • Módulos de pago energéticamente eficientes

Las aplicaciones potenciales abarcan sectores automotriz, automatización del hogar e IoT industrial. Para 2025, se estima que habrá 75 mil millones de dispositivos interconectados a través del IoT, con un aumento previsto en los volúmenes globales de pago sin efectivo de más del 80% entre 2020 y 2025. Las capacidades de IoP de SEALSQ ofrecen una solución para transacciones seguras y en tiempo real entre máquinas en este ecosistema de pago que evoluciona rápidamente.

SEALSQ Corp (NASDAQ: LAES)는 차세대 IoT 지원 반도체 솔루션에 인터넷 결제(IoP) 기능을 통합했다고 발표했습니다. 이 혁신은 연결된 장치를 안전하고 자율적인 거래를 수행할 수 있는 역동적인 상업 허브로 변화시킵니다. IoP 개념은 IoT 장치를 결제 처리, 서비스 주문 및 자원 관리를 자율적으로 수행할 수 있는 상업 플랫폼으로 진화시킵니다.

SEALSQ의 차세대 반도체의 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 안전하고 자율적인 거래
  • 실시간 거래 처리
  • 다양한 산업에 대한 확장성
  • 에너지 효율적인 결제 모듈

잠재적 응용 분야는 자동차, 홈 자동화 및 산업 IoT 부문에 걸쳐 있습니다. 2025년까지 약 750억 개의 장치가 IoT를 통해 상호 연결될 것으로 추정되며, 2020년에서 2025년 사이의 전 세계 비현금 결제량은 80% 이상 증가할 것으로 예상됩니다. SEALSQ의 IoP 기능은 빠르게 변화하는 결제 생태계에서 기계 간의 안전하고 실시간 거래를 위한 솔루션을 제공합니다.

SEALSQ Corp (NASDAQ: LAES) a annoncé l'intégration des capacités d'Internet de Paiement (IoP) dans ses solutions de semi-conducteurs de nouvelle génération habilitées pour l'IoT. Cette innovation transforme les appareils connectés en hubs commerciaux dynamiques capables de réaliser des transactions de manière sécurisée et autonome. Le concept d'IoP fait évoluer les dispositifs IoT en plateformes commerciales qui peuvent traiter les paiements, commander des services et gérer des ressources de manière autonome.

Parmi les caractéristiques clés des semi-conducteurs de nouvelle génération de SEALSQ, on trouve :

  • Transactions sécurisées et autonomes
  • Traitement des transactions en temps réel
  • Scalabilité dans divers secteurs
  • Modules de paiement écoénergétiques

Les applications potentielles s'étendent aux secteurs de l'automobile, de l'automatisation domestique et de l'IoT industriel. D'ici 2025, on estime que 75 milliards d'appareils seront interconnectés grâce à l'IoT, avec une augmentation des volumes de paiements sans espèces à l'échelle mondiale prévue à plus de 80 % entre 2020 et 2025. Les capacités IoP de SEALSQ offrent une solution pour des transactions sécurisées et en temps réel entre machines dans cet écosystème de paiement en évolution rapide.

SEALSQ Corp (NASDAQ: LAES) hat die Integration von Internet of Payment (IoP)-Fähigkeiten in seine nächstgenerierten IoT-fähigen Halbleiterlösungen bekannt gegeben. Diese Innovation verwandelt verbundene Geräte in dynamische Handelszentren, die sichere und autonome Transaktionen durchführen können. Das IoP-Konzept entwickelt IoT-Geräte zu Handelsplattformen, die autonom Zahlungen abwickeln, Dienstleistungen anfordern und Ressourcen verwalten können.

Zu den wichtigsten Funktionen der Halbleiter der nächsten Generation von SEALSQ gehören:

  • Sichere, autonome Transaktionen
  • Echtzeit-Transaktionsverarbeitung
  • Skalierbarkeit in verschiedenen Branchen
  • Energiestoffeffiziente Zahlungsmodule

Potenzielle Anwendungen erstrecken sich über die Automobil-, Smart-Home- und industrielle IoT-Sektoren. Bis 2025 wird geschätzt, dass etwa 75 Milliarden Geräte über IoT miteinander verbunden sind, wobei die globalen bargeldlosen Zahlungsvolumina zwischen 2020 und 2025 voraussichtlich um über 80% ansteigen werden. Die IoP-Fähigkeiten von SEALSQ bieten eine Lösung für sichere, Echtzeit-Transaktionen zwischen Maschinen in diesem sich schnell entwickelnden Zahlungssystem.

  • Integration of Internet of Payment (IoP) capabilities into next-generation IoT-enabled semiconductors
  • Positioning SEALSQ at the forefront of connected commerce revolution
  • Expanding potential applications across automotive, home automation, and industrial IoT sectors
  • Preparation to release engineering samples of QS7001 Quantum-Resistant secure chips before year-end
  • Significant new agreements and partnerships signed with existing and new clients
  • None.

SEALSQ's integration of Internet of Payment (IoP) capabilities into its IoT semiconductors represents a significant strategic move. This positions the company to capture a slice of the rapidly growing cashless payment market, expected to triple in volume by 2030. The potential for revenue diversification is substantial, as SEALSQ could monetize not just chip sales but also transaction fees. However, investors should note that while the technology is promising, concrete financial projections are absent from the announcement. The company's ability to execute and gain market share in this competitive space will be crucial. Keep an eye on future earnings reports for tangible evidence of IoP's impact on SEALSQ's bottom line.

SEALSQ's IoP integration is a technological leap forward in IoT semiconductors. The features outlined, such as secure autonomous transactions and real-time processing, address critical needs in the evolving IoT landscape. Particularly noteworthy is the focus on energy efficiency, which is important for widespread IoT adoption. The company's preparation to release quantum-resistant secure chips (QS7001) also demonstrates foresight in addressing future cybersecurity challenges. However, the success of this technology will depend on widespread adoption and integration with existing payment infrastructures. Investors should monitor industry partnerships and adoption rates as key indicators of SEALSQ's success in this new venture.

The market potential for SEALSQ's IoP-enabled semiconductors is substantial. With projections of 75% of devices being interconnected by 2025 and an expected 80% surge in global cashless payment volumes between 2020 and 2025, SEALSQ is positioning itself in a high-growth market. The diverse applications across automotive, home automation and industrial IoT sectors broaden the company's potential customer base. However, competition in this space is likely to be fierce, with established tech giants and fintech companies vying for market share. SEALSQ's success will hinge on its ability to differentiate its offering and secure key partnerships. Investors should closely monitor SEALSQ's market penetration and adoption rates in various IoT sectors.

Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SEALSQ Corp (NASDAQ: LAES) ("SEALSQ" or "Company"), a company that focuses on developing and selling Semiconductors, PKI and Post-Quantum technology hardware and software products, today announced the integration of Internet of Payment (IoP) capabilities into its next-generation IoT-enabled semiconductor solutions. This bold step positions SEALSQ at the forefront of a digital revolution, where connected devices transcend their traditional roles, morphing into dynamic commercial hubs capable of secure and autonomous transactions.

IoP: Ushering in a New Era of Commerce

The Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed everyday objects into smart, connected devices capable of communication and data exchange. Now, with the IoP integration, SEALSQ is taking this transformation further by enabling these connected devices to conduct autonomous, secure transactions, effectively making them part of a vast and efficient commerce network.

The IoP concept reimagines the role of IoT devices, evolving them into commercial platforms that facilitate seamless financial transactions. With this groundbreaking development, everyday items — cars, home appliances, or industrial machinery—will no longer merely communicate but will become active participants in the global economy, processing payments, ordering services, and managing resources autonomously.

Carlos Moreira, CEO of SEALSQ noted, “The innovative integration of IoP technology into our latest semiconductors represents a significant leap forward for the IoT industry.” “SEALSQ is enabling a future where connected devices are not just smarter but financially empowered, transforming how individuals and businesses interact, communicate and exchange data.”

Mr. Moreira added, “We continue to make substantial investments in next-generation technologies and are well positioned to benefit from the expected demand for post-quantum chips. We are now preparing to release engineering samples of our QS7001 Quantum-Resistant secure chips before the end of the year. SEALSQ’s strong value proposition has been reflected by significant new agreements and partnership signed this year with existing and new clients.”

Next-Generation Semiconductor Features

SEALSQ’s next-generation semiconductors will be equipped with advanced capabilities that address the growing demands of IoP applications, including:

  • Secure, Autonomous Transactions: SEALSQ’s embedded secure payment modules ensure that IoT devices can conduct transactions safely and autonomously, mitigating risks associated with data breaches and fraud.
  • Real-Time Transaction Processing: With cutting-edge microprocessor designs, SEALSQ chips enable real-time, seamless communication between devices and financial institutions, ensuring frictionless payment experiences for users.
  • Scalability: SEALSQ’s semiconductors are designed to scale across various industries—from automotive to home automation to industrial IoT applications—ensuring that the potential of IoP is realized in a diverse range of use cases.
  • Energy-Efficient Payment Modules: Low-power consumption features make SEALSQ’s semiconductors ideal for a wide variety of IoT devices, ensuring they can operate autonomously for long periods while still processing transactions.

IoP in Action: From Vision to Reality

The potential applications for SEALSQ’s IoP-enabled semiconductors are vast, spanning multiple industries:

  • Automotive: Imagine a car that not only communicates with nearby infrastructure but also autonomously pays for fuel, parking, and tolls. SEALSQ's IoP integration enables this scenario to become a reality, following in the footsteps of innovations like the Chevrolet-Shell in-dash fuel payment system.
  • Home Automation: Connected appliances such as printers, refrigerators, and thermostats can autonomously order and pay for supplies or services. SEALSQ’s secure semiconductor solutions make this possible, with payment systems fully integrated into the devices’ IoT ecosystem.
  • Industrial IoT: Autonomous transaction processing becomes essential in sectors where IoT-connected machinery and equipment need to optimize resource allocation, order parts, and pay for services without human intervention.

Market Impact: IoP as the Future of Payments

Industry forecasts reveal the massive potential of IoP and its role in the future of global commerce. By 2025, an estimated 75 billion devices will be interconnected through the IoT. To fully capitalize on this vast network of connected devices, SEALSQ’s IoP capabilities offer an essential solution: secure, real-time transactions between machines.

Further, as global cashless payment volumes are expected to surge by over 80% between 2020 and 2025, SEALSQ’s solutions will be a pivotal driver in this transition, empowering devices to perform financial transactions without human intervention. By 2030, cashless payment volumes are expected to triple, highlighting the importance of SEALSQ’s semiconductor innovations in the world’s rapidly evolving payment ecosystem.

SEALSQ focuses on selling integrated solutions based on Semiconductors, PKI and Provisioning services, while developing Post-Quantum technology hardware and software products. Our solutions can be used in a variety of applications, from Multi-Factor Authentication tokens, Smart Energy, Smart Home Appliances, Medical and Healthcare and IT Network Infrastructure, to Automotive, Industrial Automation and Control Systems.

Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) refers to cryptographic methods that are secure against an attack by a quantum computer. As quantum computers become more powerful, they may be able to break many of the cryptographic methods that are currently used to protect sensitive information, such as RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). PQC aims to develop new cryptographic methods that are secure against quantum attacks. For more information, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements
This communication expressly or implicitly contains certain forward-looking statements concerning SEALSQ Corp and its businesses. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding our business strategy, financial performance, results of operations, market data, events or developments that we expect or anticipates will occur in the future, as well as any other statements which are not historical facts. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such expectations will prove to have been correct. These statements involve known and unknown risks and are based upon a number of assumptions and estimates which are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond our control. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Important factors that, in our view, could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements include the expected success of our technology strategy and solutions for IoMT Security for Medical and Healthcare sectors, SEALSQ's ability to implement its growth strategies, SEALSQ's ability to continue beneficial transactions with material parties, including a limited number of significant customers; market demand and semiconductor industry conditions; and the risks discussed in SEALSQ's filings with the SEC. Risks and uncertainties are further described in reports filed by SEALSQ with the SEC.

SEALSQ Corp is providing this communication as of this date and does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements contained herein as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Press and Investor Contacts

Carlos Moreira
Chairman & CEO
Tel: +41 22 594 3000
SEALSQ Investor Relations (US)
The Equity Group Inc.
Lena Cati
Tel: +1 212 836-9611 /
Katie Murphy
Tel: +212 836-9612 /


What is SEALSQ's new IoP integration for IoT-enabled semiconductors?

SEALSQ has integrated Internet of Payment (IoP) capabilities into its next-generation IoT-enabled semiconductor solutions, enabling connected devices to conduct autonomous, secure transactions and become active participants in the global economy.

How will SEALSQ's IoP-enabled semiconductors impact the automotive industry?

SEALSQ's IoP-enabled semiconductors will allow cars to autonomously pay for fuel, parking, and tolls, similar to innovations like the Chevrolet-Shell in-dash fuel payment system.

What are the key features of SEALSQ's next-generation semiconductors with IoP capabilities?

Key features include secure autonomous transactions, real-time transaction processing, scalability across various industries, and energy-efficient payment modules.

When will SEALSQ (NASDAQ: LAES) release samples of its Quantum-Resistant secure chips?

SEALSQ plans to release engineering samples of its QS7001 Quantum-Resistant secure chips before the end of the year.

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