Unlocking Thacker Pass: General Motors to Contribute Combined $625 Million in Cash and Letters of Credit to New Joint Venture with Lithium Americas

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Lithium Americas Corp. (LAC) and General Motors (GM) have entered into a new investment agreement to establish a joint venture for the Thacker Pass lithium project in Nevada. GM will invest $625 million for a 38% stake in the project, including $430 million in direct cash funding and a $195 million letter of credit facility. This replaces GM's previous $330 million Tranche 2 equity investment commitment.

The joint venture will support the construction of Phase 1 and leverage the $2.3 billion U.S. Department of Energy loan announced earlier. GM has also extended its offtake agreement for Phase 1 production to 20 years and will enter a new 20-year offtake agreement for up to 38% of Phase 2 production. Lithium Americas will retain a 62% interest in Thacker Pass and manage the project.

The companies aim to make a final investment decision by the end of the year, following the closing of the DOE loan and the joint venture transaction.

Lithium Americas Corp. (LAC) e General Motors (GM) hanno stipulato un nuovo accordo di investimento per stabilire una joint venture per il progetto di litio Thacker Pass in Nevada. GM investirà 625 milioni di dollari per una partecipazione del 38% nel progetto, inclusi 430 milioni di dollari in finanziamenti diretti in contanti e una linea di credito di 195 milioni di dollari. Questo sostituisce l'impegno precedente di GM per un investimento azionario di 330 milioni di dollari nella Tranche 2.

La joint venture sosterrà la costruzione della Fase 1 e sfrutterà il prestito di 2,3 miliardi di dollari del Dipartimento dell'Energia degli Stati Uniti annunciato in precedenza. GM ha inoltre esteso il proprio accordo di acquisto per la produzione della Fase 1 a 20 anni e entrerà in un nuovo accordo di acquisto di 20 anni per fino al 38% della produzione della Fase 2. Lithium Americas manterrà una partecipazione del 62% nel Thacker Pass e gestirà il progetto.

Le aziende mirano a prendere una decisione finale di investimento entro la fine dell'anno, dopo la chiusura del prestito del DOE e della transazione della joint venture.

Lithium Americas Corp. (LAC) y General Motors (GM) han firmado un nuevo acuerdo de inversión para establecer una empresa conjunta para el proyecto de litio Thacker Pass en Nevada. GM invertirá 625 millones de dólares por una participación del 38% en el proyecto, incluyendo 430 millones de dólares en financiamiento directo en efectivo y una línea de crédito de 195 millones de dólares. Esto reemplaza el compromiso previo de GM de inversión en acciones de 330 millones de dólares en la Tranche 2.

La empresa conjunta apoyará la construcción de la Fase 1 y aprovechará el préstamo de 2.3 mil millones de dólares del Departamento de Energía de los EE. UU. anunciado anteriormente. GM también ha extendido su acuerdo de compra para la producción de la Fase 1 a 20 años y entrará en un nuevo acuerdo de compra de 20 años para hasta el 38% de la producción de la Fase 2. Lithium Americas retendrá un interés del 62% en Thacker Pass y gestionará el proyecto.

Las empresas tienen como objetivo tomar una decisión final de inversión a finales de año, tras el cierre del préstamo del DOE y la transacción de la empresa conjunta.

리튬 아메리카스 코퍼레이션(LAC)과 제너럴 모터스(GM)는 네바다에서 Thacker Pass 리튬 프로젝트를 위한 합작 투자 협정을 체결했습니다. GM은 6억 2500만 달러를 투자하여 프로젝트의 38% 지분을 보유하게 되며, 이에는 4억 3000만 달러의 직접 현금 자금과 1억 9500만 달러의 신용장 시설이 포함됩니다. 이는 GM의 이전 3억 3000만 달러 Tranche 2 자본 투자 약속을 대체하는 것입니다.

이 합작 투자는 1단계 건설을 지원하고, 이전에 발표된 23억 달러의 미국 에너지부 대출을 활용할 것입니다. GM은 또한 1단계 생산을 위한 구매 계약을 20년으로 연장하고, 2단계 생산의 최대 38%에 대한 새로운 20년 구매 계약을 체결할 것입니다. 리튬 아메리카스는 Thacker Pass에서 62%의 지분을 유지하고 프로젝트를 관리합니다.

양사는 DOE 대출 및 합작 투자 거래 마감 이후 연말까지 최종 투자 결정을 내릴 계획입니다.

Lithium Americas Corp. (LAC) et General Motors (GM) ont conclu un nouvel accord d'investissement pour établir une coentreprise pour le projet de lithium Thacker Pass au Nevada. GM investira 625 millions de dollars pour une participation de 38% dans le projet, y compris 430 millions de dollars en financement direct en espèces et une facilité de lettre de crédit de 195 millions de dollars. Cela remplace l'engagement précédent de GM pour un investissement en actions de 330 millions de dollars dans la Tranche 2.

La coentreprise soutiendra la construction de la Phase 1 et tirera parti du prêt de 2,3 milliards de dollars du Département de l'Énergie des États-Unis annoncé plus tôt. GM a également prolongé son contrat d'achat pour la production de la Phase 1 à 20 ans et conclura un nouveau contrat d'achat de 20 ans pour jusqu'à 38% de la production de la Phase 2. Lithium Americas conservera une participation de 62% dans Thacker Pass et gérera le projet.

Les entreprises visent à prendre une décision finale d'investissement d'ici la fin de l'année, après la clôture du prêt du DOE et de la transaction de la coentreprise.

Lithium Americas Corp. (LAC) und General Motors (GM) haben eine neue Investitionsvereinbarung unterzeichnet, um ein Joint Venture für das Lithiumprojekt Thacker Pass in Nevada zu gründen. GM wird 625 Millionen Dollar investieren für einen 38% Anteil am Projekt, einschließlich 430 Millionen Dollar in direkten Barauszahlungen und einer Kreditfazilität in Höhe von 195 Millionen Dollar. Dies ersetzt das vorherige Engagement von GM für eine 330 Millionen Dollar Tranche 2 Beteiligungsinvestition.

Das Joint Venture wird den Bau der Phase 1 unterstützen und das 2,3 Milliarden Dollar Darlehen des US-Energieministeriums nutzen, das zuvor angekündigt wurde. GM hat auch seinen Abnahmevertrag für die Produktion der Phase 1 auf 20 Jahre verlängert und wird einen neuen 20-Jahres-Abnahmevertrag für bis zu 38% der Produktion der Phase 2 eingehen. Lithium Americas wird eine 62%ige Beteiligung an Thacker Pass behalten und das Projekt verwalten.

Die Unternehmen planen, bis Ende des Jahres eine endgültige Investitionsentscheidung zu treffen, nachdem das Darlehen des DOE und die Transaktion des Joint Ventures abgeschlossen sind.

  • GM's $625 million investment for a 38% stake in Thacker Pass
  • Extension of GM's offtake agreement for Phase 1 production to 20 years
  • New 20-year offtake agreement with GM for up to 38% of Phase 2 production
  • Leveraging of $2.3 billion U.S. Department of Energy loan
  • Lithium Americas retains 62% interest and project management
  • Avoidance of common equity dilution associated with previous Tranche 2 investment
  • Progress in project engineering, procurement, and site preparation
  • Final investment decision and full notice to proceed still pending
  • DOE loan closure still in progress
  • Joint venture transaction subject to certain conditions precedent


This joint venture between Lithium Americas and General Motors is a significant development for the lithium industry and electric vehicle supply chain. The $625 million investment from GM, including $430 million in direct cash funding and a $195 million letter of credit facility, provides important capital for the Thacker Pass project. This structure replaces the previous $330 million Tranche 2 equity investment, avoiding dilution for LAC shareholders.

The deal gives GM a 38% stake in Thacker Pass, securing a domestic lithium supply for their EV production. The extended 20-year offtake agreement for Phase 1 and additional offtake for Phase 2 further solidify this strategic partnership. Combined with the $2.3 billion conditional DOE loan, this investment significantly de-risks the project's financing.

For LAC, this transaction strengthens their balance sheet and project execution capability. The company's $376 million cash position as of June 2024, coupled with GM's investment, provides a solid foundation for advancing Thacker Pass towards production. Investors should view this positively as it reduces financing risk and aligns LAC with a major EV manufacturer.

The Thacker Pass project is poised to become a cornerstone of domestic lithium production in the United States. With detailed engineering at 40% completion and site preparation underway, the project is making tangible progress. The awarding of procurement packages for key equipment and construction materials indicates a well-managed development process.

The joint venture structure, with LAC retaining 62% ownership and project management, allows the company to maintain significant control while benefiting from GM's financial support and industry expertise. This arrangement could serve as a model for future critical mineral projects, balancing the interests of miners and end-users.

The focus on worker safety, with over one million work hours without a lost-time injury, is commendable and important for maintaining project timelines and budgets. The all-inclusive Workforce Hub demonstrates foresight in addressing potential labor challenges in remote mining locations.

Investors should note that while significant progress has been made, the final investment decision targeted for year-end and the closing of the DOE loan are critical milestones to watch. These events will likely serve as major catalysts for LAC's stock price and project valuation.

  (All amounts in US$ unless otherwise indicated)

VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Lithium Americas Corp. (TSX: LAC) (NYSE: LAC) (“Lithium Americas” or the “Company”) announced the Company and General Motors Holdings LLC (“GM”) have entered into a new investment agreement (“Investment Agreement”) to establish a joint venture (“JV”) for the purpose of funding, developing, constructing and operating (the “JV Transaction”) Thacker Pass in Humboldt County, Nevada (“Thacker Pass” or the “Project”). The JV Transaction will deliver $625 million of cash and letters of credit from GM to Thacker Pass alongside the conditional commitment for a $2.3 billion U.S. Department of Energy (“DOE”) loan announced earlier this year.

Under the terms of the Investment Agreement, GM will acquire a 38% asset-level ownership stake in Thacker Pass for $625 million in total cash and letters of credit (“GM’s JV Investment”), including $430 million of direct cash funding to the JV to support the construction of Phase 11 and a $195 million letter of credit facility (“LC Facility”) that can be used as collateral to support reserve account requirements2 under the DOE Loan (as defined below). The JV Transaction replaces the $330 million Tranche 2 common equity investment commitment from GM under its original investment agreement with the Company (“Tranche 2”) announced in January 2023.


  • Largest ever publicly announced investment by a U.S. OEM in a lithium carbonate project highlights the strategic importance of Thacker Pass in creating a domestic supply chain for critical minerals.
  • Allows Lithium Americas to secure $625 million in cash and letters of credit, while avoiding common equity dilution associated with Tranche 2.
  • Builds upon an already strong relationship with GM as strategic investor and extends Phase 1 offtake to 20 years.

The JV Transaction is incremental to GM’s February 2023 Tranche 1 investment of $320 million, which resulted in GM acquiring approximately 15 million common shares of Lithium Americas3. In addition to the JV Transaction, GM has agreed to extend its existing offtake agreement for up to 100% of production volumes from Phase 1 of Thacker Pass to 20 years to support the expected maturity of the DOE Loan. Upon closing of the JV, GM will also enter into an additional 20-year offtake agreement for up to 38% of Phase 24 production volumes and will retain its existing right of first offer on the remaining Phase 2 production volumes.

“Our relationship with GM has been significantly strengthened with this joint venture as we continue to pursue a mutual goal to develop a robust domestic lithium supply chain by advancing the development of Thacker Pass,” said Jonathan Evans, President and CEO of Lithium Americas. “Today’s joint venture announcement is a win-win for GM and Lithium Americas. GM’s JV Investment demonstrates their continued support and helps us to unlock the previously announced $2.3 billion DOE Loan. We will be working closely with GM to advance towards the final investment decision, which we are targeting by the end of the year.”

“We’re pleased with the significant progress Lithium Americas is making to help GM achieve our goal to develop a resilient EV material supply chain,” said Jeff Morrison, SVP, Global Purchasing and Supply Chain. “Sourcing critical EV raw materials, like lithium, from suppliers in the U.S., is expected to help us manage battery cell costs, deliver value to our customers and investors, and create jobs.”


The key terms of the JV Transaction are summarized below:

  • Lithium Americas will have a 62% interest in Thacker Pass and will manage the Project (the “Manager”) on behalf of Lithium Americas and GM (together the “JV Partners”).
  • GM will have a 38% interest in Thacker Pass and commit $625 million in cash and letters of credit to the JV:
    • $330 million cash to be contributed on the date of the JV closing;
    • $100 million cash to be contributed at Final Investment Decision (“FID”) for Phase 1; and
    • $195 million LC Facility prior to first draw on the $2.3 billion DOE Loan.
  • Lithium Americas will contribute $387 million of funding to the JV for its 62% ownership in the Project:
    • $211 million (with expenditures on capex after August 2024 being credited against and reducing this amount, along with other adjustments) to be contributed on the date of the JV closing; and
    • The remainder to be contributed upon FID for Phase 1.
    • As of June 30, 2024, Lithium Americas had approximately $376 million in cash and cash equivalents.
  • LC Facility provided by GM to the JV as part of its consideration for its equity interest will have no interest and a maturity consistent with DOE Loan requirement that will be withdrawn once replaced with cash that is generated by Thacker Pass.
  • Board of Directors to be established at the JV level to oversee the JV and approve the Project’s budgets and business plans, and implement policies to align with GM’s vendor requirements, including GM’s Human Rights Policy.
  • Upon closing of the JV Transaction, GM will also enter into an additional 20-year offtake agreement for up to 38% of production volumes from Phase 2 of Thacker Pass and will retain its right of first offer on the remaining balance of Phase 2 volumes.

GM’s JV Investment is subject to certain conditions precedent, including those related to the loan agreement for the DOE Loan.


U.S. DOE Loan

In March 2024, the Company received a conditional commitment for a $2.3 billion loan from the U.S. DOE under the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing (“ATVM”) Loan Program (the “DOE Loan”). Prior to making the first draw on the DOE Loan, expected sometime in the middle of 2025, the Company is required to fund approximately $195 million (funded by either cash or letters of credit) for reserve accounts associated with the DOE Loan (for construction contingency, ramp-up and sustaining capital). The GM LC Facility will be used to fund the DOE’s reserve accounts.

2023 GM Investment

On January 30, 2023, Old LAC5 entered into a purchase agreement with GM, pursuant to which GM agreed to make a $650 million equity investment (the “2023 Transaction”), the proceeds of which are to be used for the construction and development of Thacker Pass. The 2023 Transaction was comprised of two tranches, a first tranche investment of $320 million (“Tranche 1”) and Tranche 2. Tranche 1 closed and the Phase 1 offtake agreement was executed on February 16, 2023. On October 3, 2023, pursuant to the Separation, the full amount of the remaining unspent proceeds of Tranche 1 were included in the net assets distributed by Old LAC to the Company.

As the Separation was completed before the closing of Tranche 2, on October 3, 2023, the agreement for Tranche 2 in Old LAC was terminated and replaced by a corresponding subscription agreement between GM and the Company whereby the proceeds of Tranche 2 would be received by the Company.

On August 30, 2024, the Company and GM agreed to extend the outside date for the Tranche 2 subscription agreement until the end of the year to provide time for the parties to explore alternative structures for GM’s additional investment in a mutually beneficial manner. The Company and GM have terminated the Tranche 2 subscription agreement concurrent with the execution of the JV Investment Agreement.


The Company continues to focus on de-risking project execution by advancing detailed engineering, project planning and procurement packages.

  • Detailed engineering continues to progress in advance of issuing full notice to proceed, currently at approximately 40% design complete.
  • Site preparation for major earthworks has been completed and the process plant area is currently being excavated (approximately 50% complete) to prepare for concrete placement, forecasted to begin by mid-2025.
  • Procurement packages for the top seven pieces of long-lead equipment have been awarded. Contracts for key construction materials have been awarded and field purchases of goods and services have commenced.
  • Major earth works for the all-inclusive housing facility for construction workers (the Workforce Hub) are completed. The current focus is on finalizing engineering and permitting for utilities and preparing to award contracts for the detailed earthworks, foundation installation and erection of the housing units.

To date, the Company has achieved over one million work hours without a lost time injury.


The Company continues to work closely with the DOE and expects to close the DOE Loan in the coming weeks. The Company and GM are targeting making the FID and issuing full notice to proceed for Thacker Pass by the end of the year, following closing of the DOE Loan and the JV Transaction.


Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC and Evercore Group L.L.C. are acting as financial advisors to Lithium Americas and Vinson & Elkins and Cassels Brock & Blackwell are acting as legal counsel to Lithium Americas in connection with the JV Transaction. BMO Capital Markets acted as financial advisor to Lithium Americas in connection with GM’s original Tranche 2 investment announced in January 2023.

Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC is acting as GM’s financial advisor and Mayer Brown and Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt are acting as legal counsel to GM in connection with the JV Transaction.


The scientific and technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Rene LeBlanc, PhD, SME, Vice President, Growth and Product Strategy of the Company, and a “qualified person” as defined under National Instrument 43-101 and Subpart 1300 of Regulation S-K under the United States Securities Act of 1933.


Lithium Americas is committed to responsibly developing the Thacker Pass project located in Humboldt County in northern Nevada, which hosts the largest known Measured and Indicated lithium resource in North America. The Company is focused on advancing Thacker Pass Phase 1 toward production, targeting nameplate capacity of 40,000 tpa of battery-quality lithium carbonate. The Company and its engineering, procurement and construction management contractor, Bechtel, entered into a National Construction Agreement (Project Labor Agreement) with North America’s Building Trades Unions for construction of Thacker Pass. The three-year construction build is expected to create approximately 1,800 direct jobs. Lithium Americas’ shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and New York Stock Exchange under the symbol LAC. To learn more, visit or follow @LithiumAmericas on social media.


This news release contains “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation, and “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (collectively referred to as “forward-looking information” (“FLI”)). All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are FLI and can be identified by the use of statements that include, but are not limited to, words, such as “anticipate,” “plan,” “continues,” “estimate,” “expect,” “may,” “will,” “projects,” “predict,” “proposes,” “potential,” “target,” “implement,” “scheduled,” “forecast,” “intend,” “would,” “could,” “might,” “should,” “believe” and similar terminology, or statements that certain actions, events or results “may,” “could,” “would,” “might” or “will” be taken, occur or be achieved. FLI in this news release includes, but is not limited to, expectations regarding completion of the JV Transaction and the DOE Loan; the expected timetable for completing JV Transaction and the DOE Loan; anticipated timing for FID; expectation about the extent that the JV Transaction, DOE Loan, and cash on hand would fund the development and construction of Thacker Pass; expectations and timing on the commencement of major construction and first production; project de-risking initiatives; expectations related to the construction build, job creation and nameplate capacity as well as other statements with respect to the Company’s future objectives and strategies to achieve these objectives, and management’s beliefs, plans, estimates and intentions, and similar statements concerning anticipated future events, results, circumstances, performance or expectations that are not historical facts.

FLI involves known and unknown risks, assumptions and other factors that may cause actual results or performance to differ materially. FLI reflects the Company’s current views about future events, and while considered reasonable by the Company as of the date of this news release, are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies. Accordingly, there can be no certainty that they will accurately reflect actual results. Assumptions upon which such FLI is based include, without limitation, the completion of the JV Transaction and DOE Loan prior to the end of 2024, or at all, and the absence of material adverse events affecting the Company during this time; the ability of the Company to satisfy all closing conditions for the JV Transaction and the DOE Loan in a timely manner; expectations regarding the Company's financial resources and future prospects; the ability to meet future objectives and priorities; a cordial business relationship between the Company and third party strategic and contractual partners; general business and economic uncertainties and adverse market conditions; the availability of equipment and facilities necessary to complete development and construction at the Project; unforeseen technological and engineering problems; political factors, including the impact of the 2024 U.S. presidential election on, among other things, the extractive resource industry, the green energy transition and the electric vehicle market; uncertainties inherent to feasibility studies and mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates; uncertainties relating to receiving and maintaining mining, exploration, environmental and other permits or approvals in Nevada; demand for lithium, including that such demand is supported by growth in the electric vehicle market; current technological trends; the impact of increasing competition in the lithium business, and the Company’s competitive position in the industry; compliance by joint venture partners with terms of agreements; the regulation of the mining industry by various governmental agencies; as well as assumptions concerning general economic and industry growth rates, commodity prices, resource estimates, currency exchange and interest rates and competitive conditions. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and expectations reflected in such FLI are reasonable, the Company can give no assurance that these assumptions and expectations will prove to be correct.

Readers are cautioned that the foregoing lists of factors are not exhaustive. There can be no assurance that FLI will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. As such, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on this information, and that this information may not be appropriate for any other purpose, including investment purposes. The Company’s actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in any FLI as a result of the risk factors set out herein and in the Company’s filings with securities regulators.

The FLI contained in this news release is expressly qualified by these cautionary statements. All FLI in this news release speaks as of the date of this news release. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any FLI, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. Additional information about these assumptions and risks and uncertainties is contained in the Company’s filings with securities regulators, including the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F and most recent management’s discussion and analysis for our most recently completed financial year and, if applicable, interim financial period, which are available on SEDAR+ at and on EDGAR at All FLI contained in this news release is expressly qualified by the risk factors set out in the aforementioned documents.

1 Phase 1 is the initial phase of production at Thacker Pass, targeting 40,000 tonnes per annum (“tpa”) of battery-grade lithium carbonate.
2 See the section titled Background – U.S. DOE Loan for more details.
3 See the section titled Background – 2023 GM Investment for more details.
4 Phase 2 is the second phase of production at Thacker Pass, targeting an additional 40,000 tpa, for total production capacity of 80,000 tpa.
5 Old LAC is now named Lithium Americas (Argentina) Corp., pursuant to a separation transaction that was undertaken on October 3, 2023 (the “Separation”), when the Company acquired ownership of Old LAC’s North American business assets and investments.


Virginia Morgan, VP, IR and ESG


Source: Lithium Americas Corp.


What is the value of GM's investment in the Thacker Pass joint venture with Lithium Americas (LAC)?

General Motors is investing $625 million in the Thacker Pass joint venture with Lithium Americas, including $430 million in direct cash funding and a $195 million letter of credit facility.

What percentage stake will GM have in the Thacker Pass project (LAC)?

GM will acquire a 38% asset-level ownership stake in the Thacker Pass project, while Lithium Americas will retain a 62% interest.

How long is GM's new offtake agreement for Thacker Pass Phase 1 production with LAC?

GM has agreed to extend its existing offtake agreement for up to 100% of production volumes from Phase 1 of Thacker Pass to 20 years.

When is the final investment decision expected for the Thacker Pass project (LAC)?

Lithium Americas and GM are targeting to make the final investment decision for Thacker Pass by the end of the year, following the closing of the DOE loan and the joint venture transaction.

What is the status of the U.S. Department of Energy loan for Thacker Pass (LAC)?

Lithium Americas received a conditional commitment for a $2.3 billion loan from the U.S. DOE and expects to close the loan in the coming weeks.

Lithium Americas Corp.


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