Standard BioTools proteomics profiling reveals unique biomarkers and insights into nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)

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Standard BioTools Inc. (Nasdaq:LAB) announced a study published in Nature Scientific Reports that utilized their SomaScan® Assay and SomaSignal™ tests to analyze blood serum samples from patients in a Phase 2a clinical trial for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). The study identified 69 blood biomarkers correlating with clinical measures of liver disease.

Researchers used the 7,000-protein biomarker panel to infer liver biopsy effects and identify additional mechanistic pharmacodynamic protein biomarkers. The SomaSignal tests helped stratify patients by disease severity, establish pre-treatment baselines, and monitor drug effects. The study demonstrated the utility of these tests for NASH classification and treatment-induced effects on steatosis.

Standard BioTools Inc. (Nasdaq:LAB) ha annunciato uno studio pubblicato su Nature Scientific Reports che ha utilizzato i loro test SomaScan® Assay e SomaSignal™ per analizzare campioni di siero ematico di pazienti in un trial clinico di fase 2a per la malattia del fegato grasso non alcolico (NAFLD) e la steatoepatite non alcolica (NASH). Lo studio ha identificato 69 biomarcatori ematici correlati con misure cliniche della malattia epatica.

I ricercatori hanno utilizzato il pannello di biomarcatori di 7.000 proteine per dedurre gli effetti della biopsia del fegato e identificare ulteriori biomarcatori proteici farmacodinamici meccanicistici. I test SomaSignal hanno aiutato a stratificare i pazienti in base alla gravità della malattia, stabilire valori basali pre-trattamento e monitorare gli effetti del farmaco. Lo studio ha dimostrato l'utilità di questi test per la classificazione della NASH e gli effetti indotti dal trattamento sulla steatosi.

Standard BioTools Inc. (Nasdaq:LAB) anunció un estudio publicado en Nature Scientific Reports que utilizó sus pruebas SomaScan® Assay y SomaSignal™ para analizar muestras de suero sanguíneo de pacientes en un ensayo clínico de fase 2a para la enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólico (NAFLD) y la esteatohepatitis no alcohólica (NASH). El estudio identificó 69 biomarcadores sanguíneos que correlacionan con medidas clínicas de la enfermedad hepática.

Los investigadores utilizaron el panel de biomarcadores de 7,000 proteínas para inferir los efectos de la biopsia hepática e identificar biomarcadores proteicos farmacodinámicos mecánicos adicionales. Las pruebas SomaSignal ayudaron a estratificar a los pacientes según la gravedad de la enfermedad, establecer líneas base antes del tratamiento y monitorear los efectos del fármaco. El estudio demostró la utilidad de estas pruebas para la clasificación de NASH y los efectos inducidos por el tratamiento en la esteatosis.

Standard BioTools Inc. (Nasdaq:LAB)는 Nature Scientific Reports에 발표된 연구를 발표했으며, 이 연구는 SomaScan® Assay 및 SomaSignal™ 테스트를 사용하여 비알콜성 지방간 질환(NAFLD) 및 비알콜성 지방간염(NASH) 임상 시험 2a 단계에서 환자들의 혈청 샘플을 분석했습니다. 이 연구는 69개의 혈액 바이오마커가 간 질환의 임상적 척도와 상관관계가 있음을 확인했습니다.

연구자들은 7,000 단백질 바이오마커 패널을 사용하여 간 생검 효과를 추론하고 추가 메커니즘 약리학적 단백질 바이오마커를 식별했습니다. SomaSignal 테스트는 질병의 중증도에 따라 환자를 계층화하고, 치료 전 기준선을 설정하며, 약물 효과를 모니터링하는 데 도움을 주었습니다. 이 연구는 NASH 분류 및 치료로 인한 지방간 효과 모니터링을 위한 이러한 테스트의 유용성을 보여주었습니다.

Standard BioTools Inc. (Nasdaq:LAB) a annoncé une étude publiée dans Nature Scientific Reports qui a utilisé leurs tests SomaScan® Assay et SomaSignal™ pour analyser des échantillons de sérum sanguin de patients dans un essai clinique de phase 2a pour la stéatose hépatique non alcoolique (NAFLD) et la stéatohépatite non alcoolique (NASH). L'étude a identifié 69 biomarqueurs sanguins corrélant avec les mesures cliniques de la maladie du foie.

Les chercheurs ont utilisé le panel de biomarqueurs de 7 000 protéines pour déduire les effets de la biopsie hépatique et identifier d'autres biomarqueurs protéiques pharmacodynamiques mécanistes. Les tests SomaSignal ont aidé à stratifier les patients en fonction de la gravité de la maladie, à établir des valeurs de référence avant le traitement et à surveiller les effets du médicament. L'étude a démontré l'utilité de ces tests pour la classification de la NASH et les effets induits par le traitement sur la stéatose.

Standard BioTools Inc. (Nasdaq:LAB) gab eine Studie bekannt, die in Nature Scientific Reports veröffentlicht wurde, die ihre SomaScan® Assay und SomaSignal™ Tests verwendete, um Blutserumproben von Patienten in einer Phase-2a-Studie zu nichtalkoholischer Fettlebererkrankung (NAFLD) und nichtalkoholischer Steatohepatitis (NASH) zu analysieren. Die Studie identifizierte 69 Blutbiomarker, die mit klinischen Messungen von Lebererkrankungen korrelieren.

Forscher verwendeten das 7000-Protein-Biomarker-Panel, um die Auswirkungen von Leberbiopsien abzuleiten und zusätzliche mechanistische pharmakodynamische Proteinbiomarker zu identifizieren. Die SomaSignal-Tests halfen dabei, Patienten nach Schwere der Erkrankung zu stratifizieren, Baseline-Werte vor der Behandlung festzulegen und die Wirkung des Medikaments zu überwachen. Die Studie demonstrierte den Nutzen dieser Tests für die Klassifikation von NASH und die behandlungsbedingten Auswirkungen auf die Steatosis.

  • Identification of 69 blood biomarkers correlating with clinical measures of liver disease
  • SomaSignal tests showed ability to stratify patients by disease severity and monitor drug effects
  • 27 analytes were found to be significantly reversed upon drug treatment, demonstrating test utility
  • SomaScan Platform and SomaSignal tests provide non-invasive alternatives to liver biopsies
  • Standard BioTools now offers new SomaScan 11K Assay and comprehensive pharma services
  • None.


This study showcases the potential of proteomics in revolutionizing NASH/NAFLD diagnosis and treatment. The identification of 69 blood biomarkers correlating with liver disease measures is a significant breakthrough. It could lead to less invasive diagnostic methods, replacing liver biopsies. The SomaSignal tests' ability to stratify patients and monitor drug effects is particularly promising for clinical trials and personalized medicine.

The reversal of 27 analytes post-treatment provides valuable insights into drug efficacy and mechanism of action. This could accelerate drug development and improve patient outcomes. However, it's important to note that while these findings are promising, further validation in larger, diverse populations is needed before clinical implementation.

Standard BioTools' SomaScan Platform demonstrates significant potential in the lucrative NASH/NAFLD market, estimated to reach $61.6 billion by 2028. The platform's ability to identify biomarkers and monitor treatment efficacy positions the company well in this growing sector. The collaboration with Pfizer, a major pharmaceutical player, adds credibility and potential for future partnerships.

The expansion to the SomaScan 11K Assay and comprehensive pharma services offering could drive revenue growth. However, investors should consider that while promising, these technologies are still in the research phase. The path to widespread clinical adoption and significant revenue generation may be long and uncertain. The company's financial health and ability to commercialize these technologies will be important factors to monitor.

Researchers used Standard BioTools’ high-content SomaScan® Platform and SomaSignal™ tests for MASH/NASH to identify 69 blood biomarkers that correlate with clinical measures of liver disease

SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Sept. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Standard BioTools Inc. (Nasdaq:LAB) today announced a recent paper published in Nature Scientific Reports, by researchers at Pfizer Research and Development, that detailed their use of the high-plex SomaScan® Assay, leveraging an industry-leading 7,000-protein biomarker panel to analyze blood serum samples from patients in a Phase 2a clinical trial for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and NASH.

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, or NAFLD, and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) are becoming a global population health concern. Because diagnosing these diseases involves invasive liver biopsies, which can be challenging and expensive, many patients go untested and untreated. These diseases are complex in their impact on the liver, creating lipid accumulations, stiffness in the liver tissue, ballooning of the liver and chronic inflammation.

In collaboration with major pharmaceutical companies and leading academic centers, SomaLogic (now Standard BioTools) previously developed serum proteomic SomaSignal™ tests which correlate more faithfully with each component of the liver biopsy than any other noninvasive biomarkers. Because these tests run on the full SomaScan® Platform, covering thousands of protein measurements, the study’s researchers were able to infer liver biopsy effects and identify additional mechanistic pharmacodynamic protein biomarkers to characterize their drug mechanism and measure response in clinical trials.

“NASH and NAFLD are a significant challenge in terms of diagnosis and treatment, and the prevalence of metabolic and obesity-related diseases around the world has created a strong sense of urgency to learn more about them and find better ways of treating them,” said Standard BioTools Chief Medical Officer Stephen A. Williams, MD, PhD. “The SomaScan Assay gives us a view of the biological mechanisms of this disease with a simple blood draw from patients, and SomaSignal tests were shown in this study to be valuable in showing disease regression in patients.”

The study focused on inhibiting the protein ACC1 using clesacostat, a drug that acts as an acetyl-CoA carboxylase inhibitor. Using the SomaScan Assay, researchers found 69 blood analytes that strongly correlated with clinical measures of liver inflammation and steatosis. They also discovered the expression of these analytes was significantly higher in NASH patients compared to their NAFLD counterparts.

Additionally, in 231 patients in the pre-treatment phase, Standard BioTools’ SomaSignal tests were used to measure 37 different analytes that correlate with NASH and NAFLD. The tests helped researchers stratify patients by disease severity, establish a pre-treatment baseline, and monitor the effects of the drug. The 37 analytes were identified by screening thousands of patient samples using the SomaScan Assay. These analytes were shown to have critical differences in NASH and NAFLD patients and were validated against standard clinical measurements.

During the 16-week trial, the SomaScan assay and SomaSignal tests were run on serum samples from study participants subjected to a once-per-day dose of clesacostat. The SomaSignal test scores aligned with improvements in liver fat content (steatosis) as measured by proton density fat fraction, or MRI-PDFF. Twenty-seven analytes were found to be significantly reversed upon drug treatment, demonstrating the utility of SomaSignal tests for classification of NASH and the ACC inhibition treatment-induced effects on steatosis.

“The SomaScan Platform has been extensively and systematically validated, providing a strong foundation for this important research,” said Michael Egholm, PhD, President and Chief Executive Officer of Standard BioTools. “These researchers also used the powerful SomaSignal tests to better diagnose NASH and NAFLD patients and to study their responses to treatment.”

Standard BioTools now offers the new SomaScan 11K Assay, as well as the industry leading single cell proteomics and spatial proteomics solutions (CyTOF® and Hyperion™ platforms), as a comprehensive pharma services offering to customers who are working to identify biomarkers of predictive response, mechanism of action and patient stratification in their studies.

About Standard BioTools Inc. 

Standard BioTools Inc. (Nasdaq:LAB), the parent company of SomaLogic Inc. and previously known as Fluidigm Corporation, is driven by a bold purpose – Unleashing tools to accelerate breakthroughs in human health. Standard BioTools has an established portfolio of essential, standardized next-generation technologies that help biomedical researchers develop medicines faster and better. As a leading solutions provider, the company provides reliable and repeatable insights in health and disease using its proprietary mass cytometry and microfluidics technologies, which help transform scientific discoveries into better patient outcomes. Standard BioTools works with leading academic, government, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, plant and animal research and clinical laboratories worldwide, focusing on the most pressing needs in translational and clinical research, including oncology, immunology and immunotherapy. Learn more at or connect with us on X, Facebook®, LinkedIn and YouTube™. 

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Limited Use Label License and other terms may apply: Patent and License Information: Trademarks: Any other trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners. ©2024 Standard BioTools Inc. (f.k.a. Fluidigm Corporation). All rights reserved.

Forward-Looking Statements 

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including, among others, statements regarding future financial and business performance; expectations, operational and strategic plans; the merger of the Company and SomaLogic; deployment of capital; market and growth opportunity and potential; and the potential to realize the expected benefits following the merger of the Company and SomaLogic. Forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from currently anticipated results, including, but not limited to, the outcome of any legal proceedings related to the merger; risks that the anticipated benefits of the merger or other commercial opportunities may otherwise not be fully realized or may take longer to realize than expected; risks that we may not realize expected cost savings from our restructuring, including the anticipated decrease in operational expenses, at the levels we expect; possible restructuring and transition-related disruption, including through the loss of customers, suppliers, and employees and adverse impacts on our development activities and results of operation; restructuring activities, including our subleasing plans, customer and employee relations, management distraction, and reduced operating performance; risks that internal and external costs required for ongoing and planned activities may be higher than expected, which may cause us to use cash more quickly than we expect or change or curtail some of our plans, or both; risks that our expectations as to expenses, cash usage, and cash needs may prove not to be correct for other reasons such as changes in plans or actual events being different than our assumptions; changes in Standard BioTools’ business or external market conditions; challenges inherent in developing, manufacturing, launching, marketing, and selling new products; interruptions or delays in the supply of components or materials for, or manufacturing of, Standard BioTools products; reliance on sales of capital equipment for a significant proportion of revenues in each quarter; seasonal variations in customer operations; unanticipated increases in costs or expenses; uncertainties in contractual relationships; reductions in research and development spending or changes in budget priorities by customers; uncertainties relating to Standard BioTools’ research and development activities, and distribution plans and capabilities; potential product performance and quality issues; risks associated with international operations; intellectual property risks; and competition. For information regarding other related risks, see the “Risk Factors” section of Standard BioTools’ most recent quarterly report on Form 10-Q filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) on November 7, 2023, on its most recent annual report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 14, 2023, and in Standard BioTools’ other filings with the SEC, as well as the “Risk Factors” section of SomaLogic’s most recent quarterly report on Form 10-Q filed with the SEC on November 8, 2023, on its most recent annual report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 28, 2023, and in SomaLogic’s other filings with the SEC. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof. Standard BioTools disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements except as may be required by law. 

Media Contact
Emilia Costales
720 798 5054

David Holmes


What did the Standard BioTools study reveal about NASH biomarkers?

The study using Standard BioTools' SomaScan® Assay identified 69 blood biomarkers that strongly correlate with clinical measures of liver inflammation and steatosis in NASH patients.

How did Standard BioTools' SomaSignal tests contribute to the NASH study?

SomaSignal tests were used to measure 37 different analytes correlating with NASH and NAFLD, helping researchers stratify patients by disease severity, establish pre-treatment baselines, and monitor drug effects.

What is the significance of Standard BioTools' (LAB) technology for NASH diagnosis?

Standard BioTools' SomaScan Assay and SomaSignal tests provide a non-invasive alternative to liver biopsies for NASH diagnosis, using a simple blood draw to analyze thousands of protein measurements.

How did the Standard BioTools (LAB) SomaScan Assay perform in the 2024 NASH study?

The SomaScan Assay successfully identified 69 blood analytes correlating with liver disease measures and helped discover 27 analytes that were significantly reversed upon drug treatment, demonstrating its utility in NASH research.

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