Standard BioTools Achieves New Record of the Most Protein Measurements on the Most Sample Types with Expansion of the SomaScan® 11K Platform

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Standard BioTools Inc. (Nasdaq:LAB) has announced an expansion of its SomaScan® 11K Platform, now including protein measurements on a broader range of sample types such as cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), aqueous humor, tissue homogenates, and cell lysates. This platform provides 11,000 protein measurements simultaneously from sample volumes as low as 55 µl, covering half of the human proteome in a single assay.

The expansion supports translational medicine by advancing research in disease causation, clinical pharmacology, and drug development. The platform's high precision, with a median coefficient of variation around 5%, offers more statistical power for discoveries. This update is particularly beneficial for oncology and neurology research, allowing matched samples to plasma in various sample types.

Services for these new sample types are available from Standard BioTools' CAP/CLIA-certified Services Lab in Boulder, Colorado, and from SomaScan® Authorized Sites globally.

Standard BioTools Inc. (Nasdaq:LAB) ha annunciato un'espansione della sua Piattaforma SomaScan® 11K, ora comprendente misurazioni proteiche su una gamma più ampia di tipi di campioni come liquido cerebrospinale (CSF), umore acqueo, omogeneizzati di tessuti e lisati cellulari. Questa piattaforma fornisce 11.000 misurazioni proteiche simultanee da volumi di campione così bassi come 55 µl, coprendo metà del proteoma umano in un singolo saggio.

L'espansione supporta la medicina traslazionale promuovendo la ricerca sulla causa delle malattie, la farmacologia clinica e lo sviluppo di farmaci. L'alta precisione della piattaforma, con un coefficiente di variazione mediano intorno al 5%, offre maggiore potere statistico per le scoperte. Questo aggiornamento è particolarmente vantaggioso per la ricerca in oncologia e neurologia, permettendo campioni abbinati al plasma in vari tipi di campioni.

I servizi per questi nuovi tipi di campioni sono disponibili presso il Laboratorio di Servizi certificato CAP/CLIA di Standard BioTools a Boulder, Colorado, e presso i Siti Autorizzati SomaScan® a livello globale.

Standard BioTools Inc. (Nasdaq:LAB) ha anunciado una expansión de su Plataforma SomaScan® 11K, que ahora incluye mediciones de proteínas en una gama más amplia de tipos de muestras como líquido cefalorraquídeo (CSF), humor acuoso, homogenatos de tejidos y lisis celulares. Esta plataforma proporciona 11,000 mediciones de proteínas simultáneamente a partir de volúmenes de muestra tan bajos como 55 µl, cubriendo la mitad del proteoma humano en un solo ensayo.

La expansión apoya la medicina traslacional avanzando en la investigación sobre la causación de enfermedades, farmacología clínica y desarrollo de medicamentos. La plataforma tiene alta precisión, con un coeficiente de variación mediano alrededor del 5%, lo que ofrece más poder estadístico para los descubrimientos. Esta actualización es particularmente beneficiosa para la investigación en oncología y neurología, permitiendo muestras emparejadas con plasma en varios tipos de muestras.

Los servicios para estos nuevos tipos de muestras están disponibles en el Laboratorio de Servicios certificado por CAP/CLIA de Standard BioTools en Boulder, Colorado, y en los Sitios Autorizados de SomaScan® a nivel global.

Standard BioTools Inc. (Nasdaq:LAB)는 SomaScan® 11K 플랫폼의 확장을 발표하였습니다. 이제 뇌척수액(CSF), 수조, 조직 균질화물 및 세포 용해액과 같이 더 다양한 샘플 유형에서 단백질 측정을 포함하고 있습니다. 이 플랫폼은 11,000개의 단백질 측정을 동시에 제공하며, 샘플 볼륨은 55µl로도 가능합니다. 이는 단일 분석에서 인간 단백질체의 절반을 포괄합니다.

이 확장은 질병 원인, 임상 약리학 및 약물 개발에 대한 연구를 촉진하여 전이 의학을 지원합니다. 플랫폼의 높은 정밀도는 중간 변동 계수가 약 5%로, 발견에 대한 통계적 힘을 더합니다. 이 업데이트는 종양학 및 신경학 연구에 특히 유용하며, 다양한 샘플 유형의 혈장과 일치하는 샘플을 허용합니다.

이 새로운 샘플 유형에 대한 서비스는 스탠다드 바이오툴스의 CAP/CLIA 인증 서비스 실험실 및 전 세계 SomaScan® 인증 사이트에서 제공됩니다.

Standard BioTools Inc. (Nasdaq:LAB) a annoncé une extension de sa Plateforme SomaScan® 11K, qui inclut désormais des mesures de protéines sur une plus large gamme de types d'échantillons tels que le liquide céphalorachidien (LCR), l'humeur aqueuse, les homogénats de tissus et les lysats cellulaires. Cette plateforme fournit 11 000 mesures de protéines simultanément à partir de volumes d'échantillon aussi faibles que 55 µl, couvrant ainsi la moitié du protéome humain en un seul essai.

Cette extension soutient la médecine translationnelle en faisant avancer la recherche sur la causation des maladies, la pharmacologie clinique et le développement de médicaments. La haute précision de la plateforme, avec un coefficient de variation médian d'environ 5 %, offre plus de puissance statistique pour les découvertes. Cette mise à jour est particulièrement bénéfique pour la recherche en oncologie et en neurologie, permettant des échantillons appariés au plasma dans divers types d'échantillons.

Les services pour ces nouveaux types d'échantillons sont disponibles dans le Laboratoire de Services certifié CAP/CLIA de Standard BioTools à Boulder, Colorado, ainsi que dans les Sites Autorisés SomaScan® à l'échelle mondiale.

Standard BioTools Inc. (Nasdaq:LAB) hat eine Erweiterung seiner SomaScan® 11K Plattform angekündigt, die nun auch Proteinmessungen auf einer breiteren Palette von Probentypen wie Liquor cerebrospinalis (CSF), Kammerwasser, Gewebehomogenate und Zelllysate umfasst. Diese Plattform bietet 11.000 Proteinmessungen gleichzeitig aus Probenvolumina von nur 55 µl und deckt damit die Hälfte des menschlichen Proteoms in einem einzigen Assay ab.

Die Erweiterung unterstützt die translationsmedizinische Forschung zur Aufklärung von Krankheitsursachen, klinischer Pharmakologie und der Arzneimittelentwicklung. Die hohe Präzision der Plattform, mit einem mittleren Variationskoeffizienten von etwa 5%, bietet mehr statistische Aussagekraft für Entdeckungen. Dieses Update ist besonders vorteilhaft für die Forschung in der Onkologie und Neurologie, da es abgestimmte Proben zu Plasma in verschiedenen Probentypen ermöglicht.

Die Dienstleistungen für diese neuen Probentypen sind im CAP/CLIA-zertifizierten Service-Labor von Standard BioTools in Boulder, Colorado und von den autorisierten SomaScan®-Standorten weltweit verfügbar.

  • Expanded capability to measure proteins in new sample types (CSF, aqueous humor, tissue homogenates, cell lysates)
  • Largest number of protein measurements (11,000) in the proteomics industry
  • High precision with median coefficient of variation around 5%
  • Supports translational medicine and advances research in disease causation and drug development
  • Services available through CAP/CLIA-certified lab and authorized sites globally
  • None.


The expansion of Standard BioTools' SomaScan® 11K Platform to include new sample types is a significant development in the proteomics field. This advancement allows for more comprehensive protein measurements across various biological materials, including cerebrospinal fluid, cell lysates and tissue homogenates. The platform's ability to measure 11,000 proteins simultaneously from small sample volumes positions it as a leading tool in proteomic research.

The enhanced capabilities of the SomaScan Platform have important implications for biomarker discovery in oncology and neurology. The ability to analyze cerebrospinal fluid, in particular, could accelerate research into neurodegenerative diseases by providing detailed insights into brain-related protein changes. This could potentially lead to breakthroughs in understanding disease mechanisms and developing new therapeutic approaches.

From an investor perspective, this expansion strengthens Standard BioTools' competitive position in the proteomics market. The platform's scalability, precision (with a median CV of 5%) and ability to work with scarce biomaterials make it attractive for pharmaceutical companies conducting clinical trials. This could drive increased adoption and revenue growth for Standard BioTools in the coming years.

The expansion of Standard BioTools' SomaScan® 11K Platform represents a significant market opportunity. The global proteomics market is projected to grow substantially, driven by increasing research in personalized medicine and drug discovery. By offering the largest number of protein measurements and the ability to work with diverse sample types, Standard BioTools is well-positioned to capture a larger share of this growing market.

The platform's versatility in handling various sample types, including cerebrospinal fluid and tissue homogenates, opens up new revenue streams in neurology and oncology research. This could attract partnerships with pharmaceutical companies and research institutions, potentially leading to long-term contracts and recurring revenue.

Investors should note that Standard BioTools now offers a comprehensive suite of proteomics solutions, including single-cell and spatial proteomics platforms. This integrated approach could provide a competitive edge and increase the company's appeal to customers seeking end-to-end proteomics solutions. However, it's important to monitor how quickly these advancements translate into tangible financial results and market share gains for the company.

Cerebrospinal fluid, cell lysates and tissue homogenates open new avenues for biomarker discovery in oncology and neurology

SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Standard BioTools Inc. (Nasdaq:LAB), today announced that the SomaScan® 11K Platform now includes protein measurements on a broader range of sample types, including cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), aqueous humor, tissue homogenates and cell lysates. The SomaScan® Platform provides the largest number of protein measurements and the greatest number of orthogonally confirmed protein reagents in the proteomics industry —11,000 protein measurements simultaneously from sample volumes as low as 55 µl—giving researchers access to half of the human proteome in just one assay.

“These new sample types expand the SomaScan11K Platform’s ability to provide important biological insights, supporting translational medicine by advancing research findings into disease causation, clinical pharmacology and drug development,” said Standard BioTools Chief Medical Officer Stephen A. Williams, MD, PhD. “The use of high-throughput proteomics in cerebrospinal fluid for neurodegenerative disease research, for example, is key to providing information on biological changes occurring in the brain. The SomaScan Platform’s sensitivity to these changes is expected to give researchers a wealth of mechanistic neurological data.”

The SomaScan Platform is the only proteomic approach on the market that scales. The precision of the SomaScan Assay has been maintained or improved across all versions, up to and including the most recent release covering 11,000 protein measurements—a challenge that antibody-based assays have failed to overcome. The platform offers low coefficients of variation (CV), a median around 5%, which means the SomaScan Assay can provide more statistical power to make discoveries.

Precision and reproducibility are of paramount importance in clinical trials using precious sample types where pharma customers are using proteomics on this scarce biomaterial for smaller or shorter trials. The SomaScan Platform can supply more data, more precisely, with fewer and smaller volumes of samples such as CSF, cell lysates and tissue homogenates.

“This extension of the SomaScan 11K Assay is part of a continuous improvement effort that will expand the number of reliably measured proteins in various matrices,” said Michael Egholm, PhD, President and Chief Executive Officer of Standard BioTools. “This update will support many of our customers needing the ability to run matched samples to plasma in various sample types, especially in oncology and neurology research.”

Services on these new sample types are now available from Standard BioTools’ CAP/CLIA-certified Services Lab in Boulder, Colo. and from SomaScan® Authorized Sites around the world. Standard BioTools now offers the new SomaScan 11K Assay, as well as the industry leading single cell proteomics and spatial proteomics solutions (CyTOF® and Hyperion™ platforms), as a comprehensive services offering to customers who are working to identify biomarkers of predictive response, mechanism of action and patient stratification in their studies.

More information about the new sample types is available at:

About Standard BioTools Inc. 

Standard BioTools Inc. (Nasdaq:LAB), the parent company of SomaLogic Inc. and previously known as Fluidigm Corporation, is driven by a bold purpose – Unleashing tools to accelerate breakthroughs in human health. Standard BioTools has an established portfolio of essential, standardized next-generation technologies that help biomedical researchers develop medicines faster and better. As a leading solutions provider, the company provides reliable and repeatable insights in health and disease using its proprietary mass cytometry and microfluidics technologies, which help transform scientific discoveries into better patient outcomes. Standard BioTools works with leading academic, government, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, plant and animal research and clinical laboratories worldwide, focusing on the most pressing needs in translational and clinical research, including oncology, immunology and immunotherapy. Learn more at or connect with us on X, Facebook®, LinkedIn and YouTube™. 

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Limited Use Label License and other terms may apply: Patent and License Information: Trademarks: Any other trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners. ©2024 Standard BioTools Inc. (f.k.a. Fluidigm Corporation). All rights reserved.

Forward-Looking Statements 

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including, among others, statements regarding future financial and business performance; expectations, operational and strategic plans; the merger of the Company and SomaLogic; deployment of capital; market and growth opportunity and potential; and the potential to realize the expected benefits following the merger of the Company and SomaLogic. Forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from currently anticipated results, including, but not limited to, the outcome of any legal proceedings related to the merger; risks that the anticipated benefits of the merger or other commercial opportunities may otherwise not be fully realized or may take longer to realize than expected; risks that we may not realize expected cost savings from our restructuring, including the anticipated decrease in operational expenses, at the levels we expect; possible restructuring and transition-related disruption, including through the loss of customers, suppliers, and employees and adverse impacts on our development activities and results of operation; restructuring activities, including our subleasing plans, customer and employee relations, management distraction, and reduced operating performance; risks that internal and external costs required for ongoing and planned activities may be higher than expected, which may cause us to use cash more quickly than we expect or change or curtail some of our plans, or both; risks that our expectations as to expenses, cash usage, and cash needs may prove not to be correct for other reasons such as changes in plans or actual events being different than our assumptions; changes in Standard BioTools’ business or external market conditions; challenges inherent in developing, manufacturing, launching, marketing, and selling new products; interruptions or delays in the supply of components or materials for, or manufacturing of, Standard BioTools products; reliance on sales of capital equipment for a significant proportion of revenues in each quarter; seasonal variations in customer operations; unanticipated increases in costs or expenses; uncertainties in contractual relationships; reductions in research and development spending or changes in budget priorities by customers; uncertainties relating to Standard BioTools’ research and development activities, and distribution plans and capabilities; potential product performance and quality issues; risks associated with international operations; intellectual property risks; and competition. For information regarding other related risks, see the “Risk Factors” section of Standard BioTools’ most recent quarterly report on Form 10-Q filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) on November 7, 2023, on its most recent annual report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 14, 2023, and in Standard BioTools’ other filings with the SEC, as well as the “Risk Factors” section of SomaLogic’s most recent quarterly report on Form 10-Q filed with the SEC on November 8, 2023, on its most recent annual report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 28, 2023, and in SomaLogic’s other filings with the SEC. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof. Standard BioTools disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements except as may be required by law. 

Media Contact
Emilia Costales
720 798 5054

David Holmes


What new sample types does the SomaScan® 11K Platform now support for Standard BioTools (LAB)?

The SomaScan® 11K Platform from Standard BioTools (LAB) now supports protein measurements on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), aqueous humor, tissue homogenates, and cell lysates, in addition to its existing capabilities.

How many protein measurements can the SomaScan® 11K Platform perform simultaneously?

The SomaScan® 11K Platform can perform 11,000 protein measurements simultaneously from sample volumes as low as 55 µl, covering half of the human proteome in a single assay.

What is the precision level of the SomaScan Assay for Standard BioTools (LAB)?

The SomaScan Assay from Standard BioTools (LAB) offers high precision with a median coefficient of variation (CV) around 5%, providing more statistical power for discoveries.

Where are the new sample type services for SomaScan® 11K Platform available from Standard BioTools (LAB)?

The new sample type services for the SomaScan® 11K Platform are available from Standard BioTools' (LAB) CAP/CLIA-certified Services Lab in Boulder, Colorado, and from SomaScan® Authorized Sites around the world.

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