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KULR Technology Group (NYSE American: KULR) has been selected for a battery pack reference design project by Amprius Technologies, focusing on the advanced air mobility (AAM) market. The project aims to address thermal runaway risks in lithium-ion batteries for electric aviation, meeting FAA and EASA safety standards. The partnership will integrate KULR's thermal management solutions with Amprius' high-energy silicon anode batteries to enhance safety and performance.

The collaboration involves a four-phase approach, including data collection, thermal modeling, and rigorous testing. This initiative aligns with the growing demand for safe, high-performance energy storage in electric aviation, with the global electric aircraft market projected to reach $13.55 billion by 2030. KULR has also secured contracts with other aviation companies, including a $1 million commitment with H55 Inc. for its Thermal Runaway Shield technology.

KULR Technology Group (NYSE American: KULR) è stata selezionata per un progetto di design di pacchi batteria da parte di Amprius Technologies, focalizzandosi sul mercato della mobilità aerea avanzata (AAM). L'obiettivo del progetto è affrontare i rischi di runaway termico nelle batterie agli ioni di litio per l'aviazione elettrica, rispettando gli standard di sicurezza FAA ed EASA. La partnership integrerà le soluzioni di gestione termica di KULR con le batterie ad anodo in silicio ad alta energia di Amprius per migliorare la sicurezza e le prestazioni.

La collaborazione prevede un approccio in quattro fasi, comprendente raccolta dati, modellazione termica e test rigorosi. Questa iniziativa si allinea con la crescente domanda di stoccaggio energetico sicuro e ad alte prestazioni nell'aviazione elettrica, con il mercato globale degli aeromobili elettrici previsto raggiungere 13,55 miliardi di dollari entro il 2030. KULR ha anche ottenuto contratti con altre compagnie aeree, inclusa un'impegno di 1 milione di dollari con H55 Inc. per la sua tecnologia Thermal Runaway Shield.

KULR Technology Group (NYSE American: KULR) ha sido seleccionada para un proyecto de diseño de paquete de baterías por Amprius Technologies, centrado en el mercado de movilidad aérea avanzada (AAM). El objetivo del proyecto es abordar los riesgos de fuga térmica en baterías de iones de litio para la aviación eléctrica, cumpliendo con los estándares de seguridad de la FAA y EASA. La asociación integrará las soluciones de gestión térmica de KULR con las baterías de ánodo de silicio de alta energía de Amprius para mejorar la seguridad y el rendimiento.

La colaboración involucra un enfoque en cuatro fases, que incluye la recopilación de datos, modelado térmico y pruebas rigurosas. Esta iniciativa se alinea con la creciente demanda de almacenamiento de energía seguro y de alto rendimiento en la aviación eléctrica, con un mercado global de aeronaves eléctricas proyectado para alcanzar 13.55 mil millones de dólares para 2030. KULR también ha asegurado contratos con otras compañías de aviación, incluido un compromiso de 1 millón de dólares con H55 Inc. para su tecnología Thermal Runaway Shield.

KULR 기술 그룹 (NYSE American: KULR)는 Amprius Technologies에 의해 배터리 팩 기준 설계 프로젝트에 선정되었으며, 이는 고급 공중 이동(AAM) 시장에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 이 프로젝트의 목표는 전기 항공을 위한 리튬 이온 배터리에서 열 폭주 위험을 해결하여 FAA 및 EASA 안전 기준을 충족하는 것입니다. 이 파트너십은 KULR의 열 관리 솔루션을 Amprius의 고에너지 실리콘 음극 배터리와 통합하여 안전성과 성능을 향상시킬 것입니다.

협력은 데이터 수집, 열 모델링 및 엄격한 테스트를 포함한 4단계 접근 방식을 포함합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 전기 항공에서 안전하고 고성능 에너지 저장에 대한 증가하는 수요와 일치하며, 전 세계 전기 항공기 시장은 2030년까지 135억 5000만 달러에 이를 것으로 예상됩니다. KULR는 또한 H55 Inc.와 Thermal Runaway Shield 기술에 대한 100만 달러의 계약을 포함하여 다른 항공사와 계약을 체결했습니다.

KULR Technology Group (NYSE American: KULR) a été sélectionnée pour un projet de conception de packs de batteries par Amprius Technologies, axé sur le marché de la mobilité aérienne avancée (AAM). L'objectif du projet est de traiter les risques de fuite thermique dans les batteries lithium-ion pour l'aviation électrique, en respectant les normes de sécurité FAA et EASA. Le partenariat intégrera les solutions de gestion thermique de KULR avec les batteries à anode en silicium à haute énergie d'Amprius pour améliorer la sécurité et les performances.

La collaboration implique une approche en quatre phases, comprenant la collecte de données, la modélisation thermique et des tests rigoureux. Cette initiative s'aligne sur la demande croissante de stockage d'énergie sûr et performant dans l'aviation électrique, le marché mondial des avions électriques devant atteindre 13,55 milliards de dollars d'ici 2030. KULR a également sécurisé des contrats avec d'autres entreprises aéronautiques, y compris un engagement de 1 million de dollars avec H55 Inc. pour sa technologie Thermal Runaway Shield.

KULR Technology Group (NYSE American: KULR) wurde von Amprius Technologies für ein Projekt zur Referenzgestaltung von Batteriepacks ausgewählt, das sich auf den Markt für fortschrittliche Luftmobilität (AAM) konzentriert. Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Risiken des thermischen Durchgehens in Lithium-Ionen-Batterien für die elektrische Luftfahrt zu adressieren und die FAA- und EASA-Sicherheitsstandards zu erfüllen. Die Partnerschaft wird KULRs Lösungen für das thermische Management mit den Hochenergie-Siliziumanodenbatterien von Amprius integrieren, um Sicherheit und Leistung zu verbessern.

Die Zusammenarbeit umfasst einen vierphasigen Ansatz, einschließlich Datenerfassung, thermischer Modellierung und strengen Tests. Diese Initiative passt zur steigenden Nachfrage nach sicherem, hochleistungsfähigem Energiespeicher in der elektrischen Luftfahrt, wobei der globale Markt für elektrische Flugzeuge voraussichtlich bis 2030 13,55 Milliarden Dollar erreichen wird. KULR hat außerdem Verträge mit anderen Luftfahrtunternehmen gesichert, einschließlich eines Engagements von 1 Million Dollar mit H55 Inc. für ihre Thermal Runaway Shield-Technologie.

  • Partnership with Amprius Technologies for battery pack reference design in AAM market
  • Project addresses critical thermal runaway risks in lithium-ion batteries for electric aviation
  • Aims to meet stringent FAA and EASA safety standards
  • Four-phase approach including extensive testing and modeling
  • $1 million contract with H55 Inc. for Thermal Runaway Shield technology
  • Global electric aircraft market projected to reach $13.55 billion by 2030, growing at 7.62% CAGR
  • None.

The collaboration between KULR and Amprius marks a significant advancement in electric aviation battery technology. Their joint effort to develop a reference design for high-performance battery packs addresses critical safety concerns in the Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) sector. The integration of KULR's thermal management solutions with Amprius' silicon anode technology could potentially revolutionize energy density and safety standards in electric aircraft.

This partnership is particularly noteworthy as it aims to meet the stringent FAA and EASA regulations, which have been major hurdles in the adoption of lithium-ion batteries in manned electric aviation. The four-phase project, focusing on data collection, thermal modeling and rigorous testing, demonstrates a comprehensive approach to solving complex engineering challenges in this field.

The market potential is substantial, with projections indicating a $13.55 billion global electric aircraft market by 2030. This collaboration could position both companies as key players in this rapidly growing sector, potentially leading to significant business opportunities and technological advancements in sustainable aviation.

The partnership between KULR and Amprius presents a compelling investment opportunity in the burgeoning electric aviation sector. With the global electric aircraft market projected to grow at a 7.62% CAGR through 2030, this collaboration positions both companies to capture a significant share of this expanding market.

KULR's diversification into electric aviation, building on its existing contracts with industry leaders like H55, Pratt & Whitney and CAE Inc., demonstrates a strategic expansion of its revenue streams. The company's KULR VIBE technology, serving both aviation and high-performance computing markets, further enhances its market position and potential for cross-sector growth.

Investors should note the increasing regulatory focus on battery safety in aviation, which could create a substantial demand for KULR and Amprius' joint solution. This regulatory-driven market opportunity, combined with the growing consumer interest in sustainable air travel (65% of surveyed consumers), suggests a favorable long-term outlook for companies at the forefront of electric aviation technology.

The electric aviation market is showing strong signs of consumer interest and regulatory support. The survey revealing that 60% of respondents would try electric aviation, with 61% specifically interested in eVTOL aircraft, indicates a significant potential customer base for this emerging technology.

The growing concern over traditional aviation's environmental impact (73% of respondents) aligns with the increasing demand for sustainable travel options. This shift in consumer sentiment could accelerate the adoption of electric aircraft, particularly in regions like Germany where interest is highest.

However, challenges remain, particularly in battery technology. The range of current electric aircraft (e.g., Pipistrel Velis Electro's 50-minute flight time) highlights the need for continued innovation in energy storage solutions. The industry's focus on hybrid-electric systems, as seen in GE Aerospace's collaboration with NASA, suggests a transitional phase as fully electric solutions mature. Companies that can effectively address these technological hurdles are likely to gain a significant competitive advantage in this rapidly evolving market.

Vancouver, Kelowna, and Delta, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 21, 2024) -, a go-to investing platform covering renewable energy stocks releases a snapshot on recent news and developments in electric aviation, featuring KULR Technology Group, Inc (NYSE American: KULR), a global leader in safe and high-performance energy storage solutions.

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According to, "The Aircraft Electrification market faces several challenges that could hinder its growth, including high development and certification costs, limited battery technology, and insufficient charging infrastructure. Additionally, regulatory hurdles and concerns over the safety and reliability of electric systems in aviation play significant roles. However, there are promising growth areas and emerging opportunities in this sector. Advances in battery technologies, such as solid-state batteries and hybrid-electric systems, could enhance aircraft performance and range. The demand for greener aviation solutions, driven by environmental regulations and public scrutiny, is also fostering innovation."

KULR Technology Group, Inc (NYSE American: KULR) has been advancing battery safety and performance in multiple markets for years and now has its eye on addressing this critical issue in the electric aviation market.

KULR just announced it has been selected for a pivotal battery pack reference design project by Amprius Technologies, a leader in next-generation lithium-ion batteries with its Silicon Anode Platform. The final reference design will provide Amprius' customers with a solution to address thermal runaway at the battery pack level that leverages KULR's advanced energy management platform, KULR ONE Design Solutions, with Amprius' high-energy Silicon Anode pouch cells to meet the rigorous thermal qualification standards set by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), ensuring the highest levels of safety and performance. This partnership is set to push the boundaries of next-generation battery technology, with a focus on the burgeoning advanced air mobility (AAM) market.

The integration of all lithium-ion battery technology into Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) presents significant challenges, particularly due to the risks of cell thermal runaway. To address these concerns, the FAA and EASA have established stringent design regulations to mitigate the risks associated with using lithium-ion battery packs in electric manned applications. The partnership between Amprius and KULR is designed to meet these strict safety standards and accelerate the adoption of Amprius' high-performance cells in the AAM sector, where their technology is uniquely positioned to excel.

Driving Innovation in Battery Technology
The joint effort will explore innovative methods to enhance battery safety and maximize energy density at the pack level. By integrating KULR's advanced thermal management solutions with Amprius' high-energy and high-power lithium-ion batteries and cutting-edge silicon anode technology, the partnership aims to deliver a battery system that is not only safe but also exceptionally high-performance.

"KULR's proven expertise in thermal management and energy storage solutions makes them an ideal partner for this project," said Jon Bornstein, President of Amprius Technologies Lab. "By combining Amprius' advanced silicon anode battery technology with KULR's innovative approach to safety and performance, we are setting a new standard in the advanced air mobility segment. This partnership accelerates our ability to meet the stringent requirements of the electric aviation industry while simultaneously pushing forward the evolution of battery technology with a focus on safety, efficiency, and market expansion."

A Comprehensive Approach to Design and Testing
The project will be executed in four phases, beginning with extensive data collection and design concept delivery. Subsequent phases will include detailed thermal modeling, propagation prevention response (PPR) design, and rigorous testing to ensure compliance with the highest safety standards. This systematic approach will enable the development of a robust and scalable battery solution tailored to the needs of various applications within the e-aviation sector and beyond.

A Commitment to Market Expansion
This collaboration underscores KULR and Amprius' commitment to expanding into growing markets by providing innovative solutions that address the critical needs of safety and performance in energy-dense battery systems. The partnership is poised to play a pivotal role in the evolution of battery technology, particularly in the electric aviation market, where the demand for lightweight, high-performance energy storage solutions is rapidly increasing.

Precision Business Insights estimates the global electric aircraft market to reach USD $13.55 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 7.62% during the forecast period of 2024 to 2030.

KULR previously announced other contracts in the electric aviation industry. In April, KULR unveiled a commitment exceeding $1 million with H55 Inc. ("H55"), a pioneer and global leader in electric propulsion. H55 will employ KULR's unique Thermal Runaway Shield ("TRS") within its propulsion systems that equip fleets of industry behemoths such as Pratt & Whitney and CAE Inc.. According to the agreement, the initial delivery phase began in Q1 2024. Embedding KULR's TRS into H55's Electrical Propulsion System ("EPS") is critical for aligning with the European Union Aviation Safety Agency ("EASA") safety protocols. H55 harnesses KULR's innovative TRS to construct systems that adhere to stringent safety measures while retaining efficiency and energy density. EASA recently approved the H55 EPS solution, paving the way for the critical compliance demonstration phase of their certification program (

In addition to its battery technologies, KULR has a long history of serving the aviation industry with its KULR VIBE technology which eliminates vibration for helicopters and drones During their recent earnings call, KULR's CEO talked about how KULR VIBE serves the computer server market for Facebook and Nvidia with better cooling technology by removing vibration in the server's fans.

KULR VIBE can reduce energy use and cool the hot AI processing chips more efficiently, which has dramatically increased energy demand for companies like NNE NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. and Oslo Inc., which is backed by Sam Altman of OpenAI.

Pipistrel, a Textron Inc. company, announced earlier this year that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has granted a light-sport aircraft (LSA) airworthiness exemption for the Pipistrel Velis Electro, opening up flight training in an electric aircraft within the United States.

From the news: The FAA exemption allows US flight schools to use the electric aircraft within their flight training programs. The Velis Electro offers a lower-cost and more sustainable learning platform for student pilots to acquire flying skills and go from zero flight experience to eventually flying solo, while giving them early experience on next-generation power systems.

Kriya Shortt, President and CEO of Textron's eAviation segment says, "This is a great day for flight training organizations and aspiring pilots. With this exemption, the cost-barrier to pursuing primary flight training can be substantially reduced. We are thankful to the FAA for its support in bringing more opportunities for electric aviation to the United States."

Addressing the need for better battery technology in a recent KMUW article, Textron said, "Battery technology needs to continue to mature because … there is a weight component to that," said Textron eAviation's Shortt. "And we do have to be able to have a useful load that makes … commercial viability of the product.

"So not only do you have to be able to carry what you need to carry, or want to carry, and go the duration that you want to because you can't just pull over to the side of the road and charge."

Continued: Current battery capacity limits how far electric aircraft can fly and how much they can carry. Pipistrel, which has about 300 employees at facilities in Slovenia and Italy, makes the Velus, a two-seat electric plane. But its range is only about 50 minutes between charges.

GE Aerospace said in news in June that they are developing a hybrid electric demonstrator engine with NASA that will embed electric motor/generators in a high-bypass commercial turbofan to supplement power during different phases of operation.

This includes modifying a Passport engine with hybrid electric components for testing through NASA's Hybrid Thermally Efficient Core (HyTEC) project. It's one of several efforts GE Aerospace has underway to mature technologies for more electric aircraft engines and is being advanced as part of the CFM International Revolutionary Innovation for Sustainable Engines (RISE)* program.

Continued: Embedded electric motor/generators will optimize engine performance by creating a system that can work with or without energy storage like batteries. This could help accelerate the introduction of hybrid electric technologies for commercial aviation prior to energy storage solutions being fully matured.

"Together with NASA, GE Aerospace is doing critical research and development that could help make hybrid electric commercial flight possible," said Arjan Hegeman, General Manager of Future of Flight Technologies at GE Aerospace.

Initial component-level testing of electric motor/generators and power electronics has been completed for the HyTEC Turbofan Engine Power Extraction Demonstration. Systems testing took place at GE Aerospace's EPISCenter in Dayton, Ohio. Additionally, a baseline test of the Passport engine to characterize performance before hybrid electric components are added was completed at the company's Peebles Test Operation, also in Ohio.

Results of the hybrid electric component and baseline engine tests are being used to evaluate and update models in preparation for a ground test.

"We're advancing state-of-the-art propulsion systems for next generation commercial aircraft with an important aim - to drive industry efforts to improve efficiency and reduce emissions compared to today's aircraft engines," Hegeman said.

NASA recently awarded GE Aerospace a contract for Phase 2 of the HyTEC project to continue developing technologies for an aircraft engine core demonstrator test later this decade. Phase 2 builds on work completed in Phase 1 of HyTEC for high-pressure compressor and high-pressure turbine advanced aerodynamics, as well as the combustor.

Looking at the future demand and possibilities of electric aviation, "A landmark international survey has revealed the scale of pent up demand for clean aviation, with 65 per cent of consumers across the four countries calling for change."

Continued: In a unique poll of 4,000 people across the US, UK, France, and Germany, two-thirds (65%) of consumers said that it is time for air travel to become sustainable.

The figures, unveiled by Lilium N.V., a leading electric aircraft manufacturer and pioneer in Regional Air Mobility (RAM), also reflect wide excitement about the prospect of new forms of transport.

Polled on a series of innovative travel methods, 60% said they would try electric aviation, while 61% specifically said they would like to try eVTOL aircraft such as the Lilium Jet, with demand strongest in Germany (64%).

The research also revealed widespread concern over the impact on traditional aviation - 73% said they were concerned about its contribution to pollution, with the proportion highest in Germany (76%), and similarly backed by two-thirds (67%) of consumers in the US.

Revolutions in traditional markets represent opportunity for investors willing to bet on innovation. As KULR Technology Group, Inc (NYSE American: KULR) pointed out in its recent news, "the global electric aircraft market to reach USD $13.55 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 7.62% during the forecast period of 2024 to 2030."

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What is the purpose of KULR's partnership with Amprius Technologies?

KULR is partnering with Amprius Technologies to develop a battery pack reference design for the advanced air mobility (AAM) market, focusing on addressing thermal runaway risks in lithium-ion batteries for electric aviation while meeting FAA and EASA safety standards.

How does KULR's technology contribute to electric aviation safety?

KULR's Thermal Runaway Shield (TRS) technology and thermal management solutions are integrated into battery systems to enhance safety and performance, helping to mitigate the risks associated with thermal runaway in lithium-ion batteries used in electric aircraft.

What is the projected market size for electric aircraft by 2030?

According to the press release, the global electric aircraft market is projected to reach $13.55 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 7.62% from 2024 to 2030.

Has KULR secured any other contracts in the electric aviation industry?

Yes, KULR has secured a contract exceeding $1 million with H55 Inc., a pioneer in electric propulsion, to use KULR's Thermal Runaway Shield in H55's propulsion systems for major aviation companies like Pratt & Whitney and CAE Inc.

KULR Technology Group, Inc.


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