KULR Receives up to $1.5M Satellite Battery Systems Order from South Korea’s Nara Space for Artemis II CubeSat Mission

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KULR Technology Group has secured a contract worth up to $1.5 million to supply 20793-rated battery systems to South Korea's Nara Space for their CubeSat mission aboard Artemis II. This project is part of a collaboration involving KASI and NASA. The initial contract is valued at nearly $1 million, with additional options available.

KULR's successful delivery of a 20793-rated battery to NARA in record time highlights their KULR ONE Space (K1S) architecture, which enables a four-month turnaround for a fully 20793-compliant system. This customizable solution is now available to customers seeking to accelerate their path to 20793 certification, reducing development time and enhancing cost efficiency.

The contract underscores KULR's commitment to developing advanced energy solutions for space and defense applications, leveraging existing R&D efforts to deliver a scalable battery architecture meeting rigorous safety and performance standards for human spaceflight.

KULR Technology Group ha ottenuto un contratto del valore di 1,5 milioni di dollari per fornire sistemi di batterie di classe 20793 alla Nara Space della Corea del Sud per la loro missione CubeSat a bordo di Artemis II. Questo progetto fa parte di una collaborazione che coinvolge il KASI e la NASA. Il contratto iniziale è valutato quasi 1 milione di dollari, con ulteriori opzioni disponibili.

La consegna tempestiva di una batteria di classe 20793 a NARA da parte di KULR evidenzia la loro architettura KULR ONE Space (K1S), che consente un tempo di consegna di quattro mesi per un sistema completamente conforme alla classe 20793. Questa soluzione personalizzabile è ora disponibilità per i clienti che cercano di accelerare il loro percorso verso la certificazione 20793, riducendo i tempi di sviluppo e migliorando l'efficienza dei costi.

Il contratto sottolinea l'impegno di KULR nello sviluppo di soluzioni energetiche avanzate per applicazioni spaziali e di difesa, sfruttando gli sforzi di R&S esistenti per fornire un'architettura di batterie scalabile che soddisfi rigidi standard di sicurezza e prestazioni per i voli spaziali umani.

KULR Technology Group ha asegurado un contrato por un valor de 1,5 millones de dólares para suministrar sistemas de baterías de clasificación 20793 a Nara Space de Corea del Sur para su misión CubeSat a bordo de Artemis II. Este proyecto forma parte de una colaboración que involucra a KASI y NASA. El contrato inicial está valorado en casi 1 millón de dólares, con opciones adicionales disponibles.

La entrega exitosa de una batería de clasificación 20793 a NARA en un tiempo récord resalta su arquitectura KULR ONE Space (K1S), que permite un tiempo de respuesta de cuatro meses para un sistema completamente conforme a 20793. Esta solución personalizable ya está disponible para los clientes que buscan acelerar su camino hacia la certificación 20793, reduciendo el tiempo de desarrollo y mejorando la eficiencia de costos.

El contrato subraya el compromiso de KULR para desarrollar soluciones energéticas avanzadas para aplicaciones espaciales y de defensa, aprovechando los esfuerzos existentes en I+D para ofrecer una arquitectura de batería escalable que cumpla con rigurosos estándares de seguridad y rendimiento para vuelos espaciales tripulados.

KULR 기술 그룹은 150만 달러 규모의 계약을 체결하고 한국의 Nara Space에 20793 등급 배터리 시스템을 공급하여 Artemis II에 탑재될 큐브샛 미션을 추진합니다. 이 프로젝트는 KASI와 NASA가 참여하는 협업의 일환입니다. 초기 계약 가치는 거의 100만 달러로, 추가 옵션이 제공됩니다.

기록적인 시간 내에 NARA에 20793 등급 배터리를 성공적으로 공급한 KULR는 KULR ONE Space (K1S) 아키텍처를 강조하며, 이는 완전한 20793 준수 시스템을 위해 4개월의 반환 시간을 가능하게 합니다. 이 맞춤형 솔루션은 20793 인증 획득을 가속화하려는 고객을 위해 이제 제공되며, 개발 시간을 단축하고 비용 효율성을 향상시킵니다.

이 계약은 우주 및 방산 애플리케이션을 위한 고급 에너지 솔루션 개발에 대한 KULR의 헌신을 강조하며, 기존의 연구 및 개발 노력을 활용하여 인간 우주 비행을 위한 엄격한 안전성 및 성능 기준을 충족하는 확장 가능한 배터리 아키텍처를 제공하고 있습니다.

KULR Technology Group a obtenu un contrat d'une valeur allant jusqu'à 1,5 million de dollars pour fournir des systèmes de batteries classés 20793 à Nara Space en Corée du Sud pour leur mission CubeSat à bord de l'Artemis II. Ce projet fait partie d'une collaboration réunissant KASI et NASA. Le contrat initial est évalué à près de 1 million de dollars, avec des options supplémentaires disponibles.

La livraison réussie d'une batterie classée 20793 à NARA dans des délais records souligne leur architecture KULR ONE Space (K1S), qui permet un délai de transformation de quatre mois pour un système entièrement conforme au 20793. Cette solution personnalisable est désormais disponible pour les clients cherchant à accélérer leur chemin vers la certification 20793, réduisant le temps de développement et améliorant l'efficacité des coûts.

Le contrat souligne l'engagement de KULR à développer des solutions énergétiques avancées pour les applications spatiales et de défense, tirant parti des efforts de R&D existants pour fournir une architecture de batterie évolutive répondant à des normes de sécurité et de performance rigoureuses pour les vols spatiaux habités.

KULR Technology Group hat einen Vertrag im Wert von bis zu 1,5 Millionen Dollar gesichert, um 20793-zertifizierte Batteriesysteme an Nara Space in Südkorea für deren CubeSat-Mission an Bord von Artemis II zu liefern. Dieses Projekt ist Teil einer Zusammenarbeit zwischen KASI und NASA. Der ursprüngliche Vertrag hat einen Wert von fast 1 Million Dollar, mit zusätzlichen Optionen.

Die erfolgreiche Lieferung eines 20793-zertifizierten Akkus an NARA in Rekordzeit hebt die KULR ONE Space (K1S) Architektur hervor, die einen Viermonatsumschlag für ein vollständig 20793-konformes System ermöglicht. Diese anpassbare Lösung steht nun Kunden zur Verfügung, die ihren Weg zur 20793-Zertifizierung beschleunigen möchten, indem sie die Entwicklungszeit verkürzt und die Kosteneffizienz verbessert.

Der Vertrag unterstreicht KULRs Engagement zur Entwicklung fortschrittlicher Energielösungen für Raumfahrt- und Verteidigungsanwendungen und nutzt bestehende F&E-Bemühungen, um eine skalierbare Batterienarchitektur zu liefern, die strengen Sicherheits- und Leistungsstandards für bemannte Raumflüge genügt.

  • Secured contract worth up to $1.5 million for 20793-rated battery systems
  • Successful delivery of 20793-rated battery to NARA in record time
  • Launch of KULR ONE Space (K1S) architecture for faster 20793 certification
  • Expansion into the growing Space Battery Market, projected to reach $25.14 billion by 2032
  • None.

KULR's contract with Nara Space, valued up to $1.5M, signifies a strategic win in the growing space battery market. With the market projected to reach $25.14 billion by 2032, KULR is positioning itself as a key player. The company's ability to deliver a 20793-rated battery in just four months demonstrates operational efficiency and technological prowess. This could lead to increased market share and revenue growth. The scalable KULR ONE Space (K1S) architecture offers potential for recurring revenue and faster market penetration. Investors should note the optionality in the contract, which could lead to additional value pending NASA evaluation. While promising, the impact on KULR's financials needs careful monitoring given the company's current market cap and revenue scale.

KULR's achievement in delivering a 20793-compliant battery system for the Artemis II CubeSat mission is technically significant. The 20793 standard is rigorous, designed for human spaceflight safety. KULR's four-month turnaround is impressively fast for such a complex system. The K1S architecture's customizability could be a game-changer for space battery development, potentially reducing time-to-market for many space projects. This could position KULR as a go-to provider for space-rated batteries. The collaboration with KASI and NASA adds credibility and could open doors for future high-profile space projects. However, the space industry is known for its stringent requirements and long development cycles, so consistent performance will be important for KULR's long-term success in this sector.

KULR's contract with Nara Space aligns with the burgeoning CubeSat market, a sector experiencing rapid growth due to increasing demand for small satellite applications. The company's involvement in the Artemis II mission, part of NASA's high-profile lunar exploration program, provides significant visibility and credibility boost. KULR's K1S architecture addresses a critical market need for faster, cost-effective space-rated battery solutions. This could lead to a first-mover advantage in a niche but expanding market. The projected growth of the space battery market to $25.14 billion by 2032 suggests substantial growth potential. However, investors should be aware of the competitive landscape and regulatory challenges in the aerospace sector, which could impact KULR's market penetration and long-term growth prospects.

HOUSTON, Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- KULR Technology Group, Inc. (NYSE American: KULR) (the "Company" or "KULR"), a global leader in sustainable energy management, today announced it has been awarded an initial contract valued close to $1M, with additional options bringing total contract value up to $1.5M, to supply 20793-rated battery systems to South Korea’s Nara Space (NARA) for their CubeSat mission aboard Artemis II. This project is part of a larger collaboration involving the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), where Nara Space is providing the CubeSat to KASI, as part of the Artemis program.

This award highlights KULR’s growing influence in the aerospace sector and reinforces its position as a trusted partner in developing cutting-edge energy solutions for space applications. Recent analysis by Pro Market Reports projects the Space Battery Market to reach USD 25.14 billion by 2032.

KULR’s successful delivery of a 20793-rated battery to NARA in record time marks a significant milestone in our battery design service initiatives. This achievement reflects the Company’s strategic investment in offering a comprehensive suite of design services, including cell selection and screening, thermal modeling, passive propagation-resistant design, and multi-fault tolerant strategies tailored for space and defense applications. Leveraging the KULR ONE Space (K1S) architecture, we are able to facilitate an expedited four-month turnaround for NARA to receive a fully 20793-compliant system.

We are excited to announce the availability of the K1S architecture to customers seeking to accelerate their path to 20793 certification. This customizable solution allows for faster time to market and enhanced cost efficiency. By offering a ready-made platform, KULR enables customers to reduce development time and achieve compliance with greater speed and effectiveness.

The awarded contract underscores KULR’s continued commitment to developing advanced energy solutions for space and defense applications, which often require challenging combinations of safety and performance. Leveraging its existing research and development efforts for space-rated battery systems, KULR will deliver a scalable battery architecture specifically designed to meet the rigorous safety and performance standards required for human spaceflight (20793 compliance). The options included in the contract will be exercised pending further evaluation with NASA to determine the necessity of additional testing.

Dr. Will Walker, CTO of KULR Technology Group, stated, “Our turn-key design approach with KULR ONE Space (K1S) has been the focal point for our battery design teams for the last 12 months, and our resulting position to support NARA’s timeline, which is driven by NASA, represents a major advancement in simplifying and reducing the cost of battery integration for future human-rated space missions. By delivering a fully compliant and scalable solution, we are helping to pave the way for more efficient and reliable space exploration.”

Ted Krupp, VP of Sales and Marketing at KULR Technology Group, added, “NARA’s decision to partner with KULR was driven by our ability to rapidly bring products to market and our strong relationships within NASA. These factors are critical in optimizing the certification process for both NARA and KASI, an affiliated research institute of the Korea AeroSpace Administration (KASA), ensuring that their CubeSat is ready for its role in the Artemis II mission. The NARA 20793-rated battery will be delivered in record time for this classification of energy storage system.”

For more information about KULR Technology Group and its innovative solutions, please visit

About KULR Technology Group Inc.
KULR Technology Group Inc. (NYSE American: KULR) is a leading energy management platform company offering proven solutions that play a critical role in accelerating the electrification of the circular economy. Leveraging a foundation in developing, manufacturing, and licensing next-generation carbon fiber thermal management technologies for batteries and electronic systems, KULR has evolved its holistic suite of products and services to enable its customers across disciplines to operate with efficiency and sustainability in mind. For more information, please visit

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This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of offers to buy any securities of any entity. This release contains certain forward-looking statements based on our current expectations, forecasts and assumptions that involve risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements in this release are based on information available to us as of the date hereof. Our actual results may differ materially from those stated or implied in such forward-looking statements, due to risks and uncertainties associated with our business, which include the risk factors disclosed in our Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on April 12, 2024, as may be amended or supplemented by other reports we file with the Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding our expectations, beliefs, intentions, or strategies regarding the future and can be identified by forward-looking words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “should,” and “would” or similar words. All forecasts are provided by management in this release are based on information available at this time and management expects that internal projections and expectations may change over time. In addition, the forecasts are entirely on management’s best estimate of our future financial performance given our current contracts, current backlog of opportunities and conversations with new and existing customers about our products and services. We assume no obligation to update the information included in this press release, whether because of new information, future events or otherwise.  

Investor Relations:
KULR Technology Group, Inc.
Phone: 858-866-8478 x 847


What is the value of KULR's contract with Nara Space for the Artemis II CubeSat mission?

KULR has been awarded an initial contract valued close to $1 million, with additional options bringing the total contract value up to $1.5 million.

What is KULR supplying to Nara Space for the Artemis II mission?

KULR is supplying 20793-rated battery systems to Nara Space for their CubeSat mission aboard Artemis II.

How does KULR's KULR ONE Space (K1S) architecture benefit customers?

The K1S architecture enables customers to achieve 20793 compliance faster, with a four-month turnaround for a fully compliant system, reducing development time and enhancing cost efficiency.

What is the projected size of the Space Battery Market by 2032, according to KULR's press release?

According to Pro Market Reports analysis mentioned in KULR's press release, the Space Battery Market is projected to reach USD 25.14 billion by 2032.

KULR Technology Group, Inc.


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