Kratos Completes Significant Milestone on Cost Optimized Limited-Life Turbofan Engine

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Kratos Defense & Security Solutions (NASDAQ: KTOS) has successfully completed a ground test campaign of a Cost-Optimized, -Life Turbofan Engine under the Air Force Research Laboratory's ACOLLET program. The test achieved all objectives, matching pre-test predictions on thrust and fuel efficiency. The engine demonstrated an innovative architecture expected to provide increased range, thrust, and electrical power while decreasing life cycle costs for future systems.

Kratos is jointly developing a flight-relevant engine, the GEK800, with GE Aerospace for production. This engine is designed for expendable cruise missiles and reusable unmanned applications. The successful test campaign and partnership with GE Aerospace open up opportunities to further enhance performance and reduce costs for a family of engines based on the GEK800 design.

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions (NASDAQ: KTOS) ha completato con successo una campagna di test a terra di un motore turbofan ottimizzato per costi e durata nell'ambito del programma ACOLLET del Laboratorio di Ricerca dell'Air Force. Il test ha raggiunto tutti gli obiettivi, corrispondendo alle previsioni su spinta e efficienza del carburante. Il motore ha dimostrato un'architettura innovativa che si prevede fornirà aumento dell'autonomia, spinta e potenza elettrica riducendo nel contempo i costi del ciclo di vita per i sistemi futuri.

Kratos sta sviluppando congiuntamente un motore rilevante per il volo, il GEK800, con GE Aerospace per la produzione. Questo motore è progettato per missili da crociera usa e getta e applicazioni senza pilota riutilizzabili. La campagna di test di successo e la partnership con GE Aerospace aprono opportunità per migliorare ulteriormente le prestazioni e ridurre i costi per una famiglia di motori basati sul design del GEK800.

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions (NASDAQ: KTOS) ha completado con éxito una campaña de pruebas en tierra de un motor turbofan optimizado para costos y vida útil bajo el programa ACOLLET del Laboratorio de Investigación de la Fuerza Aérea. La prueba logró todos los objetivos, coincidiendo con las predicciones previas a la prueba sobre empuje y eficiencia de combustible. El motor demostró una arquitectura innovadora que se espera proporcione mayor alcance, empuje y potencia eléctrica, al tiempo que disminuye los costos del ciclo de vida para los sistemas futuros.

Kratos está desarrollando conjuntamente un motor relevante para el vuelo, el GEK800, con GE Aerospace para producción. Este motor está diseñado para misiles de crucero desechables y aplicaciones no tripuladas reutilizables. La exitosa campaña de pruebas y la asociación con GE Aerospace abren oportunidades para mejorar aún más el rendimiento y reducir costos para una familia de motores basados en el diseño del GEK800.

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions (NASDAQ: KTOS)가 공군 연구소의 ACOLLET 프로그램에 따라 비용 최적화 및 수명 터보팬 엔진에 대한 지상 시험 캠페인을 성공적으로 완료했습니다. 이 시험은 모든 목표를 달성했으며, 추력과 연료 효율에 대한 시험 전 예측과 일치했습니다. 이 엔진은 증가된 범위, 추력 및 전력을 제공할 것으로 예상되는 혁신적인 아키텍처를 보여주었으며, 미래 시스템의 생애 주기 비용을 줄이는 데 기여할 것입니다.

Kratos는 생산을 위해 GE Aerospace와 함께 GEK800이라는 비행 관련 엔진을 공동 개발하고 있습니다. 이 엔진은 소모성 순항 미사일 및 재사용 가능한 무인 응용 프로그램에 맞춰 설계되었습니다. 성공적인 시험 캠페인과 GE Aerospace와의 파트너십은 GEK800 설계를 기반으로 한 엔진 계열의 성능을 더욱 향상시키고 비용을 절감할 수 있는 기회를 여는 계기가 됩니다.

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions (NASDAQ: KTOS) a réussi à mener une campagne de tests au sol d'un moteur turbofan optimisé pour son coût et sa durée de vie dans le cadre du programme ACOLLET du Laboratoire de Recherche de l'Armée de l'air. Le test a atteint tous les objectifs, correspondant aux prévisions avant le test concernant la poussée et l'efficacité énergétique. Le moteur a démontré une architecture innovante qui devrait fournir une autonomie, une poussée et une puissance électrique accrues tout en diminuant les coûts de cycle de vie pour les systèmes futurs.

Kratos développe conjointement un moteur pertinent pour le vol, le GEK800, avec GE Aerospace pour la production. Ce moteur est conçu pour des missiles de croisière jetables et des applications sans pilote réutilisables. La campagne de test réussie et le partenariat avec GE Aerospace ouvrent des opportunités pour améliorer encore les performances et réduire les coûts pour une famille de moteurs basés sur le design du GEK800.

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions (NASDAQ: KTOS) hat erfolgreich eine Bodentestkampagne für ein kostenoptimiertes, langlebiges Turbofan-Triebwerk im Rahmen des ACOLLET-Programms des Luftwaffenforschungsinstituts abgeschlossen. Der Test erreichte alle Ziele und entsprach den Vorhersagen zu Schub und Kraftstoffeffizienz. Das Triebwerk zeigte eine innovative Architektur, die voraussichtlich erhöhte Reichweite, Schub und elektrische Leistung bieten wird, während die Gesamtkosten für zukünftige Systeme gesenkt werden.

Kratos entwickelt gemeinsam mit GE Aerospace ein flugrelevantes Triebwerk, das GEK800, zur Produktion. Dieses Triebwerk ist für wegwerfbare Marschflugkörper und wiederverwendbare unbemannte Anwendungen konzipiert. Die erfolgreiche Testkampagne und die Partnerschaft mit GE Aerospace eröffnen Möglichkeiten, die Leistung weiter zu verbessern und die Kosten für eine Familie von Triebwerken auf Basis des GEK800-Designs zu senken.

  • Successful completion of ground test campaign for Cost-Optimized, -Life Turbofan Engine
  • All test plan objectives achieved, matching pre-test predictions on thrust and fuel efficiency
  • Engine demonstrated innovative architecture with potential for increased range, thrust, and electrical power
  • Joint development of GEK800 engine with GE Aerospace for production
  • Potential for decreased life cycle costs in future systems
  • None.

This successful ground test campaign marks a significant milestone in developing cost-effective propulsion systems for military applications. The ACOLLET program's achievements in matching pre-test predictions for thrust and fuel efficiency demonstrate the viability of this innovative engine architecture.

The GEK800 engine's design, optimized for expendable cruise missiles and reusable unmanned applications, could potentially revolutionize military capabilities. The increased range, thrust and electrical power, coupled with decreased life cycle costs, could provide a substantial tactical advantage in future conflicts.

However, it's important to note that the transition from ground testing to flight-ready systems often presents unforeseen challenges. The collaboration with GE Aerospace for production is promising, but investors should monitor progress closely as the project moves towards flight testing and eventual deployment.

Kratos' successful completion of this milestone underscores its growing position in the defense propulsion market. The collaboration with AFRL and GE Aerospace enhances Kratos' credibility and could lead to lucrative government contracts in the future.

The focus on cost optimization in -life engines addresses a critical need in the defense sector for more economical, disposable propulsion systems. This aligns well with the trend towards attritable aircraft and munitions, potentially opening up new market segments for Kratos.

Investors should note that while this development is promising, the defense procurement cycle is lengthy. It may take several years before this technology translates into significant revenue. Additionally, competition in this space is fierce, with other major players also developing similar technologies.

SAN DIEGO, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq: KTOS), a technology company in Defense, National Security and Global Markets, today announced that Kratos Turbine Technologies has successfully completed a ground test campaign of a Cost-Optimized, Limited-Life Turbofan Engine. The engine testing was managed by the Air Force Research Laboratory, Aerospace Systems Directorate, Turbine Engine Division (AFRL/RQT) under the Attritable Cost Optimized Limited Life Engine Technologies (ACOLLET) program. All test plan objectives were achieved including matching pre-test predictions on thrust and fuel efficiency.

Turbofan Ground Testing at Kratos’ X-58 Test Facility

Turbofan Ground Testing at Kratos’ X-58 Test Facility

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

The ground test engine demonstrated an innovative engine architecture and critical technologies that is expected to provide future systems increased range, increased thrust, decreased life cycle cost, and increased electrical power. A flight-relevant engine which utilizes the technology is being jointly developed with GE Aerospace for production. The engine, designated the GEK800, is designed for expendable cruise missiles and reusable unmanned applications.

Stacey Rock, President of Kratos Turbine Technologies Division, said, “Our teamwork with AFRL led to a successful test campaign and demonstrated affordable propulsion technologies for the warfighter. The new Kratos and GE Aerospace relationship provides a broad range of opportunities to further increase performance and reduce cost on a family of engines based on the GEK800 design.”

About Kratos Defense & Security Solutions
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: KTOS) is a technology, products, system and software company addressing the defense, national security, and commercial markets. Kratos makes true internally funded research, development, capital and other investments, to rapidly develop, produce and field solutions that address our customers’ mission critical needs and requirements. At Kratos, affordability is a technology, and we seek to utilize proven, leading-edge approaches and technology, not unproven bleeding edge approaches or technology, with Kratos’ approach designed to reduce cost, schedule and risk, enabling us to be first to market with cost effective solutions. We believe that Kratos is known as an innovative disruptive change agent in the industry, a company that is an expert in designing products and systems up front for successful rapid, large quantity, low-cost future manufacturing which is a value-add competitive differentiator for our large traditional prime system integrator partners and also to our government and commercial customers. Kratos intends to pursue program and contract opportunities as the prime or lead contractor when we believe that our probability of win (PWin) is high and any investment required by Kratos is within our capital resource comfort level. We intend to partner and team with a large, traditional system integrator when our assessment of PWin is greater or required investment is beyond Kratos’ comfort level. Kratos’ primary business areas include virtualized ground systems for satellites and space vehicles including software for command & control (C2) and telemetry, tracking and control (TT&C), jet powered unmanned aerial drone systems, hypersonic vehicles and rocket systems, propulsion systems for drones, missiles, loitering munitions, supersonic systems, space craft and launch systems, C5ISR and microwave electronic products for missile, radar, missile defense, space, satellite, counter UAS, directed energy, communication and other systems, and virtual & augmented reality training systems for the warfighter. For more information, visit

Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements in this press release may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are made on the basis of the current beliefs, expectations and assumptions of the management of Kratos and are subject to significant risks and uncertainty. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements. All such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and Kratos undertakes no obligation to update or revise these statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Although Kratos believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, these statements involve many risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from what may be expressed or implied in these forward-looking statements. For a further discussion of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ from those expressed in these forward-looking statements, as well as risks relating to the business of Kratos in general, see the risk disclosures in the Annual Report on Form 10-K of Kratos for the year ended December 31, 2023, and in subsequent reports on Forms 10-Q and 8-K and other filings made with the SEC by Kratos.

Press Contact:
Claire Burghoff

Investor Information:


What milestone did Kratos (KTOS) recently complete for its turbofan engine?

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions (KTOS) recently completed a successful ground test campaign of a Cost-Optimized, -Life Turbofan Engine under the Air Force Research Laboratory's ACOLLET program.

What is the GEK800 engine being developed by Kratos (KTOS) and GE Aerospace?

The GEK800 is a flight-relevant engine being jointly developed by Kratos and GE Aerospace for production. It is designed for expendable cruise missiles and reusable unmanned applications.

What are the expected benefits of Kratos' (KTOS) new turbofan engine technology?

The new turbofan engine technology is expected to provide future systems with increased range, increased thrust, decreased life cycle cost, and increased electrical power.

Where was the ground testing of Kratos' (KTOS) turbofan engine conducted?

The ground testing of Kratos' turbofan engine was conducted at Kratos' X-58 Test Facility.

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc.


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