Kratos Awarded Multi-Million Dollar Ground System Contract by Thaicom to Enable the Full Power of its New Software-Defined Satellite

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Kratos Defense & Security Solutions (NASDAQ: KTOS) has been awarded a multi-million dollar contract by Thaicom Public Company to provide an end-to-end ground system for their new software-defined satellite, THAICOM-10. This advanced ground capability will enable Thaicom to:

1. Configure the satellite and ground system simultaneously
2. Deliver services to customers on demand
3. Optimize the satellite's advanced features
4. Dynamically adjust capacity and coverage while in orbit

The contract includes a satellite operation center (SOC) that will allow Thaicom to fly the satellite, plan resources, and orchestrate payload configuration. This integrated solution aims to help Thaicom improve service quality, capture revenue, and enable innovative business cases for its customers in the dynamic Asia Pacific region.

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions (NASDAQ: KTOS) ha ricevuto un contratto multimilionario dalla Thaicom Public Company per fornire un sistema di terra end-to-end per il loro nuovo satellite a software definito, THAICOM-10. Questa avanzata capacità di terra permetterà a Thaicom di:

1. Configurare simultaneamente il satellite e il sistema di terra
2. Fornire servizi ai clienti su richiesta
3. Ottimizzare le caratteristiche avanzate del satellite
4. Regolare dinamicamente la capacità e la copertura mentre è in orbita

Il contratto include un centro operazioni satellite (SOC) che permetterà a Thaicom di gestire il satellite, pianificare le risorse e orchestrare la configurazione del carico utile. Questa soluzione integrata mira ad aiutare Thaicom a migliorare la qualità del servizio, catturare ricavi e abilitare casi di business innovativi per i suoi clienti nella dinamica regione Asia Pacifica.

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions (NASDAQ: KTOS) ha sido adjudicada un contrato multimillonario por Thaicom Public Company para proporcionar un sistema terrestre de extremo a extremo para su nuevo satélite definido por software, THAICOM-10. Esta avanzada capacidad terrestre permitirá a Thaicom:

1. Configurar simultáneamente el satélite y el sistema terrestre
2. Ofrecer servicios a los clientes bajo demanda
3. Optimizar las características avanzadas del satélite
4. Ajustar dinámicamente la capacidad y la cobertura mientras está en órbita

El contrato incluye un centro de operaciones de satélites (SOC) que permitirá a Thaicom operar el satélite, planificar recursos y orquestar la configuración de la carga útil. Esta solución integrada tiene como objetivo ayudar a Thaicom a mejorar la calidad del servicio, captar ingresos y habilitar casos de negocio innovadores para sus clientes en la dinámica región de Asia-Pacífico.

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions (NASDAQ: KTOS)는 Thaicom Public Company로부터 수백만 달러 규모의 계약을 체결하여 그들의 새로운 소프트웨어 정의 위성 THAICOM-10을 위한 종합 지상 시스템을 제공하게 됩니다. 이 고급 지상 능력은 Thaicom이 다음을 가능하게 할 것입니다:

1. 위성과 지상 시스템을 동시에 구성하기
2. 고객의 요구에 따라 서비스를 제공하기
3. 위성의 고급 기능을 최적화하기
4. 궤도에서 동적으로 용량과 범위를 조정하기

계약에는 Thaicom이 위성을 운영하고 자원을 계획하며 탑재체 구성을 조정할 수 있는 위성 운영 센터(SOC)가 포함되어 있습니다. 이 통합 솔루션은 Thaicom이 서비스 품질을 향상시키고 수익을 창출하며 동적 아시아 태평양 지역의 고객을 위해 혁신적인 비즈니스 사례를 활성화할 수 있도록 돕는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions (NASDAQ: KTOS) a remporté un contrat de plusieurs millions de dollars de la part de Thaicom Public Company pour fournir un système terrestre de bout en bout pour leur nouveau satellite défini par logiciel, THAICOM-10. Cette capacité avancée de préparation au sol permettra à Thaicom de :

1. Configurer simultanément le satellite et le système au sol
2. Fournir des services aux clients à la demande
3. Optimiser les caractéristiques avancées du satellite
4. Ajuster dynamiquement la capacité et la couverture en orbite

Le contrat comprend un centre d'opérations satellitaires (SOC) qui permettra à Thaicom de piloter le satellite, de planifier les ressources et d'orchestrer la configuration de la charge utile. Cette solution intégrée vise à aider Thaicom à améliorer la qualité des services, à capturer des revenus et à permettre des cas d'affaires innovants pour ses clients dans la dynamique région Asie-Pacifique.

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions (NASDAQ: KTOS) wurde von der Thaicom Public Company mit einem mehreren Millionen Dollar Vertrag beauftragt, um ein end-to-end Bodensystem für ihren neuen softwaredefinierten Satelliten THAICOM-10 bereitzustellen. Diese fortschrittliche Bodenfunktionalität ermöglicht es Thaicom:

1. Satelliten und Bodensystem gleichzeitig zu konfigurieren
2. Auf Abruf Dienstleistungen für Kunden zu erbringen
3. Die fortschrittlichen Funktionen des Satelliten zu optimieren
4. Während des Orbits die Kapazität und den Bereich dynamisch anzupassen

Der Vertrag umfasst ein Satellitenbetriebszentrum (SOC), das es Thaicom ermöglicht, den Satelliten zu betreiben, Ressourcen zu planen und die Konfiguration der Nutzlast zu koordinieren. Diese integrierte Lösung soll Thaicom dabei helfen, die Servicequalität zu verbessern, Einnahmen zu erzielen und innovative Geschäftsmodelle für seine Kunden in der dynamischen Asien-Pazifik-Region zu ermöglichen.

  • Secured a multi-million dollar contract with Thaicom
  • Providing advanced ground capabilities for software-defined satellites
  • Expanding presence in the Asia Pacific satellite market
  • Demonstrating expertise in integrated satellite and ground system solutions
  • None.

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions (NASDAQ: KTOS) has secured a multi-million dollar contract from Thaicom, signaling a positive development for the company's revenue stream. While the exact contract value isn't disclosed, the deal's scope suggests a substantial impact on Kratos' financials. This contract enhances Kratos' position in the growing software-defined satellite market, potentially leading to increased market share and future opportunities. The partnership with Thaicom, a key player in the Asian market, could open doors for further expansion in the region. Investors should note that this deal aligns with industry trends towards more flexible and efficient satellite operations, positioning Kratos favorably in a high-growth sector.

The contract highlights Kratos' technological edge in ground systems for software-defined satellites. Their solution enables dynamic capacity and coverage adjustments, a important feature in today's rapidly evolving satellite market. This technology allows for on-demand service delivery, potentially revolutionizing satellite operations efficiency. Kratos' ability to integrate satellite control, resource planning and payload configuration demonstrates their comprehensive expertise in satellite ground systems. The company's experience with multiple satellite payloads and various ground segment areas positions them as a leader in this niche but growing market. This contract could serve as a showcase for Kratos' capabilities, potentially attracting more clients in the software-defined satellite space.

This deal signifies a strategic move in the Asia Pacific satellite market, which is known for its dynamism and rapid adaptation to market needs. Thaicom's investment in software-defined satellite technology, supported by Kratos' ground systems, indicates a shift towards more flexible and responsive satellite services in the region. This trend could reshape the competitive landscape, potentially pressuring traditional satellite operators to upgrade their capabilities. For Kratos, this contract not only provides immediate revenue but also positions them as a key enabler in the region's satellite industry transformation. The emphasis on service quality improvement and new business case enablement suggests that this technology could drive innovation and create new market opportunities in satellite services across Asia Pacific.

New End-to-End Ground Capability Will Empower Thaicom to Rapidly Adapt to Market Changes and Deliver Services On-Demand

SAN DIEGO, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq: KTOS), a technology company in Defense, National Security and Global Markets, announced today that Thaicom Public Company Limited (Thaicom), a leading satellite and space tech company in the Asian market, awarded Kratos a contract for its end-to-end ground system. The ground system will enable Thaicom to configure the satellite and ground system in tandem to deliver services to customers on demand optimizing the advanced features of its new software-defined satellite, THAICOM-10.

Thaicom acquired its first software-defined satellite, THAICOM-10, to continue to deliver enhanced services for its customers. This flexible satellite will enable Thaicom to dynamically adjust capacity and coverage while in orbit, adapting seamlessly to changes in demand. This new software-defined capability drove Thaicom’s need for new more advanced capabilities on the ground to support the flexible payload.

“The Asia Pacific region is highly dynamic and responsive to changing market needs, so the combination of a software-defined satellite with a flexible ground system working in unison offers Thaicom a great opportunity to improve service quality, capture revenue as well as enable innovative new business cases for its customers,” explained John Chay, Vice President of APAC region for Kratos.

To enable the satellite to provide capacity when and where needed by customers, Thaicom selected Kratos to deliver a satellite operation center (SOC) for THAICOM-10. Kratos’ end-to-end ground solution will unlock the full potential of the software-defined satellite by enabling Thaicom to fly the satellite, plan the satellite resources, orchestrate the satellite payload configuration along with the ground in unison to deliver services to customers.

“As we modernize and replenish our satellite fleet, Kratos is providing advanced ground capabilities such as traffic planning, resource orchestration, and performance monitoring to support our software-defined satellite,” explained Park Boonyubol, Senior Vice President of Technology and Satellite Operations at Thaicom. “Their proven experience delivering a complete satellite control system for the THAICOM 8 satellite and their breadth of capabilities across the ground segment brings us confidence that we will maximize the full value of our THAICOM-10 satellite.”

Kratos has a proven track record of delivering state-of-the-art ground solutions and is at the forefront of developing new capabilities to support today’s software-defined satellites. The company works closely with the leading satellite manufacturers to support multiple satellite payloads. Kratos also brings a breadth of experience across the ground segment in areas such as satellite command and control (C2), telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C), payload operations, network management and spectrum monitoring to deliver integrated satellite and ground system solutions.

About Kratos Defense & Security Solutions
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: KTOS) is a technology, products, system and software company addressing the defense, national security, and commercial markets. Kratos makes true internally funded research, development, capital and other investments, to rapidly develop, produce and field solutions that address our customers’ mission critical needs and requirements. At Kratos, affordability is a technology, and we seek to utilize proven, leading edge approaches and technology, not unproven bleeding edge approaches or technology, with Kratos’ approach designed to reduce cost, schedule and risk, enabling us to be first to market with cost effective solutions. We believe that Kratos is known as an innovative disruptive change agent in the industry, a company that is an expert in designing products and systems up front for successful rapid, large quantity, low cost future manufacturing which is a value add competitive differentiator for our large traditional prime system integrator partners and also to our government and commercial customers. Kratos intends to pursue program and contract opportunities as the prime or lead contractor when we believe that our probability of win (PWin) is high and any investment required by Kratos is within our capital resource comfort level. We intend to partner and team with a large, traditional system integrator when our assessment of PWin is greater or required investment is beyond Kratos’ comfort level. Kratos’ primary business areas include virtualized ground systems for satellites and space vehicles including software for command & control (C2) and telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C), jet powered unmanned aerial drone systems, hypersonic vehicles and rocket systems, propulsion systems for drones, missiles, loitering munitions, supersonic systems, space craft and launch systems, C5ISR and microwave electronic products for missile, radar, missile defense, space, satellite, counter UAS, directed energy, communication and other systems, and virtual & augmented reality training systems for the warfighter. For more information, visit

About Thaicom
Thaicom Public Company Limited is a leading Asian satellite operator and regional space technology company. Established in 1991, Thaicom leverages its expertise in the satellite industry to provide comprehensive end-to-end satellite communications services. With proven track records as the pioneers in broadband and broadcast services in Asia, Thaicom developed and launched IPSTAR (Thaicom 4), the world’s first High Throughput Satellite (HTS), as well as providing Asia’s first Ku-band Direct-to-Home (DTH) broadcasting. As the leading regional space tech company, Thaicom leverages data from space, bringing GEO or non-GEO technology to capture new services. The company is dedicated to building on our commitment to empowering people with Innovative space technology for a better life. For more information visit:

Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements in this press release may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are made on the basis of the current beliefs, expectations and assumptions of the management of Kratos and are subject to significant risks and uncertainty. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements. All such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and Kratos undertakes no obligation to update or revise these statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Although Kratos believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, these statements involve many risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from what may be expressed or implied in these forward-looking statements. For a further discussion of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ from those expressed in these forward-looking statements, as well as risks relating to the business of Kratos in general, see the risk disclosures in the Annual Report on Form 10-K of Kratos for the year ended December 31, 2023, and in subsequent reports on Forms 10-Q and 8-K and other filings made with the SEC by Kratos.

Press Contact:
Claire Burghoff

Investor Information:


What is the value of the contract Kratos (KTOS) won from Thaicom?

The contract is described as a multi-million dollar ground system contract, but the exact value is not specified in the press release.

What capabilities will Kratos (KTOS) provide for Thaicom's THAICOM-10 satellite?

Kratos will provide an end-to-end ground system, including a satellite operation center (SOC), enabling Thaicom to configure the satellite and ground system together, plan resources, and orchestrate payload configuration to deliver on-demand services.

How will Kratos' (KTOS) ground system benefit Thaicom's operations?

The ground system will allow Thaicom to dynamically adjust capacity and coverage of their software-defined satellite while in orbit, improving service quality, capturing revenue, and enabling innovative business cases for customers in the Asia Pacific region.

Has Kratos (KTOS) worked with Thaicom before this contract?

Yes, Kratos has previously delivered a complete satellite control system for Thaicom's THAICOM 8 satellite, as mentioned by Thaicom's Senior VP of Technology and Satellite Operations.

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc.


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