KT&G Announces Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Reiterates Commitment to Shareholder Value Enhancement

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KT&G (KTCIY) reported strong Q2 2024 financial results, with revenue up 6.6% to KRW 1.424 trillion and operating profit surging 30.6% to KRW 321.5 billion. The growth was primarily driven by robust performance in the Overseas Cigarette business, which saw revenue soar 35.3% to a record KRW 359.1 billion. The domestic NGP business also grew, with revenue up 10.8% and operating profit increasing 42.8%. KT&G reaffirmed its commitment to shareholder value, announcing an interim dividend of KRW 1,200 and plans to buy back and cancel 3.61 million shares worth KRW 350 billion. The company projects full-year revenue growth of 2.5-3%, with operating profit expected to remain flat.

KT&G (KTCIY) ha riportato risultati finanziari solidi per il secondo trimestre del 2024, con ricavi aumentati del 6,6% a 1,424 trilioni di KRW e utile operativo in crescita del 30,6% a 321,5 miliardi di KRW. La crescita è stata principalmente guidata da una forte performance nel settore delle sigarette estere, che ha visto ricavi salire del 35,3% a un massimo storico di 359,1 miliardi di KRW. Anche il settore NGP nazionale ha registrato crescita, con ricavi in aumento del 10,8% e utile operativo in crescita del 42,8%. KT&G ha ribadito il suo impegno verso il valore per gli azionisti, annunciando un dividendo intermedio di 1.200 KRW e piani per riacquistare e annullare 3,61 milioni di azioni per un valore di 350 miliardi di KRW. L'azienda prevede una crescita dei ricavi per l'intero anno del 2,5-3%, con un utile operativo previsto in stallo.

KT&G (KTCIY) reportó sólidos resultados financieros en el segundo trimestre de 2024, con ingresos aumentando un 6.6% a 1.424 billones de KRW y beneficio operativo disparándose un 30.6% a 321.5 mil millones de KRW. El crecimiento fue impulsado principalmente por un sólido desempeño en el negocio de cigarrillos en el extranjero, donde los ingresos se dispararon un 35.3% a un récord de 359.1 mil millones de KRW. El negocio nacional de NGP también creció, con ingresos en aumento del 10.8% y beneficios operativos incrementándose un 42.8%. KT&G reafirmó su compromiso con el valor para los accionistas, anunciando un dividendo interino de 1,200 KRW y planes para recomprar y cancelar 3.61 millones de acciones por un valor de 350 mil millones de KRW. La compañía proyecta un crecimiento de ingresos de 2.5-3% para todo el año, con un beneficio operativo que se espera se mantenga plano.

KT&G (KTCIY)는 2024년 2분기 실적이 우수하게 나타났다고 보고했습니다. 매출은 6.6% 증가한 1.424조 원이며 영업이익은 30.6% 급증한 3,215억 원에 달했습니다. 성장의 주된 요인은 해외 담배 사업의 견조한 성과로, 매출이 35.3% 증가하여 사상 최대인 3,591억 원에 달하였습니다. 국내 NGP 사업도 성장세를 보였으며, 매출은 10.8% 증가하고 영업이익은 42.8% 증가했습니다. KT&G는 주주 가치를 위한 약속을 재확인하며 1,200원의 중간 배당금을 발표하고, 3.61백만 주를 3,500억 원에 매입 및 취소할 계획을 세웠습니다. 회사는 연간 매출 성장률을 2.5-3%로 예상하며 영업이익은 평탄할 것으로 보입니다.

KT&G (KTCIY) a annoncé des résultats financiers solides pour le deuxième trimestre de 2024, avec un chiffre d'affaires en hausse de 6,6% à 1,424 trillion de KRW et un bénéfice opérationnel en hausse de 30,6% à 321,5 milliards de KRW. La croissance a été principalement tirée par une forte performance dans le secteur des cigarettes à l'étranger, où les revenus ont grimpé de 35,3% pour atteindre un niveau record de 359,1 milliards de KRW. Le secteur national des NGP a également connu une progression, avec un chiffre d'affaires en hausse de 10,8% et un bénéfice opérationnel en hausse de 42,8%. KT&G a réaffirmé son engagement envers la valeur pour les actionnaires, annonçant un dividende intermédiaire de 1.200 KRW et des projets de rachat et d'annulation de 3,61 millions d'actions pour une valeur de 350 milliards de KRW. L'entreprise prévoit une croissance du chiffre d'affaires de 2,5 à 3% pour l'année entière, avec un bénéfice opérationnel qui devrait rester stable.

KT&G (KTCIY) hat für das zweite Quartal 2024 starke Finanzzahlen gemeldet, mit Umsatzsteigerungen von 6,6% auf 1,424 Billionen KRW und Betriebsgewinnen, die um 30,6% auf 321,5 Milliarden KRW anstiegen. Das Wachstum wurde hauptsächlich durch die starke Leistung im Auslandsgeschäft mit Zigaretten angetrieben, das Umsätze von 35,3% auf einen Rekord von 359,1 Milliarden KRW verzeichnete. Auch das nationale NGP-Geschäft wuchs, mit einem Umsatzanstieg von 10,8% und einem Anstieg des Betriebsgewinns von 42,8%. KT&G bekräftigte sein Engagement für den Aktionärswert und kündigte eine Zwischenauszahlung von 1.200 KRW sowie Pläne an, 3,61 Millionen Aktien im Wert von 350 Milliarden KRW zurückzukaufen und zu annullieren. Das Unternehmen erwartet für das Gesamtjahr ein Umsatzwachstum von 2,5-3%, wobei der Betriebsgewinn voraussichtlich stabil bleibt.

  • Revenue increased 6.6% to KRW 1.424 trillion in Q2 2024
  • Operating profit surged 30.6% to KRW 321.5 billion
  • Overseas Cigarette business revenue grew 35.3% to a record KRW 359.1 billion
  • Domestic NGP business revenue increased 10.8% with operating profit up 42.8%
  • Health Functional Food business revenue grew 38.4% year-over-year
  • Announced interim dividend of KRW 1,200 per share
  • Plans to buy back and cancel 3.61 million shares worth KRW 350 billion
  • Full-year operating profit expected to remain flat due to changes in Health Functional Food and Real Estate sectors
  • Revenue increased by 6.6% and operating profit by 30.6%, driven by robust performance in tobacco business
  • KT&G reaffirms commitment to maximizing corporate value with core business-driven growth and enhancing shareholder value through best-in-class shareholder return policy

SEOUL, South Korea, Aug. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- KT&G Corporation ("KT&G" or the "Company") (KRX:033780), South Korea's leading tobacco manufacturer, today hosted an earnings conference call and announced its financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024.

The company reported consolidated revenue of KRW 1.424 trillion and operating profit of KRW 321.5 billion, marking year-over-year growth rate of 6.6% and 30.6%, respectively.

KT&G's second quarter growth was mainly driven by the robust performance in the Overseas Cigarette business, which is one of the company's 3 core growth businesses (Overseas Cigarette, Next Generation Product, Health Functional Food). The Overseas Cigarette business achieved growth in all key metrics, including revenue, operating profit, and sales volume. The revenue, in particular, reached an all-time high of KRW 359.1 billion, with an impressive double-digit growth rate of 35.3% this quarter. The operating profit soared by 139.1% year-over-year.

The domestic NGP (Next Generation Product or Heated Tobacco) business also saw growth in all 3 key metrics: revenue increased by 10.8%, operating profit by 42.8%, and sales volume by 7.7% year-over-year. The overseas business continued to improve its profitability, driven by an increased proportion of stick sales volume, which is the key growth driver of the business.

The Health Functional Food business also expanded growth overseas, with revenue increasing by 38.4% year-over-year to KRW 92.6 billion. This growth was driven by a 75.4% increase in revenue from China, a key market, reaching KRW 61.9 billion.

During the earnings conference call, KT&G also shared specific plans to execute the mid-to-long-term shareholder return plan introduced last year. The plan includes KRW 1.8 trillion in cash dividend, KRW 1 trillion allocated for share buyback, and cancellation of nearly 15% of its outstanding shares. In February, KT&G cancelled 3.5 million existing treasury shares (equivalent to around KRW 315 billion).

On the same day, KT&G's Board of Directors resolved to declare an interim dividend of KRW 1,200 and plans for share buyback and cancellation, demonstrating the Board's continued dedication to enhancing shareholder value by faithfully executing the shareholder return policy. The total annual dividend for this year, including the interim dividend, is expected to increase compared to last year and continue on an upward trend.

Moreover, KT&G plans to buy back 3.61 million treasury shares for immediate cancellation, worth approximately KRW 350 billion, starting from August 9, 2024. The total share cancellation amount for this year is expected to reach around KRW 665 billion. Additionally, KT&G plans to unveil a new corporate value enhancement plan in the second half of the year, continuing its strong commitment to the shareholder return policy.

Also, KT&G intends to accelerate the achievement of its vision towards a 'Global Top-tier' company by strengthening fundamental competitiveness and structural reforms centered around the 3 core growth businesses. To that end, in July, the company executed a MoU with Philip Morris International for collaboration on U.S. PMTA (Pre-market Tobacco Product Application) submission for KT&G's new NGP products.

KT&G also updated its full year outlook during the earnings conference call. The company projects the annual consolidated revenue to grow 2.5~3%, with operating profit expected to remain flat, reflecting changes in the business environment in the Health Functional Food and Real Estate sectors.

KT&G's spokesperson said: "We achieved growth in both revenue and operating profit in the second quarter by expanding our overseas business, which delivered solid performance in our core growth areas. We will continue to maximize corporate value by strengthening the competitiveness of our core growth businesses and enhance shareholder value through our best-in-class shareholder return policy."


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SOURCE KT&G Corporation


What were KT&G's (KTCIY) Q2 2024 financial results?

KT&G reported Q2 2024 revenue of KRW 1.424 trillion, up 6.6%, and operating profit of KRW 321.5 billion, up 30.6% year-over-year.

How did KT&G's Overseas Cigarette business perform in Q2 2024?

KT&G's Overseas Cigarette business achieved record revenue of KRW 359.1 billion in Q2 2024, growing 35.3% year-over-year, with operating profit increasing by 139.1%.

What is KT&G's (KTCIY) dividend plan for 2024?

KT&G announced an interim dividend of KRW 1,200 per share for 2024, with the total annual dividend expected to increase compared to the previous year.

What are KT&G's share buyback plans for 2024?

KT&G plans to buy back 3.61 million treasury shares worth approximately KRW 350 billion for immediate cancellation, starting from August 9, 2024.

What is KT&G's (KTCIY) revenue outlook for 2024?

KT&G projects annual consolidated revenue growth of 2.5-3% for 2024, with operating profit expected to remain flat due to changes in certain business sectors.



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Tobacco Manufacturing
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