Key Tronic Corporation Announces Results for the Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2024

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Key Tronic (KTCC) reported Q4 fiscal 2024 results, with revenue of $125.7 million, down from $162.6 million in Q4 2023. Full-year 2024 revenue was $559.4 million, compared to $588.1 million in 2023. Despite a cybersecurity incident causing $15 million in unfulfilled orders and $2.3 million in additional expenses, the company improved its gross margin to 9.0% in Q4. Net income for Q4 was $0.0 million or $0.00 per share, compared to $1.1 million or $0.10 per share in Q4 2023. For fiscal 2025's first quarter, Key Tronic expects revenue between $140-150 million and earnings of $0.10-$0.20 per diluted share.

Key Tronic (KTCC) ha riportato i risultati del quarto trimestre dell'anno fiscale 2024, con un fatturato di 125,7 milioni di dollari, in calo rispetto ai 162,6 milioni di dollari del quarto trimestre 2023. Il fatturato totale per il 2024 è stato di 559,4 milioni di dollari, rispetto ai 588,1 milioni di dollari del 2023. Nonostante un incidente di cybersecurity che ha causato ordini non evasi per 15 milioni di dollari e spese aggiuntive di 2,3 milioni di dollari, l'azienda ha migliorato il suo margine lordo al 9,0% nel quarto trimestre. Il reddito netto per il quarto trimestre è stato di 0,0 milioni di dollari o 0,00 dollari per azione, rispetto a 1,1 milioni di dollari o 0,10 dollari per azione nel quarto trimestre 2023. Per il primo trimestre dell'anno fiscale 2025, Key Tronic prevede un fatturato tra 140 e 150 milioni di dollari e utili di 0,10-0,20 dollari per azione diluita.

Key Tronic (KTCC) reportó los resultados del cuarto trimestre del año fiscal 2024, con ingresos de 125,7 millones de dólares, una disminución respecto a los 162,6 millones de dólares en el cuarto trimestre de 2023. Los ingresos totales para el año 2024 fueron de 559,4 millones de dólares, en comparación con los 588,1 millones de dólares en 2023. A pesar de un incidente de ciberseguridad que causó 15 millones de dólares en órdenes no cumplidas y 2,3 millones de dólares en gastos adicionales, la compañía mejoró su margen bruto al 9,0% en el cuarto trimestre. La utilidad neta para el cuarto trimestre fue de 0,0 millones de dólares o 0,00 dólares por acción, comparado con 1,1 millones de dólares o 0,10 dólares por acción en el cuarto trimestre de 2023. Para el primer trimestre del año fiscal 2025, Key Tronic espera ingresos entre 140 y 150 millones de dólares y ganancias de 0,10 a 0,20 dólares por acción diluida.

키트로닉 (KTCC)은 2024 회계연도 4분기 결과를 보고했으며, 매출은 1억 2,570만 달러로 2023년 4분기의 1억 6,260만 달러에서 감소하였습니다. 2024년의 전체 연간 매출은 5억 5,940만 달러로, 2023년의 5억 8,810만 달러와 비교되었습니다. 사이버 보안 사건으로 인해 1,500만 달러의 미이행 주문과 추가 비용 230만 달러가 발생했음에도 불구하고, 4분기 총 매출 총이익률은 9.0%로 개선되었습니다. 4분기 순이익은 0.0 백만 달러 또는 주당 0.00 달러로, 2023년 4분기의 110만 달러 또는 주당 0.10 달러와 비교됩니다. 2025 회계연도 첫 분기에 대해 키트로닉은 1억 4,000만에서 1억 5,000만 달러의 매출과 주당 0.10에서 0.20 달러의 순익을 예상하고 있습니다.

Key Tronic (KTCC) a publié les résultats du quatrième trimestre de l'exercice fiscal 2024, avec un chiffre d'affaires de 125,7 millions de dollars, en baisse par rapport à 162,6 millions de dollars au quatrième trimestre 2023. Le chiffre d'affaires total pour l'année 2024 s'est élevé à 559,4 millions de dollars, contre 588,1 millions de dollars en 2023. Malgré un incident de cybersécurité ayant entraîné 15 millions de dollars de commandes non honorées et 2,3 millions de dollars de dépenses supplémentaires, l'entreprise a amélioré sa marge brute à 9,0% au quatrième trimestre. Le revenu net pour le quatrième trimestre était de 0,0 million de dollars ou 0,00 dollar par action, comparé à 1,1 million de dollars ou 0,10 dollar par action au quatrième trimestre 2023. Pour le premier trimestre de l'exercice fiscal 2025, Key Tronic prévoit des revenus compris entre 140 et 150 millions de dollars et des bénéfices de 0,10 à 0,20 dollar par action diluée.

Key Tronic (KTCC) hat die Ergebnisse des vierten Quartals des Geschäftsjahres 2024 veröffentlicht, mit einem Umsatz von 125,7 Millionen Dollar, ein Rückgang von 162,6 Millionen Dollar im vierten Quartal 2023. Der Gesamterlös für das Jahr 2024 betrug 559,4 Millionen Dollar, im Vergleich zu 588,1 Millionen Dollar im Jahr 2023. Trotz eines Cyber-Sicherheitsvorfalls, der zu 15 Millionen Dollar an unerfüllten Bestellungen und 2,3 Millionen Dollar an zusätzlichen Kosten führte, gelang es dem Unternehmen, die Bruttomarge im vierten Quartal auf 9,0% zu erhöhen. Der Nettogewinn für das vierte Quartal betrug 0,0 Millionen Dollar beziehungsweise 0,00 Dollar pro Aktie, verglichen mit 1,1 Millionen Dollar oder 0,10 Dollar pro Aktie im vierten Quartal 2023. Für das erste Quartal des Geschäftsjahres 2025 erwartet Key Tronic einen Umsatz zwischen 140 und 150 Millionen Dollar sowie Gewinne von 0,10 bis 0,20 Dollar pro verwässerter Aktie.

  • Improved gross margin to 9.0% in Q4 2024 from 8.5% in Q4 2023
  • Workforce reductions in Mexico expected to save over $10 million annually
  • Expansion of customer base with new program wins in various industries
  • Positive Q1 fiscal 2025 guidance with expected revenue of $140-150 million
  • Q4 2024 revenue decreased to $125.7 million from $162.6 million in Q4 2023
  • Full-year 2024 revenue declined to $559.4 million from $588.1 million in 2023
  • Cybersecurity incident caused $15 million in unfulfilled orders and $2.3 million in additional expenses
  • Net income for Q4 2024 dropped to $0.0 million from $1.1 million in Q4 2023
  • Full-year 2024 resulted in a net loss of $(0.8) million compared to $5.2 million net income in 2023

Key Tronic's Q4 FY2024 results reveal a mixed picture. Despite a cybersecurity incident causing a $15 million revenue shortfall, the company managed to improve its gross margin to 9.0% from 8.5% year-over-year. This improvement, coupled with cost-saving measures like workforce reductions in Mexico, indicates potential for enhanced profitability.

The adjusted net income of $1.1 million ($0.10 per share) shows resilience in the face of challenges. However, investors should note the full-year net loss of $(0.8) million, a significant drop from the previous year's profit. The projected Q1 FY2025 revenue of $140-150 million suggests a recovery trajectory, but execution will be key to regaining investor confidence.

The cybersecurity incident at Key Tronic underscores the critical importance of robust IT infrastructure in manufacturing. The $2.3 million in additional expenses for remediation highlights the potential financial impact of such breaches. However, the company's swift response, including deploying new IT infrastructure and engaging cybersecurity experts, is commendable.

Moving forward, investors should monitor Key Tronic's ongoing cybersecurity measures. The incident's resolution and the company's statement about increased defenses against future attacks are positive signs. However, the full extent of the breach and its long-term implications on customer trust and future contracts remain uncertain. This event serves as a stark reminder of the growing cybersecurity risks in the manufacturing sector.

Key Tronic's results reflect broader trends in the EMS industry. The company's expansion into new programs across various sectors, including industrial equipment and medical devices, aligns with the increasing demand for diversified manufacturing capabilities. The mention of a "strong pipeline of new business" and trends towards on-shoring and dual sourcing is particularly noteworthy.

The improved utilization of US and Vietnam facilities for lower-volume, high-service-level products indicates a strategic shift towards higher-margin operations. This, combined with the expected $10 million annual savings from workforce reductions in Mexico, positions Key Tronic for potential margin improvements. However, the company must navigate geopolitical uncertainties and supply chain challenges to fully capitalize on these opportunities.

New Program Wins and Improving Gross Margins

SPOKANE VALLEY, Wash., Aug. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Key Tronic Corporation (Nasdaq: KTCC), a provider of electronic manufacturing services (EMS), today announced its results for the quarter and fiscal year ended June 29, 2024.

For the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024, Key Tronic reported total revenue of $125.7 million, compared to $162.6 million in the same period of fiscal year 2023. For the full year of fiscal 2024, total revenue was $559.4 million, compared to $588.1 million for fiscal year 2023.

As previously disclosed, a cybersecurity incident caused disruptions and limited access to portions of the Company’s business applications supporting operations and corporate functions at its Mexico and U.S. sites during the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024. During the disruption of business, Key Tronic continued to pay wages in accordance with statutory requirements. The Company also deployed new IT-related infrastructure and engaged cyber security experts to remediate the incident. As a result, the Company incurred additional expenses of approximately $2.3 million and was unable to fulfill approximately $15 million of revenue during the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024.   Most of these orders are recoverable and are expected to be fulfilled in fiscal year 2025.

Partially offsetting these additional cybersecurity-related expenses was a favorable weakening of the Mexican Peso that began in the latter half of the fourth quarter, decreasing expenses by approximately $0.6 million during the fourth quarter for fiscal year 2024, as well as an insurance gain in the amount of approximately $0.7 million, related to losses incurred from storm damage to the Company’s Arkansas facility in 2022.

Despite the business disruption event, Key Tronic improved its gross margin during Q4, primarily reflecting its workforce reductions in Mexico during the third quarter and the weakening of the Mexican Peso. The Company’s gross margin was 9.0% and operating margin was 2.2% for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024, compared to a gross margin of 8.5% and an operating margin of 2.6% on higher revenue in the same period of fiscal year 2023.

Net income was $0.0 million or $0.00 per share for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024, compared to net income of $1.1 million or $0.10 per share for the same period of fiscal year 2023. For the full year of fiscal 2024, net loss was $(0.8) million or $(0.07) per share, compared to net income of $5.2 million or $0.48 per share for fiscal year 2023.

Adjusted net income was $1.1 million or $0.10 per share for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024, compared to $1.0 million or $0.09 per share for the same period of fiscal year 2023. For the full year of fiscal 2024, adjusted net income was $3.4 million or $0.31 per share, compared to $2.2 million or $0.20 per share for fiscal year 2023. See “Non-GAAP Financial Measures,” below for additional information about adjusted net income and adjusted net income per share.

“Despite the significant business disruption from the cyberattack in the fourth quarter, we have taken the necessary steps to get back to full production and increase our defenses against future attacks. We’re seeing improving operating efficiencies from our recent workforce reductions in Mexico, which we expect will continue to save us more than $10 million annually,” said Brett Larsen, President and Chief Executive Officer. “During the fourth quarter, we continued to expand our customer base, winning new programs involving industrial moving equipment, industrial storage, medical devices and consumer air filtration products.”  

“As we move into fiscal 2025, we’re seeing a gradual rebound in our Mexico-based production for higher-volume manufacturing and increased utilization of our US and Vietnam facilities for lower-volume products with higher service level requirements. The strong pipeline of new business underscores the continued trend towards on-shoring and dual sourcing of contract manufacturing. We’re well-positioned for growth and improved profitability in coming periods.”

The financial data presented for the fourth quarter and full year of fiscal 2024 should be considered preliminary and could be subject to change, as the Company’s independent auditor has not completed their audit procedures.

Business Outlook

For the first quarter of fiscal 2025, Key Tronic expects to report revenue in the range of $140 million to $150 million and earnings in the range $0.10 to $0.20 per diluted share. These expected results assume an effective tax rate of 20% in the coming quarter.

Conference Call

Key Tronic will host a conference call to discuss its financial results at 2:00 PM Pacific (5:00 PM Eastern) today. A broadcast of the conference call will be available at under “Investor Relations” or by calling 888-394-8218 or +1-313-209-4906 (Access Code: 2512974). The Company will also reference accompanying slides that can be viewed with the webcast at under “Investor Relations”. A replay will be available at under “Investor Relations”.

About Key Tronic

Key Tronic is a leading contract manufacturer offering value-added design and manufacturing services from its facilities in the United States, Mexico, China and Vietnam. The Company provides its customers with full engineering services, materials management, worldwide manufacturing facilities, assembly services, in-house testing, and worldwide distribution. Its customers include some of the world’s leading original equipment manufacturers. For more information about Key Tronic visit:

Forward-Looking Statements

Some of the statements in this press release are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to those including such words as aims, anticipates, believes, continues, estimates, expects, hopes, intends, plans, predicts, projects, targets, will, or would, similar verbs, or nouns corresponding to such verbs, which may be forward looking. Forward-looking statements also include other passages that are relevant to expected future events, performances, and actions or that can only be fully evaluated by events that will occur in the future. Forward-looking statements in this release include, without limitation, the Company’s statements regarding its expectations with respect to financial conditions and results, including revenue and earnings, including as a result of the impact of the cybersecurity incident, cost savings from workforce reduction, demand for certain products and the effectiveness of some of its programs, business from customers and programs, and impacts from operational streamlining, and efficiencies. There are many factors, risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those predicted or projected in forward-looking statements, including but not limited to: the completion of the Company’s investigation regarding the cybersecurity incident, including the possibility that containment and remediation may not be successful; the improper use of exfiltrated information from the cybersecurity incident and related regulatory proceedings or litigation; the future of the global economic environment and its impact on our customers and suppliers; the availability of components from the supply chain; the availability of a healthy workforce; the accuracy of suppliers’ and customers’ forecasts; development and success of customers’ programs and products; timing and effectiveness of ramping of new programs; success of new-product introductions; the risk of legal proceedings or governmental investigations relating to the subject of the internal investigation by the Company’s Audit Committee and related or other unrelated matters; acquisitions or divestitures of operations or facilities; technology advances; changes in pricing policies by the Company, its competitors, customers or suppliers; impact of new governmental legislation and regulation, including tax reform, tariffs and related activities, such trade negotiations and other risks; and other factors, risks, and uncertainties detailed from time to time in the Company’s SEC filings.

Non-GAAP Financial Measures

To supplement our consolidated financial statements, which are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States (GAAP), we use certain non-GAAP financial measures, adjusted net income and adjusted net income per share. We provide these non-GAAP financial measures because we believe they provide greater transparency related to our core operations and represent supplemental information used by management in its financial and operational decision making. We exclude (or include) certain items in our non-GAAP financial measures as we believe the net result is a measure of our core business. We believe this facilitates operating performance comparisons from period to period by eliminating potential differences caused by the existence and timing of certain income and expense items that would not otherwise be apparent on a GAAP basis. Non-GAAP performance measures should be considered in addition to, and not as a substitute for, results prepared in accordance with GAAP. We strongly encourage investors and shareholders to review our financial statements and publicly-filed reports in their entirety and not to rely on any single financial measure. Our non-GAAP financial measures may be different from those reported by other companies. See the table below entitled “Reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP measures” for reconciliations of adjusted net income and adjusted net income per share to the most directly comparable GAAP measures, which are GAAP net income and GAAP net income per share.

(In thousands, except per share amounts)
 Three Months EndedTwelve Months Ended
 June 29, 2024 July 1, 2023June 29, 2024 July 1, 2023
Net sales$125,689  $162,610 $559,396  $588,135 
Cost of sales 114,363   148,712  517,364   540,663 
Gross profit 11,326   13,898  42,032   47,472 
Research, development and engineering expenses 2,135   2,573  8,368   9,735 
Selling, general and administrative expenses 7,203   7,363  25,465   25,715 
Gain on insurance proceeds, net of losses (715)  (261) (1,146)  (4,301)
Total operating expenses 8,623   9,675  32,687   31,149 
Operating income 2,703   4,223  9,345   16,323 
Interest expense, net 3,173   2,941  11,945   10,023 
Income (loss) before income taxes (470)  1,282  (2,600)  6,300 
Income tax (benefit) provision (507)  220  (1,836)  1,143 
Net income (loss)$37  $1,062 $(764) $5,157 
Net income (loss) per share — Basic$0.00  $0.10 $(0.07) $0.48 
Weighted average shares outstanding — Basic 10,762   10,762  10,762   10,762 
Net income (loss) per share — Diluted$0.00  $0.10 $(0.07) $0.47 
Weighted average shares outstanding — Diluted 10,762   10,996  10,762   10,938 

(In thousands)
  June 29, 2024 July 1, 2023
Current assets:    
Cash and cash equivalents $4,752  $3,603 
Trade receivables, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $411 and $23  135,065   150,600 
Contract assets  21,272   29,925 
Inventories, net  108,997   137,911 
Other  25,672   27,510 
Total current assets  295,758   349,549 
Property, plant and equipment, net  28,806   28,870 
Operating lease right-of-use assets, net  15,416   16,202 
Other assets:    
Deferred income tax asset  16,069   12,254 
Other  5,346   11,397 
Total other assets  21,415   23,651 
Total assets $361,395  $418,272 
Current liabilities:    
Accounts payable $79,394  $115,899 
Accrued compensation and vacation  6,510   13,351 
Current portion of long-term debt  3,123   3,138 
Other  15,348   19,578 
Total current liabilities  104,375   151,966 
Long-term liabilities:    
Long-term debt, net  116,382   121,531 
Operating lease liabilities  10,312   10,317 
Deferred income tax liability  263   274 
Other long-term obligations  219   3,567 
Total long-term liabilities  127,176   135,689 
Total liabilities  231,551   287,655 
Shareholders’ equity:    
Common stock, no par value—shares authorized 25,000; issued and outstanding 10,762 and 10,762 shares, respectively  47,837   47,728 
Retained earnings  82,222   82,986 
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)  (215)  (97)
Total shareholders’ equity  129,844   130,617 
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity $361,395  $418,272 

Reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP measures
(In thousands, except per share amounts)
 Three Months EndedTwelve Months Ended
 June 29, 2024 July 1, 2023June 29, 2024 July 1, 2023
GAAP net income (loss) 37  $1,062 $(764) $5,157 
Cybersecurity expenses 2,340     2,340    
Severance expenses (benefit) (223)  73  3,846   354 
Gain on insurance proceeds (net of losses) (715)  (261) (1,146)  (4,301)
Stock-based compensation expense (54)  76  109   254 
Income tax effect of non-GAAP adjustments (1) (270)  22  (1,030)  739 
Adjusted net income:$1,115  $972 $3,355  $2,203 
Adjusted net income (loss) per share — non-GAAP Diluted$0.10  $0.09 $0.31  $0.20 
Weighted average shares outstanding — Diluted 10,762   10,996  10,854   10,938 
(1) Income tax effects are calculated using an effective tax rate of 20%, which approximates the effective GAAP tax rate for the presented periods.

CONTACTS: Tony Voorhees Michael Newman
  Chief Financial Officer Investor Relations
  Key Tronic Corporation StreetConnect
  (509)-927-5345 (206) 729-3625


What was Key Tronic's (KTCC) revenue for Q4 fiscal 2024?

Key Tronic reported total revenue of $125.7 million for Q4 fiscal 2024.

How did the cybersecurity incident affect Key Tronic's (KTCC) Q4 2024 results?

The cybersecurity incident caused $15 million in unfulfilled orders and $2.3 million in additional expenses for Key Tronic in Q4 2024.

What is Key Tronic's (KTCC) revenue guidance for Q1 fiscal 2025?

Key Tronic expects revenue in the range of $140 million to $150 million for Q1 fiscal 2025.

How much does Key Tronic (KTCC) expect to save annually from workforce reductions in Mexico?

Key Tronic expects to save more than $10 million annually from workforce reductions in Mexico.

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