Long Live Cowboys…and Burgers!
Wrangler and Whataburger have announced a new collaborative apparel collection ahead of the Texas rodeo season. The 33-piece collection combines Wrangler's classic American denim style with Whataburger's distinctive orange-and-white branding.
The collection includes denim vests with branded patches, orange-and-white striped shorts and jeans, trucker jackets featuring Whataburger's 'Flying W,' and hamburger-inspired hoodies, graphic tees, and hats. Prices range from $34.99 to $89.99, and items are available on Wrangler.com and Whatastore.com.
This partnership emphasizes both brands' connection to Texas culture and their commitment to quality and authenticity, representing a new approach to Western style with a contemporary twist.
Wrangler e Whataburger hanno annunciato una nuova collezione di abbigliamento collaborativa in vista della stagione del rodeo in Texas. La collezione di 33 pezzi unisce lo stile classico in denim americano di Wrangler con il caratteristico branding arancione e bianco di Whataburger.
La collezione include gilet in denim con patch brandizzati, pantaloni corti e jeans a righe arancioni e bianche, giacche trucker con il 'Flying W' di Whataburger, e felpe ispirate agli hamburger, t-shirt grafiche e cappelli. I prezzi variano da $34.99 a $89.99, e gli articoli sono disponibili su Wrangler.com e Whatastore.com.
Questa partnership sottolinea il legame di entrambi i marchi con la cultura texana e il loro impegno per la qualità e l'autenticità, rappresentando un nuovo approccio allo stile western con un tocco contemporaneo.
Wrangler y Whataburger han anunciado una nueva colección de ropa colaborativa de cara a la temporada de rodeo en Texas. La colección de 33 piezas combina el clásico estilo de denim americano de Wrangler con la distintiva marca en naranja y blanco de Whataburger.
La colección incluye chalecos de denim con parches de marca, pantalones cortos y jeans a rayas naranjas y blancas, chaquetas trucker con el 'Flying W' de Whataburger, y sudaderas inspiradas en hamburguesas, camisetas gráficas y gorras. Los precios oscilan entre $34.99 y $89.99, y los artículos están disponibles en Wrangler.com y Whatastore.com.
Esta asociación enfatiza la conexión de ambas marcas con la cultura texana y su compromiso con la calidad y la autenticidad, representando un nuevo enfoque del estilo western con un giro contemporáneo.
Wrangler와 Whataburger가 텍사스 로데오 시즌을 앞두고 새로운 협업 의류 컬렉션을 발표했습니다. 33개 품목으로 구성된 이 컬렉션은 Wrangler의 클래식한 미국 데님 스타일과 Whataburger의 독특한 주황색과 흰색 브랜드를 결합하고 있습니다.
컬렉션에는 브랜드 패치가 있는 데님 조끼, 주황색과 흰색 스트라이프 반바지 및 청바지, Whataburger의 'Flying W'가 특징인 트러커 재킷, 그리고 햄버거에서 영감을 받은 후드티, 그래픽 티셔츠 및 모자가 포함되어 있습니다. 가격은 $34.99에서 $89.99 사이이며, 품목은 Wrangler.com과 Whatastore.com에서 구매할 수 있습니다.
이 파트너십은 두 브랜드 모두 텍사스 문화와의 연결을 강조하고 품질과 진정성에 대한 그들의 헌신을 나타내며, 현대적인 변화를 통해 서양 스타일에 대한 새로운 접근을 보여줍니다.
Wrangler et Whataburger ont annoncé une nouvelle collection de vêtements collaborative à l'approche de la saison du rodeo au Texas. La collection de 33 pièces combine le style denim américain classique de Wrangler avec le branding distinctif orange et blanc de Whataburger.
La collection comprend des gilets en denim avec des patchs de marque, des shorts et des jeans à rayures orange et blanches, des vestes trucker arborant le 'Flying W' de Whataburger, ainsi que des sweats à capuche inspirés des hamburgers, des t-shirts graphiques et des casquettes. Les prix varient de 34,99 $ à 89,99 $, et les articles sont disponibles sur Wrangler.com et Whatastore.com.
Ce partenariat souligne le lien des deux marques avec la culture texane et leur engagement envers la qualité et l'authenticité, représentant une nouvelle approche du style western avec une touche contemporaine.
Wrangler und Whataburger haben eine neue gemeinsame Bekleidungskollektion zur bevorstehenden Texas-Rodeo-Saison angekündigt. Die 33-teilige Kollektion kombiniert Wranglers klassischen amerikanischen Denim-Stil mit Whataburgers markantem orange-weißen Branding.
Die Kollektion umfasst Denim-Westen mit gebrandeten Patches, orange-weiße gestreifte Shorts und Jeans, Truckerjacken mit dem 'Flying W' von Whataburger sowie von Hamburgern inspirierte Hoodies, Grafik-T-Shirts und Hüte. Die Preise reichen von $34.99 bis $89.99, und die Artikel sind auf Wrangler.com und Whatastore.com erhältlich.
Diese Partnerschaft betont die Verbindung beider Marken zur texanischen Kultur und ihr Engagement für Qualität und Authentizität, und stellt einen neuen Ansatz für den Western-Stil mit einem zeitgenössischen Twist dar.
- New revenue stream through 33-piece collaborative collection
- Brand expansion into lifestyle/fashion market
- Strategic partnership with established regional brand
- Direct-to-consumer sales through online channels
- distribution channels (online only)
- Regional focus might limit broader market appeal
A Texas-Sized Collaboration Brings Together Denim Giant Wrangler® and Whataburger®

The 33-piece apparel and accessories collection ranges from a flavor-filled denim vest covered in iconic branded patches, to bold orange-and-white striped shorts and jeans. Trucker jackets featuring Whataburger's signature “Flying W” along with hamburger-inspired hoodies and tasty graphic tees and hats round out the collection with a “WhataWrangler” spin.(Photo: Business Wire)
The partnership between Wrangler and Whataburger is a testament to their shared commitment to quality, authenticity and a deep-rooted connection to
"Here at Wrangler, we’re all about weaving our heritage into something fresh for today," said John Meagher, vice president of global brand marketing, Wrangler. "And this collab is no exception. We’ve teamed up with Whataburger to serve up some Western style with a side of orange and white, iconic Whataburger logos, and taglines that’ll have you craving more."
Whether you’re heading out to two-step or grabbing a bite with your buddies, the Wrangler x Whataburger collaboration will have you hitting the town in style. The 33-piece apparel and accessories collection ranges from a flavor-filled denim vest covered in iconic branded patches, to bold orange-and-white striped shorts and jeans. Trucker jackets featuring Whataburger's signature “Flying W” along with hamburger-inspired hoodies and tasty graphic tees and hats round out the collection with a “WhataWrangler” spin.
"Whataburger has always been about bringing people together around bold flavors and big traditions, and teaming up with Wrangler takes that spirit to a whole new level,” said Scott Hudler, chief marketing officer, Whataburger. “This collab is a celebration of our shared roots—classic denim meets Whataburger’s unmistakable
The Wrangler x Whataburger collaboration is available online at Wrangler.com and Whatastore.com. Prices range from
About Wrangler
Wrangler®, of Kontoor Brands (NYSE: KTB), has been an icon in authentic American style for over 77 years. With a rich legacy rooted in the Western lifestyle, Wrangler is committed to offering superior quality and timeless design. Its collections for men, women, and children look and feel great, inspiring all those who wear them to be strong and ready for everyday life. Wrangler is available in retail stores worldwide, including flagship stores in
About Whataburger
Whataburger serves up Goodness 24/7. Our original recipes are made to order, just like you like it, and we pride ourselves on extraordinary hospitality and meaningful connections in our communities. That’s what’s led fans to Whataburger since Harmon Dobson served our first customer in 1950. Headquartered in
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250220448452/en/
For press inquiries, please contact:
Wrangler Media Contact:
Ashley Lutzker
Whataburger Media Contact:
Source: Wrangler