Lee® and Paul Smith Debut New Global Capsule Collection
Lee® and Paul Smith have unveiled a new global capsule collection, first showcased at the Paul Smith Spring/Summer 2025 presentation at Pitti Uomo. The 14-piece edition menswear collection includes jeans, denim jackets, western-style shirts and T-shirts, with prices ranging from $90-$450.
The collaboration stems from Paul Smith's history with Lee, dating back to the 1970s when he sold Lee's painter's trousers in his Nottingham shop. The capsule collection reimagines Lee's iconic designs, including the Lee 101 jean, 101 Stormrider™ jacket, chore jacket, western shirt, and carpenter pant with exclusive prints and Paul Smith's signature stripe patterns.
The collection will be available on paulsmith.com, lee.com, and in selected partner-owned stores worldwide, with Nordstrom serving as USA's exclusive wholesaler.
Lee® e Paul Smith hanno presentato una nuova capsule collection globale, mostrata per la prima volta durante la presentazione Primavera/Estate 2025 di Paul Smith a Pitti Uomo. La collezione di moda maschile, composta da 14 pezzi, include jeans, giacche in denim, camicie in stile western e T-shirt, con prezzi che variano da 90 a 450 dollari.
Questa collaborazione nasce dalla storia di Paul Smith con Lee, che risale agli anni '70, quando vendeva i pantaloni da pittore di Lee nel suo negozio di Nottingham. La capsule collection reinterpreta i design iconici di Lee, inclusi i Lee 101 jean, la 101 Stormrider™ jacket, la chore jacket, la camicia western e i pantaloni da carpentiere, arricchiti da stampe esclusive e dai caratteristici motivi a righe di Paul Smith.
La collezione sarà disponibile su paulsmith.com, lee.com e in negozi selezionati di partner in tutto il mondo, con Nordstrom che fungerà da grossista esclusivo per gli USA.
Lee® y Paul Smith han presentado una nueva colección cápsula global, que se mostró por primera vez en la presentación Primavera/Verano 2025 de Paul Smith en Pitti Uomo. La colección de moda masculina, compuesta por 14 piezas, incluye jeans, chaquetas de denim, camisas de estilo western y camisetas, con precios que oscilan entre $90 y $450.
La colaboración proviene de la historia de Paul Smith con Lee, que se remonta a la década de 1970, cuando vendía los pantalones de pintor de Lee en su tienda de Nottingham. La colección cápsula reimagina los diseños icónicos de Lee, incluidos los Lee 101 jean, la 101 Stormrider™ jacket, la chaqueta chore, la camisa western y los pantalones de carpintero, con estampados exclusivos y los característicos patrones de rayas de Paul Smith.
La colección estará disponible en paulsmith.com, lee.com y en tiendas seleccionadas de socios en todo el mundo, siendo Nordstrom el mayorista exclusivo en EE. UU.
Lee®와 Paul Smith는 새로운 글로벌 캡슐 컬렉션을 공개했습니다. 이 컬렉션은 Pitti Uomo에서 열린 Paul Smith 2025 봄/여름 프레젠테이션에서 처음 선보였습니다. 14개 아이템으로 구성된 남성복 컬렉션에는 청바지, 데님 재킷, 웨스턴 스타일 셔츠 및 티셔츠가 포함되어 있으며, 가격은 90달러에서 450달러 사이입니다.
이번 협업은 1970년대 Paul Smith가 노팅엄의 매장에서 Lee의 화가 바지를 판매했던 역사에서 비롯됩니다. 캡슐 컬렉션은 Lee 101 jean, 101 Stormrider™ jacket, chore jacket, 웨스턴 셔츠 및 목수 바지와 같은 Lee의 아이코닉한 디자인을 재구성하며, 독점 프린트와 Paul Smith의 시그니처 스트라이프 패턴이 특징입니다.
컬렉션은 paulsmith.com, lee.com 및 전 세계의 선정된 파트너 매장에서 구매할 수 있으며, Nordstrom이 미국의 독점 도매상으로 자리잡고 있습니다.
Lee® et Paul Smith ont dévoilé une nouvelle collection capsule mondiale, présentée pour la première fois lors de la présentation Printemps/Été 2025 de Paul Smith à Pitti Uomo. La collection de vêtements pour hommes, composée de 14 pièces, comprend des jeans, des vestes en denim, des chemises de style western et des T-shirts, avec des prix allant de 90 à 450 dollars.
Cette collaboration découle de l'histoire de Paul Smith avec Lee, remontant aux années 1970, lorsqu'il vendait les pantalons de peintre de Lee dans sa boutique de Nottingham. La collection capsule réinvente les designs emblématiques de Lee, y compris le Lee 101 jean, la 101 Stormrider™ jacket, la chore jacket, la chemise western et le pantalon de charpentier, avec des impressions exclusives et les motifs à rayures caractéristiques de Paul Smith.
La collection sera disponible sur paulsmith.com, lee.com et dans des magasins partenaires sélectionnés à travers le monde, avec Nordstrom agissant en tant que grossiste exclusif aux États-Unis.
Lee® und Paul Smith haben eine neue globale Capsule Collection vorgestellt, die erstmals bei der Paul Smith Frühjahr/Sommer 2025 Präsentation auf der Pitti Uomo gezeigt wurde. Die 14-teilige Herrenmodekollektion umfasst Jeans, Denimjacken, Westernhemden und T-Shirts, mit Preisen zwischen 90 und 450 Dollar.
Die Zusammenarbeit geht auf die Geschichte von Paul Smith mit Lee zurück, die bis in die 1970er Jahre reicht, als er in seinem Nottingham-Geschäft Lees Malerhosen verkaufte. Die Capsule Collection interpretiert Lees ikonische Designs neu, darunter die Lee 101 jean, die 101 Stormrider™ jacket, die Chore-Jacke, das Westernhemd und die Zimmermannshose, versehen mit exklusiven Drucken und Paul Smiths charakteristischen Streifenmustern.
Die Kollektion wird auf paulsmith.com, lee.com und in ausgewählten Partnergeschäften weltweit erhältlich sein, wobei Nordstrom als exklusiver Großhändler in den USA fungiert.
- Global brand collaboration expanding market reach
- Premium pricing strategy ($90-$450) indicating strong margin potential
- Strategic distribution through established retail channels including Nordstrom as exclusive US wholesaler
- edition collection may restrict revenue potential
- High price points could limit mass market accessibility
Iconic American Menswear Styles Reimagined the Paul Smith Way

Lee® and Paul Smith Debut New Global Menswear Capsule Collection. Photo Credit: ©Lee 2025©Paul Smith
The story of the two coming together dates to Paul’s early days. Paul’s first shop at 6 Byard Lane,
Fast forward 55 years, Paul Smith have taken the timeless designs that Lee is known for and reimagined them in a distinctively Paul Smith way, making it a full circle moment. The capsule reframes the Lee 101 jean and 101 Stormrider™ jacket, Lee chore jacket, western shirt and carpenter pant in exclusive prints and patterns. A washed jacquard set featuring Smith’s tapered trouser, and playful graphic tees and hoodies round out the collection. Co-branded trim details give hints of color while a signature version of the iconic Paul Smith stripe is interspersed throughout.
“I used to sell Lee in my
“Paul Smith is renowned for its ‘classic with a twist’ aesthetic which fits authentically with Lee’s timeless style. Fans around the world have been waiting for this capsule since June’s initial announcement. At Lee, we can’t wait to see the momentum and excitement the launch generates for both brands.” - Jenni Broyles, Executive Vice-President & Global Brands President, Lee.
The collection’s playfulness is represented in the official campaign imagery. Shot by Anton Gottlob, it features six friends of Paul Smith. The collaboration was styled to highlight each talent’s personality. Featuring two musicians, a painter, a dancer, a stylist and a lawyer - the collection fits each subject and their lifestyle in a unique way.
The collection ranges in price from
- Emil Sands
- Deneille Robert Percival
- Suren Seneviratne
- Eddie Wailes
- Henry Prior
- Hak Baker
About Lee
Lee®, a Kontoor Brands (NYSE: KTB) brand, has been a pioneer in purposefully designed denim and casual apparel for more than 130 years. As an iconic American brand, Lee’s heritage is filled with fashion firsts marked by innovative fits, era-defining silhouettes, and legendary details in styles for men, women, and boys. Lee’s youthful energy, unrelenting optimism and fearless confidence have created generations of brand loyalists across the globe. For more information, visit www.lee.com.
About Paul Smith
Paul Smith is Britain’s leading independent design company. Paul Smith champions positivity, curiosity and creativity. These qualities underpin every Paul Smith design, whether it’s a shirt, a shop or a special collaboration. Paul Smith is a British company with a global outlook. What began in a small, 3 x 3-meter shop in
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Source: Lee