Kontoor Brands Reports 2024 Fourth Quarter and Full Year Results; Provides 2025 Outlook
Kontoor Brands (KTB) reported strong Q4 2024 results with revenue of $699 million, up 4% year-over-year (5% in constant currency). The company saw 9% growth in global direct-to-consumer and 4% growth in wholesale channels. Q4 adjusted EPS was $1.38, increasing 2% from prior year, or approximately 23% excluding a discrete tax benefit in the prior year.
For full-year 2024, KTB maintained revenue at $2.61 billion while improving profitability, with adjusted operating income increasing 9% to $381 million and adjusted EPS rising 10% to $4.89. The Wrangler brand grew 3% globally while Lee brand declined 6%. Inventory decreased 22% compared to prior year, and the company returned $198 million to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases.
For 2025, KTB projects revenue of $2.63-2.69 billion (1-3% growth), adjusted operating income of $400-408 million (5-7% growth), and adjusted EPS of $5.20-5.30 (6-8% growth). The outlook excludes the pending Helly Hansen acquisition, expected to close in Q2 2025 and contribute approximately $0.15 to full-year adjusted EPS.
Kontoor Brands (KTB) ha riportato risultati solidi per il quarto trimestre del 2024 con un fatturato di 699 milioni di dollari, in aumento del 4% rispetto all'anno precedente (5% in valuta costante). L'azienda ha registrato una crescita del 9% nel canale diretto al consumatore globale e del 4% nei canali all'ingrosso. L'utile per azione rettificato del quarto trimestre è stato di 1,38 dollari, con un incremento del 2% rispetto all'anno precedente, o circa il 23% escludendo un beneficio fiscale discreto dell'anno precedente.
Per l'intero anno 2024, KTB ha mantenuto il fatturato a 2,61 miliardi di dollari, migliorando la redditività, con un utile operativo rettificato aumentato del 9% a 381 milioni di dollari e un utile per azione rettificato aumentato del 10% a 4,89 dollari. Il marchio Wrangler è cresciuto del 3% a livello globale, mentre il marchio Lee è diminuito del 6%. L'inventario è diminuito del 22% rispetto all'anno precedente e l'azienda ha restituito 198 milioni di dollari agli azionisti attraverso dividendi e riacquisti di azioni.
Per il 2025, KTB prevede un fatturato di 2,63-2,69 miliardi di dollari (crescita dell'1-3%), un utile operativo rettificato di 400-408 milioni di dollari (crescita del 5-7%) e un utile per azione rettificato di 5,20-5,30 dollari (crescita del 6-8%). Le previsioni escludono l'acquisizione in sospeso di Helly Hansen, prevista per chiudere nel secondo trimestre del 2025 e contribuire con circa 0,15 dollari all'utile per azione rettificato dell'intero anno.
Kontoor Brands (KTB) informó resultados sólidos para el cuarto trimestre de 2024 con ingresos de 699 millones de dólares, un aumento del 4% en comparación con el año anterior (5% en moneda constante). La compañía vio un crecimiento del 9% en el canal directo al consumidor global y un crecimiento del 4% en los canales mayoristas. El EPS ajustado del cuarto trimestre fue de 1,38 dólares, un incremento del 2% respecto al año anterior, o aproximadamente el 23% excluyendo un beneficio fiscal discreto del año anterior.
Para el año completo 2024, KTB mantuvo los ingresos en 2,61 mil millones de dólares mientras mejoraba la rentabilidad, con un ingreso operativo ajustado que aumentó un 9% a 381 millones de dólares y un EPS ajustado que subió un 10% a 4,89 dólares. La marca Wrangler creció un 3% a nivel global, mientras que la marca Lee disminuyó un 6%. El inventario disminuyó un 22% en comparación con el año anterior, y la compañía devolvió 198 millones de dólares a los accionistas a través de dividendos y recompra de acciones.
Para 2025, KTB proyecta ingresos de 2,63-2,69 mil millones de dólares (crecimiento del 1-3%), ingreso operativo ajustado de 400-408 millones de dólares (crecimiento del 5-7%) y EPS ajustado de 5,20-5,30 dólares (crecimiento del 6-8%). Las perspectivas excluyen la adquisición pendiente de Helly Hansen, que se espera cierre en el segundo trimestre de 2025 y contribuya aproximadamente con 0,15 dólares al EPS ajustado del año completo.
Kontoor Brands (KTB)는 2024년 4분기 실적을 발표하며 6억 9,900만 달러의 매출을 기록했으며, 이는 전년 대비 4% 증가한 수치입니다(상수 통화 기준 5% 증가). 회사는 글로벌 직판 소비자 채널에서 9% 성장, 도매 채널에서 4% 성장을 보였습니다. 4분기 조정 주당 순이익(EPS)은 1.38달러로, 전년 대비 2% 증가했으며, 전년의 특정 세금 혜택을 제외하면 약 23% 증가한 수치입니다.
2024년 전체 연도에 대해 KTB는 매출을 26억 1,000만 달러로 유지하면서 수익성을 개선했으며, 조정 운영 소득은 9% 증가하여 3억 8,100만 달러에 달하고, 조정 EPS는 10% 증가하여 4.89달러에 이르렀습니다. Wrangler 브랜드는 전 세계적으로 3% 성장했지만 Lee 브랜드는 6% 감소했습니다. 재고는 전년 대비 22% 감소했으며, 회사는 배당금과 자사주 매입을 통해 주주에게 1억 9,800만 달러를 반환했습니다.
2025년을 위해 KTB는 매출을 26억 3,000만-26억 9,000만 달러(1-3% 성장), 조정 운영 소득을 4억-4억 800만 달러(5-7% 성장), 조정 EPS를 5.20-5.30달러(6-8% 성장)로 예상하고 있습니다. 전망은 2025년 2분기에 마감될 것으로 예상되는 Helly Hansen 인수 건을 제외하며, 이는 전체 연도 조정 EPS에 약 0.15달러를 기여할 것으로 보입니다.
Kontoor Brands (KTB) a annoncé de solides résultats pour le quatrième trimestre 2024, avec un chiffre d'affaires de 699 millions de dollars, en hausse de 4 % par rapport à l'année précédente (5 % en monnaie constante). L'entreprise a enregistré une croissance de 9 % dans le canal direct au consommateur et de 4 % dans les canaux de gros. Le bénéfice par action ajusté pour le quatrième trimestre était de 1,38 dollar, en hausse de 2 % par rapport à l'année précédente, ou environ 23 % en excluant un avantage fiscal unique de l'année précédente.
Pour l'année entière 2024, KTB a maintenu un chiffre d'affaires de 2,61 milliards de dollars tout en améliorant sa rentabilité, avec un revenu opérationnel ajusté en hausse de 9 % à 381 millions de dollars et un bénéfice par action ajusté en hausse de 10 % à 4,89 dollars. La marque Wrangler a connu une croissance de 3 % à l'échelle mondiale, tandis que la marque Lee a diminué de 6 %. Les stocks ont diminué de 22 % par rapport à l'année précédente, et l'entreprise a restitué 198 millions de dollars aux actionnaires par le biais de dividendes et de rachats d'actions.
Pour 2025, KTB prévoit un chiffre d'affaires de 2,63 à 2,69 milliards de dollars (croissance de 1 à 3 %), un revenu opérationnel ajusté de 400 à 408 millions de dollars (croissance de 5 à 7 %) et un bénéfice par action ajusté de 5,20 à 5,30 dollars (croissance de 6 à 8 %). Les prévisions excluent l'acquisition en attente de Helly Hansen, qui devrait être finalisée au deuxième trimestre 2025 et contribuer environ 0,15 dollar au bénéfice par action ajusté de l'année entière.
Kontoor Brands (KTB) hat starke Ergebnisse für das 4. Quartal 2024 gemeldet, mit einem Umsatz von 699 Millionen Dollar, was einem Anstieg von 4% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr entspricht (5% bei konstanten Währungen). Das Unternehmen verzeichnete ein Wachstum von 9% im globalen Direktvertrieb und 4% im Großhandelskanal. Der bereinigte Gewinn pro Aktie (EPS) im 4. Quartal betrug 1,38 Dollar, was einem Anstieg von 2% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr entspricht, oder etwa 23%, wenn man einen einmaligen Steuerbonus im Vorjahr ausschließt.
Für das Gesamtjahr 2024 hielt KTB den Umsatz bei 2,61 Milliarden Dollar und verbesserte die Rentabilität, wobei das bereinigte Betriebsergebnis um 9% auf 381 Millionen Dollar stieg und der bereinigte EPS um 10% auf 4,89 Dollar anstieg. Die Marke Wrangler wuchs global um 3%, während die Marke Lee um 6% zurückging. Der Lagerbestand verringerte sich im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 22%, und das Unternehmen gab 198 Millionen Dollar an die Aktionäre in Form von Dividenden und Aktienrückkäufen zurück.
Für 2025 prognostiziert KTB einen Umsatz von 2,63-2,69 Milliarden Dollar (Wachstum von 1-3%), ein bereinigtes Betriebsergebnis von 400-408 Millionen Dollar (Wachstum von 5-7%) und einen bereinigten EPS von 5,20-5,30 Dollar (Wachstum von 6-8%). Der Ausblick schließt die bevorstehende Übernahme von Helly Hansen aus, die voraussichtlich im 2. Quartal 2025 abgeschlossen wird und etwa 0,15 Dollar zum bereinigten EPS des Gesamtjahres beitragen wird.
- Q4 revenue increased 4% to $699 million (5% in constant currency)
- Q4 adjusted operating income increased 17% to $101 million
- Full-year adjusted EPS increased 10% to $4.89
- Adjusted gross margin improved 260 basis points to 45.1% for full year
- Inventory decreased 22% compared to prior year
- Wrangler brand global revenue increased 3% for full year
- U.S. direct-to-consumer revenue increased 5% for full year
- Digital sales grew 15% internationally
- Company returned $198 million to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases
- Adjusted return on invested capital of 32% increased 550 basis points
- Lee brand global revenue decreased 6% for full year
- International revenue decreased 5% for full year
- International wholesale revenue decreased 7%
- Europe revenue decreased 5%
- Asia revenue decreased 5%
Kontoor Brands' Q4 and full-year 2024 results reveal a company successfully navigating retail headwinds through strategic channel diversification, supply chain optimization, and disciplined inventory management. The 4% revenue growth in Q4 to $699 million demonstrates momentum heading into 2025, with particularly strong performance in the U.S. market (+6%) and direct-to-consumer channels (+9% globally).
The most compelling story here is KTB's margin expansion trajectory. The 160 basis point improvement in Q4 adjusted gross margin (to 44.7%) and 260 basis point gain for the full year (to 45.1%) showcase the company's operational improvements through Project Jeanius, which is now expected to deliver over $100 million in run-rate benefits by 2026. This efficiency initiative is transforming KTB's cost structure while funding increased brand investments, creating a virtuous cycle for sustainable growth.
The divergent performance between KTB's brands warrants attention. Wrangler's 9% global growth in Q4 indicates strong brand momentum and successful category expansion beyond core denim, while Lee's 6% decline suggests challenges in positioning and market penetration, particularly in wholesale channels where it saw a 10% decrease in the U.S. This brand dichotomy creates both risk and opportunity as management works to replicate Wrangler's success across the portfolio.
KTB's digital acceleration is particularly impressive, with 16% growth in U.S. digital and 15% growth internationally during Q4. This channel shift toward higher-margin direct sales is important for long-term profitability and customer relationships, especially as traditional wholesale faces persistent inventory management challenges from retail partners.
The pending Helly Hansen acquisition represents a significant strategic pivot, diversifying beyond denim into performance outerwear and creating new seasonal balance in the portfolio. While the $0.15 EPS accretion in 2025 appears modest, the long-term potential for synergies and category expansion could be substantial, particularly in international markets where KTB currently shows weakness (-1% revenue in Q4).
KTB's balance sheet strength is noteworthy, with $334 million in cash, 22% lower inventory, and $494 million available on its revolving credit facility. This financial flexibility supports both the Helly Hansen acquisition and continued shareholder returns, despite the temporary pause in share repurchases. The 32% adjusted ROIC (+550 basis points year-over-year) demonstrates exceptional capital efficiency compared to apparel industry averages in the mid-teens.
The 2025 outlook balances optimism with prudence, acknowledging macroeconomic uncertainties while projecting continued growth. The 6-8% adjusted EPS growth forecast (to $5.20-5.30) represents solid performance in a challenging retail environment, especially considering it excludes potential Helly Hansen synergies and share repurchase benefits.
Investors should monitor several key metrics through 2025: integration progress with Helly Hansen, Lee brand revitalization efforts, international growth trajectory (particularly in Asia where Q4 showed a 2% decline), and the sustainability of gross margin gains as product costs fluctuate. The $300+ million projected operating cash flow provides meaningful downside protection while funding strategic investments for long-term growth.
Fourth Quarter 2024 Highlights
Revenue of
increased 4 percent compared to prior year (5 percent on a constant currency basis)$699 million - Reported gross margin was 43.7 percent. Adjusted gross margin of 44.7 percent increased 160 basis points compared to prior year on an adjusted basis, excluding the out-of-period duty charge in that period
Reported operating income was
. Adjusted operating income of$84 million increased 17 percent compared to prior year on an adjusted basis, excluding the out-of-period duty charge in that period$101 million -
Reported EPS was
. Adjusted EPS of$1.14 increased 2 percent compared to prior year on an adjusted basis, excluding the out-of-period duty charge in that period. Adjusted EPS in the prior year was positively impacted by a discrete tax benefit. Excluding these impacts, adjusted EPS increased approximately 23 percent$1.38 - Inventory decreased 22 percent compared to prior year
As previously announced, the Company’s Board of Directors declared a regular quarterly cash dividend of
per share$0.52
Full Year 2024 Highlights
Revenue of
was consistent with prior year$2.61 billion - Reported gross margin was 44.5 percent. Adjusted gross margin of 45.1 percent increased 260 basis points compared to prior year on an adjusted basis, excluding the out-of-period duty charge in that period
Reported operating income was
. Adjusted operating income of$342 million increased 9 percent compared to prior year on an adjusted basis, excluding the out-of-period duty charge in that period$381 million -
Reported EPS was
. Adjusted EPS of$4.36 increased 10 percent compared to prior year on an adjusted basis, excluding the out-of-period duty charge in that period$4.89 - Adjusted return on invested capital of 32 percent increased 550 basis points compared to prior year
Returned a total of
to shareholders through a combination of share repurchases and dividends$198 million
Full Year 2025 Outlook
- Outlook excludes the expected revenue, earnings and cash flow contribution from Helly Hansen
Revenue expected to be in the range of
to$2.63 billion , representing an increase of 1 percent to 3 percent compared to prior year$2.69 billion - Adjusted gross margin expected to be in the range of 45.3 percent to 45.5 percent, representing an increase of 20 to 40 basis points compared to prior year on an adjusted basis
Adjusted operating income expected to be in the range of
to$400 million , representing an increase of 5 percent to 7 percent compared to prior year on an adjusted basis$408 million -
Adjusted EPS expected to be in the range of
to$5.20 , representing an increase of 6 percent to 8 percent compared to prior year on an adjusted basis. Full year adjusted EPS does not contemplate the benefit of share repurchases as a result of the previously announced acquisition of Helly Hansen$5.30 -
Cash from operations is expected to exceed
$300 million
“2024 was a landmark year for Kontoor driven by continued market share gains, accelerating business fundamentals, increasing capital allocation optionality, and strong returns for our shareholders,” said Scott Baxter, President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors. “Our better than expected fourth quarter was driven by stronger revenue, earnings, and cash generation. I want to thank our colleagues around the globe, who continue to execute at a high level. We enter 2025 from a position of strength and I am confident we are well positioned to deliver another year of strong value creation.”
Fourth Quarter 2024 Income Statement Review
Revenue was
International revenue was
Wrangler brand global revenue was
Lee brand global revenue was
Gross margin increased 200 basis points to 43.7 percent on a reported basis and increased 160 basis points to 44.7 percent on an adjusted basis compared to prior year adjusted results, excluding the out-of-period duty charge in that period. Adjusted gross margin expansion was driven by the benefits from lower product costs, supply chain efficiencies and direct-to-consumer mix, partially offset by targeted pricing actions included in our plan.
Selling, General & Administrative (SG&A) expenses were
Operating income was
Earnings per share (EPS) was
Full Year 2024 Income Statement Review
Revenue was
International revenue was
Wrangler brand global revenue was
Lee brand global revenue was
Gross margin increased 280 basis points to 44.5 percent on a reported basis and increased 260 basis points to 45.1 percent on an adjusted basis compared to prior year adjusted results, excluding the out-of-period duty charge in that period. Adjusted gross margin expansion was driven by the benefits from lower product costs, direct-to-consumer mix and supply chain efficiencies, partially offset by lower pricing.
Selling, General & Administrative (SG&A) expenses were
Operating income was
Earnings per share (EPS) was
Balance Sheet and Liquidity Review
The Company ended fiscal 2024 with
Inventory at the end of fiscal 2024 was
At the end of fiscal 2024, the Company had no outstanding borrowings under the Revolving Credit Facility and
As previously announced, the Company’s Board of Directors declared a regular quarterly cash dividend of
The Company returned a total of
2025 Outlook
The Company’s outlook does not yet include the expected revenue, earnings and cash flow contribution from the acquisition of Helly Hansen, which is anticipated to close during the second quarter of 2025.
“Our outlook reflects continued revenue growth, market share gains, gross margin expansion, strong operating earnings and cash generation. The scaling benefits of Project Jeanius will support increased investment in our brands and platforms, and further enhance our best-in-class return on invested capital,” said Scott Baxter, President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors.
“The fundamentals of our business remain strong and the acquisition of Helly Hansen will further enhance our TSR model and provide the opportunity for even stronger value creation moving forward. We are mindful of the uncertain environment and will continue to manage the business conservatively, but we are confident in our ability to drive strong shareholder returns in 2025 and beyond,” added Baxter.
The Company’s 2025 outlook includes the following assumptions:
Revenue is expected to be in the range of
to$2.63 billion , reflecting growth of 1 percent to 3 percent compared to prior year. The Company’s revenue outlook includes an approximate 1 percent negative impact from unfavorable foreign currency exchange rates. The revenue outlook also includes the impact of a 53rd week, which is not expected to meaningfully benefit 2025 revenue on a full year basis. The Company expects revenue growth to be driven by market share gains, channel and category expansion, expanded distribution, and the benefit from increased demand creation and other brand investments. The Company expects these growth drivers to be partially offset by conservative retailer inventory management and more tempered consumer spending around the globe.$2.69 billion
The Company expects first half revenue growth to be consistent with the full year, including an approximate 1 percent negative impact from unfavorable foreign currency exchange rates compared to the Company’s prior preliminary outlook. The Company expects first half revenue growth to be weighted to the second quarter due to the timing of seasonal programs and new distribution gains.
Adjusted gross margin is expected to be in the range of 45.3 percent to 45.5 percent, representing an increase of 20 to 40 basis points compared to adjusted gross margin in prior year. Gross margin expansion is driven by the benefits of Project Jeanius, favorable mix and other supply chain efficiencies, partially offset by higher product costs.
Adjusted SG&A is expected to increase at a low-single digit rate compared to adjusted SG&A in prior year. The Company will continue to invest in its brands and capabilities in support of long-term profitable growth, including demand creation, product development, direct-to-consumer and international expansion, partially offset by the benefits of Project Jeanius.
Adjusted operating income is expected to be in the range of
to$400 million , representing an increase of 5 percent to 7 percent compared to prior year on an adjusted basis.$408 million
Adjusted EPS is expected to be in the range of
to$5.20 , representing an increase of 6 percent to 8 percent compared to the prior year on an adjusted basis and includes the negative impact from unfavorable foreign currency exchange rates. The Company’s adjusted EPS outlook does not contemplate or include the benefit of share repurchases as a result of the previously announced acquisition of Helly Hansen.$5.30
The Company expects first half adjusted EPS growth to be modestly above the expected growth rate for the full year.
Capital expenditures are expected to be approximately
.$35 million
For the full year, the Company expects an effective tax rate of approximately 20 percent. Interest expense is expected to approximate
. Other Expense is expected to approximate$30 million . Average shares outstanding are expected to be approximately 56 million.$11 million
The Company expects cash flow from operations to exceed
.$300 million
The Company is raising its outlook for the run-rate benefit from Project Jeanius to greater than
($100 million prior). The Company expects to achieve full run-rate savings by the end of 2026. The 2025 benefits of Project Jeanius are included in the Company’s outlook.$100 million
The Company’s outlook does not yet include the expected revenue, earnings and cash flow contribution from the acquisition of Helly Hansen. Based on an anticipated close in the second quarter of 2025, the Company expects the acquisition of Helly Hansen to contribute approximately
to full year adjusted EPS with expected accretion in 2026 to materially increase. The expected contribution from Helly Hansen does not include the benefit from anticipated synergies.$0.15
- The Company’s outlook does not contemplate or include any impact from potential changes in tariffs.
This release refers to “adjusted” amounts from 2024 and 2023 and “constant currency” amounts, which are further described in the Non-GAAP Financial Measures section below. As previously disclosed, fourth quarter 2023 results included a
Webcast Information
Kontoor Brands will host its fourth quarter and full year 2024 conference call beginning at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time today, February 25, 2025. The conference will be broadcast live via the Internet, accessible at https://www.kontoorbrands.com/investors. For those unable to listen to the live broadcast, an archived version will be available at the same location.
Non-GAAP Financial Measures
Adjusted Amounts - This release refers to “adjusted” amounts. Adjustments during 2024 represent charges related to business optimization activities and actions to streamline and transfer select production within our internal manufacturing network. Adjustments during 2023 represent charges related to strategic actions taken by the Company to drive efficiencies in our operations, which included reducing our global workforce, streamlining and transferring select production within our internal manufacturing network and optimizing and globalizing our operating model. Additional information regarding adjusted amounts is provided in notes to the supplemental financial information included with this release.
Constant Currency - This release refers to “reported” amounts in accordance with GAAP, which include translation and transactional impacts from changes in foreign currency exchange rates. This release also refers to “constant currency” amounts, which exclude the translation impact of changes in foreign currency exchange rates.
Reconciliations of these non-GAAP measures to the most comparable GAAP measures are presented in the supplemental financial information included with this release that identifies and quantifies all reconciling adjustments and provides management's view of why this non-GAAP information is useful to investors. While management believes that these non-GAAP measures are useful in evaluating the business, this information should be viewed in addition to, and not as an alternate for, reported results under GAAP. The non-GAAP measures used by the Company in this release may be different from similarly titled measures used by other companies.
For forward-looking non-GAAP measures included in this filing, the Company does not provide a reconciliation to the most comparable GAAP financial measures because the information needed to reconcile these measures is unavailable due to the inherent difficulty of forecasting the timing and/or amount of various items that have not yet occurred and have been excluded from adjusted measures. Additionally, estimating such GAAP measures and providing a meaningful reconciliation consistent with the Company’s accounting policies for future periods requires a level of precision that is unavailable for these future periods and cannot be accomplished without unreasonable effort.
About Kontoor Brands
Kontoor Brands, Inc. (NYSE: KTB) is a global lifestyle apparel company, with a portfolio led by two of the world’s most iconic consumer brands: Wrangler® and Lee®. Kontoor designs, manufactures, distributes, and licenses superior high-quality products that look good and fit right, giving people around the world the freedom and confidence to express themselves. Kontoor Brands is a purpose-led organization focused on leveraging its global platform, strategic sourcing model and best-in-class supply chain to drive brand growth and deliver long-term value for its stakeholders. For more information about Kontoor Brands, please visit www.KontoorBrands.com.
Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements included in this release and attachments are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the federal securities laws. Forward-looking statements are made based on our expectations and beliefs concerning future events impacting the Company and therefore involve several risks and uncertainties. You can identify these statements by the fact that they use words such as “will,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “expect,” “should,” “may” and other words and terms of similar meaning or use of future dates. We caution that forward-looking statements are not guarantees and that actual results could differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. We do not intend to update any of these forward-looking statements or publicly announce the results of any revisions to these forward-looking statements, other than as required under the
More information on potential factors that could affect the Company's financial results are described in detail in the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and in other reports and statements that the Company files with the SEC.
KONTOOR BRANDS, INC. Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited) |
Three Months Ended December |
% |
Twelve Months Ended December |
% |
(Dollars and shares in thousands, except per share amounts) |
2024 |
2023 |
Change |
2024 |
2023 |
Change |
Net revenues |
$ |
699,284 |
$ |
669,800 |
$ |
2,607,578 |
$ |
2,607,472 |
—% |
Costs and operating expenses |
Cost of goods sold |
393,728 |
390,390 |
1,446,008 |
1,519,635 |
(5)% |
Selling, general and administrative expenses |
221,261 |
203,969 |
819,281 |
768,568 |
Total costs and operating expenses |
614,989 |
594,359 |
2,265,289 |
2,288,203 |
(1)% |
Operating income |
84,295 |
75,441 |
342,289 |
319,269 |
Interest expense |
(9,972 |
) |
(10,018 |
) |
—% |
(40,824 |
) |
(40,408 |
) |
Interest income |
3,143 |
1,717 |
11,149 |
3,791 |
Other expense, net |
(1,952 |
) |
(1,611 |
) |
(11,191 |
) |
(10,753 |
) |
Income before income taxes |
75,514 |
65,529 |
301,423 |
271,899 |
Income taxes |
11,536 |
(3,242 |
) |
55,621 |
40,905 |
Net income |
$ |
63,978 |
$ |
68,771 |
(7)% |
$ |
245,802 |
$ |
230,994 |
Earnings per common share |
Basic |
$ |
1.16 |
$ |
1.23 |
$ |
4.42 |
$ |
4.13 |
Diluted |
$ |
1.14 |
$ |
1.21 |
$ |
4.36 |
$ |
4.06 |
Weighted average shares outstanding |
Basic |
55,232 |
55,955 |
55,549 |
55,961 |
Diluted |
56,036 |
56,982 |
56,321 |
56,931 |
Basis of presentation for all financial tables within this release: The Company operates and reports using a 52/53-week fiscal year ending on the Saturday closest to December 31 each year. For presentation purposes herein, all references to periods ended December 2024 and December 2023 correspond to the 13-week and 52-week fiscal periods ended December 28, 2024 and December 30, 2023, respectively. References to December 2024 and December 2023 relate to the balance sheets as of December 28, 2024 and December 30, 2023, respectively. Amounts herein may not recalculate due to the use of unrounded numbers.
KONTOOR BRANDS, INC. Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited) |
(In thousands) |
December 2024 |
December 2023 |
Current assets |
Cash and cash equivalents |
$ |
334,066 |
$ |
215,050 |
Accounts receivable, net |
243,660 |
217,673 |
Inventories |
390,209 |
500,353 |
Prepaid expenses and other current assets |
96,346 |
110,808 |
Total current assets |
1,064,281 |
1,043,884 |
Property, plant and equipment, net |
103,300 |
112,045 |
Operating lease assets |
47,171 |
54,812 |
Intangible assets, net |
11,232 |
12,497 |
Goodwill |
208,787 |
209,862 |
Deferred income taxes |
76,065 |
75,081 |
Other assets |
139,703 |
137,258 |
$ |
1,650,539 |
$ |
1,645,439 |
Current liabilities |
Current portion of long-term debt |
$ |
— |
$ |
20,000 |
Accounts payable |
179,680 |
180,220 |
Accrued and other current liabilities |
193,335 |
171,414 |
Operating lease liabilities, current |
20,890 |
21,003 |
Total current liabilities |
393,905 |
392,637 |
Operating lease liabilities, noncurrent |
29,955 |
36,753 |
Deferred income taxes |
5,722 |
5,611 |
Other liabilities |
80,587 |
74,604 |
Long-term debt |
740,315 |
763,921 |
Total liabilities |
1,250,484 |
1,273,526 |
Commitments and contingencies |
Total equity |
400,055 |
371,913 |
$ |
1,650,539 |
$ |
1,645,439 |
KONTOOR BRANDS, INC. Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited) |
Twelve Months Ended December |
(In thousands) |
2024 |
2023 |
Net income |
$ |
245,802 |
$ |
230,994 |
Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash provided by operating activities: |
Depreciation and amortization |
42,635 |
38,046 |
Stock-based compensation |
26,585 |
16,725 |
Other, including working capital changes |
53,208 |
70,784 |
Cash provided by operating activities |
368,230 |
356,549 |
Property, plant and equipment expenditures |
(18,788 |
) |
(27,366 |
) |
Capitalized computer software |
(3,334 |
) |
(10,018 |
) |
Other |
(138 |
) |
(1,754 |
) |
Cash used by investing activities |
(22,260 |
) |
(39,138 |
) |
Borrowings under revolving credit facility |
— |
288,000 |
Repayments under revolving credit facility |
— |
(288,000 |
) |
Repayments of term loan |
(45,000 |
) |
(10,000 |
) |
Repurchases of Common Stock |
(85,677 |
) |
(30,111 |
) |
Dividends paid |
(112,060 |
) |
(108,574 |
) |
Proceeds from issuance of Common Stock, net of shares withheld for taxes |
2,382 |
284 |
Other |
— |
(7,297 |
) |
Cash used by financing activities |
(240,355 |
) |
(155,698 |
) |
Effect of foreign currency rate changes on cash and cash equivalents |
13,401 |
(5,842 |
) |
Net change in cash and cash equivalents |
119,016 |
155,871 |
Cash and cash equivalents – beginning of period |
215,050 |
59,179 |
Cash and cash equivalents – end of period |
$ |
334,066 |
$ |
215,050 |
KONTOOR BRANDS, INC. Supplemental Financial Information Business Segment Information (Unaudited) |
Three Months Ended December |
% Change |
% Change Constant Currency (a) |
(Dollars in thousands) |
2024 |
2023 |
Segment revenues: |
Wrangler |
$ |
503,143 |
$ |
460,959 |
Lee |
193,540 |
205,836 |
(6)% |
(5)% |
Total reportable segment revenues |
696,683 |
666,795 |
Other revenues (b) |
2,601 |
3,005 |
(13)% |
(13)% |
Total net revenues |
$ |
699,284 |
$ |
669,800 |
Segment profit: |
Wrangler |
$ |
105,551 |
$ |
83,882 |
Lee |
17,846 |
20,675 |
(14)% |
(13)% |
Total reportable segment profit |
$ |
123,397 |
$ |
104,557 |
Corporate and other expenses |
(40,495 |
) |
(30,260 |
) |
Interest expense |
(9,972 |
) |
(10,018 |
) |
—% |
—% |
Interest income |
3,143 |
1,717 |
Loss related to other revenues (b) |
(559 |
) |
(467 |
) |
Income before income taxes |
$ |
75,514 |
$ |
65,529 |
Twelve Months Ended December |
% Change |
% Change Constant Currency (a) |
(Dollars in thousands) |
2024 |
2023 |
Segment revenues: |
Wrangler |
$ |
1,805,989 |
$ |
1,754,130 |
Lee |
790,625 |
842,520 |
(6)% |
(6)% |
Total reportable segment revenues |
2,596,614 |
2,596,650 |
—% |
—% |
Other revenues (b) |
10,964 |
10,822 |
Total net revenues |
$ |
2,607,578 |
$ |
2,607,472 |
—% |
—% |
Segment profit: |
Wrangler |
$ |
366,309 |
$ |
307,521 |
Lee |
89,662 |
98,148 |
(9)% |
(9)% |
Total reportable segment profit |
$ |
455,971 |
$ |
405,669 |
Corporate and other expenses |
(123,240 |
) |
(96,075 |
) |
Interest expense |
(40,824 |
) |
(40,408 |
) |
Interest income |
11,149 |
3,791 |
Loss related to other revenues (b) |
(1,633 |
) |
(1,078 |
) |
Income before income taxes |
$ |
301,423 |
$ |
271,899 |
(a) Refer to constant currency definition on the following pages. (b) We report an “Other” category to reconcile segment revenues and segment profit to the Company's operating results, but the Other category does not meet the criteria to be considered a reportable segment. Other includes sales and licensing of Chic®, Rock & Republic®, other company-owned brands and private label apparel, and the associated costs. |
KONTOOR BRANDS, INC. Supplemental Financial Information Business Segment Information – Constant Currency Basis (Non-GAAP) (Unaudited) |
Three Months Ended December 2024 |
As Reported |
Adjust for Foreign |
(In thousands) |
under GAAP |
Currency Exchange |
Constant Currency |
Segment revenues: |
Wrangler |
$ |
503,143 |
$ |
851 |
$ |
503,994 |
Lee |
193,540 |
1,928 |
195,468 |
Total reportable segment revenues |
696,683 |
2,779 |
699,462 |
Other revenues |
2,601 |
— |
2,601 |
Total net revenues |
$ |
699,284 |
$ |
2,779 |
$ |
702,063 |
Segment profit: |
Wrangler |
$ |
105,551 |
$ |
70 |
$ |
105,621 |
Lee |
17,846 |
44 |
17,890 |
Total reportable segment profit |
$ |
123,397 |
$ |
114 |
$ |
123,511 |
Corporate and other expenses |
(40,495 |
) |
3 |
(40,492 |
) |
Interest expense |
(9,972 |
) |
(3 |
) |
(9,975 |
) |
Interest income |
3,143 |
(35 |
) |
3,108 |
Loss related to other revenues |
(559 |
) |
— |
(559 |
) |
Income before income taxes |
$ |
75,514 |
$ |
79 |
$ |
75,593 |
Twelve Months Ended December 2024 |
As Reported |
Adjust for Foreign |
(In thousands) |
under GAAP |
Currency Exchange |
Constant Currency |
Segment revenues: |
Wrangler |
$ |
1,805,989 |
$ |
(350 |
) |
$ |
1,805,639 |
Lee |
790,625 |
2,491 |
793,116 |
Total reportable segment revenues |
2,596,614 |
2,141 |
2,598,755 |
Other revenues |
10,964 |
— |
10,964 |
Total net revenues |
$ |
2,607,578 |
$ |
2,141 |
$ |
2,609,719 |
Segment profit: |
Wrangler |
$ |
366,309 |
$ |
(389 |
) |
$ |
365,920 |
Lee |
89,662 |
(49 |
) |
89,613 |
Total reportable segment profit |
$ |
455,971 |
$ |
(438 |
) |
$ |
455,533 |
Corporate and other expenses |
(123,240 |
) |
(72 |
) |
(123,312 |
) |
Interest expense |
(40,824 |
) |
(3 |
) |
(40,827 |
) |
Interest income |
11,149 |
(41 |
) |
11,108 |
Loss related to other revenues |
(1,633 |
) |
1 |
(1,632 |
) |
Income before income taxes |
$ |
301,423 |
$ |
(553 |
) |
$ |
300,870 |
Constant Currency Financial Information
The Company is a global company that reports financial information in
To calculate foreign currency translation on a constant currency basis, operating results for the current year period for entities reporting in currencies other than the
These constant currency performance measures should be viewed in addition to, and not as an alternative for, reported results under GAAP. The constant currency information presented may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies.
KONTOOR BRANDS, INC. Supplemental Financial Information Reconciliation of Adjusted Financial Measures - Quarter-to-Date (Non-GAAP) (Unaudited) |
Three Months Ended December |
(Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts) |
2024 |
2023 |
Cost of goods sold - as reported under GAAP |
$ |
393,728 |
$ |
390,390 |
Restructuring and transformation costs (a) |
(7,184 |
) |
(3,437 |
) |
Adjusted cost of goods sold |
$ |
386,544 |
$ |
386,953 |
Selling, general and administrative expenses - as reported under GAAP |
$ |
221,261 |
$ |
203,969 |
Restructuring and transformation costs (a) |
(9,857 |
) |
(2,097 |
) |
Adjusted selling, general and administrative expenses |
$ |
211,404 |
$ |
201,872 |
Diluted earnings per share - as reported under GAAP |
$ |
1.14 |
$ |
1.21 |
Restructuring and transformation costs (a) |
0.24 |
0.07 |
Adjusted diluted earnings per share |
$ |
1.38 |
$ |
1.28 |
Net income - as reported under GAAP |
$ |
63,978 |
$ |
68,771 |
Income taxes |
11,536 |
(3,242 |
) |
Interest expense |
9,972 |
10,018 |
Interest income |
(3,143 |
) |
(1,717 |
) |
$ |
82,343 |
$ |
73,830 |
Depreciation and amortization |
13,583 |
10,641 |
$ |
95,926 |
$ |
84,471 |
Restructuring and transformation costs (a) |
17,041 |
5,534 |
Adjusted EBITDA |
$ |
112,967 |
$ |
90,005 |
As a percentage of total net revenues |
16.2 |
% |
13.4 |
% |
Non-GAAP Financial Information: The financial information above has been presented on a GAAP basis and on an adjusted basis. EBIT, EBITDA and adjusted presentations are non-GAAP measures. See “Notes to Supplemental Financial Information - Reconciliation of Adjusted Financial Measures” at the end of this document. Amounts herein may not recalculate due to the use of unrounded numbers.
(a) See “Notes to Supplemental Financial Information - Reconciliation of Adjusted Financial Measures” at the end of this document. |
KONTOOR BRANDS, INC. Supplemental Financial Information Reconciliation of Adjusted Financial Measures - Year-to-Date (Non-GAAP) (Unaudited) |
Twelve Months Ended December |
(Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts) |
2024 |
2023 |
Cost of goods sold - as reported under GAAP |
$ |
1,446,008 |
$ |
1,519,635 |
Restructuring and transformation costs (a) |
(15,453 |
) |
(5,791 |
) |
Adjusted cost of goods sold |
$ |
1,430,555 |
$ |
1,513,844 |
Selling, general and administrative expenses - as reported under GAAP |
$ |
819,281 |
$ |
768,568 |
Restructuring and transformation costs (a) |
(22,886 |
) |
(8,536 |
) |
Adjusted selling, general and administrative expenses |
$ |
796,395 |
$ |
760,032 |
Diluted earnings per share - as reported under GAAP |
$ |
4.36 |
$ |
4.06 |
Restructuring and transformation costs (a) |
0.53 |
0.20 |
Adjusted diluted earnings per share |
$ |
4.89 |
$ |
4.26 |
Net income - as reported under GAAP |
$ |
245,802 |
$ |
230,994 |
Income taxes |
55,621 |
40,905 |
Interest expense |
40,824 |
40,408 |
Interest income |
(11,149 |
) |
(3,791 |
) |
$ |
331,098 |
$ |
308,516 |
Depreciation and amortization |
42,635 |
38,046 |
$ |
373,733 |
$ |
346,562 |
Restructuring and transformation costs (a) |
38,339 |
14,327 |
Adjusted EBITDA |
$ |
412,072 |
$ |
360,889 |
As a percentage of total net revenues |
15.8 |
% |
13.8 |
% |
Non-GAAP Financial Information: The financial information above has been presented on a GAAP basis and on an adjusted basis. EBIT, EBITDA and adjusted presentations are non-GAAP measures. See “Notes to Supplemental Financial Information - Reconciliation of Adjusted Financial Measures” at the end of this document. Amounts herein may not recalculate due to the use of unrounded numbers.
(a) See “Notes to Supplemental Financial Information - Reconciliation of Adjusted Financial Measures” at the end of this document. |
KONTOOR BRANDS, INC. Supplemental Financial Information Summary of Select GAAP and Non-GAAP Measures (Unaudited) |
Three Months Ended December |
2024 |
2023 |
(Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts) |
Adjusted |
Adjusted |
Net revenues |
$ |
699,284 |
$ |
699,284 |
$ |
669,800 |
$ |
669,800 |
Gross margin |
$ |
305,556 |
$ |
312,740 |
$ |
279,410 |
$ |
282,847 |
As a percentage of total net revenues |
43.7 |
% |
44.7 |
% |
41.7 |
% |
42.2 |
% |
Selling, general and administrative expenses |
$ |
221,261 |
$ |
211,404 |
$ |
203,969 |
$ |
201,872 |
As a percentage of total net revenues |
31.6 |
% |
30.2 |
% |
30.5 |
% |
30.1 |
% |
Operating income |
$ |
84,295 |
$ |
101,336 |
$ |
75,441 |
$ |
80,975 |
As a percentage of total net revenues |
12.1 |
% |
14.5 |
% |
11.3 |
% |
12.1 |
% |
Earnings per share - diluted |
$ |
1.14 |
$ |
1.38 |
$ |
1.21 |
$ |
1.28 |
Twelve Months Ended December |
2024 |
2023 |
(Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts) |
Adjusted |
Adjusted |
Net revenues |
$ |
2,607,578 |
$ |
2,607,578 |
$ |
2,607,472 |
$ |
2,607,472 |
Gross margin |
$ |
1,161,570 |
$ |
1,177,023 |
$ |
1,087,837 |
$ |
1,093,628 |
As a percentage of total net revenues |
44.5 |
% |
45.1 |
% |
41.7 |
% |
41.9 |
% |
Selling, general and administrative expenses |
$ |
819,281 |
$ |
796,395 |
$ |
768,568 |
$ |
760,032 |
As a percentage of total net revenues |
31.4 |
% |
30.5 |
% |
29.5 |
% |
29.1 |
% |
Operating income |
$ |
342,289 |
$ |
380,628 |
$ |
319,269 |
$ |
333,596 |
As a percentage of total net revenues |
13.1 |
% |
14.6 |
% |
12.2 |
% |
12.8 |
% |
Earnings per common share - diluted |
$ |
4.36 |
$ |
4.89 |
$ |
4.06 |
$ |
4.26 |
Non-GAAP Financial Information: The financial information above has been presented on a GAAP basis and on an adjusted basis. These adjusted presentations are non-GAAP measures. See “Notes to Supplemental Financial Information - Reconciliation of Adjusted Financial Measures” at the end of this document. |
KONTOOR BRANDS, INC. Supplemental Financial Information Disaggregation of Revenue (Unaudited) |
Three Months Ended December 2024 |
Revenues - As Reported |
(In thousands) |
Wrangler |
Lee |
Other |
Total |
Channel revenues |
$ |
404,358 |
$ |
93,701 |
$ |
2,369 |
$ |
500,428 |
Non- |
40,776 |
51,760 |
— |
92,536 |
Direct-to-Consumer |
58,009 |
48,079 |
232 |
106,320 |
Total |
$ |
503,143 |
$ |
193,540 |
$ |
2,601 |
$ |
699,284 |
Geographic revenues |
$ |
455,317 |
$ |
111,236 |
$ |
2,601 |
$ |
569,154 |
International |
47,826 |
82,304 |
— |
130,130 |
Total |
$ |
503,143 |
$ |
193,540 |
$ |
2,601 |
$ |
699,284 |
Twelve Months Ended December 2024 |
Revenues - As Reported |
(In thousands) |
Wrangler |
Lee |
Other |
Total |
Channel revenues |
$ |
1,460,102 |
$ |
414,803 |
$ |
10,200 |
$ |
1,885,105 |
Non- |
177,107 |
222,308 |
— |
399,415 |
Direct-to-Consumer |
168,780 |
153,514 |
764 |
323,058 |
Total |
$ |
1,805,989 |
$ |
790,625 |
$ |
10,964 |
$ |
2,607,578 |
Geographic revenues |
$ |
1,602,413 |
$ |
473,672 |
$ |
10,964 |
$ |
2,087,049 |
International |
203,576 |
316,953 |
— |
520,529 |
Total |
$ |
1,805,989 |
$ |
790,625 |
$ |
10,964 |
$ |
2,607,578 |
KONTOOR BRANDS, INC. Supplemental Financial Information Disaggregation of Revenue (Unaudited) |
Three Months Ended December 2023 |
Revenues - As Reported |
(In thousands) |
Wrangler |
Lee |
Other |
Total |
Channel revenues |
$ |
369,611 |
$ |
103,609 |
$ |
2,756 |
$ |
475,976 |
Non- |
38,099 |
58,203 |
— |
96,302 |
Direct-to-Consumer |
53,249 |
44,024 |
249 |
97,522 |
Total |
$ |
460,959 |
$ |
205,836 |
$ |
3,005 |
$ |
669,800 |
Geographic revenues |
$ |
416,310 |
$ |
118,526 |
$ |
3,005 |
$ |
537,841 |
International |
44,649 |
87,310 |
— |
131,959 |
Total |
$ |
460,959 |
$ |
205,836 |
$ |
3,005 |
$ |
669,800 |
Twelve Months Ended December 2023 |
Revenues - As Reported |
(In thousands) |
Wrangler |
Lee |
Other |
Total |
Channel revenues |
$ |
1,418,102 |
$ |
440,690 |
$ |
10,149 |
$ |
1,868,941 |
Non- |
181,766 |
246,873 |
10 |
428,649 |
Direct-to-Consumer |
154,262 |
154,957 |
663 |
309,882 |
Total |
$ |
1,754,130 |
$ |
842,520 |
$ |
10,822 |
$ |
2,607,472 |
Geographic revenues |
$ |
1,549,051 |
$ |
500,816 |
$ |
10,812 |
$ |
2,060,679 |
International |
205,079 |
341,704 |
10 |
546,793 |
Total |
$ |
1,754,130 |
$ |
842,520 |
$ |
10,822 |
$ |
2,607,472 |
KONTOOR BRANDS, INC. Supplemental Financial Information Summary of Select Revenue Information (Unaudited) |
Three Months Ended December |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 to 2023 |
(Dollars in thousands) |
As Reported under GAAP |
% Change Reported |
% Change Constant Currency |
Wrangler |
$ |
455,317 |
$ |
416,310 |
Lee |
111,236 |
118,526 |
(6)% |
(6)% |
Other |
2,601 |
3,005 |
(13)% |
(13)% |
Total |
$ |
569,154 |
$ |
537,841 |
Wrangler International |
$ |
47,826 |
$ |
44,649 |
Lee International |
82,304 |
87,310 |
(6)% |
(4)% |
Total International revenues |
$ |
130,130 |
$ |
131,959 |
(1)% |
Global Wrangler |
$ |
503,143 |
$ |
460,959 |
Global Lee |
193,540 |
205,836 |
(6)% |
(5)% |
Global Other |
2,601 |
3,005 |
(13)% |
(13)% |
Total revenues |
$ |
699,284 |
$ |
669,800 |
Twelve Months Ended December |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 to 2023 |
(Dollars in thousands) |
As Reported Under GAAP |
% Change Reported |
% Change Constant Currency |
Wrangler |
$ |
1,602,413 |
$ |
1,549,051 |
Lee |
473,672 |
500,816 |
(5)% |
(5)% |
Other |
10,964 |
10,812 |
Total |
$ |
2,087,049 |
$ |
2,060,679 |
Wrangler International |
$ |
203,576 |
$ |
205,079 |
(1)% |
(1)% |
Lee International |
316,953 |
341,704 |
(7)% |
(7)% |
Other International |
— |
10 |
(100)% |
(100)% |
Total International revenues |
$ |
520,529 |
$ |
546,793 |
(5)% |
(4)% |
Global Wrangler |
$ |
1,805,989 |
$ |
1,754,130 |
Global Lee |
790,625 |
842,520 |
(6)% |
(6)% |
Global Other |
10,964 |
10,822 |
Total revenues |
$ |
2,607,578 |
$ |
2,607,472 |
—% |
—% |
Non-GAAP Financial Information: The financial information above has been presented on a GAAP basis and on a constant currency basis, which is a non-GAAP financial measure. See “Business Segment Information – Constant Currency Basis (Non-GAAP)” for additional information on constant currency financial calculations. |
KONTOOR BRANDS, INC. Supplemental Financial Information Adjusted Return on Invested Capital (Non-GAAP) (Unaudited) |
(Dollars in thousands) |
Twelve Months Ended December |
Numerator |
2024 |
2023 |
Net income |
$ |
245,802 |
$ |
230,994 |
Plus: Income taxes |
55,621 |
40,905 |
Plus: Interest income (expense), net |
29,675 |
36,617 |
$ |
331,098 |
$ |
308,516 |
Plus: Restructuring and transformation costs (a) |
38,339 |
14,327 |
Plus: Operating lease interest (b) |
1,322 |
1,190 |
Adjusted EBIT |
$ |
370,759 |
$ |
324,033 |
Adjusted effective income tax rate (c) |
19 |
% |
15 |
% |
Adjusted net operating profit after taxes |
$ |
300,239 |
$ |
274,378 |
Denominator |
December 2024 |
December 2023 |
December 2022 |
Equity |
$ |
400,055 |
$ |
371,913 |
$ |
250,757 |
Plus: Current portion of long-term debt and other borrowings |
— |
20,000 |
17,280 |
Plus: Noncurrent portion of long-term debt |
740,315 |
763,921 |
782,619 |
Plus: Operating lease liabilities (d) |
50,845 |
57,756 |
51,404 |
Less: Cash and cash equivalents |
(334,066 |
) |
(215,050 |
) |
(59,179 |
) |
Invested capital |
$ |
857,149 |
$ |
998,540 |
$ |
1,042,881 |
Average invested capital (e) |
$ |
927,845 |
$ |
1,020,711 |
Net income to average debt and equity (f) |
21.4 |
% |
20.9 |
% |
Adjusted return on invested capital |
32.4 |
% |
26.9 |
% |
Non-GAAP Financial Information: Adjusted return on invested capital (“ROIC”) is a non-GAAP measure. We believe this metric is useful in assessing the effectiveness of our capital allocation over time. ROIC may be different from similarly titled measures used by other companies. Amounts herein may not recalculate due to the use of unrounded numbers.
(a) See “Notes to Supplemental Financial Information - Reconciliation of Adjusted Financial Measures” at the end of this document. (b) Operating lease interest is based upon the discount rate for each lease and recorded as a component of rent expense within “Selling, general and administrative expenses” in the Company's statements of operations. The adjustment for operating lease interest represents the add-back to earnings before interest and taxes (“EBIT”) based upon the assumption that properties under our operating leases were owned or accounted for as finance leases. Operating lease interest is added back to EBIT in the adjusted ROIC calculation to account for differences in capital structure between us and other companies. (c) Effective income tax rate adjusted for restructuring and transformation costs and the corresponding tax impact. See “Notes to Supplemental Financial Information - Reconciliation of Adjusted Financial Measures” at the end of this document. (d) Total of “Operating lease liabilities, current” and “Operating lease liabilities, noncurrent” in the Company's balance sheets. (e) The average is based on the “Invested capital” at the end of the current period and at the end of the comparable prior period. (f) Calculated as “Net income” divided by average “Debt” and “Equity.” “Debt” includes the current and noncurrent portion of long-term debt as well as other short-term borrowings. The average is based on the subtotal of “Debt” and “Equity” at the end of the current period and at the end of the comparable prior period. |
Supplemental Financial Information
Reconciliation of Adjusted Financial Measures - Notes (Non-GAAP)
Notes to Supplemental Financial Information - Reconciliation of Adjusted Financial Measures
Management uses non-GAAP financial measures internally in its budgeting and review process and, in some cases, as a factor in determining compensation. In addition, adjusted EBITDA is a key financial measure for the Company's shareholders and financial leaders, as the Company's debt financing agreements require the measurement of adjusted EBITDA, along with other measures, in connection with the Company's compliance with debt covenants. While management believes that these non-GAAP measures are useful in evaluating the business, this information should be considered supplemental in nature and should be viewed in addition to, and not as an alternate for, reported results under GAAP. In addition, these non-GAAP measures may be different from similarly titled measures used by other companies.
(a) During the three months ended December 2024, restructuring and transformation costs included
During the three months ended December 2023, restructuring costs included
During the three months ended December 2024 and December 2023, total restructuring and transformation costs resulted in a corresponding tax impact of
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250225858435/en/
Michael Karapetian, (336) 332-4263
Vice President, Corporate Development, Strategy, and Investor Relations
Julia Burge, (336) 332-5122
Director, External Communications
Source: Kontoor Brands, Inc.
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