Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of

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Tags (Nasdaq: KSPI) has announced an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled for 19 November 2024 at 10:00 Astana time in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The agenda includes approval of dividend distribution, amendments to the company charter, election of a new Board Member, and approval of a major transaction.

Key points:

  • The Board recommends a dividend of 850 KZT per common share
  • Proposed record date for dividends: 18 November 2024 for common shareholders, 20 November 2024 for ADS holders
  • A new Board Member will be elected due to a resignation
  • Shareholders will vote on a major transaction involving property valued at 50% or more of the company's total book value

If quorum is not met, a repeated meeting will be held on 20 November 2024 at the same time and location. (Nasdaq: KSPI) ha annunciato un'Assemblea Generale Straordinaria degli Azionisti prevista per il 19 novembre 2024 alle 10:00 ora di Astana ad Almaty, Kazakhstan. L'ordine del giorno include l'approvazione della distribuzione dei dividendi, modifiche allo statuto della società, l'elezione di un nuovo membro del Consiglio di Amministrazione e l'approvazione di una transazione importante.

Punti chiave:

  • Il Consiglio raccomanda un dividendo di 850 KZT per azione ordinaria
  • Data record proposta per i dividendi: 18 novembre 2024 per gli azionisti ordinari, 20 novembre 2024 per i possessori di ADS
  • Un nuovo membro del Consiglio sarà eletto a causa di una dimissione
  • Gli azionisti voteranno su una transazione importante che coinvolge proprietà valutate al 50% o più del valore contabile totale della società

Se non si raggiunge il quorum, si terrà una riunione ripetuta il 20 novembre 2024 alla stessa ora e nel medesimo luogo. (Nasdaq: KSPI) ha anunciado una Asamblea General Extraordinaria de Accionistas programada para el 19 de noviembre de 2024 a las 10:00 hora de Astana en Almaty, Kazajistán. El orden del día incluye la aprobación de la distribución de dividendos, enmiendas a los estatutos de la empresa, la elección de un nuevo miembro del Consejo y la aprobación de una transacción importante.

Puntos clave:

  • El Consejo recomienda un dividendo de 850 KZT por acción común
  • Fecha de registro propuesta para los dividendos: 18 de noviembre de 2024 para los accionistas comunes, 20 de noviembre de 2024 para los titulares de ADS
  • Se elegirán un nuevo miembro del Consejo debido a una renuncia
  • Los accionistas votarán sobre una transacción importante que involucra propiedades valoradas en un 50% o más del valor contable total de la empresa

Si no se cumple el quórum, se celebrará una reunión repetida el 20 de noviembre de 2024 a la misma hora y en el mismo lugar. (Nasdaq: KSPI)는 2024년 11월 19일 오전 10시, 아스타나 시간에 카자흐스탄 알마티에서 예정된 주주 정기총회를 발표했습니다. 의제에는 배당금 분배 승인, 회사 정관 개정, 신규 이사 선출 및 주요 거래 승인 등이 포함됩니다.

주요 내용:

  • 이사회는 보통주당 850 KZT 배당금을 권장합니다.
  • 배당금의 기록 날짜 제안: 보통주주를 위한 2024년 11월 18일, ADS 보유자를 위한 2024년 11월 20일
  • 사임으로 인해 새로운 이사를 선출합니다.
  • 주주들은 회사 총 장부 가치의 50% 이상의 부동산이 포함된 주요 거래에 대해 투표할 것입니다.

정족수가 충족되지 않으면, 2024년 11월 20일 같은 시간과 장소에서 다시 회의가 열립니다. (Nasdaq: KSPI) a annoncé une Assemblée Générale Extraordinaire des Actionnaires prévue pour le 19 novembre 2024 à 10h00, heure d'Astana, à Almaty, au Kazakhstan. L'ordre du jour comprend l'approbation de la distribution des dividendes, des modifications des statuts de l'entreprise, l'élection d'un nouveau membre du Conseil et l'approbation d'une transaction majeure.

Points clés :

  • Le Conseil recommande un dividende de 850 KZT par action ordinaire
  • Date d'enregistrement proposée pour les dividendes : 18 novembre 2024 pour les actionnaires ordinaires, 20 novembre 2024 pour les détenteurs d'ADS
  • Un nouveau membre du Conseil sera élu en raison d'une démission
  • Les actionnaires voteront sur une transaction majeure impliquant des biens d'une valeur d'au moins 50 % de la valeur comptable totale de l'entreprise

Si le quorum n'est pas atteint, une réunion répétée aura lieu le 20 novembre 2024 à la même heure et au même endroit. (Nasdaq: KSPI) hat eine außerordentliche Hauptversammlung der Aktionäre angekündigt, die für den 19. November 2024 um 10:00 Uhr Astana-Zeit in Almaty, Kasachstan, geplant ist. Die Tagesordnung umfasst die Genehmigung der Dividendenausschüttung, Änderungen der Unternehmenssatzung, die Wahl eines neuen Vorstandsmitglieds und die Genehmigung einer größeren Transaktion.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Der Vorstand empfiehlt eine Dividende von 850 KZT pro Stammaktie
  • Vorgeschlagenes Record-Datum für Dividenden: 18. November 2024 für Stammaktionäre, 20. November 2024 für ADS-Inhaber
  • Ein neues Vorstandsmitglied wird aufgrund eines Rücktritts gewählt
  • Die Aktionäre werden über eine größere Transaktion abstimmen, die Immobilien mit einem Wert von 50 % oder mehr des Gesamtbuchwerts des Unternehmens umfasst

Wenn das Quorum nicht erreicht wird, findet am 20. November 2024 zur gleichen Zeit und am gleichen Ort eine wiederholte Sitzung statt.

  • Board recommends a dividend of 850 KZT per common share
  • Potential major transaction involving significant company assets
  • Resignation of a Board Member necessitating a new election

ALMATY, Kazakhstan, Oct. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Board of Directors of JSC (Nasdaq: KSPI) hereby announces the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC will be held on 19 November 2024 at 10:00 Astana time at: 154 “А”, Nauryzbai Batyr Street, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 050013.

If a quorum is not met, a repeated General Meeting of Shareholders will be held on 20 November 2024 at 10:00 Astana time at: 154 “А”, Nauryzbai Batyr Street, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 050013.

Agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders:

1. Approval of the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of JSC;

2. Distribution of dividends on common shares of JSC and approval of a dividend amount per share;

3. Approval of amended Charter of JSC;

4. Election of the Board Member due to resignation of one of the Board Members;

5. Approval of the amount and terms of remuneration and reimbursement of expenses of the Board Members incurred while performing Board Member's duties;

6. On entering into a major transaction (and the Company's participation in the activities of a legal entity), as a result of which the Company acquires or alienates (may acquire or alienate) property, the value of which is 50 percent or more of the total book value of the Company's assets.

The list of shareholders entitled to participate in the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will be determined based on the shareholder register of JSC as at 18 October 2024.

The Board of Directors recommends 850 KZT dividend per common share for approval by the shareholders.

The proposed record date of shareholders list for dividends payable to holders of JSC’s common shares is 18 November 2024.

The expected dividend record date for holders of JSC’s American Depositary Shares (“ADSs”) is 20 November 2024.

For further information

please visit our IR website or contact David Ferguson,

+44 7427 751 275


When is (KSPI) holding its Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders? (KSPI) is holding its Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on 19 November 2024 at 10:00 Astana time in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

What dividend amount has's (KSPI) Board recommended for approval?

The Board of Directors of (KSPI) has recommended a dividend of 850 KZT per common share for approval by the shareholders.

What is the proposed record date for (KSPI) dividends?

The proposed record date for (KSPI) dividends is 18 November 2024 for common shareholders and 20 November 2024 for ADS holders.

What major transaction will be voted on at's (KSPI) Extraordinary General Meeting?

Shareholders will vote on a major transaction involving property valued at 50% or more of's (KSPI) total book value of assets.

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