E-commerce champions join forces: to become controlling shareholder in Türkiye’s Hepsiburada

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Tags (NASDAQ: KSPI) has announced a definitive agreement to acquire a 65.41% stake in Hepsiburada (NASDAQ: HEPS), a leading Turkish e-commerce platform, for approximately $1,127 million. The transaction, expected to close in Q1 2025, will be paid in two cash installments. Hepsiburada, founded in 2000, recorded about $4 billion in gross merchandise value (GMV) for fiscal year 2023, serving around 12 million consumers and 101 thousand merchants.

This strategic move expands's addressable market to 100 million people. Both companies will maintain distinct brands and operating structures post-acquisition. The deal aims to leverage combined knowledge and technology to advance e-commerce and digital services in Türkiye and Kazakhstan. plans to finance the investment using its own cash from operations and cash at hand, with potential exploration of debt capital markets following its recent BBB- investment grade credit rating by Fitch. (NASDAQ: KSPI) ha annunciato un accordo definitivo per acquisire una partecipazione del 65,41% in Hepsiburada (NASDAQ: HEPS), una delle principali piattaforme di e-commerce in Turchia, per circa 1.127 milioni di dollari. La transazione, prevista per chiudere nel primo trimestre del 2025, sarà pagata in due rate in contante. Hepsiburada, fondata nel 2000, ha registrato circa 4 miliardi di dollari di valore delle merci lorde (GMV) per l'anno fiscale 2023, servendo circa 12 milioni di consumatori e 101 mila commercianti.

Questa mossa strategica espande il mercato indirizzabile di a 100 milioni di persone. Entrambe le aziende manterranno marchi e strutture operative distinte dopo l'acquisizione. L'accordo mira a sfruttare le conoscenze e la tecnologia combinata per avanzare nell'e-commerce e nei servizi digitali in Turchia e Kazakistan. prevede di finanziare l'investimento utilizzando i propri fondi operativi e la liquidità a disposizione, con una possibile esplorazione dei mercati di capitale per debito dopo il recente rating di credito BBB- assegnato da Fitch. (NASDAQ: KSPI) ha anunciado un acuerdo definitivo para adquirir una participación del 65,41% en Hepsiburada (NASDAQ: HEPS), una de las principales plataformas de comercio electrónico de Turquía, por aproximadamente 1.127 millones de dólares. Se espera que la transacción se cierre en el primer trimestre de 2025 y se pagará en dos cuotas en efectivo. Hepsiburada, fundada en 2000, registró cerca de 4 mil millones de dólares en valor bruto de mercancía (GMV) para el año fiscal 2023, atendiendo a alrededor de 12 millones de consumidores y 101 mil comerciantes.

Este movimiento estratégico expandirá el mercado direccionable de a 100 millones de personas. Ambas empresas mantendrán marcas y estructuras operativas distintas después de la adquisición. El acuerdo tiene como objetivo aprovechar el conocimiento y la tecnología combinados para avanzar en el comercio electrónico y los servicios digitales en Turquía y Kazajistán. planea financiar la inversión utilizando su propio efectivo operativo y liquidez disponible, considerando explorar los mercados de capital de deuda tras recibir la reciente calificación de inversión BBB- de Fitch. (NASDAQ: KSPI)Hepsiburada (NASDAQ: HEPS)65.41% 지분을 약 11억 2,700만 달러에 인수하기 위한 최종 계약을 발표했습니다. 이 거래는 2025년 1분기 중에 완료될 예정이며, 두 차례 현금으로 지급됩니다. 2000년에 설립된 Hepsiburada는 2023 회계연도에 약 40억 달러의 총 상품 가치(GMV)를 기록했으며, 약 1200만 소비자 및 10만 상인을 지원하고 있습니다.

이 전략적 움직임은 Kaspi.kz의 타겟 시장을 1억 명으로 확장합니다. 두 회사는 인수 후에도 별도의 브랜드와 운영 구조를 유지할 것입니다. 이 거래는 터키와 카자흐스탄의 전자상거래 및 디지털 서비스 발전을 위한 지식과 기술을 결합하려는 목표를 가지고 있습니다. Kaspi.kz는 자체 운영 수익과 자금을 활용하여 투자를 금융할 계획이며, 최근 Fitch로부터 BBB- 투자 등급 신용 등급을 받은 후 채권 자본 시장 탐색도 고려하고 있습니다. (NASDAQ: KSPI) a annoncé un accord définitif pour acquérir une participation de 65,41% dans Hepsiburada (NASDAQ: HEPS), une plateforme de commerce électronique turque de premier plan, pour environ 1,127 milliard de dollars. La transaction, qui devrait se conclure au premier trimestre 2025, sera payée en deux versements en espèces. Hepsiburada, fondée en 2000, a enregistré environ 4 milliards de dollars de valeur brute de marchandise (GMV) pour l'exercice fiscal 2023, servant environ 12 millions de consommateurs et 101 mille marchands.

Ce mouvement stratégique élargit le marché adressable de à 100 millions de personnes. Les deux entreprises conserveront des marques et des structures opérationnelles distinctes après l'acquisition. L'accord vise à tirer parti des connaissances et de la technologie combinées pour faire progresser le commerce électronique et les services numériques en Turquie et au Kazakhstan. prévoit de financer l'investissement en utilisant ses propres liquidités d'exploitation et ses fonds disponibles, avec une éventuelle exploration des marchés de capitaux obligataires suite à la récente notation de crédit BBB- attribuée par Fitch. (NASDAQ: KSPI) hat eine endgültige Vereinbarung zur Übernahme eines 65,41% Anteils an Hepsiburada (NASDAQ: HEPS), einer führenden türkischen E-Commerce-Plattform, für etwa 1,127 Millionen Dollar angekündigt. Der Abschluss der Transaktion wird für das erste Quartal 2025 erwartet und wird in zwei Barzahlungen geleistet. Hepsiburada, gegründet im Jahr 2000, verzeichnete im Geschäftsjahr 2023 einen Bruttowarenwert (GMV) von etwa 4 Milliarden Dollar und bediente rund 12 Millionen Verbraucher und 101 Tausend Händler.

Dieser strategische Schritt erweitert den adressierbaren Markt von auf 100 Millionen Menschen. Beide Unternehmen werden nach der Übernahme ihre eigenen Marken und Betriebsstrukturen beibehalten. Das Geschäft zielt darauf ab, das kombinierte Wissen und die Technologie zu nutzen, um E-Commerce und digitale Dienstleistungen in der Türkei und Kasachstan voranzutreiben. plant, die Investition mit eigenen Betriebs- und liquiden Mitteln zu finanzieren, wobei möglicherweise auch das Erforschen von Schuldenkapitalmärkten in Betracht gezogen wird, nachdem Fitch kürzlich die BBB- Investitionsbewertung vergeben hat.

  • Acquisition of 65.41% stake in Hepsiburada expands's addressable market to 100 million people
  • Hepsiburada recorded $4 billion in gross merchandise value (GMV) for fiscal year 2023
  • Hepsiburada was EBITDA positive in the first half of 2024, equivalent to 2.4% of GMV
  • Transaction expected to leverage combined knowledge and technology to advance e-commerce in Türkiye and Kazakhstan
  • recently assigned BBB- investment grade credit rating by Fitch
  • Large cash outlay of $1,127 million for the acquisition
  • Regulatory approvals in Türkiye still pending, which could potentially delay or affect the transaction
  • Potential exploration of debt capital markets to finance the acquisition, which could increase's debt burden


This acquisition is a significant strategic move for, expanding its addressable market to 100 million people. The $1.127 billion deal to acquire 65.41% of Hepsiburada, a leading Turkish e-commerce platform, marks's entry into a new market with strong growth potential.

Key financial aspects:

  • Hepsiburada's $4 billion GMV in 2023 and positive EBITDA (2.4% of GMV) in H1 2024 indicate a solid financial foundation.
  • The two-tranche payment structure ($600 million at closing, $526.9 million within 6 months) allows to manage cash flow effectively.
  • plans to use operational cash and existing funds, with potential exploration of debt markets given its recent BBB- investment grade rating.

This deal could significantly boost's growth trajectory and diversify its revenue streams, potentially enhancing long-term shareholder value. However, investors should monitor integration challenges and regulatory approvals in Turkey.

This acquisition represents a strategic expansion for into the Turkish market, which offers significant growth potential:

  • Turkey's population of 84 million presents a large, untapped market for's digital services.
  • Hepsiburada's established presence (12 million consumers, 101,000 merchants) provides immediate scale and market penetration.
  • The deal aligns with the global trend of consolidation in the e-commerce sector, potentially strengthening both companies' competitive positions.

The cultural fit and shared focus on innovation and customer service between and Hepsiburada could facilitate smoother integration and synergy realization. However, investors should consider potential challenges in cross-border operations and differing regulatory environments. The transaction's success will likely depend on effective knowledge transfer and technology integration between the two companies.

ALMATY, Kazakhstan, Oct. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Joint Stock Company (“” NASDAQ: KSPI) has announced that it has signed a definitive agreement with Hanzade Doğan, the founder and controlling shareholder of D-Market Electronic Services & Trading (“Hepsiburada” NASDAQ: HEPS), and Vuslat Doğan Sabancı, Begüm Doğan Faralyalı, Arzuhan Doğan Yalçındağ and Işıl Doğan to acquire 65.41% of all the total outstanding Class A and Class B shares of Hepsiburada.

Founded in 2000 by Hanzade Doğan, Hepsiburada has long been one of Türkiye’s leading e-commerce platforms. The company grew by focusing on customer service, technology, logistics and a broad assortment of products across various retail categories. For fiscal year 2023, the company recorded around $4 billion in gross merchandise value (GMV), served around 12 million consumers and 101 thousand merchants. For first half of 2024, Hepsiburada was EBITDA positive and equivalent to 2.4% of GMV.

The aggregate consideration for the transaction is approximately $1,127 million, payable in cash in two installments. The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions and regulatory approvals in Türkiye, with closing expected in the first quarter 2025.

Mikheil Lomtadze, CEO and co-founder of, commented:

“We are excited about the opportunity to join forces with Hepsiburada, one of the leading e-commerce companies in Türkiye. Expanding our addressable market to 100 million people has been an important strategic priority for

Hepsiburada is a strong cultural fit with given its innovative culture, focus on providing high quality services to consumers and merchants and commitment to long-term sustainable growth. Like, Hepsiburada is a highly entrepreneurial company and home-grown e-commerce champion, built by a visionary founder. Both companies are driven by a similar purpose, namely to improve consumers’ and merchants’ lives.

Hepsiburada is EBITDA positive, which is a strong testament to the current shareholders and management team who have focused on profitable growth rather than growth at all costs.

Going forward following the closing of the transaction both companies will maintain distinct brands and operating structures. We are aiming to leverage the combined knowledge and technology that the and Hepsiburada teams bring, as we plan to jointly continue advancing e-commerce and digital services in Türkiye and Kazakhstan. We believe that SMEs and entrepreneurs in Kazakhstan and Türkiye will benefit from new opportunities between our countries.”

Hanzade Doğan, Founder and Chairwoman of Hepsiburada, commented:

“Today marks a significant milestone for Hepsiburada Group, which I founded 24 years ago. As a pioneer in Türkiye’s digitalization journey through innovative e-commerce practices, Hepsiburada now embarks on an exciting future with, Kazakhstan’s largest company by market capitalization. I’m immensely proud of Hepsiburada’s journey, its approximately 10,000-strong workforce, 101 thousand merchants, and 12 million customers.

Our entire ecosystem has worked tirelessly to build one of Türkiye’s most powerful brands. In 2021, we achieved the honor of becoming Türkiye’s first and only NASDAQ-listed company, raising our nation’s flag among global tech giants.

My vision for Hepsiburada is one of sustainable growth and increased value creation., with its focus on improving people’s lives through innovative solutions and status as a NASDAQ-listed company, is the ideal partner to help Hepsiburada reach its full potential.

Recognized as an inspiring success story in the global technology world,’s commitment, trust, and investment in Türkiye will undoubtedly strengthen Hepsiburada’s position in the country’s e-commerce sector.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all our stakeholders who have believed in the values that have shaped Hepsiburada. As we embark on this new chapter, I wish both Hepsiburada and great success in their shared journey ahead.”

Details of the Transaction

On 17 October 2024 signed a stock purchase agreement with Hanzade Doğan, Vuslat Doğan Sabancı, Begüm Doğan Faralyalı, Arzuhan Doğan Yalçındağ and Işıl Doğan to purchase Class A and Class B shares representing 65.41% of the total outstanding share capital of Hepsiburada. The aggregate consideration for the transaction is approximately $1,127 million, payable in cash in two tranches: (i) $600.0 million at closing, and (ii), $526.9 million no later than in six months post-closing.

To finance the investment, intends to use its own cash from operations and cash at hand. Following the recent assignment of BBB- investment grade credit rating by Fitch, may explore opportunities in debt capital markets, subject to terms and market conditions; however, no such arrangements or commitments are currently being negotiated or contemplated.

Subject to customary closing conditions and receipt of regulatory approval by certain Turkish government agencies, the transaction is expected to close in the first quarter 2025.

DLA Piper LLP (USA), Akol Law (Türkiye) and Kinstellar Almaty (Kinstellar LLP) served as legal counsels to for this transaction. Sullivan & Cromwell LLP (USA), Kabine Law Office (Türkiye) and Dentons LLP (Kazakhstan) served as legal counsels to the Doğan Family.

About’s mission is to improve people’s lives by developing innovative mobile products and services. To deliver upon this we operate a unique two-sided Super App model – Kaspi Super App for consumers and Kaspi Pay Super App for merchants.

The Super App is Kazakhstan’s most popular mobile app, with 14 million MAU in 2023, 9.1 million of whom access our services daily. The Kaspi Pay Super App is the digital partner of choice for businesses and entrepreneurs in Kazakhstan, with 581 thousand merchant partners in 2023.

Through these Super Apps consumers and merchants can access our leading Payments, Marketplace, and Fintech Platforms. All our services are designed to be highly relevant to users’ everyday needs and enable consumers and merchants to connect and transact, using our proprietary payments network.

The combination of a large, highly engaged consumer and merchant base, best-in-class, highly relevant digital products and a capex lite approach, results in strong top-line growth, a profitable business model and enables us to continue innovating, delighting our users and fulfilling our mission.

Harvard Business School has written two case studies on which it continues to teach to its MBA students.

About Hepsiburada

Hepsiburada is a leading e-commerce technology platform in Türkiye, offering over 264 million stock keeping units across over 30 product categories to its customers. Hepsiburada provides goods and services through its hybrid model combining first-party direct sales (1P model) and a third-party marketplace (3P model) with approximately 101 thousand merchants.

With its vision of leading the digitalization of commerce, Hepsiburada acts as a reliable, innovative and purpose-led companion in consumers’ daily lives. Hepsiburada’s e-commerce platform provides a broad ecosystem of capabilities for merchants and consumers including: last-mile delivery and fulfilment services, advertising services, on-demand grocery delivery services, and payment solutions offered through Hepsipay, Hepsiburada’s payment companion and BNPL solutions provider. HepsiGlobal offers a selection from international merchants through its inbound arm while outbound operations aim to enable merchants in Türkiye to make cross-border sales.

Since its founding in 2000, Hepsiburada has been purpose-led, leveraging its digital capabilities to develop the role of women in the Turkish economy. Hepsiburada started the “Technology Empowerment for Women Entrepreneurs” programme in 2017, which has supported approximately 55 thousand female entrepreneurs throughout Türkiye to reach millions of customers with their products.

Through its comprehensive offerings and commitment to social responsibility, Hepsiburada continues to shape the e-commerce landscape in Türkiye, providing innovative solutions for businesses and consumers alike.

For further information +44 7427 751 275

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. federal securities laws, which statements relate to our current expectations and views of future events. In some cases, these forward-looking statements can be identified by words or phrases such as “believe,” “may,” “might,” “will,” “expect,” “estimate,” “could,” “should,” “anticipate,” “aim,” “estimate,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” “potential,” “prospective,” “continue,” “is/are likely to” or other similar expressions. These forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions, some of which are beyond our control. Therefore, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. In addition, these forward-looking statements reflect our current views with respect to future events and are not a guarantee of future performance. Actual outcomes may differ materially from the information contained in the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of factors, including, without limitation, risks related to the following: our ability to consummate the Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby; our ability to realize the benefits of the transactions contemplated by the Agreement; our ability to attract sufficient new customers, engage and retain our existing customers or sell additional functionality, products and services to them on our platforms; our ability to maintain and improve the network effects of our Super App business model; our ability to improve or maintain technology infrastructure; our ability to successfully execute the new business model and reach profitability of the e-Grocery operations; our ability to partner with sufficient new merchants or maintain relationships with our existing merchant partners; our ability to effectively manage the growth of our business and operations; developments affecting the financial services industry; our brand or trusted status of our platforms and Super Apps; our ability to retain and motivate our personnel and attract new talent, or to maintain our corporate culture; our ability to keep pace with rapid technological developments to provide innovative services; our ability to implement changes to our systems and operations necessary to capitalize on our future growth opportunities; changes in relationships with third-party providers, including software and hardware suppliers, delivery services, credit bureaus and debt collection agencies; our ability to compete successfully against existing or new competitors; our ability to integrate acquisitions, strategic alliances and investments; our ability to adequately obtain, maintain, enforce and protect our intellectual property and similar proprietary rights; evolving nature of Kazakhstan’s legislative and regulatory framework; our ability to obtain or retain certain licenses, permits and approvals in a timely manner; our ability to successfully remediate the existing material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting and our ability to establish and maintain an effective system of internal control over financial reporting; dependence on our subsidiaries for cash to fund our operations and expenses, including future dividend payments, if any; and risks related to other factors discussed under Item 3.D. “Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on April 29, 2024 and our other SEC filings we make from time to time.

We operate in an evolving environment. New risks emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for our management to predict all risks, nor can we assess the effect of all factors on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements.

The forward-looking statements made in this press release relate only to events or information as of the date on which the statements are made in this press release. Except as required by law, we undertake no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, after the date on which the statements are made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.


What percentage of Hepsiburada is (KSPI) acquiring? (KSPI) is acquiring a 65.41% stake in Hepsiburada.

How much is (KSPI) paying for the Hepsiburada acquisition? (KSPI) is paying approximately $1,127 million for the acquisition of Hepsiburada.

When is the (KSPI) acquisition of Hepsiburada expected to close?

The acquisition is expected to close in the first quarter of 2025, subject to customary closing conditions and regulatory approvals in Türkiye.

What was Hepsiburada's gross merchandise value (GMV) for fiscal year 2023?

Hepsiburada recorded approximately $4 billion in gross merchandise value (GMV) for fiscal year 2023.

How does (KSPI) plan to finance the Hepsiburada acquisition? (KSPI) plans to use its own cash from operations and cash at hand to finance the acquisition, with potential exploration of debt capital markets.

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