Certain DWS Closed-End Funds Declare Monthly Distributions

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DWS closed-end funds have announced their regular monthly distributions. DWS Strategic Municipal Income Trust (KSM) will distribute $0.0280 per share, up from $0.0260 previously. DWS Municipal Income Trust (KTF) maintains its distribution at $0.0610 per share. The ex-date, record date, and payable date are set for August 19, August 19, and August 30, 2024, respectively.

Both funds aim to distribute all or most of their net investment income annually. KTF's August distribution may include a return of capital. Investors should note that closed-end funds trade on the open market and often at a discount to net asset value. These funds are subject to various risks, including interest-rate, credit, and market risks. Municipal securities may be affected by political events, local conditions, and issuer bankruptcy.

I fondi chiusi DWS hanno annunciato le loro distribuzioni mensili regolari. DWS Strategic Municipal Income Trust (KSM) distribuirà $0.0280 per azione, rispetto a $0.0260 precedentemente. DWS Municipal Income Trust (KTF) mantiene la sua distribuzione a $0.0610 per azione. La data di stacco, la data di registrazione e la data di pagamento sono fissate per il 19 agosto, il 19 agosto e il 30 agosto 2024, rispettivamente.

Entrambi i fondi mirano a distribuire tutto o quasi tutto il loro reddito netto da investimento annualmente. La distribuzione di agosto di KTF potrebbe includere un ritorno di capitale. Gli investitori dovrebbero notare che i fondi chiusi vengono scambiati sul mercato aperto e spesso a un prezzo inferiore al valore patrimoniale netto. Questi fondi sono soggetti a vari rischi, tra cui rischi di tasso di interesse, di credito e di mercato. I titoli municipali possono essere influenzati da eventi politici, condizioni locali e fallimenti degli emittenti.

Los fondos cerrados de DWS han anunciado sus distribuciones mensuales regulares. DWS Strategic Municipal Income Trust (KSM) distribuirá $0.0280 por acción, un aumento respecto a los $0.0260 anteriores. DWS Municipal Income Trust (KTF) mantiene su distribución en $0.0610 por acción. La fecha ex, la fecha de registro y la fecha de pago están establecidas para el 19 de agosto, 19 de agosto y 30 de agosto de 2024, respectivamente.

Ambos fondos tienen como objetivo distribuir todo o la mayor parte de su ingreso neto de inversiones anualmente. La distribución de agosto de KTF puede incluir un retorno de capital. Los inversores deben tener en cuenta que los fondos cerrados se negocian en el mercado abierto y a menudo con un descuento sobre el valor neto de los activos. Estos fondos están sujetos a varios riesgos, incluidos los riesgos de tasas de interés, crédito y mercado. Los valores municipales pueden verse afectados por eventos políticos, condiciones locales y quiebras de emisores.

DWS 폐쇄형 펀드가 정기 월 배당금을 발표했습니다. DWS Strategic Municipal Income Trust (KSM)는 주당 $0.0280을 배당하며, 이전의 $0.0260보다 증가했습니다. DWS Municipal Income Trust (KTF)는 주당 $0.0610의 배당금을 유지합니다. 배당일, 기록일 및 지급일은 각각 2024년 8월 19일, 8월 19일 및 8월 30일로 정해져 있습니다.

두 펀드는 매년 순투자 소득의 전부 또는 대부분을 분배하는 것을 목표로 합니다. KTF의 8월 배당금에는 자본 환급이 포함될 수 있습니다. 투자자는 폐쇄형 펀드가 공개 시장에서 거래되며 종종 순자산 가치보다 할인된 가격으로 거래된다는 점을 유의해야 합니다. 이러한 펀드는 금리, 신용 및 시장 위험을 포함한 다양한 위험에 노출되어 있습니다. 지방증권은 정치적 사건, 지역 상황 및 발행자의 파산 등 영향을 받을 수 있습니다.

Les fonds fermés de DWS ont annoncé leurs distributions mensuelles régulières. DWS Strategic Municipal Income Trust (KSM) distribuera 0,0280 $ par action, en hausse par rapport à 0,0260 $ précédemment. DWS Municipal Income Trust (KTF) maintient sa distribution à 0,0610 $ par action. La date ex, la date de référence et la date de paiement sont fixées au 19 août, au 19 août et au 30 août 2024, respectivement.

Les deux fonds visent à distribuer l'intégralité ou la majeure partie de leur revenu net d'investissement chaque année. La distribution d'août de KTF pourrait inclure un retour de capital. Les investisseurs doivent noter que les fonds fermés se négocient sur le marché libre et souvent à un prix inférieur à la valeur nette des actifs. Ces fonds sont soumis à divers risques, notamment les risques de taux d'intérêt, de crédit et de marché. Les titres municipaux peuvent être affectés par des événements politiques, des conditions locales et des faillites d'émetteurs.

Die geschlossenen Fonds von DWS haben ihre regulären monatlichen Ausschüttungen angekündigt. DWS Strategic Municipal Income Trust (KSM) wird $0,0280 pro Aktie ausschütten, im Vergleich zu $0,0260 zuvor. DWS Municipal Income Trust (KTF) hält seine Ausschüttung bei $0,0610 pro Aktie. Der Ex-Tag, der Stichtag und das Zahlungsdatum sind auf den 19. August, den 19. August und den 30. August 2024 festgelegt.

Beide Fonds zielen darauf ab, jährlich das gesamte oder den Großteil ihres netten Anlageertrags auszuschütten. Die Ausschüttung von KTF im August kann eine Rückzahlung von Kapital beinhalten. Anleger sollten beachten, dass geschlossene Fonds am offenen Markt gehandelt werden und oft mit einem Abschlag auf den Nettowert der Vermögenswerte. Diese Fonds unterliegen verschiedenen Risiken, darunter Zins-, Kredit- und Marktrisiken. Kommunale Wertpapiere können von politischen Ereignissen, lokalen Bedingungen und Insolvenz des Emittenten betroffen sein.

  • None.
  • None.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The DWS closed-end funds listed below (each, a “Fund”) announced today their regular monthly distributions.

Details are as follows:

August Monthly Distributions

Declaration – 08/08/2024    Ex-Date – 08/19/2024    Record – 08/19/2024    Payable – 08/30/2024




Distribution Per Share

Prior Distribution

Per Share


DWS Strategic Municipal Income Trust








DWS Municipal Income Trust







Each Fund intends to distribute all or substantially all of its net investment income each year through its regular monthly distributions and to distribute any realized capital gains at least annually. In addition, in any monthly period, to maintain its declared per common share distribution amount, each Fund may distribute more or less than its net investment income during the period. In the event a Fund distributes more than its net investment income during any yearly period, such distributions may also include realized gains and/or a return of capital. When distributions exceed total return performance, the difference will reduce a Fund’s net asset value.

It is estimated that a portion of KTF’s August distribution consists of a return of capital. A return of capital may occur, for example, when some or all of a shareholder’s investment is paid back to the shareholder. A return of capital distribution does not necessarily reflect a fund’s investment performance and should not be confused with “yield” or “income.” Shareholders should not draw any conclusions about KTF’s investment performance from the amount of its monthly distribution. As required by Federal securities laws, KTF will issue a notice to its common shareholders in connection with its monthly distribution that contains information about the amount and estimated sources of the distribution and other related information. The final determination of the source and tax status of all distributions paid in 2024 will be made after the end of 2024 and will be provided on Form 1099-DIV.

Important Information

DWS Municipal Income Trust. Bond investments are subject to interest-rate, credit, liquidity and market risks to varying degrees. When interest rates rise, bond prices generally fall. Credit risk refers to the ability of an issuer to make timely payments of principal and interest. Municipal securities are subject to the risk that litigation, legislation or other political events, local business or economic conditions or the bankruptcy of the issuer could have a significant effect on an issuer’s ability to make payments of principal and/or interest. The market for municipal bonds may be less liquid than for taxable bonds, and there may be less information available on the financial condition of issuers of municipal securities than for public corporations. Investing in derivatives entails special risks relating to liquidity, leverage and credit that may reduce returns and/or increase volatility. Leverage results in additional risks and can magnify the effect of any gains or losses. Although the fund seeks income that is exempt from federal income taxes, a portion of the fund’s distributions may be subject to federal, state and local taxes, including the alternative minimum tax.

DWS Strategic Municipal Income Trust. Bond investments are subject to interest-rate, credit, liquidity and market risks to varying degrees. When interest rates rise, bond prices generally fall. Credit risk refers to the ability of an issuer to make timely payments of principal and interest. Municipal securities are subject to the risk that litigation, legislation or other political events, local business or economic conditions or the bankruptcy of the issuer could have a significant effect on an issuer’s ability to make payments of principal and/or interest. The market for municipal bonds may be less liquid than for taxable bonds, and there may be less information available on the financial condition of issuers of municipal securities than for public corporations. Investing in derivatives entails special risks relating to liquidity, leverage and credit that may reduce returns and/or increase volatility. Leverage results in additional risks and can magnify the effect of any gains or losses. Although the fund seeks income that is exempt from federal income taxes, a portion of the fund’s distributions may be subject to federal, state and local taxes, including the alternative minimum tax.

Closed-end funds, unlike open-end funds, are not continuously offered. There is a one-time public offering and once issued, shares of closed-end funds are bought and sold in the open market through a stock exchange. Shares of closed-end funds frequently trade at a discount to the net asset value. The price of a fund’s shares is determined by a number of factors, several of which are beyond the control of the fund. Therefore, the fund cannot predict whether its shares will trade at, below or above net asset value.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the laws of such state or jurisdiction.

Certain statements contained in this release may be forward-looking in nature. These include all statements relating to plans, expectations, and other statements that are not historical facts and typically use words like “expect,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “intend,” ”estimated” and similar expressions. Such statements represent management’s current beliefs, based upon information available at the time the statements are made, with regard to the matters addressed. All forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, such statements. Management does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. The following factors, among others, could cause actual results to differ materially from forward-looking statements: (i) the effects of adverse changes in market and economic conditions; (ii) legal and regulatory developments; and (iii) other additional risks and uncertainties, including public health crises (including the pandemic spread of viruses), war, terrorism, trade disputes and related geopolitical events.

War, terrorism, sanctions, economic uncertainty, trade disputes, public health crises and related geopolitical events have led, and, in the future, may lead to significant disruptions in US and world economies and markets, which may lead to increased market volatility and may have significant adverse effects on the fund and its investments.


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The brand DWS represents DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA and any of its subsidiaries such as DWS Distributors, Inc. which offers investment products or DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. and RREEF America L.L.C. which offer advisory services. (R-102178 -1) (08/24)

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Source: DWS Distributors, Inc.


What is the new distribution amount for DWS Strategic Municipal Income Trust (KSM)?

DWS Strategic Municipal Income Trust (KSM) will distribute $0.0280 per share, an increase from its prior distribution of $0.0260 per share.

When is the ex-date for the August 2024 distributions of DWS closed-end funds?

The ex-date for the August 2024 distributions of DWS closed-end funds is August 19, 2024.

Has DWS Municipal Income Trust (KTF) changed its distribution amount?

No, DWS Municipal Income Trust (KTF) has maintained its distribution amount at $0.0610 per share.

What risks are associated with investing in DWS Strategic Municipal Income Trust (KSM)?

Investing in KSM involves risks such as interest-rate, credit, liquidity, and market risks. Municipal securities are also subject to political and economic risks that can affect the issuer's ability to make payments.

Does the August 2024 distribution for DWS Municipal Income Trust (KTF) include a return of capital?

Yes, it is estimated that a portion of KTF's August 2024 distribution consists of a return of capital.

DWS Strategic Municipal Income Trust


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