Knightscope Submits AI Recommendations to White House
Knightscope (NASDAQ: KSCP), an autonomous security robots and AI technologies developer, has submitted public comment to the White House's 'Development of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Action Plan.' The company's recommendations focus on:
- Modernizing procurement policies for autonomous security robots (ASRs) in federal facilities
- Authorizing autonomous security in federally managed spaces
- Launching a multi-agency pilot program
- Prohibiting federal procurement of ASRs from adversary nations
The submission to the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) emphasizes the need for AI-driven security solutions to protect federal facilities and critical infrastructure while creating safer environments for government employees, visitors, and communities. Knightscope argues that AI-powered security systems can reduce labor costs, minimize turnover, and address threats from adversarial AI and advanced criminal tactics.
Knightscope (NASDAQ: KSCP), sviluppatore di robot di sicurezza autonomi e tecnologie AI, ha presentato un commento pubblico al 'Piano d'Azione per lo Sviluppo dell'Intelligenza Artificiale (AI)' della Casa Bianca. Le raccomandazioni dell'azienda si concentrano su:
- Modernizzazione delle politiche di approvvigionamento per i robot di sicurezza autonomi (ASR) nelle strutture federali
- Autorizzazione della sicurezza autonoma negli spazi gestiti a livello federale
- Lancio di un programma pilota multi-agenzia
- Divieto di approvvigionamento federale di ASR da nazioni avversarie
La presentazione all'Ufficio della Politica Scientifica e Tecnologica (OSTP) sottolinea la necessità di soluzioni di sicurezza guidate dall'AI per proteggere le strutture federali e le infrastrutture critiche, creando al contempo ambienti più sicuri per i dipendenti governativi, i visitatori e le comunità. Knightscope sostiene che i sistemi di sicurezza alimentati dall'AI possono ridurre i costi del lavoro, minimizzare il turnover e affrontare le minacce provenienti da AI avversarie e tattiche criminali avanzate.
Knightscope (NASDAQ: KSCP), desarrollador de robots de seguridad autónomos y tecnologías de IA, ha presentado un comentario público al 'Plan de Acción para el Desarrollo de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA)' de la Casa Blanca. Las recomendaciones de la empresa se centran en:
- Modernizar las políticas de adquisición para robots de seguridad autónomos (ASR) en instalaciones federales
- Autorizar la seguridad autónoma en espacios gestionados a nivel federal
- Lanzar un programa piloto multiagencial
- Prohibir la adquisición federal de ASR de naciones adversarias
La presentación a la Oficina de Política Científica y Tecnológica (OSTP) enfatiza la necesidad de soluciones de seguridad impulsadas por IA para proteger las instalaciones federales y la infraestructura crítica, al tiempo que se crean entornos más seguros para los empleados gubernamentales, visitantes y comunidades. Knightscope argumenta que los sistemas de seguridad impulsados por IA pueden reducir los costos laborales, minimizar la rotación y abordar las amenazas de IA adversarias y tácticas criminales avanzadas.
Knightscope (NASDAQ: KSCP), 자율 보안 로봇 및 AI 기술 개발업체,는 백악관의 '인공지능(AI) 행동 계획 개발'에 대한 공개 의견을 제출했습니다. 회사의 권장 사항은 다음에 중점을 두고 있습니다:
- 연방 시설에서 자율 보안 로봇(ASR)에 대한 조달 정책 현대화
- 연방 관리 공간에서 자율 보안 승인
- 다기관 파일럿 프로그램 시작
- 적대 국가로부터의 ASR 연방 조달 금지
과학기술정책국(OSTP)에 제출된 이 의견은 연방 시설과 중요한 인프라를 보호하기 위해 AI 기반 보안 솔루션의 필요성을 강조하며, 정부 직원, 방문객 및 지역사회를 위한 보다 안전한 환경을 조성하는 데 기여합니다. Knightscope는 AI 기반 보안 시스템이 인건비를 줄이고 이직률을 최소화하며 적대적 AI 및 고급 범죄 전술로부터의 위협에 대응할 수 있다고 주장합니다.
Knightscope (NASDAQ: KSCP), développeur de robots de sécurité autonomes et de technologies d'IA, a soumis un commentaire public au 'Développement d'un Plan d'Action pour l'Intelligence Artificielle (IA)' de la Maison Blanche. Les recommandations de l'entreprise se concentrent sur :
- Modernisation des politiques d'approvisionnement pour les robots de sécurité autonomes (ASR) dans les installations fédérales
- Autorisation de la sécurité autonome dans les espaces gérés par le fédéral
- Lancement d'un programme pilote inter-agences
- Interdiction de l'approvisionnement fédéral en ASR provenant de nations adverses
La soumission au Bureau de la Politique Scientifique et Technologique (OSTP) souligne la nécessité de solutions de sécurité pilotées par l'IA pour protéger les installations fédérales et les infrastructures critiques, tout en créant des environnements plus sûrs pour les employés gouvernementaux, les visiteurs et les communautés. Knightscope soutient que les systèmes de sécurité alimentés par l'IA peuvent réduire les coûts de main-d'œuvre, minimiser le turnover et faire face aux menaces provenant d'IA adverses et de tactiques criminelles avancées.
Knightscope (NASDAQ: KSCP), Entwickler von autonomen Sicherheitsrobotern und KI-Technologien, hat einen öffentlichen Kommentar zum 'Entwicklung eines Aktionsplans für Künstliche Intelligenz (KI)' des Weißen Hauses eingereicht. Die Empfehlungen des Unternehmens konzentrieren sich auf:
- Modernisierung der Beschaffungspolitik für autonome Sicherheitsroboter (ASR) in Bundesbehörden
- Genehmigung autonomer Sicherheit in bundesverwalteten Räumen
- Einführung eines interagentur Pilotprogramms
- Verbot der bundesstaatlichen Beschaffung von ASR aus feindlichen Nationen
Die Einreichung beim Büro für Wissenschafts- und Technologieforschung (OSTP) betont die Notwendigkeit von KI-gesteuerten Sicherheitslösungen zum Schutz von Bundesbehörden und kritischer Infrastruktur, während sicherere Umgebungen für Regierungsangestellte, Besucher und Gemeinschaften geschaffen werden. Knightscope argumentiert, dass KI-gestützte Sicherheitssysteme die Arbeitskosten senken, die Fluktuation minimieren und Bedrohungen durch feindliche KI und fortgeschrittene kriminelle Taktiken angehen können.
- Strategic positioning for potential federal contracts through White House AI policy engagement
- Potential expansion into government and military markets
- No immediate revenue impact or contract announcements
- Uncertain timeline for federal adoption and implementation

Knightscope’s recommendations urge the federal government to modernize outdated procurement policies and accelerate the deployment of autonomous security robots (ASRs) in military bases, government buildings, and high-risk environments. The company proposes key initiatives, including authorizing autonomous security in federally managed spaces, launching a multi-agency pilot program, and ensuring national security by prohibiting the federal procurement of ASRs from adversary nations.
“Knightscope is proud to partner with the federal government and to offer our expertise on integrating autonomous security solutions to bolster public safety while reducing overall costs,” said William Santana Li, Chairman and CEO, Knightscope. “It is in the national security interests of
Knightscope’s submission echoes growing private-sector consensus that widespread adoption of AI-powered security and safety systems can drive down labor costs, reduce turnover, and mitigate emerging threats posed by adversarial AI and advanced criminal tactics. Knightscope ASRs provide continuous situational awareness, acting as a force multiplier for human security personnel and paving the way for a smarter, safer, and more resilient national security framework.
About Knightscope
Knightscope is transforming public safety with cutting-edge robotics and AI technologies. From autonomous security robots to advanced detection systems, Knightscope is committed to building safer communities where you live, work, study and visit. Our long-term ambition is bold but simple: to make
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This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "should," "may," "intends," "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "projects," "forecasts," "expects," "plans," "proposes" and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release and other communications include, but are not limited to, statements about the Company’s goals, profitability, growth, prospects, reduction of expenses, and outlook. Although Knightscope believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, there are a number of risks, uncertainties and other important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking statements, including the factors discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" in Knightscope’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as updated by its other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of the document in which they are contained, and Knightscope does not undertake any duty to update any forward-looking statements, except as may be required by law.
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Public Relations
Drew McDowell
Knightscope, Inc.
(650) 924-1025 ext. 6
Source: Knightscope, Inc.