Kroger Supports Disaster Response to Uplift Communities Impacted by Hurricane Helene

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Kroger has announced support for disaster relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. The company is facilitating customer donations through round-up purchases and checkout donations at Harris Teeter locations and Kroger stores in Atlanta and Nashville divisions. These donations, along with a matching grant from the Kroger Co. Foundation, will benefit the American Red Cross.

Kroger is also distributing truckloads of water and ice to affected communities and plans to continue this effort. The company supports the United Service Organizations (USO) and sponsors USO | Kroger Mobile Canteens to aid National Guard members involved in disaster relief. Additionally, Kroger will provide gift cards to the USO and has redirected product donations from the cancelled Kroger Wellness Festival to hurricane relief efforts.

Kroger ha annunciato il proprio sostegno agli sforzi di soccorso dopo l'uragano Helene. L'azienda sta facilitando le donazioni dei clienti tramite acquisti con arrotondamento e donazioni al momento del checkout presso i punti vendita Harris Teeter e nei negozi Kroger delle divisioni di Atlanta e Nashville. Queste donazioni, insieme a una sovvenzione pari da parte della Kroger Co. Foundation, andranno a beneficio della Croce Rossa Americana.

Kroger sta anche distribuendo camion carichi d'acqua e ghiaccio alle comunità colpite e prevede di continuare questo impegno. L'azienda supporta le Organizzazioni dei Servizi Uniti (USO) e sponsorizza i USO | Kroger Mobile Canteens per aiutare i membri della Guardia Nazionale coinvolti nei soccorsi. Inoltre, Kroger fornirà carte regalo all'USO e ha reindirizzato le donazioni di prodotti dal Kroger Wellness Festival cancellato per gli sforzi di soccorso dopo l'uragano.

Kroger ha anunciado su apoyo a los esfuerzos de ayuda en desastres tras el huracán Helene. La empresa está facilitando las donaciones de los clientes a través de compras redondeadas y donaciones en el momento de pago en las ubicaciones de Harris Teeter y en las tiendas Kroger en las divisiones de Atlanta y Nashville. Estas donaciones, junto con una subvención equivalente de la Kroger Co. Foundation, beneficiarán a la Cruz Roja Americana.

Kroger también está distribuyendo camiones cargados de agua y hielo a las comunidades afectadas y planea continuar con este esfuerzo. La compañía apoya a las Organizaciones de Servicios Uniformados (USO) y patrocina los USO | Kroger Mobile Canteens para ayudar a los miembros de la Guardia Nacional involucrados en la asistencia en desastres. Además, Kroger proporcionará tarjetas de regalo al USO y ha redirigido donaciones de productos del Kroger Wellness Festival cancelado hacia los esfuerzos de ayuda tras el huracán.

Kroger허리케인 헬렌 이후 재해 구호 노력을 지원한다고 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 Harris Teeter 매장과 애틀랜타 및 내슈빌 지역의 Kroger 매장에서 고객의 기부를 원형 구매 및 결제 시 기부를 통해 촉진하고 있습니다. 이러한 기부금은 Kroger Co. Foundation의 매칭 기부금과 함께 미국 적십자사에 도움이 될 것입니다.

Kroger는 또한 영향을 받은 지역 사회에 물과 얼음을 가득 실은 트럭을 배포하고 있으며 이 노력을 계속할 계획입니다. 이 회사는 합동 서비스 조직(USO)을 지원하고 재해 구호에 참여하는 주 방위군 장병을 돕기 위해 USO | Kroger Mobile Canteens를 후원합니다. 또한, Kroger는 USO에 기프트 카드를 제공하고 취소된 Kroger Wellness Festival의 제품 기부를 허리케인 구호 작업으로 전환했습니다.

Kroger a annoncé son soutien aux efforts de secours après l'ouragan Helene. L'entreprise facilite les dons des clients par le biais d'arrondis lors des achats et de dons au moment du paiement dans les magasins Harris Teeter ainsi que dans les magasins Kroger des divisions d'Atlanta et de Nashville. Ces dons, avec une subvention équivalente de la Kroger Co. Foundation, bénéficieront à la Croix-Rouge américaine.

Kroger distribue également des camions chargés d'eau et de glace aux communautés touchées et prévoit de poursuivre cet effort. L'entreprise soutient les United Service Organizations (USO) et parraine les USO | Kroger Mobile Canteens pour aider les membres de la Garde nationale engagés dans les efforts de secours. De plus, Kroger fournira des cartes-cadeaux à l'USO et a redirigé les dons de produits du Kroger Wellness Festival annulé vers les efforts de secours après l'ouragan.

Kroger hat seine Unterstützung für die Hilfsmaßnahmen nach Hurrikan Helene angekündigt. Das Unternehmen ermöglicht es Kunden, durch Aufrundungen bei Käufen und Spenden an der Kasse in Harris Teeter-Filialen sowie in Kroger-Filialen in den Regionen Atlanta und Nashville zu spenden. Diese Spenden, zusammen mit einem entsprechenden Zuschuss von der Kroger Co. Foundation, kommen dem Amerikanischen Roten Kreuz zugute.

Kroger verteilt auch LKW-Ladungen mit Wasser und Eis an betroffene Gemeinden und plant, diese Bemühungen fortzusetzen. Das Unternehmen unterstützt die United Service Organizations (USO) und sponsert die USO | Kroger Mobile Canteens, um Angehörigen der Nationalgarde zu helfen, die an den Hilfsmaßnahmen beteiligt sind. Zudem wird Kroger Geschenkkarten für die USO bereitstellen und Spenden von Produkten aus dem abgesagten Kroger Wellness Festival den Hilfsmaßnahmen nach dem Hurrikan zukommen lassen.

  • Customer donation program implemented across multiple store locations
  • Matching grant provided by Kroger Co. Foundation to amplify donation impact
  • Direct distribution of essential supplies (water and ice) to affected areas
  • Support for USO and National Guard through Mobile Canteens and gift cards
  • Redirection of Kroger Wellness Festival product donations to relief efforts
  • None.

Food, water and funds going to support those affected

CINCINNATI, Oct. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Kroger Co. (NYSE: KR) today announced it is supporting disaster relief with various activations, food and funds across the affected regions.

"Our associates, customers, communities and neighbors are deeply affected in the Hurricane Helene aftermath, and we are joining forces with organizations across the country to step up and provide support," said Rodney McMullen, Kroger's chairman and CEO. "Rescue crews and relief organizations on the ground are only now assessing the impact and beginning the long road to recovery. We hope Kroger's support will feed the spirit of those who are affected and those helping the communities rebuild."

Kroger is making it easy for many customers seeking to help their neighbors through support relief efforts by rounding up their purchase to the nearest dollar or making a donation at checkout stations at Harris Teeter locations and all Kroger stores across the Atlanta and Nashville divisions. These donations, as well as a matching grant from the Kroger Co. Foundation will benefit the American Red Cross, that is supported annually by the foundation to help fund disaster relief efforts such as recovery for Hurricane Helene. Customers can donate in-store at registers through the end of October.

Kroger is also distributing truckloads of drinkable water and ice to communities in need and plans to continue distribution for the coming days. The retailer intends to increase relief efforts over the coming days and weeks as community needs continue to evolve.

Kroger is a longtime supporter of the United Service Organizations (USO) and sponsor of the USO | Kroger Mobile Canteens that are deployed to impacted areas to support the National Guard who is helping with disaster relief efforts and military service members personally impacted by the hurricane. The units provide food, drinks and a place to rest and recharge for service members answering this urgent call to serve. Kroger will also support the USO with gift cards. 

Additionally, Kroger thanks vendors from the Kroger Wellness Festival who generously donated eligible products to hurricane disaster relief efforts after the event was cancelled due to impacts from Hurricane Helene.

About Kroger

At The Kroger Co. (NYSE: KR), we are dedicated to our Purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit™. We are, across our family of companies nearly 420,000 associates who serve over 11 million customers daily through a seamless digital shopping experience and retail food stores under a variety of banner names, serving America through food inspiration and uplift, and creating #ZeroHungerZeroWaste communities. To learn more about us, visit our newsroom and investor relations site.

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SOURCE The Kroger Co.


How is Kroger (KR) supporting Hurricane Helene disaster relief efforts?

Kroger is supporting Hurricane Helene disaster relief through customer donations, matching grants, distribution of water and ice, support for USO and National Guard, and redirecting product donations from a cancelled event to relief efforts.

Where can customers donate to Hurricane Helene relief through Kroger (KR)?

Customers can donate at checkout stations in Harris Teeter locations and all Kroger stores across the Atlanta and Nashville divisions by rounding up their purchase or making a direct donation.

How long will Kroger (KR) accept in-store donations for Hurricane Helene relief?

Kroger will accept in-store donations for Hurricane Helene relief through the end of October 2024.

What organizations is Kroger (KR) partnering with for Hurricane Helene relief?

Kroger is partnering with the American Red Cross and the United Service Organizations (USO) for Hurricane Helene relief efforts.

The Kroger Co.


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