Kapsch TrafficCom AG: First Sustainable Toll Gantry Installed on Austrian Highway

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Kapsch TrafficCom, in collaboration with Austrian roadway operator Asfinag, has installed the first operational Green Gantry in Carinthia, Austria. This innovative toll gantry, constructed from renewable timber, offers significant environmental benefits compared to traditional steel or aluminum gantries. The Green Gantry saves 15 tons of CO2 emissions during production and has a lifespan of at least 20 years.

Key features of the Green Gantry include:

  • Constructed mainly from glued and laminated spruce timber
  • Weather-resistant larch wood for the outer layer
  • Meets all relevant European norms and standards
  • Powered by its own photovoltaic system with battery storage
  • Installed in just one day due to high prefabrication

This sustainable initiative aligns with Kapsch TrafficCom's commitment to providing transportation solutions for sustainable mobility.

Kapsch TrafficCom, in collaborazione con l'operatore stradale austriaco Asfinag, ha installato il primo Green Gantry operativo in Carinzia, Austria. Questo innovativo portale per il pedaggio, realizzato in legno rinnovabile, offre notevoli vantaggi ambientali rispetto ai tradizionali portali in acciaio o alluminio. Il Green Gantry riduce le emissioni di 15 tonnellate di CO2 durante la produzione e ha una vita utile di almeno 20 anni.

Le caratteristiche principali del Green Gantry includono:

  • Realizzato principalmente in legno di abete incollato e stratificato
  • Legno di larice resistente alle intemperie per lo strato esterno
  • Rispetta tutte le norme e gli standard europei pertinenti
  • Alimentato da un proprio sistema fotovoltaico con accumulo di batteria
  • Installato in solo un giorno grazie all'elevata prefabbricazione

Questa iniziativa sostenibile è in linea con l'impegno di Kapsch TrafficCom di fornire soluzioni di trasporto per una mobilità sostenibile.

Kapsch TrafficCom, en colaboración con el operador de carreteras austriaco Asfinag, ha instalado el primer Green Gantry operativo en Carintia, Austria. Este innovador pórtico de peaje, construido con madera renovable, ofrece beneficios ambientales significativos en comparación con los pórticos tradicionales de acero o aluminio. El Green Gantry ahorra 15 toneladas de CO2 en emisiones durante la producción y tiene una vida útil de al menos 20 años.

Las características clave del Green Gantry incluyen:

  • Construido principalmente con madera de abeto encolada y laminada
  • Madera de alerce resistente a las inclemencias del tiempo para la capa exterior
  • Cumple con todas las normas y estándares europeos relevantes
  • Impulsado por su propio sistema fotovoltaico con almacenamiento de batería
  • Instalado en solo un día gracias a la alta prefabricación

Esta iniciativa sostenible se alinea con el compromiso de Kapsch TrafficCom de ofrecer soluciones de transporte para una movilidad sostenible.

Kapsch TrafficCom은 오스트리아 도로 운영업체인 Asfinag와 협력하여 오스트리아 카린티아에 첫 번째 운영 중인 Green Gantry를 설치했습니다. 이 혁신적인 통행료 게이트는 재생 가능한 목재로 제작되어 전통적인 강철이나 알루미늄 게이트에 비해 상당한 환경적 이점을 제공합니다. Green Gantry는 생산 과정에서 15톤의 CO2 배출을 절약하며, 최소 20년의 수명을 가지고 있습니다.

Green Gantry의 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 주로 접착 및 적층된 가문비 나무로 구성됨
  • 외부 층을 위한 내후성의 너도밤나무
  • 모든 관련 유럽 표준 및 규정을 준수함
  • 배터리 저장소가 있는 자체 태양광 시스템으로 작동함
  • 고도의 조립화 덕분에 단 하루 만에 설치됨

이 지속 가능한 이니셔티브는 Kapsch TrafficCom의 지속 가능한 모빌리티를 위한 교통 솔루션 제공에 대한 약속과 일치합니다.

Kapsch TrafficCom, en collaboration avec l'opérateur routier autrichien Asfinag, a installé le premier Green Gantry opérationnel en Carinthie, en Autriche. Ce portique de péage innovant, construit en bois renouvelable, offre d'importants avantages environnementaux par rapport aux portiques traditionnels en acier ou en aluminium. Le Green Gantry permet d'économiser 15 tonnes de CO2 d'émissions pendant sa production et a une durée de vie d'au moins 20 ans.

Les caractéristiques clés du Green Gantry comprennent :

  • Construit principalement en bois de Douglas collé et stratifié
  • Bois de mélèze résistant aux intempéries pour la couche extérieure
  • Conforme à toutes les normes et réglementations européennes pertinentes
  • Alimenté par son propre système photovoltaïque avec stockage de batterie
  • Installé en seulement un jour grâce à une haute préfabrication

Cette initiative durable s'inscrit dans l'engagement de Kapsch TrafficCom à fournir des solutions de transport pour une mobilité durable.

Kapsch TrafficCom hat in Zusammenarbeit mit dem österreichischen Straßenbetreiber Asfinag den ersten betrieblichen Green Gantry in Kärnten, Österreich, installiert. Diese innovative Mautbrücke, die aus erneuerbarem Holz gefertigt ist, bietet im Vergleich zu traditionellen Brücken aus Stahl oder Aluminium erhebliche Umweltvorteile. Der Green Gantry spart während der Produktion 15 Tonnen CO2 Emissionen und hat eine Lebensdauer von mindestens 20 Jahren.

Wichtige Merkmale des Green Gantry sind:

  • Hauptsächlich aus verleimtem und laminiertem Fichtenholz gebaut
  • Wetterfestes Lärchenholz für die äußere Schicht
  • Entspricht allen relevanten europäischen Normen und Standards
  • Mit eigenem Photovoltaiksystem und Batteriespeicher betrieben
  • Wurde dank hoher Prefabrikation innerhalb eines Tages installiert

Diese nachhaltige Initiative steht im Einklang mit dem Engagement von Kapsch TrafficCom, Lösungen für eine nachhaltige Mobilität anzubieten.

  • Installation of the first operational Green Gantry, saving 15 tons of CO2 emissions compared to traditional steel gantries
  • Green Gantry meets all relevant European norms and standards for safety and functionality
  • Sustainable design with a lifespan of at least 20 years, supporting long-term environmental benefits
  • Powered by its own photovoltaic system, promoting energy efficiency
  • None.
  • Wooden gantry rings in next phase of sustainable traffic infrastructure

  • Meets all relevant European norms and standards

DULUTH, MN / ACCESSWIRE / August 14, 2024 / Kapsch TrafficCom is proud to announce that together with Austrian roadway operator Asfinag, the first operational Green Gantry was installed in Carinthia, Austria.

Unlike traditional toll gantries made from steel or aluminum, which are associated with significant emissions due to their manufacturing and recycling processes, the Kapsch TrafficCom-designed Green Gantry is constructed from renewable timber. This sustainable material not only supports the same functional capabilities as conventional gantries but also provides notable environmental benefits: The Green Gantry in Carinthia saves 15 tons of CO 2, while comparable steel gantries cause up to 30 tons of CO 2 during production.

Michael Weber, Head of Sales EMENA at Kapsch TrafficCom, explains: " Our Green Gantry not only has a positive CO 2 balance, it has the same load-bearing capacity and an even better environmental impact as a traditional gantry. In addition, it meets all relevant European norms and standards for gantries, so it is equally safe to deploy and to maintain, and after its lifetime of at least 20 years, it can be dismantled and re-used without causing additional pollution."

" For us, sustainable construction is not just an empty slogan; we want to set new standards in this area," say ASFINAG board members Hartwig Hufnagl and Herbert Kasser. " Innovations are the driving force behind this. Wood as a building material can also play an important role on the motorway in the future ."

The load-bearing core and therefore the majority of the new gantry is made of glued and laminated spruce timber. Weather-resistant larch wood was used for the outer layer, which can be easily repaired in case of damage. The highly prefabricated wood construction was completed and delivered to the building site by the HASSLACHER group. The installation of the gantry on the highway was managed by Asfinag together with traffic technology specialist Forster and, due to it's high degree of prefabrication, took only about one day.

The electricity for operating the gantry equipment comes from its own photovoltaic system. In order to ensure system functionality in bad weather and at night, a battery storage system was also installed.

More information: Press | Kapsch TrafficCom

Kapsch TrafficCom is a globally renowned provider of transportation solutions for sustainable mobility with successful projects in more than 50 countries. Innovative solutions in the application fields of tolling, tolling services, traffic management and demand management contribute to a healthy world without congestion.

With one-stop-shop-solutions, the company covers the entire value chain of customers, from components to design and implementation to the operation of systems.

Kapsch TrafficCom, headquartered in Vienna, has subsidiaries and branches in more than 25 countries and is listed in the Prime Market segment of the Vienna Stock Exchange (ticker symbol: KTCG). In its 2023/24 financial year, about 4,000 employees generated revenues of EUR 539 million.

Press contact:

Carolin Treichl
Executive Vice President Marketing & Communications
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2, 1120 Vienna, Austria
P +43 50 811 1710

Sandra Bijelic
Head of Corporate Communications
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2, 1120 Vienna, Austria
P +43664628 1720

Further information:
Follow us on LinkedIn

SOURCE: Kapsch TrafficCom AG

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What is the Green Gantry installed by Kapsch TrafficCom (KPSHF) in Austria?

The Green Gantry is a sustainable toll gantry made from renewable timber, installed by Kapsch TrafficCom in collaboration with Asfinag in Carinthia, Austria. It offers the same functionality as traditional steel gantries but with significant environmental benefits, saving 15 tons of CO2 emissions during production.

How does the Green Gantry by Kapsch TrafficCom (KPSHF) compare to traditional gantries in terms of CO2 emissions?

The Green Gantry saves 15 tons of CO2 emissions during production, while comparable steel gantries cause up to 30 tons of CO2. This represents a significant reduction in environmental impact compared to traditional gantries.

What is the expected lifespan of Kapsch TrafficCom's (KPSHF) Green Gantry?

The Green Gantry has an expected lifespan of at least 20 years. After its useful life, it can be dismantled and re-used without causing additional pollution, further enhancing its sustainability credentials.

How is the Green Gantry by Kapsch TrafficCom (KPSHF) powered?

The Green Gantry is powered by its own photovoltaic system. To ensure functionality in bad weather and at night, a battery storage system has also been installed, making it energy-efficient and self-sustaining.



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