Koppers Fran Wisniewski Earns 2025 Women MAKE Award
Koppers (NYSE: KOP) announced that Fran Wisniewski, recently retired Vice President of Long-Range Planning, has received The Manufacturing Institute's 2025 Women MAKE Award. This prestigious recognition celebrates women demonstrating leadership excellence in manufacturing.
During her remarkable 45-year career at Koppers since 1980, Wisniewski held several key positions including VP of Utility and Construction division, Global Director of Business Development and Analysis, and Global Director of Corporate Growth. Her achievements include completing two strategic acquisitions that strengthened Koppers' position in wood preservation and establishing the LINKwomen employee resource group's scholarship program.
As a founding member of LINKwomen, Wisniewski mentored numerous female employees and served on the Sustainability Steering Committee. CEO Leroy Ball praised her contributions to both business strategy and company culture.
Koppers (NYSE: KOP) ha annunciato che Fran Wisniewski, recentemente in pensione come Vice Presidente della Pianificazione a Lungo Termine, ha ricevuto il 2025 Women MAKE Award dell'Institute of Manufacturing. Questo prestigioso riconoscimento celebra le donne che dimostrano eccellenza nella leadership nel settore manifatturiero.
Durante la sua straordinaria carriera di 45 anni in Koppers dal 1980, Wisniewski ha ricoperto diverse posizioni chiave, tra cui VP della divisione Utility e Costruzione, Direttore Globale dello Sviluppo e Analisi Aziendale, e Direttore Globale della Crescita Aziendale. I suoi successi includono il completamento di due acquisizioni strategiche che hanno rafforzato la posizione di Koppers nella conservazione del legno e l'istituzione del programma di borse di studio del gruppo di risorse per i dipendenti LINKwomen.
Come membro fondatore di LINKwomen, Wisniewski ha fatto da mentore a numerose dipendenti e ha fatto parte del Comitato Direttivo per la Sostenibilità. Il CEO Leroy Ball ha elogiato i suoi contributi sia alla strategia aziendale che alla cultura aziendale.
Koppers (NYSE: KOP) anunció que Fran Wisniewski, recientemente retirada como Vicepresidenta de Planificación a Largo Plazo, ha recibido el 2025 Women MAKE Award del Instituto de Manufactura. Este prestigioso reconocimiento celebra a las mujeres que demuestran excelencia en liderazgo en la manufactura.
Durante su notable carrera de 45 años en Koppers desde 1980, Wisniewski ocupó varios puestos clave, incluyendo VP de la división de Utilidades y Construcción, Directora Global de Desarrollo de Negocios y Análisis, y Directora Global de Crecimiento Corporativo. Sus logros incluyen la finalización de dos adquisiciones estratégicas que fortalecieron la posición de Koppers en la preservación de la madera y el establecimiento del programa de becas del grupo de recursos para empleados LINKwomen.
Como miembro fundador de LINKwomen, Wisniewski mentoreó a numerosas empleadas y formó parte del Comité Directivo de Sostenibilidad. El CEO Leroy Ball elogió sus contribuciones tanto a la estrategia empresarial como a la cultura de la empresa.
Koppers (NYSE: KOP)는 최근 은퇴한 장기 계획 부사장 Fran Wisniewski가 제조 연구소의 2025 Women MAKE Award를 수상했다고 발표했습니다. 이 권위 있는 상은 제조 분야에서 리더십 우수성을 보여주는 여성들을 기립니다.
1980년부터 Koppers에서 45년의 경력을 쌓은 Wisniewski는 유틸리티 및 건설 부문 부사장, 글로벌 사업 개발 및 분석 이사, 글로벌 기업 성장 이사 등 여러 주요 직책을 역임했습니다. 그녀의 성과에는 Koppers의 목재 보존 분야의 입지를 강화하는 두 건의 전략적 인수 완료와 LINKwomen 직원 자원 그룹의 장학금 프로그램 설립이 포함됩니다.
LINKwomen의 창립 멤버로서 Wisniewski는 수많은 여성 직원들을 멘토링했으며 지속 가능성 운영 위원회에서 활동했습니다. CEO Leroy Ball은 그녀의 사업 전략과 기업 문화에 대한 기여를 높이 평가했습니다.
Koppers (NYSE: KOP) a annoncé que Fran Wisniewski, récemment retraitée en tant que vice-présidente de la planification à long terme, a reçu le 2025 Women MAKE Award de l'Institute of Manufacturing. Cette prestigieuse distinction célèbre les femmes qui font preuve d'excellence en leadership dans le secteur manufacturier.
Au cours de sa remarquable carrière de 45 ans chez Koppers depuis 1980, Wisniewski a occupé plusieurs postes clés, notamment vice-présidente de la division des services publics et de la construction, directrice mondiale du développement commercial et de l'analyse, et directrice mondiale de la croissance d'entreprise. Ses réalisations incluent l'achèvement de deux acquisitions stratégiques qui ont renforcé la position de Koppers dans la préservation du bois et l'établissement du programme de bourses d'études du groupe de ressources pour les employés LINKwomen.
En tant que membre fondatrice de LINKwomen, Wisniewski a mentoré de nombreuses employées et a siégé au comité directeur sur la durabilité. Le PDG Leroy Ball a salué ses contributions tant à la stratégie commerciale qu'à la culture d'entreprise.
Koppers (NYSE: KOP) gab bekannt, dass Fran Wisniewski, die kürzlich als Vizepräsidentin für langfristige Planung in den Ruhestand ging, den 2025 Women MAKE Award des Manufacturing Institute erhalten hat. Diese prestigeträchtige Auszeichnung würdigt Frauen, die herausragende Führungsqualitäten in der Fertigung zeigen.
Während ihrer bemerkenswerten 45-jährigen Karriere bei Koppers seit 1980 hatte Wisniewski mehrere Schlüsselpositionen inne, darunter VP der Utility- und Bauabteilung, Global Director of Business Development and Analysis und Global Director of Corporate Growth. Zu ihren Erfolgen gehört der Abschluss von zwei strategischen Übernahmen, die die Position von Koppers in der Holzschutzmittelbranche gestärkt haben, sowie die Gründung des Stipendienprogramms der Mitarbeiterressourcengruppe LINKwomen.
Als Gründungsmitglied von LINKwomen hat Wisniewski zahlreiche weibliche Mitarbeiterinnen betreut und war im Nachhaltigkeitsausschuss tätig. CEO Leroy Ball lobte ihre Beiträge sowohl zur Unternehmensstrategie als auch zur Unternehmenskultur.
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Manufacturing Institute Award Celebrates Women Demonstrating Leadership Excellence
After joining Koppers in 1980, Wisniewski went on to hold positions such as Vice President of the Utility and Construction division, Global Director of Business Development and Analysis, and Global Director of Corporate Growth, before assuming her role as Vice President of Long-Range Planning where she helped establish plans to expand and optimize the business. During her time with the company, she also worked to successfully complete two strategic acquisitions, elevating Koppers position as a global leader in wood preservation.
As a founding member of Koppers employee resource group, LINKwomen, Wisniewski helped develop a scholarship program for female relatives of Koppers employees. She has mentored countless young female employees across the company and served as a trusted advisor on the Sustainability Steering Committee.
"Fran was an exemplary team member during her incredible 45-year career at Koppers. She was instrumental in advancing both business strategy and culture while being a trusted source of knowledge and support for fellow colleagues," said Leroy Ball, Chief Executive Officer of Koppers. "On behalf of the entire Koppers team, we send our sincere congratulations to Fran. She personifies the spirit of this award and has more than earned this distinction."
The Women MAKE Awards recognize women in science, technology, engineering and production careers who exemplify leadership within their companies. This national honor identifies top talent in the manufacturing industry and further encourages award winners to mentor and support the next generation of female talent to pursue modern manufacturing careers. Click here to read Wisniewski's profile on the MAKE Award website.
About Koppers
Koppers (NYSE: KOP) is an integrated global provider of essential treated wood products, wood preservation technologies and carbon compounds. Our team of 2,200 employees create, protect and preserve key elements of our global infrastructure – including railroad crossties, utility poles, outdoor wooden structures, and production feedstocks for steel, aluminum and construction materials, among others – applying decades of industry-leading expertise while constantly innovating to anticipate the needs of tomorrow. Together we are providing safe and sustainable solutions to enable rail transportation, keep power flowing, and create spaces of enjoyment for people everywhere. Protecting What Matters, Preserving The Future. Learn more at Koppers.com.
Inquiries from the media should be directed to Ms. Jessica Franklin Black at BlackJF@koppers.com or 412-227-2025. Inquiries from the investment community should be directed to Ms. Quynh McGuire at McGuireQT@koppers.com or 412-227-2049.
About The Manufacturing Institute
The Manufacturing Institute helps build a manufacturing workforce prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. Through implementing groundbreaking programs, convening industry leaders and conducting innovative research, the MI furthers individual opportunity, community prosperity and a more competitive manufacturing industry. As the 501(c)3 nonprofit workforce development and education affiliate of the National Association of Manufacturers, the MI is a trusted adviser to manufacturers, equipping them with solutions to address the toughest workforce issues.
For Information: | Jessica Black, Manager, Corporate Communications | |
412 227 2025 |
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