Know Labs Study Published in IEEE Sensors Journal

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Know Labs, Inc. (NYSE American: KNW) announced the publication of its peer-reviewed study in IEEE Sensors Journal, titled 'Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Measurement Using RF Spectroscopy and a lightGBM AI Model'. The study validates the novelty of Know Labs' proprietary radiofrequency (RF) dielectric sensor for non-invasive blood glucose monitoring.

Key points:

  • Know Labs' technology uses broadband dielectric spectroscopy, scanning a large range of RF frequencies
  • The approach enables the use of thousands of data points for measurement, surpassing traditional resonance techniques
  • Results from a first-generation device study were initially announced in May 2023
  • Know Labs has since published studies showing improved accuracy in clinical research protocols
  • The company is progressing towards FDA clearance with ongoing clinical and bench studies

Know Labs, Inc. (NYSE American: KNW) ha annunciato la pubblicazione del suo studio sottoposto a revisione paritaria nell'IEEE Sensors Journal, intitolato 'Misurazione Non Invasiva della Glucosio nel Sangue Utilizzando la Spettroscopia RF e un Modello AI lightGBM'. Lo studio valida la novità del sensore dielettrico proprietario a radiofrequenza (RF) di Know Labs per il monitoraggio non invasivo della glicemia.

Punti chiave:

  • La tecnologia di Know Labs utilizza spettroscopia dielettrica a banda larga, scansionando un'ampia gamma di frequenze RF
  • L'approccio consente di utilizzare migliaia di punti dati per la misurazione, superando le tecniche di risonanza tradizionali
  • I risultati di uno studio su un dispositivo di prima generazione sono stati annunciati inizialmente a maggio 2023
  • Know Labs ha successivamente pubblicato studi che mostrano un miglioramento della precisione nei protocolli di ricerca clinica
  • L'azienda sta progredendo verso l'approvazione della FDA con studi clinici e di laboratorio in corso

Know Labs, Inc. (NYSE American: KNW) anunció la publicación de su estudio revisado por pares en el IEEE Sensors Journal, titulado 'Medición No Invasiva de Glucosa en Sangre Usando Espectroscopía RF y un Modelo AI lightGBM'. El estudio valida la novedad del sensor dieléctrico propietario de radiofrecuencia (RF) de Know Labs para el monitoreo no invasivo de glucosa en sangre.

Puntos clave:

  • La tecnología de Know Labs utiliza espectroscopía dieléctrica de banda ancha, escaneando un amplio rango de frecuencias RF
  • El enfoque permite el uso de miles de puntos de datos para la medición, superando las técnicas de resonancia tradicionales
  • Los resultados de un estudio de un dispositivo de primera generación fueron anunciados inicialmente en mayo de 2023
  • Desde entonces, Know Labs ha publicado estudios que muestran una mayor precisión en los protocolos de investigación clínica
  • La compañía avanza hacia la autorización de la FDA con estudios clínicos y de laboratorio en curso

Know Labs, Inc. (NYSE American: KNW)는 IEEE Sensors Journal에 동료 검토를 거친 연구 결과를 발표하였으며, 제목은 'RF 분광법과 lightGBM AI 모델을 이용한 비침습 혈당 측정'입니다. 이 연구는 Know Labs의 비침습 혈당 모니터링을 위한 독점적인 라디오 주파수(RF) 유전체 센서의 참신함을 검증합니다.

주요 사항:

  • Know Labs의 기술은 광대역 유전 분광법을 사용하여 광범위한 RF 주파수를 스캔합니다.
  • 이 접근 방식은 전통적인 공진 기술을 초월하여 측정을 위한 수천 개의 데이터 포인트를 사용할 수 있게 합니다.
  • 1세대 장치 연구의 결과는 2023년 5월에 처음 발표되었습니다.
  • 그 이후 Know Labs는 임상 연구 프로토콜에서 개선된 정확성을 보여주는 연구를 발표하였습니다.
  • 회사는 계속 진행 중인 임상 및 벤치 연구를 통해 FDA 승인을 향해 나아가고 있습니다.

Know Labs, Inc. (NYSE American: KNW) a annoncé la publication de son étude évaluée par des pairs dans l'IEEE Sensors Journal, intitulée 'Mesure Non Invasive de la Glucose Sanguine Utilisant la Spectroscopie RF et un Modèle AI lightGBM'. L'étude valide la nouveauté du capteur diélectrique à radiofréquence (RF) breveté de Know Labs pour la surveillance non invasive de la glycémie.

Points clés :

  • La technologie de Know Labs utilise spectroscopie diélectrique à large bande, scannant une large gamme de fréquences RF
  • Cette approche permet l'utilisation de milliers de points de données pour la mesure, surpassant les techniques de résonance traditionnelles
  • Les résultats d'une étude sur un dispositif de première génération ont été annoncés pour la première fois en mai 2023
  • Depuis, Know Labs a publié des études montrant une amélioration de la précision dans les protocoles de recherche clinique
  • L'entreprise progresse vers une autorisation de la FDA avec des études cliniques et de laboratoire en cours

Know Labs, Inc. (NYSE American: KNW) hat die Veröffentlichung ihrer begutachteten Studie im IEEE Sensors Journal angekündigt, die den Titel 'Nicht-invasive Blutglukosemessung mit RF-Spektroskopie und einem lightGBM AI-Modell' trägt. Die Studie validiert die Neuheit des proprietären Dielektrikumssensors von Know Labs zur nicht-invasiven Blutzuckermessung.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Die Technologie von Know Labs verwendet breitbandige dielektrische Spektroskopie, die ein großes Spektrum von RF-Frequenzen scannt.
  • Der Ansatz ermöglicht die Nutzung von Tausenden von Datenpunkten zur Messung, wodurch traditionelle Resonanztechniken übertroffen werden.
  • Die Ergebnisse einer Studie zu einem Gerät der ersten Generation wurden ursprünglich im Mai 2023 bekannt gegeben.
  • Know Labs hat seitdem Studien veröffentlicht, die eine verbesserte Genauigkeit in klinischen Forschungsprotokollen zeigen.
  • Das Unternehmen macht Fortschritte in Richtung FDA-Zulassung mit laufenden klinischen und Laborstudien.
  • Publication in a prestigious peer-reviewed journal (IEEE Sensors Journal) validates the novelty of Know Labs' technology
  • Know Labs' RF sensing device uses broadband dielectric spectroscopy, providing more comprehensive data than traditional resonance techniques
  • The company has published multiple studies showing improved accuracy of its RF sensor in clinical research protocols
  • Know Labs is progressing towards FDA clearance with ongoing clinical and bench studies
  • None.

The publication of Know Labs' study in the IEEE Sensors Journal is a significant milestone, validating their innovative approach to non-invasive blood glucose monitoring. Their use of broadband dielectric spectroscopy sets them apart from competitors, allowing for a more comprehensive analysis of blood glucose levels. This technology could potentially revolutionize diabetes management by offering a non-invasive, continuous monitoring solution.

However, it's important to note that while this peer-reviewed publication lends credibility to Know Labs' technology, it doesn't guarantee commercial success or FDA approval. The study was conducted in a lab setting with a first-generation device and real-world performance may differ. Investors should closely monitor upcoming clinical trials, especially those involving people with diabetes, as these will be critical in determining the technology's practical efficacy and potential market impact.

Know Labs' RF-based sensing technology represents a significant advancement in the field of non-invasive glucose monitoring. By utilizing a wide range of RF frequencies and employing a lightGBM AI model, they've created a more robust and potentially more accurate system than previous attempts in this space. The use of thousands of data points for each measurement could provide a level of precision that's been elusive in non-invasive glucose monitoring.

However, the challenge lies in translating this laboratory success to a commercially viable, FDA-approved product. The complexity of the technology and the need for consistent accuracy across diverse patient populations in real-world conditions will be significant hurdles. Investors should watch for updates on miniaturization efforts, power efficiency and how the technology performs in various environmental conditions, as these factors will be important for widespread adoption.

While the publication in IEEE Sensors Journal is a positive development for Know Labs, its immediate financial impact is likely The company is still in the research and development phase, with no commercial product yet available. However, this validation could potentially attract investor interest and partnership opportunities, which might improve the company's financial position.

The global blood glucose monitoring devices market is projected to reach $28.8 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of 7.6%. If Know Labs can successfully bring its non-invasive technology to market, it could capture a significant share. However, investors should be aware that the path to commercialization is often long and costly in the medical device industry. The company will likely need substantial additional funding to complete clinical trials and navigate the regulatory approval process. Keep an eye on Know Labs' cash burn rate and funding rounds as key indicators of its financial health and progress towards market entry.

Peer-reviewed journal publication validates the novelty of Know Labs’ proprietary radiofrequency (RF) dielectric sensor and its application for non-invasive blood glucose monitoring

SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Know Labs, Inc. (NYSE American: KNW), a leading developer of non-invasive medical diagnostic technology, today announced the publication of its peer-reviewed study in IEEE Sensors Journal titled, “Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Measurement Using RF Spectroscopy and a lightGBM AI Model.” IEEE Sensors is the leading scientific journal in the U.S. that focuses on the theory, design, fabrication and applications of sensing devices, with an emphasis on emerging sensor innovations.

The article details historical developments and limitations with RF-based sensing technologies, and the distinctiveness of Know Labs’ sensor architecture and trade-secret prediction machine learning algorithm. Where most other RF-based non-invasive blood glucose monitoring technologies focus on a narrow band of frequencies, Know Labs’ RF sensing device applies broadband dielectric spectroscopy – rapidly scanning a large range of RF frequencies and recording voltage values detected at each frequency – to quantify blood glucose continuously. This technique enables Know Labs to use thousands of data points to identify and measure the material being scanned, rather than being limited to a small number of “resonant” frequencies used in resonance techniques.

“I am very proud of the Know Labs technical team’s publication of their peer-reviewed work in the prestigious IEEE Sensors Journal, which asserts the novelty of our approach to developing the next generation of blood glucose monitoring devices,” said Ron Erickson, CEO and Chairman at Know Labs. “We will continue to execute on our rigorous research and development roadmap to clinically validate our technology on our mission to deliver accurate, affordable and accessible non-invasive diabetes management solutions.”

Results from this study, conducted in a lab setting using a first generation device, were first announced in May 2023 and published as a preprint in MedRxiv. Since these results, Know Labs has published several studies that indicate improved accuracy of its RF sensor within similar clinical research protocols among healthy participants using a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) comparator, as well as within protocols validating the medical application of its technology among people with diabetes and using venous blood as a comparative reference.

Publication in IEEE Sensors Journal contributes to the growing body of peer-reviewed research Know Labs is conducting as it prioritizes external validation of its technology. As the Company continues on its development path toward FDA clearance, Know Labs will deploy its device, in ongoing clinical and bench studies. As new data is collected and additional variables are introduced, the Company will make necessary refinements to its device and accompanying algorithms. To stay updated on the latest clinical research results, visit

About Know Labs, Inc.

Know Labs, Inc. is a public company whose shares trade on the NYSE American Exchange under the stock symbol “KNW.” The Company’s platform technology uses spectroscopy to direct electromagnetic energy through a substance or material to capture a unique molecular signature. The technology can be integrated into a variety of wearable, mobile or bench-top form factors. This patented and patent-pending technology makes it possible to effectively identify and monitor analytes that could only previously be performed by invasive and/or expensive and time-consuming lab-based tests. The first application of the technology will be in a product marketed as a non-invasive glucose monitor. The device will provide the user with accessible and affordable real-time information on blood glucose levels. This product will require U.S. Food and Drug Administration clearance prior to its introduction to the market.

Safe Harbor Statement

This release contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements appear in a number of places in this release and include all statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of Know Labs, Inc., its directors or its officers with respect to, among other things: (i) financing plans; (ii) trends affecting its financial condition or results of operations; (iii) growth strategy and operating strategy; and (iv) performance of products. You can identify these statements by the use of the words “may,” “will,” “could,” “should,” “would,” “plans,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “continue,” “estimate,” “project,” “intend,” “likely,” “forecast,” “probable,” “potential,” and similar expressions and variations thereof are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond Know Labs, Inc.’s ability to control, and actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors. These risks and uncertainties also include such additional risk factors as are discussed in the Company’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2023, Forms 10-Q and 8-K, and in other filings we make with the Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time. These documents are available on the SEC Filings section of the Investor Relations section of our website at The Company cautions readers not to place undue reliance upon any such forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which such statement is made.

For Know Labs, Inc. Contact:

Jordyn Hujar

Ph. (206) 629-6414

Source: Know Labs, Inc.


What is the title of Know Labs' (KNW) study published in IEEE Sensors Journal?

The study is titled 'Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Measurement Using RF Spectroscopy and a lightGBM AI Model'.

How does Know Labs' (KNW) RF sensing technology differ from other RF-based glucose monitoring technologies?

Know Labs' technology uses broadband dielectric spectroscopy, scanning a large range of RF frequencies, which enables the use of thousands of data points for measurement, as opposed to traditional resonance techniques that focus on a narrow band of frequencies.

When were the initial results of Know Labs' (KNW) first-generation device study announced?

The initial results from Know Labs' first-generation device study were announced in May 2023.

What is Know Labs (KNW) doing to progress towards FDA clearance for its non-invasive glucose monitoring technology?

Know Labs is conducting ongoing clinical and bench studies to refine its device and accompanying algorithms, while also prioritizing external validation of its technology through peer-reviewed research.

Know Labs, Inc.


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Scientific & Technical Instruments
Measuring & Controlling Devices, Nec
United States of America