Know Labs Responds to NYSE Commencement of Proceedings to Delist
Know Labs (NYSE American: KNW) announced that NYSE Regulation is initiating delisting proceedings due to the company's bid price falling under $.10, according to Section 1003(f)(v) of the NYSE American Company Guide. The company's stock will be suspended from NYSE American trading while Know Labs works on compliance measures and appeals the delisting determination.
Effective January 29, 2025, the company's stock will trade on the OTC Markets under the symbol 'KNWN'. CEO Ron Erickson emphasized that this development comes at a time when the company has initiated a licensing program, received peer-reviewed recognition, reduced overhead, and continued advancing its proprietary radio frequency dielectric spectroscopy (RFDS) technology. The company maintains its focus on developing non-invasive diagnostics, particularly blood glucose monitoring.
Know Labs (NYSE American: KNW) ha annunciato che la NYSE Regulation sta avviando le procedure di delisting a causa della diminuzione del prezzo dell'azione della società al di sotto di $.10, secondo la Sezione 1003(f)(v) del Company Guide della NYSE American. Le azioni della società saranno sospese dal trading sulla NYSE American mentre Know Labs lavora su misure di conformità e presenta un appello contro la decisione di delisting.
A partire dal 29 gennaio 2025, le azioni della società verranno scambiate nei mercati OTC con il simbolo 'KNWN'. Il CEO Ron Erickson ha sottolineato che questo sviluppo avviene in un momento in cui la società ha avviato un programma di licenze, ricevuto riconoscimenti da revisori pari, ridotto le spese generali e continuato a sviluppare la sua tecnologia proprietaria di spettroscopia dielettrica a radiofrequenza (RFDS). L'azienda mantiene l'attenzione sullo sviluppo di diagnosi non invasive, in particolare il monitoraggio della glicemia nel sangue.
Know Labs (NYSE American: KNW) anunció que la regulación de la NYSE está iniciando procedimientos de exclusión debido a que el precio de la acción de la compañía ha caído por debajo de $.10, según la Sección 1003(f)(v) de la Guía de la Compañía de NYSE American. Las acciones de la compañía serán suspendidas del comercio en NYSE American mientras Know Labs trabaja en medidas de cumplimiento y apela la decisión de exclusión.
A partir del 29 de enero de 2025, las acciones de la compañía se negociarán en los Mercados OTC bajo el símbolo 'KNWN'. El CEO Ron Erickson enfatizó que este desarrollo se produce en un momento en que la compañía ha iniciado un programa de licencias, ha recibido reconocimiento por pares, ha reducido costos generales y ha seguido avanzando en su tecnología de espectroscopía dielectrica de radiofrecuencia (RFDS). La compañía mantiene su enfoque en desarrollar diagnósticos no invasivos, particularmente el monitoreo de la glucosa en sangre.
Know Labs (NYSE American: KNW)가 회사의 주가가 $.10 이하로 떨어졌기 때문에 NYSE Regulation이 상장 폐지 절차를 시작한다고 발표했습니다. 이는 NYSE American Company Guide의 섹션 1003(f)(v)에 따른 것입니다. Know Labs가 준수 조치를 마련하고 상장 폐지 결정에 이의 제기를 하는 동안, 회사의 주식은 NYSE American 거래에서 중단될 것입니다.
2025년 1월 29일부터 회사의 주식은 'KNWN' 기호로 OTC 마켓에서 거래될 것입니다. CEO 론 에릭슨은 이 발전이 회사가 라이센스 프로그램을 시작하고, 동료들로부터 인정을 받으며, 일반 경비를 줄이고, 독점적인 전자기파 유전체 분광 기술(RFDS)을 계속 발전시키는 시점에 이루어졌다고 강조했습니다. 이 회사는 비침습적 진단 개발, 특히 혈당 모니터링에 집중하고 있습니다.
Know Labs (NYSE American: KNW) a annoncé que la régulation de la NYSE initie des procédures de radiation en raison de la chute du prix de l'action de la société à moins de $.10, selon la section 1003(f)(v) du guide des entreprises de l'NYSE American. Les actions de la société seront suspendues du commerce sur l'NYSE American pendant que Know Labs travaille à des mesures de conformité et fait appel de la décision de radiation.
À partir du 29 janvier 2025, les actions de la société se négocieront sur les marchés OTC sous le symbole 'KNWN'. Le PDG Ron Erickson a souligné que ce développement intervient à un moment où la société a lancé un programme de licences, reçu une reconnaissance par ses pairs, réduit ses frais généraux et continue de faire progresser sa technologie de spectroscopie diélectrique à radiofréquence (RFDS). L'entreprise reste concentrée sur le développement de diagnostics non invasifs, en particulier le suivi de la glycémie.
Know Labs (NYSE American: KNW) gab bekannt, dass die NYSE Regulation Verfahren zur Delistung einleitet, da der Angebotspreis des Unternehmens unter $.10 gefallen ist, gemäß Abschnitt 1003(f)(v) des NYSE American Company Guide. Die Aktien des Unternehmens werden vom Handel an der NYSE American ausgesetzt, während Know Labs an Compliance-Maßnahmen arbeitet und gegen die Delistingsentscheidung Berufung einlegt.
Ab dem 29. Januar 2025 werden die Aktien des Unternehmens unter dem Symbol 'KNWN' an den OTC-Märkten gehandelt. CEO Ron Erickson betonte, dass diese Entwicklung zu einem Zeitpunkt kommt, als das Unternehmen ein Lizenzprogramm initiiert, Anerkennung von Fachkollegen erhalten, die Gemeinkosten gesenkt und seine proprietäre Technologie der dielektrischen Radiofrequenz-Spektroskopie (RFDS) weiter vorangetrieben hat. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich auf die Entwicklung von nicht-invasiven Diagnosetests, insbesondere zur Überwachung des Blutzuckers.
- Successfully reduced overhead costs
- Initiated new licensing program for platform technology
- Received peer-reviewed recognition for their work
- Stock price fell below $0.10, triggering NYSE delisting proceedings
- Trading suspended from NYSE American
- Downgrade to OTC Markets trading
The NYSE American's decision to delist Know Labs represents a critical inflection point that warrants careful investor attention. Trading on the OTC Markets typically results in reduced liquidity, decreased institutional investor access and potentially higher costs of capital - particularly challenging for a pre-revenue medical device company developing complex technology.
The delisting under Section 1003(f)(v) due to sub-$.10 pricing suggests deeper underlying concerns about the company's market valuation and financial stability. For context, maintaining a NYSE American listing requires meeting specific criteria including minimum share price, market capitalization and stockholders' equity thresholds. The transition to OTC Markets could complicate future capital raising efforts precisely when the company needs resources to advance its non-invasive glucose monitoring technology through FDA clearance.
Several key factors require monitoring:
- The success rate of appeals to NYSE delisting decisions historically runs low, making the OTC transition likely permanent near-term
- The newly initiated licensing program mentioned could provide alternative revenue streams, but details about its scope and potential impact remain unclear
- The company's emphasis on overhead reduction suggests active cash preservation efforts, critical given the capital-intensive nature of medical device development
- FDA clearance timeline remains a important milestone that could be affected by any financial constraints resulting from the delisting
The company's commitment to its blood glucose monitoring development suggests strategic continuity, but investors should closely monitor upcoming financial disclosures for insights into cash runway and potential dilutive financing needs. The OTC Markets environment typically demands even greater due diligence from investors given reduced reporting requirements and market maker coverage.
Know Labs Trading as “KNWN” on the OTC Market
In the interim, effective January 29, 2025, FINRA’s Department of Market Operations has assigned the symbol "KNWN" for quotation and trading of the Company’s stock in the over-the-counter market (OTC Markets).
Know Labs’s CEO, Ron Erickson, stated, "It is unfortunate that Know Labs is having to contend with this at a time when it is has just initiated a licensing program of its platform technology, continued to receive peer reviewed recognition of our work, successfully reduced overhead, and continued to advance our proprietary technology. We continue to believe the Company has a bright future and the actions of NYSE will in no way deter our commitment to strengthen our relationships with our shareholders and all our stakeholders in order to advance the Company's business plan and increase shareholder value. We remain steadfast in our goal to deliver non-invasive diagnostics to the marketplace with a first focus on blood glucose monitoring. As we work through this process with the NYSE, we want to thank shareholders and stakeholders for their support."
About Know Labs, Inc.
Know Labs, Inc. is a platform technology that uses radio frequency spectroscopy to direct electromagnetic energy through a substance or material to capture a unique molecular signature. The technology is designed to be able to integrate into a variety of wearable, mobile or bench-top form factors. The Company believes that this patented and patent-pending technology makes it possible to effectively identify and monitor analytes that could only previously be performed by invasive and/or expensive and time-consuming lab-based tests. Among the Company’s first expected applications of the technology will be in a product marketed as a non-invasive glucose monitor. The device is designed to provide the user with accessible and affordable real-time information on blood glucose levels. This product will require
Safe Harbor Statement
This release contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements appear in a number of places in this release and include all statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of Know Labs, Inc., its directors or its officers with respect to, among other things: (i) financing plans; (ii) trends affecting its financial condition or results of operations; (iii) growth strategy and operating strategy; and (iv) performance of products. You can identify these statements by the use of the words “may,” “will,” “could,” “should,” “would,” “plans,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “continue,” “estimate,” “project,” “intend,” “likely,” “forecast,” “probable,” “potential,” and similar expressions and variations thereof are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond Know Labs, Inc.’s ability to control, and actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors. These risks and uncertainties also include such additional risk factors as are discussed in the Company’s filings with the
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Know Labs, Inc. Contact:
Investor Relations
T: 206-903-1351
Source: Know Labs, Inc.