KnowBe4 Maintains G2 Leadership Streak in Summer 2024 Report, Topping Both Security Awareness and SOAR Categories

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KnowBe4 (KNBE) has maintained its leadership position in the G2 Grid Summer 2024 Report, securing the top spot in both Security Awareness Training (SAT) and Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) categories. This marks the 20th consecutive quarter for KnowBe4's SAT platform and the 13th consecutive quarter for its PhishER platform in SOAR.

Key highlights:

  • KnowBe4's SAT platform achieved a G2 score of 95/100 based on 1,801+ reviews
  • PhishER secured a satisfaction score of 93/100 among SOAR products
  • 98% of PhishER users rated it 4 or 5 stars
  • 93% of PhishER users are likely to recommend the platform

These rankings underscore KnowBe4's commitment to excellence and its dominant market presence in cybersecurity training and incident response solutions.

KnowBe4 (KNBE) ha mantenuto la sua posizione di leadership nel Rapporto G2 Grid Estate 2024, conquistando il primo posto sia nella categoria Formazione sulla Consapevolezza della Sicurezza (SAT) sia nella categoria Orchestrazione, Automazione e Risposta alla Sicurezza (SOAR). Questo segna il 20° trimestre consecutivo per la piattaforma SAT di KnowBe4 e il 13° trimestre consecutivo per la sua piattaforma PhishER in SOAR.

Punti salienti:

  • La piattaforma SAT di KnowBe4 ha ottenuto un punteggio G2 di 95/100 basato su oltre 1.801 recensioni
  • PhishER ha ottenuto un punteggio di soddisfazione di 93/100 tra i prodotti SOAR
  • Il 98% degli utenti di PhishER ha valutato la piattaforma con 4 o 5 stelle
  • Il 93% degli utenti di PhishER è propenso a raccomandare la piattaforma

Questi risultati evidenziano l'impegno di KnowBe4 per l'eccellenza e la sua presenza dominante nel mercato della formazione sulla cybersecurity e delle soluzioni di risposta agli incidenti.

KnowBe4 (KNBE) ha mantenido su posición de liderazgo en el Informe de G2 Grid Verano 2024, asegurando el primer lugar tanto en la categoría de Formación en Conciencia de Seguridad (SAT) como en la categoría de Orquestación, Automatización y Respuesta de Seguridad (SOAR). Esto marca el 20° trimestre consecutivo para la plataforma SAT de KnowBe4 y el 13° trimestre consecutivo para su plataforma PhishER en SOAR.

Aspectos clave:

  • La plataforma SAT de KnowBe4 logró un puntaje G2 de 95/100 basado en más de 1,801 reseñas
  • PhishER obtuvo un puntaje de satisfacción de 93/100 entre los productos SOAR
  • El 98% de los usuarios de PhishER la calificaron con 4 o 5 estrellas
  • El 93% de los usuarios de PhishER probablemente recomendaría la plataforma

Estos rankings subrayan el compromiso de KnowBe4 con la excelencia y su presencia dominante en el mercado de la capacitación en ciberseguridad y soluciones de respuesta a incidentes.

KnowBe4 (KNBE)는 G2 Grid 여름 2024 보고서에서 리더십을 유지하며 보안 인식 교육(SAT)보안 오케스트레이션, 자동화 및 응답(SOAR) 카테고리에서 최고 자리를 차지했습니다. 이는 KnowBe4의 SAT 플랫폼이 20분기 연속으로 1위에 올랐고, PhishER 플랫폼이 SOAR에서 13분기 연속으로 1위를 기록한 것을 나타냅니다.

주요 내용:

  • KnowBe4의 SAT 플랫폼은 1,801건 이상의 리뷰를 바탕으로 G2 점수 95/100을 달성했습니다
  • PhishER는 SOAR 제품 중에서 만족도 점수 93/100을 기록했습니다
  • PhishER 사용자 98%가 별 4개 또는 5개로 평가했습니다
  • PhishER 사용자 93%는 플랫폼을 추천할 가능성이 높다고 답했습니다

이 순위는 KnowBe4의 우수성에 대한 헌신과 사이버 보안 교육 및 사고 대응 솔루션에서의 지배적인 시장 존재를 강조합니다.

KnowBe4 (KNBE) a maintenu sa position de leader dans le Rapport G2 Grid Été 2024, décrochant la première place à la fois dans la catégorie Formation à la Sensibilisation à la Sécurité (SAT) et dans la catégorie Orchestration, Automatisation et Réponse de Sécurité (SOAR). Cela marque le 20e trimestre consécutif pour la plateforme SAT de KnowBe4 et le 13e trimestre consécutif pour sa plateforme PhishER en SOAR.

Points clés :

  • La plateforme SAT de KnowBe4 a obtenu un score G2 de 95/100 sur la base de plus de 1.801 avis
  • PhishER a enregistré un score de satisfaction de 93/100 parmi les produits SOAR
  • 98 % des utilisateurs de PhishER l'ont évalué avec 4 ou 5 étoiles
  • 93 % des utilisateurs de PhishER sont susceptibles de recommander la plateforme

Ces classements soulignent l'engagement de KnowBe4 envers l'excellence et sa présence dominante sur le marché de la formation en cybersécurité et des solutions de réponse aux incidents.

KnowBe4 (KNBE) hat seine Führungsposition im G2 Grid Sommer 2024 Bericht behauptet und den ersten Platz in der Kategorie Sicherheitsbewusstseinsschulung (SAT) sowie in der Kategorie Sicherheitsorchestrierung, -automatisierung und -reaktion (SOAR) gesichert. Dies markiert das 20. Quartal in Folge für die SAT-Plattform von KnowBe4 und das 13. Quartal in Folge für die PhishER-Plattform in SOAR.

Wichtige Highlights:

  • Die SAT-Plattform von KnowBe4 erzielte einen G2-Score von 95/100 auf Basis von über 1.801 Bewertungen
  • PhishER erreichte einen Zufriedenheitswert von 93/100 unter SOAR-Produkten
  • 98% der PhishER-Nutzer bewerteten es mit 4 oder 5 Sternen
  • 93% der PhishER-Nutzer würden die Plattform wahrscheinlich empfehlen

Diese Rankings unterstreichen KnowBe4s Engagement für Exzellenz und seine dominante Marktposition in der Cybersecurity-Schulung und den Incident-Response-Lösungen.

  • KnowBe4 ranked #1 in Security Awareness Training for 20 consecutive quarters
  • PhishER ranked #1 in Security Orchestration, Automation and Response for 13 consecutive quarters
  • KnowBe4's SAT platform achieved a high G2 score of 95 out of 100
  • PhishER secured a high satisfaction score of 93 out of 100
  • 98% of PhishER users rated it 4 or 5 stars
  • 93% of PhishER users are likely to recommend the platform
  • None.

KnowBe4’s leads security awareness training platform for the 20th straight quarter and PhishER leads SOAR category for the 13th consecutive quarter based on G2 customer reviews

TAMPA BAY, FL, July 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- KnowBe4, the provider of the world's largest security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, today announced its continued top ranking in the G2 Grid Summer 2024 Report, securing the No. 1 position in two categories: Security Awareness Training (SAT) and Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR).

For the 20th consecutive quarter, KnowBe4 has been named the No. 1 platform in Security Awareness Training. Based on more than 1,801 G2 reviews, KnowBe4 achieved the highest overall G2 score of 95 out of 100 among SAT products. This consistent top ranking underscores KnowBe4's commitment to excellence and its dominant market presence in the security awareness training sector.

In addition, KnowBe4's PhishER platform has been recognized as the No. 1 platform in SOAR software for the 13th consecutive quarter. With over 305 G2 reviews, PhishER secured the highest satisfaction score of 93 out of 100 among SOAR products. 98% of users rated PhishER four or five stars out of a possible five stars and said they are likely to recommend PhishER at a rate of 93%, demonstrating its effectiveness in streamlining security operations and incident response.

“We are thrilled to maintain our No. 1 position with G2 in both the SAT and SOAR categories," said Stu Sjouwerman, CEO of KnowBe4. “This recognition from G2, based on authentic user feedback reflects the trust our customers place in us to safeguard their organizations in an increasingly complex threat landscape. As cyber threats continue to evolve, we remain committed to empowering organizations with the tools and knowledge they need to build a strong human firewall."

For more information on PhishER, visit here.  

For more information on KnowBe4’s KMSAT, visit here.

To download a copy of the report on the SOAR market, visit

To download a copy of the report on the SAT market, visit  

About KnowBe4
KnowBe4, the provider of the world’s largest security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, is used by more than 65,000 organizations around the globe. Founded by IT and data security specialist Stu Sjouwerman, KnowBe4 helps organizations address the human element of security by raising awareness about ransomware, CEO fraud and other social engineering tactics through a new-school approach to awareness training on security. The late Kevin Mitnick, who was an internationally recognized cybersecurity specialist and KnowBe4’s Chief Hacking Officer, helped design the KnowBe4 training based on his well-documented social engineering tactics. Organizations rely on KnowBe4 to mobilize their end users as their last line of defense and trust the KnowBe4 platform to strengthen their security culture and reduce human risk.


How many consecutive quarters has KnowBe4 (KNBE) been ranked #1 in Security Awareness Training by G2?

KnowBe4 has been ranked #1 in Security Awareness Training by G2 for 20 consecutive quarters as of the Summer 2024 report.

What G2 score did KnowBe4's (KNBE) Security Awareness Training platform receive in the Summer 2024 report?

KnowBe4's Security Awareness Training platform received a G2 score of 95 out of 100 in the Summer 2024 report.

How many consecutive quarters has KnowBe4's (KNBE) PhishER platform been ranked #1 in SOAR by G2?

KnowBe4's PhishER platform has been ranked #1 in Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) by G2 for 13 consecutive quarters.

What percentage of PhishER users are likely to recommend KnowBe4's (KNBE) platform?

93% of PhishER users are likely to recommend KnowBe4's platform according to the G2 Summer 2024 report.



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