The Kemper Foundation’s Read Conmigo Program Awards Dallas-Area Fall 2024 Bilingual Educator Grants

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The Kemper Foundation, philanthropic partner of Kemper , has awarded its fifth round of grants through the Read Conmigo program, supporting bilingual literacy in Los Angeles, Dallas, and Miami areas. The program, launched in 2022, has awarded nearly $750,000 to date. Read Conmigo annually provides up to 100 grants of $3,000 each to public and charter schoolteachers of Spanish-English bilingual classrooms.

Grants can be used for classroom resources, tools, materials, and professional development. Recipients are selected by a panel including Kemper Foundation principals and partner organizations. The program aims to strengthen bilingual literacy skills and improve learning opportunities for elementary Latino and Hispanic students.

Barbara Ciesemier, President of The Kemper Foundation, expressed pride in supporting educators who make a lasting impact on bilingual students. Sandra Manchola, a fifth-grade teacher and grant recipient from Dallas, highlighted the grant's flexibility in addressing the doubled language requirements and dual cultural elements in bilingual classrooms.

La Fondazione Kemper, partner filantropico di Kemper, ha assegnato il suo quinto ciclo di sovvenzioni attraverso il programma Read Conmigo, sostenendo l'alfabetizzazione bilingue nelle aree di Los Angeles, Dallas e Miami. Il programma, lanciato nel 2022, ha finora erogato quasi 750.000 dollari. Read Conmigo fornisce ogni anno fino a 100 sovvenzioni di 3.000 dollari ciascuna per insegnanti di scuole pubbliche e charter con classi bilingue spagnolo-inglese.

Le sovvenzioni possono essere utilizzate per risorse didattiche, strumenti, materiali e sviluppo professionale. I destinatari vengono selezionati da un comitato che include membri della Fondazione Kemper e organizzazioni partner. Il programma mira a rafforzare le competenze di alfabetizzazione bilingue e a migliorare le opportunità di apprendimento per gli studenti latinoamericani e ispanici delle scuole elementari.

Barbara Ciesemier, Presidente della Fondazione Kemper, ha espresso il suo orgoglio nel sostenere gli educatori che hanno un impatto duraturo sugli studenti bilingue. Sandra Manchola, insegnante di quinta elementare e destinataria della sovvenzione di Dallas, ha evidenziato la flessibilità della sovvenzione nell'affrontare i requisiti linguistici doppi e gli elementi culturali duali nelle aule bilingue.

La Fundación Kemper, socio filantrópico de Kemper, ha otorgado su quinta ronda de subvenciones a través del programa Read Conmigo, apoyando la alfabetización bilingüe en las áreas de Los Ángeles, Dallas y Miami. El programa, lanzado en 2022, ha otorgado casi 750,000 dólares hasta la fecha. Read Conmigo proporciona anualmente hasta 100 subvenciones de 3,000 dólares cada una a maestros de escuelas públicas y charter en aulas bilingües de español e inglés.

Las subvenciones se pueden utilizar para recursos de aula, herramientas, materiales y desarrollo profesional. Los beneficiarios son seleccionados por un panel que incluye a los directores de la Fundación Kemper y organizaciones asociadas. El programa tiene como objetivo fortalecer las habilidades de alfabetización bilingüe y mejorar las oportunidades de aprendizaje para estudiantes latinos e hispanos de primaria.

Barbara Ciesemier, presidenta de la Fundación Kemper, expresó su orgullo por apoyar a educadores que generan un impacto duradero en los estudiantes bilingües. Sandra Manchola, maestra de quinto grado y beneficiaria de la subvención en Dallas, destacó la flexibilidad de la subvención para abordar los dobles requisitos lingüísticos y los elementos culturales duales en las aulas bilingües.

켐퍼 재단은 켐퍼의 필란트로픽 파트너로서 리드 곤미고 프로그램을 통해 다섯 번째 보조금을 수여했으며, 로스앤젤레스, 달라스 및 마이애미 지역의 이중 언어 문해력을 지원하고 있습니다. 2022년에 시작된 이 프로그램은 현재까지 거의 750,000달러를 지급했습니다. 리드 곤미고는 매년 스페인어-영어 이중 언어 교실의 공립 및 차터 학교 교사에게 각각 3,000달러의 보조금 100개를 제공합니다.

보조금은 교실 자원, 도구, 자료 및 전문 개발에 사용할 수 있습니다. 수혜자는 켐퍼 재단의 주요 인사 및 파트너 조직이 포함된 패널에 의해 선정됩니다. 이 프로그램은 이중 언어 문해력 기술을 강화하고 초등학교 라틴계 및 히스패닉 학생들을 위한 학습 기회를 개선하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

켐퍼 재단의 회장인 바바라 치세미어는 이중 언어 학생들에게 지속적인 영향을 미치는 교육자를 지원하게 되어 자부심을 느낀다고 말했습니다. 달라스의 다섯 번째 학년 교사이자 보조금 수혜자인 산드라 맨촐라는 이 보조금이 이중 언어 교실에서 이중 언어 요구 사항과 문화적 요소를 다루는 데 있어 유연성을 제공한다고 강조했습니다.

La Fondation Kemper, partenaire philanthropique de Kemper, a décerné son cinquième cycle de subventions à travers le programme Read Conmigo, soutenant l'alphabétisation bilingue dans les régions de Los Angeles, Dallas et Miami. Lancé en 2022, le programme a attribué près de 750 000 dollars à ce jour. Read Conmigo fournit chaque année jusqu'à 100 subventions de 3 000 dollars chacune aux enseignants des écoles publiques et charters dans des classes bilingues espagnol-anglais.

Les subventions peuvent être utilisées pour des ressources, des outils, des matériels et le développement professionnel. Les bénéficiaires sont sélectionnés par un comité comprenant des responsables de la Fondation Kemper et des organisations partenaires. Le programme vise à renforcer les compétences en alphabétisation bilingue et à améliorer les opportunités d'apprentissage pour les élèves latino-américains et hispaniques dans les écoles élémentaires.

Barbara Ciesemier, présidente de la Fondation Kemper, a exprimé sa fierté de soutenir des éducateurs ayant un impact durable sur les élèves bilingues. Sandra Manchola, enseignante de cinquième année et bénéficiaire de la subvention de Dallas, a souligné la flexibilité de cette subvention pour répondre aux exigences linguistiques doublées et aux éléments culturels dans les classes bilingues.

Die Kemper-Stiftung, philanthropischer Partner von Kemper, hat die fünfte Runde ihrer Zuschüsse durch das Read Conmigo-Programm vergeben, das die zweisprachige Alphabetisierung in den Gebieten Los Angeles, Dallas und Miami unterstützt. Das Programm, das 2022 ins Leben gerufen wurde, hat bisher fast 750.000 Dollar bereitgestellt. Read Conmigo vergibt jährlich bis zu 100 Zuschüsse in Höhe von 3.000 Dollar an Lehrer öffentlicher und Charter-Schulen mit zweisprachigen Spanisch-Englisch-Klassen.

Die Zuschüsse können für Ressourcen, Werkzeuge, Materialien und berufliche Weiterentwicklung genutzt werden. Die Empfänger werden von einem Gremium ausgewählt, zu dem auch Führungskräfte der Kemper-Stiftung und Partnerorganisationen gehören. Das Programm zielt darauf ab, die zweisprachigen Alphabetisierungsfähigkeiten zu stärken und die Lernmöglichkeiten für latinos und hispanische Schüler in der Grundschule zu verbessern.

Barbara Ciesemier, Präsidentin der Kemper-Stiftung, äußerte Stolz auf die Unterstützung von Pädagogen, die einen nachhaltigen Einfluss auf zweisprachige Schüler ausüben. Sandra Manchola, Lehrerin der fünften Klasse und Zuschussempfängerin aus Dallas, hob die Flexibilität des Zuschusses hervor, um die doppelten Sprach- und kulturellen Anforderungen in zweisprachigen Klassen zu berücksichtigen.

  • The Kemper Foundation has awarded nearly $750,000 in grants since 2022 through the Read Conmigo program
  • The program provides up to 100 grants of $3,000 each annually to bilingual classroom teachers
  • Grants support classroom resources, tools, materials, and professional development for bilingual education
  • None.

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Kemper Foundation, the philanthropic partner of Kemper Corporation, announced today it has awarded grants to advance bilingual literacy to schoolteachers in the greater Los Angeles, Dallas and Miami areas. This is the fifth round of grants awarded through the Foundation’s Read Conmigo program since the program launched in 2022, bringing the program’s award total to nearly $750,000.

Read Conmigo grants are focused on strengthening bilingual literacy skills and improving learning opportunities for elementary Latino and Hispanic students. The Kemper Foundation annually awards up to 100 grants of $3,000 each to public and charter schoolteachers of Spanish-English bilingual classrooms. The grants can be used for classroom resources, tools and materials, and professional development.

Recipients were selected by a panel of Kemper Foundation principals and partners, including the Bilingual/ESL Education Association of the Metroplex (Dallas), the Florida Association for Bilingual Education, the California Association for Bilingual Education, and GPSN.

"We are incredibly proud to support this dedicated group of educators who are making a lasting impact on their bilingual students,” said Barbara Ciesemier, President of The Kemper Foundation. “By equipping teachers with the resources and professional development they need, we’re not only helping them create enriched learning environments but also contributing to meaningful academic growth. It's inspiring to see how the Read Conmigo grants are enhancing students’ bilingual abilities and overall classroom engagement."

"I’m really grateful for such an amazing opportunity,” said fifth grade teacher, Sandra Manchola, a Read Conmigo grant recipient from John W. Runyon Elementary School in Dallas, Texas. “In bilingual classrooms, the language requirements are doubled and dual cultural elements need to be integrated as well, which is a challenge. The flexibility of the Read Conmigo grant allows me to invest in the classroom, my students, and in myself. With the tools and resources from the grant, I can address my students' individual needs, better engage them in learning, and support them to succeed."

About The Kemper Foundation

The Kemper Foundation is the philanthropic partner of Kemper Corporation and focuses on support for charitable causes and organizations in education, health and community development. Through our owned-programs, key partnerships, financial donations, and Kemper employee volunteerism, we aim to make a meaningful difference in the communities where we live and work.

Jamie Coker-Robertson 310-804-1408

Source: Kemper Corporation


What is the Read Conmigo program by The Kemper Foundation (KMPR)?

The Read Conmigo program is a grant initiative by The Kemper Foundation that awards $3,000 grants to public and charter schoolteachers of Spanish-English bilingual classrooms to strengthen bilingual literacy skills and improve learning opportunities for elementary Latino and Hispanic students.

How much has The Kemper Foundation (KMPR) awarded through the Read Conmigo program since 2022?

The Kemper Foundation has awarded nearly $750,000 in grants through the Read Conmigo program since its launch in 2022.

How many grants does The Kemper Foundation (KMPR) award annually through Read Conmigo?

The Kemper Foundation awards up to 100 grants of $3,000 each annually through the Read Conmigo program.

Which areas are eligible for The Kemper Foundation's (KMPR) Read Conmigo grants?

The Read Conmigo grants are awarded to schoolteachers in the greater Los Angeles, Dallas, and Miami areas.

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