The Kemper Foundation Opens Spring 2025 Read Conmigo Grant Applications for Bilingual Educators in Dallas, Los Angeles and Miami

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The Kemper Foundation, philanthropic partner of Kemper (NYSE: KMPR), has opened applications for the spring 2025 Read Conmigo bilingual educator grant. The program aims to promote bilingual literacy in Hispanic and Latino communities, offering K-5 educators up to $3,000 each to enhance their classrooms with resources and professional development opportunities.

Eligible teachers in specific counties of California, Florida, and Texas can apply. Since its 2022 launch, Read Conmigo has impacted over 7,500 students through 246 educator grants. The application deadline is November 10, 2024, with funds to be awarded in early 2025. The Foundation awards up to 100 grants per cycle, with two cycles annually.

La Kemper Foundation, partner filantropico di Kemper (NYSE: KMPR), ha aperto le candidature per il grant per educatori bilingui Read Conmigo per la primavera 2025. Il programma mira a promuovere la alfabetizzazione bilingue nelle comunità ispaniche e latine, offrendo fino a $3,000 a educatori della scuola K-5 per migliorare le loro aule con risorse e opportunità di sviluppo professionale.

Gli insegnanti idonei in specifiche contee di California, Florida e Texas possono fare domanda. Dalla sua apertura nel 2022, Read Conmigo ha impattato oltre 7,500 studenti attraverso 246 grant per educatori. La scadenza per le candidature è 10 novembre 2024, con i fondi che saranno assegnati all'inizio del 2025. La Fondazione assegna fino a 100 grant per ciclo, con due cicli all'anno.

La Fundación Kemper, socio filantrópico de Kemper (NYSE: KMPR), ha abierto las convocatorias para la subvención para educadores bilingües Read Conmigo primavera 2025. El programa tiene como objetivo promover la alfabetización bilingüe en comunidades hispanas y latinas, ofreciendo hasta $3,000 a educadores de K-5 para mejorar sus aulas con recursos y oportunidades de desarrollo profesional.

Los maestros elegibles en condados específicos de California, Florida y Texas pueden postularse. Desde su lanzamiento en 2022, Read Conmigo ha impactado a más de 7,500 estudiantes a través de 246 subvenciones para educadores. La fecha límite de solicitud es el 10 de noviembre de 2024, y los fondos se otorgarán a principios de 2025. La Fundación otorga hasta 100 subvenciones por ciclo, con dos ciclos al año.

켐퍼 재단(Kemper Foundation), 켐퍼(NYSE: KMPR)의 자선 파트너가 2025년 봄 Read Conmigo 이중 언어 교육자 보조금 신청을 시작했습니다. 이 프로그램은 히스패닉 및 라틴 공동체에서 이중 언어 문해력을 증진하는 것을 목표로 하며, K-5 교육자에게 각각 최대 $3,000을 제공하여 교실 내 자원과 전문 개발 기회를 개선할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

캘리포니아, 플로리다 및 텍사스의 특정 카운티에 있는 자격 있는 교사들만 신청할 수 있습니다. 2022년 출범 이후 Read Conmigo는 246개의 교육자 보조금을 통해 7,500명 이상의 학생에게 영향을 미쳤습니다. 신청 마감일은 2024년 11월 10일이며, 자금은 2025년 초에 지급될 예정입니다. 재단은 각 사이클마다 최대 100개의 보조금을 지급하며, 연간 두 개의 사이클이 있습니다.

La Kemper Foundation, partenaire philanthropique de Kemper (NYSE: KMPR), a ouvert les candidatures pour la bourse d'éducateurs bilingues Read Conmigo au printemps 2025. Le programme vise à promouvoir la littératie bilingue dans les communautés hispaniques et latinos, offrant jusqu'à $3,000 à des éducateurs K-5 pour améliorer leurs salles de classe avec des ressources et des opportunités de développement professionnel.

Les enseignants éligibles dans des comtés spécifiques de Californie, de Floride et du Texas peuvent postuler. Depuis son lancement en 2022, Read Conmigo a eu un impact sur plus de 7,500 étudiants grâce à 246 bourses pour éducateurs. La date limite de candidature est le 10 novembre 2024, avec des fonds devant être attribués début 2025. La Fondation attribue jusqu'à 100 bourses par cycle, avec deux cycles par an.

Die Kemper Stiftung, philanthropischer Partner von Kemper (NYSE: KMPR), hat die Bewerbungen für das Read Conmigo Stipendium für bilingualen Lehrer im Frühjahr 2025 eröffnet. Das Programm zielt darauf ab, die bilinguale Alphabetisierung in hispanischen und lateinamerikanischen Gemeinschaften zu fördern, indem K-5-Lehrern bis zu $3,000 angeboten werden, um ihre Klassenzimmer mit Ressourcen und beruflichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten zu verbessern.

Berechtigte Lehrer in bestimmten Landkreisen von Kalifornien, Florida und Texas können sich bewerben. Seit der Einführung im Jahr 2022 hat Read Conmigo über 7.500 Schüler durch 246 Lehrer-Stipendien erreicht. Die Bewerbungsfrist endet am 10. November 2024, wobei die Gelder Anfang 2025 vergeben werden. Die Stiftung vergibt bis zu 100 Stipendien pro Zyklus, mit zwei Zyklen pro Jahr.

  • The Kemper Foundation is offering up to $3,000 per grant to K-5 educators
  • The program has impacted over 7,500 students since its 2022 launch
  • Up to 100 grants are awarded in each of the two annual cycles
  • None.

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Kemper Foundation, the philanthropic partner of Kemper Corporation (NYSE: KMPR), announced that applications for the Read Conmigo bilingual educator grant are now open for the spring 2025 grant cycle. This program is dedicated to promoting bilingual literacy within Hispanic and Latino communities, enabling K-5 educators to enhance their classrooms with enriching resources, tools and professional development opportunities that inspire engaging learning experiences for all students.

Read Conmigo grants are open to eligible teachers in the following counties: Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Ventura (California); Broward and Miami-Dade (Florida); and Dallas (Texas). The Foundation awards up to 100 grants of $3,000 each to teachers of dual language (Spanish English) classrooms in two grant cycles annually.

“Since its launch in 2022, the Read Conmigo program has impacted over 7,500 students through grants awarded to 246 dedicated educators,” said Barbara Ciesemier, president of The Kemper Foundation. “We are proud to support educators in their vital role of promoting bilingual literacy and enriching their classrooms, and to see the meaningful changes this initiative brings to both students and their communities. We are committed to continuing our support for teachers who strive to make a lasting difference.”

“Bilingual classrooms have unique needs compared to monolingual classrooms,” said Petra Ortega-Villarreal, a Read Conmigo grant recipient from El Sol Science and Arts Academy in Santa Ana, California. “Students developing proficiency in two languages require targeted support to ensure academic success and language proficiency. The grant will help me support these needs by allowing students to engage directly with my teaching, enhancing their learning experience and supporting their academic growth.”

The application deadline for spring 2025 grants is November 10, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. local time. Additional information, including eligibility requirements, grant usage guidelines, FAQs and the grant application, is posted on The Kemper Foundation website. Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee from The Kemper Foundation and Read Conmigo program partners. Grant funds will be awarded in early 2025 for this grant cycle. To learn more about The Kemper Foundation’s Read Conmigo grant program, visit The Kemper Foundation website.

About The Kemper Foundation

The Kemper Foundation is the philanthropic partner of Kemper Corporation (NYSE: KMPR) and focuses on support for charitable causes and organizations in education, health, and community development. Through our owned programs, key partnerships, financial donations, and Kemper employee volunteerism, we aim to make a meaningful difference in the communities where we live and work.

Jamie Coker-Robertson


Source: Kemper Corporation


When is the application deadline for Kemper Foundation's spring 2025 Read Conmigo grant (KMPR)?

The application deadline for the spring 2025 Read Conmigo grant is November 10, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. local time.

How much funding does each Read Conmigo grant provide to educators (KMPR)?

The Kemper Foundation awards up to $3,000 per grant to eligible K-5 educators teaching in dual language (Spanish-English) classrooms.

Which areas are eligible for Kemper's Read Conmigo grants in 2025 (KMPR)?

Eligible areas include specific counties in California (Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura), Florida (Broward, Miami-Dade), and Texas (Dallas).

How many students has the Read Conmigo program impacted since its launch (KMPR)?

Since its launch in 2022, the Read Conmigo program has impacted over 7,500 students through grants awarded to 246 educators.

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