Kimberly-Clark Launches New Technology to Revolutionize Restroom Management
Kimberly-Clark Professional has unveiled Onvation® with SmartFit™ technology, a new smart restroom management innovation. The system features small, internet-enabled sensors that fit inside paper towel and bath tissue dispensers to provide real-time monitoring data.
The technology helps facility managers optimize janitorial staffing and reduce waste through predictive data-based insights. Key features include:
- Time of Flight Technology for real-time product level measurement
- Two-year battery life
- Compatibility with ICON®, SCOTT PRO® dispensers and select universal dispensers
- Mobile app integration for staff coordination
The launch responds to market demand, with 79% of decision-makers already investing or planning to invest in facility management technology optimization. The system builds upon Kimberly-Clark's existing Onvation platform, which previously featured SCOTT® towel and bath tissue and PURELL® hand soap products.
Kimberly-Clark Professional ha presentato Onvation® con tecnologia SmartFit™, una nuova innovazione per la gestione intelligente dei bagni. Il sistema è dotato di piccoli sensori abilitati a Internet che si adattano all'interno dei distributori di asciugamani di carta e carta igienica per fornire dati di monitoraggio in tempo reale.
Questa tecnologia aiuta i responsabili delle strutture a ottimizzare il personale di pulizia e ridurre gli sprechi attraverso intuizioni predittive basate sui dati. Le caratteristiche principali includono:
- Tecnologia Time of Flight per la misurazione in tempo reale del livello del prodotto
- Durata della batteria di due anni
- Compatibilità con i distributori ICON®, SCOTT PRO® e alcuni distributori universali selezionati
- Integrazione con app mobile per il coordinamento del personale
Il lancio risponde alla domanda del mercato, con il 79% dei decisori già impegnati o che pianificano di investire nell'ottimizzazione della tecnologia di gestione delle strutture. Il sistema si basa sulla piattaforma Onvation esistente di Kimberly-Clark, che in precedenza includeva prodotti come asciugamani e carta igienica SCOTT® e sapone per le mani PURELL®.
Kimberly-Clark Professional ha presentado Onvation® con tecnología SmartFit™, una nueva innovación en la gestión inteligente de baños. El sistema cuenta con pequeños sensores habilitados para Internet que se adaptan dentro de los dispensadores de toallas de papel y papel higiénico para proporcionar datos de monitoreo en tiempo real.
Esta tecnología ayuda a los gerentes de instalaciones a optimizar el personal de limpieza y reducir desperdicios a través de información predictiva basada en datos. Las características clave incluyen:
- Tecnología Time of Flight para la medición en tiempo real del nivel de producto
- Vida útil de la batería de dos años
- Compatibilidad con dispensadores ICON®, SCOTT PRO® y algunos dispensadores universales seleccionados
- Integración de la aplicación móvil para la coordinación del personal
El lanzamiento responde a la demanda del mercado, con el 79% de los tomadores de decisiones ya invirtiendo o planeando invertir en la optimización de la tecnología de gestión de instalaciones. El sistema se basa en la plataforma Onvation existente de Kimberly-Clark, que anteriormente incluía productos de toallas y papel higiénico SCOTT® y jabón de manos PURELL®.
킴벌리-클락 프로페셔널이 스마트 화장실 관리 혁신인 Onvation®을 SmartFit™ 기술과 함께 공개했습니다. 이 시스템은 종이 타올 및 화장지 디스펜서 내부에 장착되는 작은 인터넷 연결 센서를 특징으로 하여 실시간 모니터링 데이터를 제공합니다.
이 기술은 시설 관리자들이 청소 인력을 최적화하고 데이터 기반의 예측 통찰력을 통해 낭비를 줄이는 데 도움을 줍니다. 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:
- 실시간 제품 수준 측정을 위한 비행 시간 기술
- 2년 배터리 수명
- ICON®, SCOTT PRO® 디스펜서 및 일부 선택된 범용 디스펜서와의 호환성
- 직원 조정을 위한 모바일 앱 통합
이번 출시는 시장 수요에 대응하여, 79%의 의사결정자들이 이미 시설 관리 기술 최적화에 투자하고 있거나 계획하고 있습니다. 이 시스템은 킴벌리-클락의 기존 Onvation 플랫폼을 기반으로 하며, 이전에는 SCOTT® 타올 및 화장지, PURELL® 손 세정제 제품이 포함되어 있었습니다.
Kimberly-Clark Professional a dévoilé Onvation® avec la technologie SmartFit™, une nouvelle innovation dans la gestion intelligente des toilettes. Le système est équipé de petits capteurs connectés à Internet qui s'intègrent à l'intérieur des distributeurs de serviettes en papier et de papier hygiénique pour fournir des données de surveillance en temps réel.
Cette technologie aide les gestionnaires d'installations à optimiser le personnel de nettoyage et à réduire les déchets grâce à des informations prédictives basées sur des données. Les principales caractéristiques comprennent:
- Technologie Time of Flight pour la mesure en temps réel du niveau de produit
- Autonomie de la batterie de deux ans
- Compatibilité avec les distributeurs ICON®, SCOTT PRO® et certains distributeurs universels sélectionnés
- Intégration d'une application mobile pour la coordination du personnel
Le lancement répond à la demande du marché, avec 79 % des décideurs déjà en train d'investir ou de planifier d'investir dans l'optimisation de la technologie de gestion des installations. Le système s'appuie sur la plateforme Onvation existante de Kimberly-Clark, qui comprenait auparavant des produits de serviettes et de papier hygiénique SCOTT® ainsi que des produits de savon pour les mains PURELL®.
Kimberly-Clark Professional hat Onvation® mit SmartFit™-Technologie vorgestellt, eine neue intelligente Lösung für das Management von Sanitärräumen. Das System verfügt über kleine, internetfähige Sensoren, die in Papierhandtuch- und Toilettenpapier-Spendern untergebracht sind, um Echtzeit-Monitoring-Daten bereitzustellen.
Die Technologie hilft Facility-Managern, das Reinigungspersonal zu optimieren und Abfall durch datengestützte prädiktive Einblicke zu reduzieren. Zu den Hauptmerkmalen gehören:
- Time of Flight-Technologie zur Echtzeitmessung des Produktniveaus
- Zwei Jahre Batterielebensdauer
- Kompatibilität mit ICON®, SCOTT PRO® Spendern und ausgewählten universellen Spendern
- Integration einer mobilen App zur Koordination des Personals
Die Einführung reagiert auf die Marktnachfrage, da 79% der Entscheidungsträger bereits in die Optimierung der Facility-Management-Technologie investieren oder dies planen. Das System baut auf der bestehenden Onvation-Plattform von Kimberly-Clark auf, die zuvor SCOTT® Handtücher und Toilettenpapier sowie PURELL® Handseifenprodukte umfasste.
- Expansion of smart technology product line to wider range of dispensers
- Addresses growing market demand (79% of decision-makers investing in facility tech)
- Potential for increased operational efficiency and waste reduction for customers
- to restroom management applications
- Requires ongoing battery replacement every 2 years
Onvation® with SmartFit™ technology, offers commercial restroom facility managers an easy approach to enhance efficiency, reduce waste and improve the guest experience, now with more flexibility than ever.
"Restrooms are one of the most scrutinized areas of any facility," said Susan Gambardella, President, Kimberly-Clark Professional. "With Onvation SmartFit, we offer customers a valuable service bundle to enhance efficiency, prevent complaints, reduce waste and improve the guest experience."
Onvation was already known in the industry as a smart restroom management system featuring SCOTT® towel and bath tissue and PURELL® hand soap. Now, the compact SmartFit™ technology expands that capability to include a wider range of dispenser types including Kimberly-Clark Professional's ICON®, SCOTT PRO® dispenser collections and select universal dispensers.
The easily installed sensor tracks paper product levels and restroom traffic, providing predictive data-based insights that eliminate guesswork from restroom servicing. Sensors use Time of Flight Technology to measure product levels in real time, are flexible to be used in many dispensers, and have a two-year battery life. With advanced analytics and an intuitive interface, Onvation works with a mobile app to let the facility's staff know where they are needed most to ensure every restroom remains clean, stocked and running smoothly.
"Everything about this sensor was intentionally designed to better meet facility manager's needs," said Iris Schumacher, Director Restroom R&D, Kimberly-Clark Professional. "The thin sensor surface, rounded profile to minimize interference upon installation, and ergonomically designed features ensure precise and accurate placement to deliver an enhanced smart room management experience."
According to a recent study,
For more, visit Onvation™ Smart Restroom Solution | Kimberly-Clark Professional.
1 Memoori 2023
About Kimberly-Clark Professional
Kimberly-Clark Professional partners with businesses to create exceptional workplaces. From innovative restroom solutions to sustainable products, we help businesses achieve their goals while enhancing the well-being of their employees and guests. Key brands in this segment include Kleenex, Cottonelle, Scott and WypAll. To see how Kimberly-Clark Professional is helping people around the world to work better, please visit
About Kimberly-Clark
Kimberly-Clark (NYSE: KMB) and its trusted brands are an indispensable part of life for people in more than 175 countries. Fueled by ingenuity, creativity, and an understanding of people's most essential needs, we create products that help individuals experience more of what's important to them. Our portfolio of brands, including Huggies, Kleenex, Scott, Kotex, Cottonelle, Poise, Depend, Andrex, Pull-Ups, GoodNites, Intimus, Plenitud, Sweety, Softex, Viva and WypAll, hold No. 1 or No. 2 share positions in approximately 70 countries. We use sustainable practices that support a healthy planet, build strong communities, and ensure our business thrives for decades to come. We are proud to be recognized as one of the World's Most Ethical Companies® by Ethisphere for the sixth year in a row and one of Fortune's Most Innovative Companies in America in 2024. To keep up with the latest news and to learn more about the company's more than 150-year history of innovation, visit the Kimberly-Clark website.
About GOJO Industries
GOJO, the inventors of PURELL® Hand Sanitizer, is the leading global producer and marketer of skin health and hygiene solutions for away-from-home settings. The broad GOJO product portfolio includes hand cleaning, handwashing, hand sanitizing, skin care formulas and surface sprays under the GOJO®, PURELL® and PROVON® brand names. GOJO formulations use the latest advances in the science of skin care and sustainability. GOJO is known for state-of-the-art dispensing technology, engineered with attention to design, sustainability and functionality. GOJO programs promote healthy behaviors for hygiene, skin care and compliance in critical environments. GOJO is a family enterprise headquartered in
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SOURCE Kimberly-Clark Professional
What is Kimberly-Clark's (KMB) new Onvation SmartFit technology?
How long does the battery last in KMB's SmartFit sensors?
Which dispensers are compatible with KMB's new SmartFit technology?