Survey Reveals Parents Prioritize Child Care Over Raises

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KinderCare Learning Companies (NYSE: KLC) has released its sixth annual Confidence Index, revealing significant insights about the intersection of child care and workplace dynamics. The 2025 survey, conducted with The Harris Poll, shows that 70% of parents believe the gender pay gap stems from insufficient child care support.

Key findings include:

  • 76% believe employers should offset child care costs
  • 59% prefer child care subsidies over raises (10% increase from 2024)
  • 54% worry about future cuts to child care benefits
  • 43% of parents prioritize child care benefits, while only 33% of CHROs share this view

The study, surveying 2,504 parents with children under 12, also revealed that 53% of parents fear career setbacks due to parenting responsibilities. Additionally, 45% of parents hope for federally supported universal child care in their children's future. The survey highlights growing concerns about return-to-office mandates, with nearly two-thirds of parents reporting impacts on their child care needs.

KinderCare Learning Companies (NYSE: KLC) ha pubblicato il suo sesto Indice di Fiducia annuale, rivelando importanti intuizioni sull'intersezione tra assistenza all'infanzia e dinamiche lavorative. L'indagine del 2025, condotta con The Harris Poll, mostra che il 70% dei genitori crede che il divario retributivo di genere derivi da un'insufficiente supporto per l'assistenza all'infanzia.

I risultati chiave includono:

  • Il 76% crede che i datori di lavoro dovrebbero compensare i costi dell'assistenza all'infanzia
  • Il 59% preferisce sussidi per l'assistenza all'infanzia piuttosto che aumenti salariali (un aumento del 10% rispetto al 2024)
  • Il 54% è preoccupato per futuri tagli ai benefici per l'assistenza all'infanzia
  • Il 43% dei genitori dà priorità ai benefici per l'assistenza all'infanzia, mentre solo il 33% dei CHRO condivide questa opinione

Lo studio, che ha intervistato 2.504 genitori con figli sotto i 12 anni, ha anche rivelato che il 53% dei genitori teme di subire un rallentamento della carriera a causa delle responsabilità genitoriali. Inoltre, il 45% dei genitori spera in un'assistenza all'infanzia universale sostenuta a livello federale per il futuro dei propri figli. L'indagine evidenzia crescenti preoccupazioni riguardo ai mandati di ritorno in ufficio, con quasi due terzi dei genitori che segnalano impatti sulle loro esigenze di assistenza all'infanzia.

KinderCare Learning Companies (NYSE: KLC) ha publicado su sexto Índice de Confianza anual, revelando importantes percepciones sobre la intersección entre el cuidado infantil y la dinámica laboral. La encuesta de 2025, realizada con The Harris Poll, muestra que el 70% de los padres cree que la brecha salarial de género proviene de un apoyo insuficiente para el cuidado infantil.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • El 76% cree que los empleadores deberían compensar los costos del cuidado infantil
  • El 59% prefiere subsidios para el cuidado infantil en lugar de aumentos salariales (un aumento del 10% respecto a 2024)
  • El 54% se preocupa por futuros recortes en los beneficios de cuidado infantil
  • El 43% de los padres prioriza los beneficios de cuidado infantil, mientras que solo el 33% de los CHRO comparte esta opinión

El estudio, que encuestó a 2,504 padres con hijos menores de 12 años, también reveló que el 53% de los padres teme retrocesos en su carrera debido a responsabilidades parentales. Además, el 45% de los padres espera un cuidado infantil universal apoyado por el gobierno para el futuro de sus hijos. La encuesta destaca las crecientes preocupaciones sobre los mandatos de regreso a la oficina, con casi dos tercios de los padres informando sobre impactos en sus necesidades de cuidado infantil.

킨더케어 학습 회사 (NYSE: KLC)가 여섯 번째 연례 신뢰 지수를 발표하며 아동 돌봄과 직장 역학의 교차점에 대한 중요한 통찰을 드러냈습니다. 2025년 조사, 해리스 폴과 함께 실시된 이 조사는 부모의 70%가 성별 임금 격차가 불충분한 아동 돌봄 지원에서 비롯된다고 믿고 있음을 보여줍니다.

주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 76%가 고용주가 아동 돌봄 비용을 보전해야 한다고 믿음
  • 59%가 급여 인상보다 아동 돌봄 보조금을 선호함 (2024년 대비 10% 증가)
  • 54%가 아동 돌봄 혜택의 미래 삭감에 대해 걱정함
  • 43%의 부모가 아동 돌봄 혜택을 우선시하지만, CHRO의 경우 이 의견을 공유하는 비율은 33%에 불과함

이 연구는 12세 이하 자녀를 둔 2,504명의 부모를 대상으로 하였으며, 부모의 53%가 양육 책임으로 인해 경력에 차질이 생길까 두려워하고 있음을 밝혔습니다. 또한, 부모의 45%는 자녀의 미래에 대해 연방 지원을 받는 보편적인 아동 돌봄을 희망하고 있습니다. 이 조사는 사무실 복귀 의무에 대한 우려가 커지고 있음을 강조하며, 거의 3분의 2의 부모가 아동 돌봄 요구에 영향을 받고 있다고 보고했습니다.

KinderCare Learning Companies (NYSE: KLC) a publié son sixième Indice de Confiance annuel, révélant des informations significatives sur l'intersection entre la garde d'enfants et la dynamique au travail. L'enquête de 2025, réalisée avec The Harris Poll, montre que 70% des parents croient que l'écart salarial entre les sexes découle d'un soutien insuffisant à la garde d'enfants.

Les résultats clés incluent :

  • 76% croient que les employeurs devraient compenser les coûts de garde d'enfants
  • 59% préfèrent les subventions pour la garde d'enfants aux augmentations de salaire (augmentation de 10% par rapport à 2024)
  • 54% s'inquiètent des futures réductions des avantages liés à la garde d'enfants
  • 43% des parents priorisent les avantages liés à la garde d'enfants, tandis que seulement 33% des CHRO partagent cette opinion

L'étude, qui a interrogé 2 504 parents ayant des enfants de moins de 12 ans, a également révélé que 53% des parents craignent des reculs professionnels en raison de responsabilités parentales. De plus, 45% des parents espèrent une garde d'enfants universelle soutenue par l'État pour l'avenir de leurs enfants. L'enquête met en lumière les préoccupations croissantes concernant les mandats de retour au bureau, près des deux tiers des parents signalant des impacts sur leurs besoins en matière de garde d'enfants.

KinderCare Learning Companies (NYSE: KLC) hat seinen sechsten jährlichen Vertrauensindex veröffentlicht, der bedeutende Einblicke in die Schnittstelle zwischen Kinderbetreuung und Arbeitsplatzdynamik bietet. Die Umfrage von 2025, die in Zusammenarbeit mit The Harris Poll durchgeführt wurde, zeigt, dass 70% der Eltern glauben, dass die Geschlechterlohnlücke auf unzureichende Unterstützung bei der Kinderbetreuung zurückzuführen ist.

Wichtige Ergebnisse sind:

  • 76% glauben, dass Arbeitgeber die Kosten für die Kinderbetreuung übernehmen sollten
  • 59% bevorzugen Kinderbetreuungszuschüsse gegenüber Gehaltserhöhungen (ein Anstieg von 10% im Vergleich zu 2024)
  • 54% machen sich Sorgen über zukünftige Kürzungen bei den Leistungen zur Kinderbetreuung
  • 43% der Eltern priorisieren die Leistungen zur Kinderbetreuung, während nur 33% der CHROs diese Ansicht teilen

Die Studie, die 2.504 Eltern mit Kindern unter 12 Jahren befragte, zeigte auch, dass 53% der Eltern befürchten, aufgrund von Elternverantwortungen berufliche Rückschläge zu erleiden. Darüber hinaus hoffen 45% der Eltern, dass es in der Zukunft eine bundesweit unterstützte universelle Kinderbetreuung für ihre Kinder geben wird. Die Umfrage hebt die wachsenden Bedenken hinsichtlich der Rückkehr ins Büro hervor, wobei fast zwei Drittel der Eltern berichten, dass ihre Bedürfnisse in der Kinderbetreuung betroffen sind.

  • None.
  • None.

KinderCare’s 2025 Confidence Index reveals seven out of ten parents feel the gender pay gap is caused by lack of child care support in the U.S.

LAKE OSWEGO, Ore.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- KinderCare Learning Companies, Inc. (NYSE: KLC) (“KinderCare”), the nation’s leading provider of high-quality early childhood education, today announced results from its sixth annual KinderCare Confidence Index, revealing deepening concerns from parents about access to child care. Conducted in collaboration with The Harris Poll, the study indicates that the child care crisis is intensifying the gender pay gap as more parents are choosing child care over raises and advancing their careers. This underscores the increased value parents place on having quality child care for their families.

With the majority of working parents back in the office full-time or in a hybrid capacity, many have found it difficult to adjust to the return-to-office (RTO) mandates in effect. The survey found that nearly two-thirds of parents say the return to in-person work has impacted their child care needs. As a result, the majority of parents want more employers to provide more benefits as they roll out RTO mandates:

  • 76% of parents believe employers should offset the cost of child care for their employees.
  • 59% of parents would rather have their employer subsidize their child care costs than give them a raise, a 10% increase from 2024 survey results.
  • 54% of parents are worried their company will scale back child care benefits in the future to cut costs, a 10% increase from 2024 survey results.

“Parents are telling us loud and clear that they need quality child care solutions more than ever, reflecting its essential role in the lives of modern families striving to achieve work-life integration,” said Jessica Harrah, Chief People Officer at KinderCare Learning Companies. “At KinderCare, we’re committed to providing high-quality child care for families, and work with policymakers, communities and employers nationwide to find creative ways to address this urgent need for support.”

Additionally, new data findings show there’s a discrepancy between the benefits employees want and what Chief Human Resource Officers (CHROs) perceive as important: 43% of parents think child care benefits are crucial, compared to just 33% of CHROs who share this view. Based on these findings, employers have a clear opportunity to alleviate child care stress and meet their employees’ needs by offering more customized family care benefits including employer-sponsored child care.

The report also shows a broader trend of parents demanding more child care solutions and support from their employers and the government:

  • 71% of parents believe the gender pay gap is caused by the lack of child care support in this country.
  • 53% of parents said they are worried that they will have to step back from their career to take on parenting responsibilities.
  • 46% of parents hope that when their children grow up, women won’t have to leave the workforce for child care reasons.
  • 45% of parents hope universal child care will be federally supported in their children’s future.

To download the full 2025 KinderCare Confidence Index Survey or learn more about KinderCare’s child care solutions, visit here.


This survey was conducted online within the United States by The Harris Poll on behalf of KinderCare from November 21, 2024, to December 2, 2024, among 2,504 parents with children age 12 and younger. Within the sample we surveyed 1,053 parents with children age 5 and under, and 1,451 with children age 6-12. The presentation represents national sample; we then looked at the data cut by the following demographics: age, race/ethnicity, gender, income, region, and employment status. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated.

About KinderCare Learning Companies™

A leading provider of early childhood and school-age education and care, KinderCare builds confidence for life in children and families from all backgrounds. KinderCare supports hardworking families in 40 states and the District of Columbia with differentiated flexible child care solutions:

  • In neighborhoods, with KinderCare® Learning Centers that offer early learning programs for children six weeks to 12 years old;
  • In The Crème de la Crème™ School, which offers a premium early education experience using a variety of enrichment classrooms; and
  • In local schools, with Champions® before and after-school programs.

KinderCare partners with employers nationwide to address the child care needs of today’s dynamic workforce. We provide customized family care benefits for organizations, including care for young children on or near the site where their parents work, tuition benefits, and backup care where KinderCare programs are located.

Headquartered in Lake Oswego, Oregon, KinderCare operates nearly 2,500 early learning centers and sites. To learn more, visit

Colleen Moran

KinderCare Learning Companies

503-872-1300, opt. 3

Source: KinderCare


What percentage of parents would choose child care benefits over a raise according to KLC's 2025 survey?

59% of parents would prefer their employer to subsidize child care costs rather than receive a raise, showing a 10% increase from 2024.

How many parents believe the gender pay gap is linked to child care support according to KLC's latest study?

71% of parents believe the gender pay gap is caused by the lack of child care support in the country.

What is the gap between parents and CHROs regarding child care benefits importance in KLC's 2025 report?

43% of parents consider child care benefits crucial, while only 33% of CHROs share this view, showing a 10% perception gap.

How has KLC's 2025 survey shown the impact of return-to-office mandates on child care needs?

Nearly two-thirds of parents report that return-to-office mandates have impacted their child care needs.

What percentage of parents are concerned about stepping back from their careers due to parenting responsibilities according to KLC's study?

53% of parents expressed worry about having to step back from their careers to handle parenting responsibilities.


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