KKR Acquires Portfolio of Six Class A Industrial Warehouses Across the U.S.

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KKR, a leading global investment firm, has acquired a portfolio of six Class A industrial logistics properties across major U.S. markets for approximately $377 million. The properties, with an average vintage of 2014, feature 35-foot average clear heights and are 100% leased to high-quality tenants. Located in strategic infill submarkets in Seattle, Atlanta, Philadelphia, New Jersey, and the San Francisco Bay Area, these warehouses are designed to meet modern logistics needs.

This acquisition adds approximately two million square feet to KKR's industrial portfolio, bringing their total U.S. warehouse acquisitions to nearly six million square feet since the start of the year. The investment aligns with KKR's strategy of acquiring well-positioned, high-quality assets in locations with diverse demand drivers and accommodative labor forces.

KKR, una delle principali società di investimento globale, ha acquisito un portafoglio di sei proprietà logistiche industriali di Classe A in importanti mercati statunitensi per circa 377 milioni di dollari. Le proprietà, con un'età media del 2014, presentano altezze libere medie di 35 piedi e sono completamente affittate a inquilini di alta qualità. Situati in submercati strategici a Seattle, Atlanta, Filadelfia, New Jersey e nella Bay Area di San Francisco, questi magazzini sono progettati per soddisfare le esigenze logistiche moderne.

Questa acquisizione aggiunge circa due milioni di piedi quadrati al portafoglio industriale di KKR, portando le loro acquisizioni di magazzini negli Stati Uniti a quasi sei milioni di piedi quadrati dall'inizio dell'anno. L'investimento è in linea con la strategia di KKR di acquisire beni ben posizionati e di alta qualità in località con driver di domanda diversificati e forze lavoro favorevoli.

KKR, una de las principales firmas de inversión globales, ha adquirido un portafolio de seis propiedades logísticas industriales Clase A en importantes mercados de EE. UU. por aproximadamente 377 millones de dólares. Las propiedades, con una antigüedad promedio de 2014, cuentan con alturas libres promedio de 35 pies y están 100% arrendadas a inquilinos de alta calidad. Ubicados en submercados estratégicos en Seattle, Atlanta, Filadelfia, Nueva Jersey y el Área de la Bahía de San Francisco, estos almacenes están diseñados para satisfacer las necesidades logísticas modernas.

Esta adquisición añade aproximadamente dos millones de pies cuadrados al portafolio industrial de KKR, llevando sus adquisiciones de almacenes en EE. UU. a casi seis millones de pies cuadrados desde el comienzo del año. La inversión se alinea con la estrategia de KKR de adquirir activos bien posicionados y de alta calidad en ubicaciones con motores de demanda diversos y fuerzas laborales acomodaticias.

KKR, 세계적인 투자 회사 중 한 곳이 미국의 주요 시장에서 여섯 개의 A급 산업 물류 부동산 포트폴리오를 인수했습니다. 인수가는 약 3억 7천7백만 달러입니다. 이 부동산들은 2014년 평균 연식을 가지고 있으며, 평균 35피트의 설치 높이를 자랑하고, 고품질 임차인들에게 100% 임대되어 있습니다. 시애틀, 애틀랜타, 필라델피아, 뉴저지, 샌프란시스코 베이 지역의 전략적 내수 지역에 위치한 이 창고들은 현대 물류의 요구를 충족시키기 위해 설계되었습니다.

이번 인수는 KKR의 산업 포트폴리오에 약 200만 제곱피트를 추가하며, 올해 초부터 미국의 창고 인수를 거의 600만 제곱피트로 끌어올립니다. 이 투자는 KKR이 다양한 수요 요인과 호의적인 노동력을 갖춘 위치에서 잘 자리잡은 고품질 자산을 인수하는 전략에 부합합니다.

KKR, une entreprise d'investissement mondiale de premier plan, a acquis un portefeuille de six propriétés logistiques industrielles de classe A dans des marchés clés aux États-Unis pour environ 377 millions de dollars. Les propriétés, avec une ancienneté moyenne de 2014, présentent des hauteurs libres moyennes de 35 pieds et sont louées à 100 % à des locataires de haute qualité. Situés dans des sous-marchés stratégiques à Seattle, Atlanta, Philadelphie, New Jersey et la région de la baie de San Francisco, ces entrepôts sont conçus pour répondre aux besoins logistiques modernes.

Cette acquisition ajoute environ deux millions de pieds carrés au portefeuille industriel de KKR, portant le total de ses acquisitions d'entrepôts aux États-Unis à près de six millions de pieds carrés depuis le début de l'année. Cet investissement s'inscrit dans la stratégie de KKR d'acquérir des actifs bien positionnés et de haute qualité, situés dans des emplacements avec des moteurs de demande diversifiés et des forces de travail accommodantes.

KKR, eine führende globale Investmentgesellschaft, hat ein Portfolio aus sechs Industrie-Logistikimmobilien der Klasse A in wichtigen US-Märkten für ungefähr 377 Millionen Dollar erworben. Die Immobilien, die im Durchschnitt aus dem Jahr 2014 stammen, weisen eine durchschnittliche lichte Höhe von 35 Fuß auf und sind zu 100% an hochwertige Mieter vermietet. Diese Lagerhäuser, die sich in strategischen Nachvermietungsmärkten in Seattle, Atlanta, Philadelphia, New Jersey und der San Francisco Bay Area befinden, sind darauf ausgelegt, den modernen Logistikbedürfnissen gerecht zu werden.

Durch diese Akquisition fügt KKR seinem Industrieportfolio ungefähr zwei Millionen Quadratfuß hinzu, wodurch die gesamten Lagerhausankäufe in den USA fast sechs Millionen Quadratfuß seit Jahresbeginn erreichen. Diese Investition entspricht der Strategie von KKR, gut positionierte, hochwertige Vermögenswerte an Standorten mit unterschiedlichen Nachfragefaktoren und einem günstigen Arbeitskräfteangebot zu erwerben.

  • Acquisition of six Class A industrial properties for $377 million
  • 100% occupancy with high-quality tenants
  • Strategic locations in major U.S. markets
  • Modern facilities with average 35-foot clear heights
  • Expansion of KKR's industrial portfolio by 2 million square feet
  • Total U.S. warehouse acquisitions reach nearly 6 million square feet year-to-date
  • None.

KKR's $377 million acquisition of six Class A industrial warehouses is a strategic move in the booming logistics real estate sector. With 100% occupancy and an average vintage of 2014, these assets are prime for stable cash flows. The portfolio's location in major U.S. markets like Seattle, Atlanta and the San Francisco Bay Area positions KKR well for potential value appreciation. This purchase, bringing KKR's total warehouse acquisitions to nearly 6 million square feet this year, signals a strong bet on the continued growth of e-commerce and supply chain optimization. The focus on "infill locations" suggests a strategy to capitalize on last-mile delivery demands. However, investors should note that while industrial real estate has been robust, any economic slowdown could impact occupancy rates and rental growth.

KKR's acquisition demonstrates a keen understanding of the industrial real estate market's dynamics. The 35-foot average clear heights and "state-of-the-art characteristics" of these warehouses cater to modern logistics requirements, potentially commanding premium rents. The strategic locations in Gateway and Sunbelt markets are crucial, as these areas are experiencing significant population growth and economic expansion. This portfolio diversification across multiple high-demand markets mitigates regional risks. The emphasis on "infill submarkets" is particularly noteworthy, as these locations typically have high barriers to entry for new developments, potentially leading to sustained demand and value appreciation. KKR's growing industrial footprint, now at 6 million SF, positions them as a significant player in this sector, potentially leading to economies of scale in management and leasing.

This acquisition aligns with broader market trends in industrial real estate. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated e-commerce adoption, driving demand for modern warehousing facilities. The portfolio's 100% occupancy rate reflects this strong demand. However, investors should be aware of potential market saturation risks as more capital flows into this sector. The focus on "diverse demand drivers and accommodative labor forces" suggests KKR is hedging against potential shifts in supply chain strategies, such as nearshoring. The $188.5/SF price point ($377 million for ~2 million SF) appears competitive given the portfolio's quality and locations, potentially leaving room for value appreciation. KKR's total $75 billion in real estate assets under management provides significant resources for further expansion in this sector, which could lead to increased market influence and potential economies of scale.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- KKR, a leading global investment firm, today announced that KKR has acquired a portfolio of six well-located, Class A industrial logistics properties in major U.S. Gateway and Sunbelt markets for approximately $377 million.

The six modern industrial properties possess an average vintage of 2014 and feature 35-foot average clear heights. The warehouses feature other state of the art characteristics making them highly relevant for the ever-evolving needs of today’s logistics tenancy. The portfolio is 100% leased to a high-quality tenant mix. The assets are strategically located in infill submarkets across several major markets, including Seattle, Atlanta, Philadelphia, New Jersey and the San Francisco Bay Area.

“We are excited to purchase these six well positioned properties as we continue to grow our national portfolio of well-diversified, carefully selected industrial assets,” said Ben Brudney, a Managing Director in the Real Estate group at KKR who oversees the firm’s industrial investments in the United States. “We think high quality assets in infill locations near diverse demand drivers and accommodative labor forces will be increasingly difficult to reproduce in the coming years.”

The purchase follows KKR’s recent industrial warehouse investments in Nashville, Dallas and Houston. The addition of this approximately two million square foot (SF) portfolio brings KKR’s total warehouse acquisitions in the U.S. to nearly six million SF since the start of the year. KKR is making this investment through capital accounts advised by KKR.

KKR’s global real estate business invests in high-quality, thematic real estate through a full range of scaled equity and debt strategies. Managing $75 billion in assets as of June 30, 2024, KKR’s more than 150 dedicated real estate investment and asset management professionals across 16 offices apply the capabilities and knowledge of KKR’s global platform to deliver outcomes for clients and investors.

About KKR

KKR is a leading global investment firm that offers alternative asset management as well as capital markets and insurance solutions. KKR aims to generate attractive investment returns by following a patient and disciplined investment approach, employing world-class people, and supporting growth in its portfolio companies and communities. KKR sponsors investment funds that invest in private equity, credit and real assets and has strategic partners that manage hedge funds. KKR’s insurance subsidiaries offer retirement, life and reinsurance products under the management of Global Atlantic Financial Group. References to KKR’s investments may include the activities of its sponsored funds and insurance subsidiaries. For additional information about KKR & Co. Inc. (NYSE: KKR), please visit KKR’s website at For additional information about Global Atlantic Financial Group, please visit Global Atlantic Financial Group’s website at


Miles Radcliffe-Trenner

Source: KKR


What is the value of KKR's recent industrial property acquisition?

KKR acquired a portfolio of six Class A industrial logistics properties for approximately $377 million.

Where are the newly acquired KKR warehouses located?

The warehouses are strategically located in infill submarkets across several major markets, including Seattle, Atlanta, Philadelphia, New Jersey, and the San Francisco Bay Area.

What is the occupancy rate of the industrial properties acquired by KKR?

The portfolio of six industrial properties acquired by KKR is 100% leased to a high-quality tenant mix.

How much has KKR's industrial portfolio expanded with this acquisition?

This acquisition adds approximately two million square feet to KKR's industrial portfolio, bringing their total U.S. warehouse acquisitions to nearly six million square feet since the start of the year.

What are the key features of the industrial properties KKR acquired?

The properties have an average vintage of 2014, feature 35-foot average clear heights, and possess state-of-the-art characteristics suited for modern logistics needs.

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United States of America