Nauticus Robotics Announces Second Round of Aquanaut Mark 2 Deepwater Qualification Testing

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Nauticus Robotics (NASDAQ: KITT) has begun its second round of qualification testing for the Aquanaut Mark 2, its flagship underwater vehicle, in the Gulf of Mexico. This testing aims to certify the vehicle for depths exceeding 2000 meters. The tests, conducted off Louisiana's coast, focus on imaging subsea structures and certifying capabilities like flyover surveys, leak detection, and obstacle avoidance.

CEO John Gibson noted that several revenue-generating projects are scheduled following these tests. The company is also developing additional capabilities with Vehicle 1, with open water testing expected at Florida Atlantic University later this year. Nauticus' ToolKITT software is driving the industry's shift from tethered operations to augmented autonomy, aiming to transform subsea operations into efficient, autonomous processes.

Nauticus Robotics (NASDAQ: KITT) ha avviato il suo secondo round di testing di qualificazione per l'Aquanaut Mark 2, il suo veicolo sottomarino di punta, nel Golfo del Messico. Questo test ha lo scopo di certificare il veicolo per profondità superiori ai 2000 metri. I test, condotti al largo della costa della Louisiana, si concentrano sull'imaging di strutture sottomarine e sulla certificazione di capacità come rilievi a volo, rilevamento di perdite e evitamento di ostacoli.

Il CEO John Gibson ha sottolineato che diversi progetti generatori di entrate sono programmati dopo questi test. L'azienda sta anche sviluppando ulteriori capacità con il Veicolo 1, con test in acque aperte previsti presso la Florida Atlantic University più tardi quest'anno. Il software ToolKITT di Nauticus sta guidando il cambiamento dell'industria dalle operazioni collegate a una maggiore autonomia, con l'obiettivo di trasformare le operazioni sottomarine in processi autonomi ed efficienti.

Nauticus Robotics (NASDAQ: KITT) ha comenzado su segunda ronda de pruebas de calificación para el Aquanaut Mark 2, su vehículo submarino insignia, en el Golfo de México. Estas pruebas tienen como objetivo certificar el vehículo para profundidades que superen los 2000 metros. Las pruebas, realizadas frente a la costa de Luisiana, se centran en la obtención de imágenes de estructuras submarinas y en la certificación de capacidades como encuestas aéreas, detección de fugas y evitación de obstáculos.

El CEO John Gibson destacó que varios proyectos generadores de ingresos están programados para después de estas pruebas. La empresa también está desarrollando capacidades adicionales con el Vehículo 1 y se esperan pruebas en aguas abiertas en la Florida Atlantic University más adelante este año. El software ToolKITT de Nauticus está impulsando el cambio de la industria de operaciones conectadas a una mayor autonomía, buscando transformar las operaciones submarinas en procesos eficientes y autónomos.

Nauticus Robotics (NASDAQ: KITT)는 멕시코만에서 자사의 대표 수중 차량인 Aquanaut Mark 2의 두 번째 자격 테스트를 시작했습니다. 이번 테스트의 목표는 2000 미터 이상의 깊이에서 차량을 인증하는 것입니다. 루이지애나 해안에서 진행되는 테스트는 수중 구조물 이미징과 비행 조사, 누수 탐지, 장애물 회피와 같은 기능 인증에 중점을 두고 있습니다.

CEO 존 기브슨(John Gibson)은 이러한 테스트 후에 여러 수익 창출 프로젝트가 예정되어 있다고 언급했습니다. 회사는 또한 올해 말 플로리다 애틀랜틱 대학교에서 개방 수역 테스트를 기대하고 있으며, 차량 1을 통해 추가 기능을 개발하고 있습니다. Nauticus의 ToolKITT 소프트웨어는 산업이 유선 작업에서 증강 자율성으로 전환하는 것을 주도하고 있으며, 수중 작업을 효율적이고 자율적인 프로세스로 변화시키는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Nauticus Robotics (NASDAQ: KITT) a commencé son deuxième tour de tests de qualification pour l'Aquanaut Mark 2, son véhicule sous-marin phare, dans le Golfe du Mexique. Ces tests visent à certifier le véhicule pour des profondeurs dépassant 2000 mètres. Les tests, réalisés au large de la côte de la Louisiane, se concentrent sur l'imagerie des structures sous-marines et la certification de capacités telles que les survols, la détection des fuites et l'évitement des obstacles.

Le PDG John Gibson a noté que plusieurs projets générateurs de revenus sont prévus après ces tests. L'entreprise développe également des capacités supplémentaires avec le Véhicule 1, avec des tests en eau libre prévus à l'Université Atlantic de Floride plus tard cette année. Le logiciel ToolKITT de Nauticus favorise le passage de l'industrie des opérations connectées à une autonomie accrue, cherchant à transformer les opérations sous-marines en processus autonomes et efficaces.

Nauticus Robotics (NASDAQ: KITT) hat mit der zweiten Runde der Qualifikationstests für das Aquanaut Mark 2, sein Flaggschiff-U-Bahnfahrzeug, im Golf von Mexiko begonnen. Ziel dieser Tests ist die Zertifizierung des Fahrzeugs für Tiefen von mehr als 2000 Metern. Die Tests, die vor der Küste von Louisiana durchgeführt werden, konzentrieren sich auf die Bildgebung von Unterwasserstrukturen und die Zertifizierung von Fähigkeiten wie Überflughilfen, Leckageerkennung und Hindernisvermeidung.

CEO John Gibson wies darauf hin, dass mehrere ertragbringende Projekte nach diesen Tests geplant sind. Das Unternehmen entwickelt auch weitere Fähigkeiten mit Fahrzeug 1, wobei im Laufe dieses Jahres Tests in offenem Wasser an der Florida Atlantic University erwartet werden. Die Software ToolKITT von Nauticus treibt den Wandel der Branche von kabelgebundenen Operationen hin zu erweiterter Autonomie voran und hat zum Ziel, Unterwasseroperationen in effiziente, autonome Prozesse zu transformieren.

  • Second round of qualification testing for Aquanaut Mark 2 underway, targeting certification for depths over 2000 meters
  • Several revenue-generating projects scheduled immediately after testing
  • ToolKITT software driving industry shift towards augmented autonomy in subsea operations
  • Development of additional capabilities for Aquanaut Mark 2 ongoing with Vehicle 1
  • None.

Nauticus Robotics' second round of qualification testing for the Aquanaut Mark 2 represents a significant step in autonomous subsea robotics. The focus on certifying capabilities for depths exceeding 2000 meters showcases the company's commitment to deep-sea operations. The testing of advanced features like flyover surveys, leak detection and obstacle avoidance indicates a push towards more sophisticated underwater automation.

The integration of Nauticus' proprietary ToolKITT software across various subsea vehicle classes is particularly noteworthy. This platform-independent solution could potentially revolutionize subsea operations by enabling a shift from tethered to autonomous systems. Such advancement could lead to increased efficiency and reduced operational costs in underwater tasks, which is important for industries like oil and gas, offshore wind and marine research.

The announcement of imminent revenue-generating projects following these tests is a positive signal for investors. It suggests that Nauticus is moving from the R&D phase to commercialization, which could potentially boost the company's financial performance in the near term. The company's focus on reducing operational costs and greenhouse gas emissions aligns well with current industry trends towards sustainability and efficiency.

However, investors should note that the subsea robotics market is competitive and rapidly evolving. Nauticus' success will depend on how effectively it can differentiate its technology and secure contracts in various ocean industries. The company's dual approach of offering services and selling/licensing technology could provide multiple revenue streams, potentially reducing risk and enhancing growth opportunities.

HOUSTON, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Nauticus Robotics, Inc. (NASDAQ: KITT), a leading innovator in autonomous subsea robotics and software, began its second round of qualification testing of its flagship underwater vehicle, Aquanaut Mark 2, in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM). Vehicle 2 will be used for commercial operations going forward. Completion of this testing is intended to certify the vehicle for water depths exceeding 2000 meters.

Nauticus' Autonomous Solutions team is conducting tests off the coast of Louisiana at a decommissioned oil and gas field to certify capabilities under actual conditions expected for commercial work. The vehicle will image subsea structures such as manifolds, trees, and pipelines. This round of testing is a follow-on to the GOM deepwater qualification testing performed earlier this year. Vehicle capabilities undergoing final certification are flyover surveys, leak detection, obstacle avoidance, and close visual inspection.

Nauticus Robotics' CEO, John Gibson, commented, "We are excited to be finalizing the Aquanaut Mark 2. Several revenue-generating projects are scheduled immediately following these tests."

Development and testing of additional Aquanaut Mark 2 capabilities will continue with Vehicle 1, currently undergoing a deepwater electronics upgrade in Houston. Open water testing is expected to begin at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) later this year.

The Aquanaut vehicle leverages Nauticus' proprietary ToolKITT software, a versatile and platform-independent solution previously tested across various subsea vehicle classes. By harnessing the power of ToolKITT and the pioneering design of Aquanaut, Nauticus is spearheading the industry's shift from traditional tethered operations to augmented autonomy. This initiative aims to fully transform subsea operations into autonomous, highly efficient processes.

About Nauticus Robotics

Nauticus Robotics, Inc. develops autonomous robots for the ocean industries. Autonomy requires the extensive use of sensors, artificial intelligence, and effective algorithms for perception and decision allowing the robot to adapt to changing environments. The company's business model includes using robotic systems for service, selling vehicles and components, and licensing of related software to both the commercial and defense business sectors. Nauticus has designed and is currently testing and certifying a new generation of vehicles to reduce operational cost and gather data to maintain and operate a wide variety of subsea infrastructure. Besides a standalone service offering and forward-facing products, Nauticus' approach to ocean robotics has also resulted in the development of a range of technology products for retrofit/upgrading traditional ROV operations and other third-party vehicle platforms. Nauticus' services provide customers with the necessary data collection, analytics, and subsea manipulation capabilities to support and maintain assets while reducing their operational footprint, operating cost, and greenhouse gas emissions, to improve offshore health, safety, and environmental exposure. 

Cautionary Language Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Act"), and are intended to enjoy the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements provided by the Act as well as protections afforded by other federal securities laws. Such forward-looking statements include but are not limited to: the expected timing of product commercialization or new product releases; customer interest in Nauticus' products; estimated operating results and use of cash; and Nauticus' use of and needs for capital. Generally, statements that are not historical facts, including statements concerning possible or assumed future actions, business strategies, events, or results of operations, are forward-looking statements. These statements may be preceded by, followed by, or include the words "believes," "estimates," "expects," "projects," "forecasts," "may," "will," "should," "seeks," "plans," "scheduled," "anticipates," "intends," or "continue" or similar expressions. Forward-looking statements inherently involve risks and uncertainties that may cause actual events, results, or performance to differ materially from those indicated by such statements. These forward-looking statements are based on Nauticus' management's current expectations and beliefs, as well as a number of assumptions concerning future events. There can be no assurance that the events, results, or trends identified in these forward-looking statements will occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and Nauticus is not under any obligation and expressly disclaims any obligation, to update, alter, or otherwise revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by law. Readers should carefully review the statements set forth in the reports which Nauticus has filed or will file from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") for a more complete discussion of the risks and uncertainties facing the Company and that could cause actual outcomes to be materially different from those indicated in the forward-looking statements made by the Company, in particular the sections entitled "Risk Factors" and "Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements" in documents filed from time to time with the SEC, including Nauticus' Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on April 10, 2024. Should one or more of these risks, uncertainties, or other factors materialize, or should assumptions underlying the forward-looking information or statements prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein as intended, planned, anticipated, believed, estimated, or expected. The documents filed by Nauticus with the SEC may be obtained free of charge at the SEC's website at


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What is the purpose of Nauticus Robotics' second round of qualification testing for Aquanaut Mark 2?

The second round of testing aims to certify the Aquanaut Mark 2 for water depths exceeding 2000 meters and validate capabilities such as flyover surveys, leak detection, obstacle avoidance, and close visual inspection under actual commercial work conditions.

Where is Nauticus Robotics (KITT) conducting the Aquanaut Mark 2 qualification tests?

Nauticus Robotics is conducting the tests off the coast of Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico at a decommissioned oil and gas field.

What are the immediate plans for Nauticus Robotics (KITT) following the Aquanaut Mark 2 tests?

According to CEO John Gibson, several revenue-generating projects are scheduled to begin immediately following the completion of these qualification tests.

How does Nauticus Robotics' ToolKITT software contribute to subsea operations?

ToolKITT is a versatile, platform-independent software solution that enables the shift from traditional tethered operations to augmented autonomy, aiming to transform subsea operations into fully autonomous and highly efficient processes.

Nauticus Robotics, Inc.


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