Nauticus Robotics Announces Intent to Acquire SeaTrepid International
Nauticus Robotics (NASDAQ: KITT) has signed a definitive agreement to acquire SeaTrepid International, a global subsea robotic services provider. The strategic acquisition aims to expand Nauticus' market reach and create operational synergies by integrating their AI-driven autonomy software, ToolKITT, into SeaTrepid's ROV fleet.
The combined company's revenue is projected to be approximately 9 times higher than Nauticus' standalone 2024 revenue. John Gibson will continue as CEO and President of the combined entity, while SeaTrepid's CEO Bob Christ will become President of SeaTrepid Operations. The acquisition is expected to complete in May 2025.
The merger will maintain current locations and workforces, focusing on new project growth throughout 2025. The integration will enable two autonomous systems to collaborate underwater, enhancing power efficiency and operational performance. The transaction remains subject to customary closing conditions, including creditor consent.
Nauticus Robotics (NASDAQ: KITT) ha firmato un accordo definitivo per acquisire SeaTrepid International, un fornitore globale di servizi robotici sottomarini. Questa acquisizione strategica mira ad ampliare la portata di mercato di Nauticus e a creare sinergie operative integrando il loro software di autonomia basato sull'IA, ToolKITT, nella flotta di ROV di SeaTrepid.
Si prevede che il fatturato della società combinata sarà circa 9 volte superiore a quello di Nauticus come entità autonoma nel 2024. John Gibson continuerà a ricoprire il ruolo di CEO e Presidente della nuova entità, mentre il CEO di SeaTrepid, Bob Christ, diventerà Presidente delle Operazioni di SeaTrepid. Si prevede che l'acquisizione si completi a maggio 2025.
La fusione manterrà le attuali sedi e forze lavoro, concentrandosi sulla crescita di nuovi progetti nel 2025. L'integrazione consentirà a due sistemi autonomi di collaborare sott'acqua, migliorando l'efficienza energetica e le prestazioni operative. L'operazione è soggetta a condizioni di chiusura consuete, inclusa l'approvazione dei creditori.
Nauticus Robotics (NASDAQ: KITT) ha firmado un acuerdo definitivo para adquirir SeaTrepid International, un proveedor global de servicios robóticos submarinos. Esta adquisición estratégica tiene como objetivo ampliar el alcance de mercado de Nauticus y crear sinergias operativas al integrar su software de autonomía impulsado por IA, ToolKITT, en la flota de ROV de SeaTrepid.
Se proyecta que los ingresos de la empresa combinada serán aproximadamente 9 veces mayores que los ingresos de Nauticus como entidad independiente en 2024. John Gibson continuará como CEO y Presidente de la entidad combinada, mientras que el CEO de SeaTrepid, Bob Christ, se convertirá en Presidente de las Operaciones de SeaTrepid. Se espera que la adquisición se complete en mayo de 2025.
La fusión mantendrá las ubicaciones y la fuerza laboral actuales, centrándose en el crecimiento de nuevos proyectos a lo largo de 2025. La integración permitirá que dos sistemas autónomos colaboren bajo el agua, mejorando la eficiencia energética y el rendimiento operativo. La transacción está sujeta a condiciones de cierre habituales, incluida la aprobación de los acreedores.
나우티쿠스 로보틱스 (NASDAQ: KITT)는 글로벌 해저 로봇 서비스 제공업체인 SeaTrepid International을 인수하기 위한 최종 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 전략적 인수는 나우티쿠스의 시장 범위를 확장하고 AI 기반 자율 소프트웨어인 ToolKITT를 SeaTrepid의 ROV 함대에 통합하여 운영 시너지를 창출하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
합병된 회사의 수익은 2024년 나우티쿠스의 독립적인 수익보다 약 9배 더 높을 것으로 예상됩니다. 존 기브슨은 합병된 회사의 CEO 및 회장직을 계속 맡고, SeaTrepid의 CEO인 밥 크리스는 SeaTrepid 운영의 회장이 됩니다. 인수는 2025년 5월에 완료될 것으로 예상됩니다.
이번 합병은 현재의 위치와 인력을 유지하며, 2025년 동안 새로운 프로젝트 성장에 집중할 것입니다. 통합을 통해 두 개의 자율 시스템이 수중에서 협력할 수 있게 되어 에너지 효율성과 운영 성능이 향상됩니다. 이 거래는 채권자의 동의를 포함한 관례적인 종료 조건에 따라 진행됩니다.
Nauticus Robotics (NASDAQ: KITT) a signé un accord définitif pour acquérir SeaTrepid International, un fournisseur mondial de services robotiques sous-marins. Cette acquisition stratégique vise à élargir la portée du marché de Nauticus et à créer des synergies opérationnelles en intégrant leur logiciel d'autonomie alimenté par IA, ToolKITT, dans la flotte de ROV de SeaTrepid.
Les revenus de l'entreprise combinée devraient être environ 9 fois supérieurs à ceux de Nauticus en tant qu'entité autonome en 2024. John Gibson continuera en tant que PDG et Président de l'entité combinée, tandis que le PDG de SeaTrepid, Bob Christ, deviendra Président des opérations de SeaTrepid. L'acquisition devrait être finalisée en mai 2025.
La fusion maintiendra les emplacements et les effectifs actuels, en se concentrant sur la croissance de nouveaux projets tout au long de 2025. L'intégration permettra à deux systèmes autonomes de collaborer sous l'eau, améliorant l'efficacité énergétique et la performance opérationnelle. La transaction reste soumise aux conditions de clôture habituelles, y compris le consentement des créanciers.
Nauticus Robotics (NASDAQ: KITT) hat eine endgültige Vereinbarung zur Übernahme von SeaTrepid International, einem globalen Anbieter von Unterwasser-Roboter-Dienstleistungen, unterzeichnet. Diese strategische Übernahme zielt darauf ab, die Marktpräsenz von Nauticus zu erweitern und operative Synergien zu schaffen, indem ihre KI-gesteuerte Autonomie-Software ToolKITT in die ROV-Flotte von SeaTrepid integriert wird.
Der Umsatz des kombinierten Unternehmens wird voraussichtlich etwa 9-mal höher sein als der Umsatz von Nauticus als eigenständigem Unternehmen im Jahr 2024. John Gibson wird weiterhin CEO und Präsident des kombinierten Unternehmens bleiben, während der CEO von SeaTrepid, Bob Christ, Präsident der SeaTrepid-Operationen wird. Die Übernahme wird voraussichtlich im Mai 2025 abgeschlossen sein.
Die Fusion wird die aktuellen Standorte und Belegschaften beibehalten und sich auf das Wachstum neuer Projekte im Jahr 2025 konzentrieren. Die Integration ermöglicht es zwei autonomen Systemen, unter Wasser zusammenzuarbeiten, was die Energieeffizienz und die Betriebsleistung verbessert. Die Transaktion unterliegt den üblichen Abschlussbedingungen, einschließlich der Zustimmung der Gläubiger.
- Combined revenue expected 9x higher than standalone Nauticus 2024
- Integration of AI software ToolKITT into existing ROV fleet
- Expansion of addressable market through complementary capabilities
- Retention of key leadership from both companies
- Transaction subject to creditor approval
- Integration and operational synergy risks
Nauticus Robotics' acquisition of SeaTrepid International represents a transformative deal with substantial financial implications. The most striking aspect is the projected 9x revenue increase compared to Nauticus' standalone 2024 results, signaling a dramatic expansion of the company's market footprint.
This transaction appears strategically sound as it combines Nauticus' AI-driven autonomy software (ToolKITT) with SeaTrepid's established ROV fleet and operational expertise. For a smaller player like Nauticus (
The retention of both companies' workforces suggests anticipated growth rather than cost-cutting synergies. Management continuity with SeaTrepid's CEO (author of "The ROV Manual") joining as President of Operations adds credibility and domain expertise.
Investors should note this transaction remains subject to creditor approvals - a critical contingency given both parties need creditor consent. This suggests a complex financial structure possibly involving debt restructuring. The lack of specific financial terms (purchase price, financing details) prevents full evaluation of the acquisition's impact on Nauticus' balance sheet.
The offshore robotics market has seen investment for 15 years per SeaTrepid's CEO, suggesting this combination could potentially address pent-up demand for technological advancement in underwater operations, particularly as offshore energy and ocean resource development accelerate.
This acquisition represents a classic case of technological capabilities meeting field-proven operational expertise. Nauticus' ToolKITT AI autonomy platform paired with SeaTrepid's ROV fleet creates a compelling integration opportunity that addresses a important limitation in underwater robotics: the ability for subsea systems to communicate and coordinate at depth.
The technological significance lies in the planned integration enabling two autonomous systems to collaborate underwater - a major advancement in an industry where remote operations are notoriously complex and communication-constrained. This solves a fundamental challenge in subsea operations where traditional ROVs typically require constant human oversight and tethering.
SeaTrepid's CEO highlighting the "stagnation" from minimal industry investment creates context for why this combination matters. The offshore sector has underinvested in ROV technology modernization, creating an opportunity for disruptive improvement through AI and autonomy retrofits to existing equipment.
This approach - upgrading existing hardware with advanced software capabilities - represents a capital-efficient path to revolutionizing subsea operations. Rather than building entirely new robotic systems, Nauticus can deploy its autonomy stack across SeaTrepid's established fleet, accelerating market adoption.
The endorsement from industry veteran David Huber, who calls this a "breakthrough development for the offshore sector," provides third-party validation of the technological significance. This combination potentially addresses power efficiency and operational performance limitations that have constrained subsea robotics applications.
Combination Expands Addressable Market and Drives Operational Synergies
This strategic acquisition underscores Nauticus' commitment to innovation and revenue growth in 2025. By integrating Nauticus' AI-driven autonomy software, ToolKITT, into SeaTrepid's existing ROV fleet, the combination will showcase unprecedented advancements in power efficiency and operational performance across the industry. The ability of ROVs and Aquanaut to seamlessly communicate at depth unlocks new service opportunities, enabling two autonomous systems to collaborate in delivering cutting-edge underwater solutions. The combined company's revenue is expected to be ~9x higher than that of standalone Nauticus 2024.
John Gibson will remain the CEO and President of the combined company with SeaTrepid's CEO, Bob Christ, co-author of "The ROV Manual", taking the role of President of SeaTrepid Operations. The companies will maintain their current locations and workforces due to the complementary nature of the businesses and expectation of new project growth throughout 2025. Completion of the acquisition is expected in May 2025.
Mr. Gibson stated, "This strategic combination will drive significant value for both customers and shareholders."
Mr. Christ added, "Minimal ROV investment occurred in the last fifteen years industry-wide, which has caused some stagnation. We look forward to combining with Nauticus to extend ROV capabilities and enhance execution on a global scale."
David S. Huber, current SVP of Ocean Minerals and past SVP of Operations and Projects at Deep Gulf Energy and Mariner Energy noted, "I am thrilled with the news of Nauticus' acquisition of SeaTrepid. SeaTrepid is a long-time reliable subsea services provider to the deepwater companies I have worked for over the past several decades. With the combination of Nauticus' autonomous cutting-edge controls technology coupled with SeaTrepid's deep knowledge of subsea services, I see this as a breakthrough development for the offshore sector."
The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions, including the consent of certain creditors of both parties to the transaction.
The company will be providing additional strategic details during a fireside chat with the date to be announced. Once announced, the registration link to view the event will be made available on the Investor Relations section of the Nauticus Robotics website.
Nauticus Robotics, Inc. develops autonomous robots for the ocean industries. Autonomy requires the extensive use of sensors, artificial intelligence, and effective algorithms for perception and decision allowing the robot to adapt to changing environments. The company's business model includes using robotic systems for service, selling vehicles and components, and licensing of related software to both the commercial and defense business sectors. Nauticus has designed and is currently testing and certifying a new generation of vehicles to reduce operational cost and gather data to maintain and operate a wide variety of subsea infrastructure. Besides a standalone service offering and forward-facing products, Nauticus' approach to ocean robotics has also resulted in the development of a range of technology products for retrofit/upgrading traditional ROV operations and other third-party vehicle platforms. Nauticus' services provide customers with the necessary data collection, analytics, and subsea manipulation capabilities to support and maintain assets while reducing their operational footprint, operating cost, and greenhouse gas emissions, to improve offshore health, safety, and environmental exposure.
About SeaTrepid International
SeaTrepid International, LLC is an applied robotic solutions provider offering support for commercial, public safety, municipal, military and scientific applications. They own and operate a variety of robotic equipment and sensor suites for both inland and offshore customers worldwide.
Cautionary Language Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Act"), and are intended to enjoy the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements provided by the Act as well as protections afforded by other federal securities laws. Such forward-looking statements include but are not limited to: the expected timing of product commercialization or new product releases; customer interest in Nauticus' products; estimated operating results and use of cash; and Nauticus' use of and needs for capital. Generally, statements that are not historical facts, including statements concerning possible or assumed future actions, business strategies, events, or results of operations, are forward-looking statements. These statements may be preceded by, followed by, or include the words "believes," "estimates," "expects," "projects," "forecasts," "may," "will," "should," "seeks," "plans," "scheduled," "anticipates," "intends," or "continue" or similar expressions. Forward-looking statements inherently involve risks and uncertainties that may cause actual events, results, or performance to differ materially from those indicated by such statements. These forward-looking statements are based on Nauticus' management's current expectations and beliefs, as well as a number of assumptions concerning future events. There can be no assurance that the events, results, or trends identified in these forward-looking statements will occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and Nauticus is not under any obligation and expressly disclaims any obligation, to update, alter, or otherwise revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by law. Readers should carefully review the statements set forth in the reports which Nauticus has filed or will file from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") for a more complete discussion of the risks and uncertainties facing the Company and that could cause actual outcomes to be materially different from those indicated in the forward-looking statements made by the Company, in particular the sections entitled "Risk Factors" and "Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements" in documents filed from time to time with the SEC, including Nauticus' Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on April 10, 2024. Should one or more of these risks, uncertainties, or other factors materialize, or should assumptions underlying the forward-looking information or statements prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein as intended, planned, anticipated, believed, estimated, or expected. The documents filed by Nauticus with the SEC may be obtained free of charge at the SEC's website at
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SOURCE Nauticus Robotics, Inc.
What is the expected revenue increase for Nauticus Robotics (KITT) after acquiring SeaTrepid?
When is the SeaTrepid acquisition by Nauticus Robotics (KITT) expected to close?
How will Nauticus Robotics (KITT) integrate SeaTrepid's existing technology?