You Asked, We Delivered: Claussen Brings Limited-Edition “Just The Brine” to Pickle Lovers Ahead of St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations
Claussen is launching 'Just The Brine', a -edition pickle brine product, following viral social media demand. The launch comes after a video mixing diet cola with pickle juice garnered over 12 million views last October.
The product will be available as six-packs (three bottles for 'pickling' and three for 'unpickling') starting March 14 via GoPuff in New York, Chicago, and Boston. Each bottle contains 8oz of pickle brine, marketed as both a cocktail mixer and a source of next-day electrolytes.
The launch aligns with growing market trends, as demand for pickle-flavored spirits and mixers increased by nearly 30% over the past year. Consumers nationwide can also try to obtain a duo pack through while supplies last.
Claussen lancia 'Just The Brine', un prodotto di salamoia per cetrioli in edizione limitata, in risposta alla domanda virale sui social media. Il lancio segue un video che mescolava cola dietetica con succo di cetriolo, che ha ottenuto oltre 12 milioni di visualizzazioni lo scorso ottobre.
Il prodotto sarà disponibile in confezioni da sei (tre bottiglie per 'sottaceto' e tre per 'non sottaceto') a partire dal 14 marzo tramite GoPuff a New York, Chicago e Boston. Ogni bottiglia contiene 8oz di salamoia di cetriolo, commercializzata sia come mixer per cocktail che come fonte di elettroliti per il giorno successivo.
Il lancio è in linea con le crescenti tendenze di mercato, poiché la domanda di spiriti e mixer al gusto di cetriolo è aumentata di quasi il 30% nell'ultimo anno. I consumatori di tutto il paese possono anche provare a ottenere un pacchetto duo tramite finché le scorte durano.
Claussen está lanzando 'Just The Brine', un producto de salmuera para encurtidos en edición limitada, en respuesta a la demanda viral en las redes sociales. El lanzamiento se produce después de que un video que mezclaba cola dietética con jugo de pepinillo obtuviera más de 12 millones de vistas el pasado octubre.
El producto estará disponible en paquetes de seis (tres botellas para 'encurtir' y tres para 'desencurtir') a partir del 14 de marzo a través de GoPuff en Nueva York, Chicago y Boston. Cada botella contiene 8oz de salmuera de pepinillo, comercializada tanto como un mezclador de cócteles como una fuente de electrolitos para el día siguiente.
El lanzamiento se alinea con las crecientes tendencias del mercado, ya que la demanda de licores y mezcladores con sabor a pepinillo ha aumentado casi un 30% en el último año. Los consumidores en todo el país también pueden intentar obtener un paquete dúo a través de mientras haya existencias.
클라우센이 소셜 미디어에서의 화제에 따라 한정판 피클 브라인 제품인 'Just The Brine'을 출시합니다. 이 출시는 다이어트 콜라와 피클 주스를 혼합한 비디오가 지난 10월 1,200만 회 이상의 조회수를 기록한 후 이루어졌습니다.
이 제품은 3병의 '절임용'과 3병의 '비절임용'으로 구성된 6팩으로 3월 14일부터 뉴욕, 시카고, 보스턴의 GoPuff를 통해 구매할 수 있습니다. 각 병에는 8oz의 피클 브라인이 포함되어 있으며, 칵테일 믹서와 다음 날 전해질의 공급원으로 판매됩니다.
이 출시는 증가하는 시장 트렌드와 일치하며, 피클 맛의 주류 및 믹서에 대한 수요가 지난 1년 동안 거의 30% 증가했습니다. 전국의 소비자들은 www.claussenjustthebrine.com을 통해 재고가 있는 한 듀오 팩을 시도해 볼 수 있습니다.
Claussen lance 'Just The Brine', un produit de saumure pour cornichons en édition limitée, en réponse à la demande virale sur les réseaux sociaux. Le lancement fait suite à une vidéo mélangeant du cola diététique avec du jus de cornichon qui a récolté plus de 12 millions de vues en octobre dernier.
Le produit sera disponible en packs de six (trois bouteilles pour 'mariner' et trois pour 'dé-mariner') à partir du 14 mars via GoPuff à New York, Chicago et Boston. Chaque bouteille contient 8oz de saumure de cornichon, commercialisée à la fois comme mélangeur de cocktails et comme source d'électrolytes pour le lendemain.
Le lancement s'inscrit dans une tendance de marché croissante, la demande pour les spiritueux et mélangeurs au goût de cornichon ayant augmenté de près de 30% au cours de l'année dernière. Les consommateurs à l'échelle nationale peuvent également essayer d'obtenir un pack duo via tant que les stocks durent.
Claussen bringt 'Just The Brine' auf den Markt, ein limitiertes Produkt für Gurkensud, das auf die virale Nachfrage in den sozialen Medien reagiert. Der Launch erfolgt nach einem Video, in dem Diät-Cola mit Gurkensaft gemischt wurde und das im vergangenen Oktober über 12 Millionen Aufrufe erhielt.
Das Produkt wird ab dem 14. März in Sechserpacks (drei Flaschen zum 'Einlegen' und drei zum 'Entleeren') über GoPuff in New York, Chicago und Boston erhältlich sein. Jede Flasche enthält 8oz Gurkensud, der sowohl als Cocktailmischer als auch als Quelle für Elektrolyte am nächsten Tag vermarktet wird.
Der Launch entspricht den wachsenden Markttrends, da die Nachfrage nach Gurkenaroma-Spirituosen und Mischgetränken im letzten Jahr um fast 30% gestiegen ist. Verbraucher im ganzen Land können auch versuchen, ein Duo-Pack über zu erhalten, solange der Vorrat reicht.
- Product launch responds to proven market demand with 12M+ viral video views
- Expansion into beverage mixer category amid 30% growth in pickle-flavored spirits demand
- Strategic launch timing with St. Patrick's Day celebrations
- initial distribution to only three cities
- Temporary product offering ( edition) may restrict long-term revenue potential
After teasing the product last year, the iconic pickle brand is bringing the fan-demanded concept to life, providing the Ultimate Mixer and Next-Day Electrolytes to pickle fans

(Photo: Business Wire)
With nearly half of Americans expected to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day this weekend, many will be raising a glass by Saturday and reaching for a refresh by Sunday. Claussen, the iconic refrigerated pickle brand known for its superior cold crunch, has you covered. Just The Brine is a delicious 8oz bottle of pickle brine – perfect for adding a tangy kick as a mixer at night and serving as a next-day refreshing electrolyte boost in the morning.
“After seeing the overwhelming response from fans when we teased the concept last year and all the creative ways people use our brine, we knew we had to make this product a reality,” said Caroline Sheehey, Brand Manager Claussen. “Whether you’re mixing up a tangy cocktail or reaching for a next-day refresh, Just The Brine is here to bring the same flavor and experience you already know and love from our delicious pickles – now in liquid form.”
Starting Friday, March 14, Just The Brine six-packs, including three bottles for “pickling” and three for “unpickling”, will be available via GoPuff in
As pickles continue to have a ‘moment’ in culture, Just The Brine is the latest in a series of bold offerings from Claussen. Demand for pickle-flavored spirits and mixers grew by nearly
For more information visit @claussenpicklesofficial on Instagram and @claussenpickles on TikTok and X. And if you’re mixing up your own briny cocktails, be sure to tag #JustTheBrine to show off your creations.
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