Kingfisher Provides 2024 Exploration Update
Kingfisher Metals Corp. (TSXV:KFR)(FSE:970)(OTCQB:KGFMF) has completed its 2024 exploration program at the HWY 37 and LGM projects in British Columbia's Golden Triangle. The program included:
- 14.14 line km of IP surveys at Mary-ME porphyry and Hank-Williams porphyry-epithermal areas
- Mapping of multiple targets including Mary, ME, Hank, Williams, Rainbow, Ridge, Goat, and Grizzly
- Addition of Dr. Stephanie Sykora, a porphyry-epithermal expert, to the technical advisory board
- Review of historical drill core from Mary, Rainbow, Hank, and Williams zones
The company collected 214 rock samples and 296 geological field stations. A planned ZTEM survey was delayed but is expected to begin soon. The BC Geological Survey also conducted a week-long porphyry research initiative on site.
Kingfisher Metals Corp. (TSXV:KFR)(FSE:970)(OTCQB:KGFMF) ha completato il suo programma di esplorazione 2024 nei progetti HWY 37 e LGM nel Golden Triangle della Columbia Britannica. Il programma ha incluso:
- 14,14 km di sondaggi IP nelle aree di porfido Mary-ME e porfido-epitermale Hank-Williams
- Mappatura di più obiettivi tra cui Mary, ME, Hank, Williams, Rainbow, Ridge, Goat e Grizzly
- Inclusione della Dott.ssa Stephanie Sykora, esperta in porfido-epitermale, nel consiglio consultivo tecnico
- Revisione dei campioni storici di perforazione provenienti dalle zone Mary, Rainbow, Hank e Williams
L'azienda ha raccolto 214 campioni di roccia e 296 stazioni geologiche sul campo. Un sondaggio ZTEM pianificato è stato rinviato ma si prevede che inizi presto. Il Geological Survey della Columbia Britannica ha anche condotto un'iniziativa di ricerca sul porfido della durata di una settimana in loco.
Kingfisher Metals Corp. (TSXV:KFR)(FSE:970)(OTCQB:KGFMF) ha completado su programa de exploración 2024 en los proyectos HWY 37 y LGM en el Golden Triangle de Columbia Británica. El programa incluyó:
- 14.14 km lineales de encuestas IP en las áreas de porfido Mary-ME y porfido-epitermal Hank-Williams
- Mapeo de múltiples objetivos, incluyendo Mary, ME, Hank, Williams, Rainbow, Ridge, Goat y Grizzly
- Adición de la Dra. Stephanie Sykora, experta en porfidos-epitermales, a la junta asesora técnica
- Revisión de los núcleos de perforación históricos de las zonas Mary, Rainbow, Hank y Williams
La empresa recolectó 214 muestras de roca y 296 estaciones geológicas de campo. Se retrasó un estudio ZTEM planificado, pero se espera que comience pronto. El Geological Survey de Columbia Británica también llevó a cabo una iniciativa de investigación sobre porfidio de una semana en el sitio.
킹피셔 메탈스 광업 회사 (TSXV:KFR)(FSE:970)(OTCQB:KGFMF)는 브리티시컬럼비아의 골든 트라이앵글에 위치한 HWY 37 및 LGM 프로젝트에 대한 2024년 탐사 프로그램을 완료했습니다. 이번 프로그램에는 다음과 같은 내용이 포함되었습니다:
- 메리-ME 고립광상 및 행크-윌리엄스 고립-열수 광역에서 14.14 km의 IP 조사
- 메리, ME, 행크, 윌리엄스, 레인보우, 리지, 고트, 그리고 그리즐리 등 여러 목표 지역의 맵핑
- 고립-열수 전문가인 스테파니 시코라 박사를 기술 자문 위원회에 추가
- 메리, 레인보우, 행크 및 윌리엄스 구역의 역사적인 시추 코어 검토
회사는 214개의 암석 샘플과 296개의 지질 필드 스테이션을 수집했습니다. 계획된 ZTEM 조사는 지연되었으나 곧 시작될 것으로 예상됩니다. BC 지질 조사국은 현장에서 일주일 간의 고립광 연구 이니셔티브를 진행하였습니다.
Kingfisher Metals Corp. (TSXV:KFR)(FSE:970)(OTCQB:KGFMF) a terminé son programme d'exploration 2024 sur les projets HWY 37 et LGM dans le Golden Triangle de la Colombie-Britannique. Le programme a inclus :
- 14,14 km de relevés IP dans les zones de porphyre Mary-ME et Hank-Williams épithermales
- Cartographie de plusieurs cibles, y compris Mary, ME, Hank, Williams, Rainbow, Ridge, Goat et Grizzly
- Ajout de Dr. Stephanie Sykora, experte en porphyres épithermaux, au conseil consultatif technique
- Révision des carottes de forage historiques provenant des zones Mary, Rainbow, Hank et Williams
L'entreprise a récolté 214 échantillons de roche et 296 stations géologiques sur le terrain. Un sondage ZTEM prévu a été retardé mais devrait commencer bientôt. Le Geological Survey de la Colombie-Britannique a également mené une initiative de recherche sur les porphyres d'une semaine sur place.
Kingfisher Metals Corp. (TSXV:KFR)(FSE:970)(OTCQB:KGFMF) hat sein Erkundungsprogramm 2024 für die Projekte HWY 37 und LGM im Golden Triangle von British Columbia abgeschlossen. Das Programm umfasste:
- 14,14 km IP-Umfragen in den Mary-ME- und Hank-Williams-Porphyrgebieten
- Kartierung mehrerer Zielgebiete, darunter Mary, ME, Hank, Williams, Rainbow, Ridge, Goat und Grizzly
- Hinzufügung von Dr. Stephanie Sykora, einer Expertin für Porphyr-epithermale, zum technischen Beratungsgremium
- Überprüfung von historischen Bohrkernen aus den Zonen Mary, Rainbow, Hank und Williams
Das Unternehmen sammelte 214 Gesteinsproben und 296 geologische Feldstationen. Eine geplante ZTEM-Untersuchung wurde verschoben, wird jedoch voraussichtlich bald beginnen. Der BC Geological Survey führte auch eine einwöchige Forschungsinitiative für Porphyre vor Ort durch.
- Completion of 14.14 line km of IP surveys at key porphyry and epithermal areas
- Addition of porphyry-epithermal expert Dr. Stephanie Sykora to the technical advisory board
- Extensive mapping and sampling program covering multiple target areas
- Collaboration with BC Geological Survey for porphyry research initiative
- Planned ZTEM survey to provide additional data for exploration model
- Delay in planned ZTEM survey due to equipment issues and weather delays
VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / September 10, 2024 / Kingfisher Metals Corp. (TSXV:KFR)(FSE:970)(OTCQB:KGFMF) ("Kingfisher" or the "Company") is pleased to report the completion of its program of mapping, sampling, and IP surveys at the consolidated HWY 37 and LGM projects in the Golden Triangle, British Columbia.
IP surveys were completed at the Mary-ME porphyry, and Hank-Williams porphyry-epithermal areas totalling 14.14 line km.
Mapping was completed at the Mary, ME, Hank, Williams, Rainbow, Ridge, Goat and Grizzly targets in addition to several unnamed areas of interest.
The addition of porphyry-epithermal expert Dr. Stephanie Sykora to the technical advisory board.
Historical drill core from the Mary, Rainbow, Hank, and Williams zones was reviewed.
The planned ZTEM survey was delayed due to equipment issues and weather delays at other projects and is expected to begin at the HWY 37 project this week.
Machine learning with VRIFY AI is currently underway and results will be released once 2024 data is integrated into the exploration model.
The BC Geological Survey spent a week on site as part of a porphyry research initiative that will include future age dates.
Dustin Perry, CEO states "After spending a week on site this year visiting all of the porphyry-epithermal centers on the project, I am even more encouraged by the tremendous discovery potential of this large land position in the prolific Golden Triangle, Additionally, after working with Stephanie the last two field seasons we are thrilled to have her join our advisory board. Her wealth of global experience in copper-gold systems will be a significant asset as we advance our projects in the Golden Triangle."
Dr. Stephanie Sykora, states "After two field seasons working with Kingfisher on their HWY 37 project, I am encouraged to see the potential in their large land package, which shows various styles of mineralization in prospective terrain that hasn't yet been fully explored. It is exciting to be part of the progress with a dynamic, young team that is discovery driven."
Dr. Stephanie Sykora is a seasoned exploration geologist with over a decade of global experience working with major and junior companies. She has a PhD degree in Geology from the University of Tasmania (CODES), Australia where she studied the giant Lihir (Ladolam) alkalic epithermal gold deposit in Papua New Guinea, under supervision of Professor David Cooke and Dr. David Selley.
Dr. Sykora currently works as an independent consultant, and via OreQuest Consultants Ltd., with various companies in Canada, USA, Mexico and worldwide. She has held positions at First Quantum Minerals in South America, Australia, and globally for generative porphyry copper exploration, and at Teck Resources in BC, Canada in porphyry exploration at Highland Valley Copper. Her expertise includes field mapping, technical evaluations, project generation, structural geology, and porphyry-epithermal systems. Dr Sykora has published several articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals as well as various scientific communications for earth sciences.
HWY 37 Project and LGM Project Summary
The contiguous HWY 37 and LGM projects cover 630 km2 within the prolific Golden Triangle and are host to porphyry, epithermal, and VMS mineralization spanning from the Late Triassic to Middle Jurassic.
The Grizzly Cu-Au porphyry system is inferred to be the oldest at the project (Late Triassic). Previous workers identified pseudoleucite-bearing volcanic host rocks, a unique rock type also present at the world class, alkalic Galore Creek deposit (Teck/Newmont) located 50 km to the west. Historical trenching at Grizzly returned
Texas Creek intrusions (Early Jurassic) are the most widespread at the projects with a span over 25 km in a NE to SW trend with widespread geochemical anomalies and alteration. Mary, Williams, Rainbow, and Hank alteration systems are all related to these intrusions which also drive mineralization at the Sulphurets District (KSM, Treaty Creek, and Brucejack) and the Snip-Iskut District. The Company notes that mineralization on nearby projects or metal districts is not indicative of mineralization on the HWY 37 or LGM Projects.

2024 Exploration Program
The 2024 field program was designed to refine drill targets across the HWY 37 and LGM projects. A focus was placed on new interpretations of the controls on mineralization across a broad area through detailed geological mapping by Dr. Stephanie Sykora. A total of 214 rock samples were taken by Kingfisher geologists, 296 geological field stations collected, and 14.14 line km of IP surveys were surveyed over 4 lines (Figure 2).
The BC Geological Survey spent 7 days studying intrusions across the project area as part of a regional porphyry research initiative. Results from the 2024 exploration program will be released once they are received and interpreted.
The ZTEM survey which was planned for earlier in the summer has been delayed due to equipment and weather issues at other nearby projects. Despite this, the survey is planned to begin this week.

Hank-Williams Trend
Mapping at the Hank-Williams Trend focused on improving the understanding of the structural controls to mineralization in areas prospective for drilling. Surface mapping also identified an expanded extent of hydrothermal alteration of roughly 6 x 6 km of quartz-sericite-pyrite (QSP).
Two IP lines were completed to extend coverage to the south and north of historical surveys. The southwestern line (3.2 km) is designed to test below an area concealed by young (post-gold) rocks and to characterize the Rojo Grande target. The northeastern line (5.7 km) spans the known Williams porphyry deposit, across the Hank epithermal deposit, and southeast past the limit of historical drilling for over 2.5 km. This line is designed to outline porphyry targets below the known Hank epithermal system, to generate a fingerprint of the Williams deposit on the same line.

Mary Trend
One 3.2 km IP line is designed to outline the trend of mineralization at an optimal azimuth not completed on previous surveys and provide information to drill target the Mary Root Zone and the deeper extents of the Mary deposit. The line will also include the DM porphyry to the northeast, which returned 0.28 g/t Au and
Mapping and sampling in the area outlined a ~600 m-long zone of stockwork and sheeted veins that parallels the overall northeast to southwest trend of mineralization to the south and west of the DM Zone that has only been partially tested with historical drilling. One outcrop of chalcopyrite-bearing stockwork north of the DM zone was also visited and sampled that has not been tested by drilling. Kingfisher geologists noted bornite in historical drill core in the DM area which indicates potential for elevated relative copper for exploration targets. Bornite has not yet been identified in drill extents at the higher elevation, known Mary deposit.

Mapping was completed at the ME porphyry target to the south of the Mary deposit and Cliff porphyry. Two areas of porphyry stockwork were mapped, chip-channel sampling was completed, and one 2-km IP line was completed with the goal of outlining the geometry of chargeable mineralization identified on surface. Widespread ‘quartz-sericite-pyrite' alteration was noted across the zone with significant chalcopyrite mineralization hosted within stockwork over a ~300 m of vertical extent.

The Rainbow Zone occurs as a small outcrop with brecciated vein clasts of high-level sheeted porphyry veins. Mapping in 2024 noted that the breccia occurs with a magnetite (potassic) matrix. Previous operators drilled below the discovery hole (RN-11-01; 0.76 g/t Au over 91 m) with limited success.
The brecciated and structurally complex nature of mineralization in the area of historical drilling provides a geological explanation for how previous operators did not reproduce the initial drill results. Drill core review confirmed this field observation. Given the presence of potassic alteration at surface associated with gold and limited surface exposures due to the presence of widespread glacial till, future exploration in 2025 should include IP surveys in addition to ground based magnetic surveys which should outline areas of magnetite-cemented breccias.

The Ridge Zone hosts widespread in-soil and stream sediment geochemical anomalies for Au-Ag and base metals. Two days of mapping were completed at the Ridge Zone. Mapping indicated the presence of widespread carbonate alteration similar to other targets on the project (e.g., Mary and Hank) and is potentially indicative of a high-level porphyry environment. Mapping focused on vein and pyrite densities across two drainages. Future work will be planned after interpreting ZTEM results.

The Grizzly Zone lies in the southwestern region of the recently acquired LGM Project. Grizzly is host to copper-gold porphyry mineralization with historical trench sampling of

BC Geological Survey
The BC Geological Survey (BSGS) completed 7 days of fieldwork at the HWY 37 and LGM projects which consisted of sampling outcrop and drill core for the various intrusive suites associated with mineralization. They are completing a large-scale study north of the Iskut river that includes other significant projects such as Galore Creek. Their study will include obtaining dates from a number of these samples as well as characterizing the nature of these prospective intrusions with whole rock geochemistry and petrography. The Company wishes to thank the BCGS for their helpful insight, as well as the additional ground we were able to cover during this program. Additionally, the Company looks forward to receiving accurate U-Pb age dates from their work which will further help characterize and drill target the mineralization on the projects.
Qualified Person
Dustin Perry, P.Geo., Kingfisher's CEO, is the Company's Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, and has prepared the technical information presented in this release.
About Kingfisher Metals Corp.
Kingfisher Metals Corp. ( is a Canadian based exploration company focused on underexplored district-scale projects in British Columbia, including the Golden Triangle region. Kingfisher has two
For further information, please contact:
Dustin Perry, P.Geo.
CEO and Director
Phone: +1 236 358 0054
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Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
Mineralization hosted on adjacent and/or nearby properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on the Company's property. This news release contains statements that constitute "forward-looking statements." Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements, or developments to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "believes," "intends," "estimates," "projects," "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will," "would," "may," "could" or "should" occur.
The forward-looking information contained in this news release represents the expectations of the Company as of the date of this news release and, accordingly, is subject to change after such date. Readers should not place undue importance on forward-looking information and should not rely upon this information as of any other date. The Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.
SOURCE: Kingfisher Metals Corp.
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What exploration activities did Kingfisher Metals (KGFMF) complete in 2024 at its Golden Triangle projects?
How many rock samples and geological field stations did Kingfisher Metals (KGFMF) collect during its 2024 exploration program?
What was the extent of the IP surveys conducted by Kingfisher Metals (KGFMF) in 2024?