Kolibri Global Energy Inc. Announces Its 2024 Proved Reserves Increased 24 Percent to a Net Present Value of US$535 Million With a Five Well Drilling Program Currently Underway
Kolibri Global Energy (KEI) reported significant growth in its December 31, 2024 reserves evaluation. The company's Proved Reserves increased 24% to 40.2 million barrels of oil equivalent (BOEs), while Proved Developed Producing (PDP) reserves grew 15% to 9 million BOEs.
The Net Present Value (NPV) of Proved Reserves reached US$534.7 million (discounted at 10%), an 11% increase from 2023, despite lower forecast pricing. This translates to a pre-tax per share value of US$15.08 or CAD$21.70.
The company is currently executing a drilling program including 4 Lovina wells (100% working interest) and the Forguson 17-20-3H well (46% working interest). The 2025 drilling program includes seven longer lateral wells and completion of two previously drilled 1-mile laterals.
Additional highlights include:
- Proved plus Probable Reserves: 53.6 million BOEs (1% decrease)
- Proved plus Probable plus Possible Reserves: 71.5 million BOEs (10% decrease)
- 2024 production: 1.27 million BOEs
Kolibri Global Energy (KEI) ha riportato una crescita significativa nella valutazione delle riserve al 31 dicembre 2024. Le Riserve Proved sono aumentate del 24% raggiungendo 40,2 milioni di barili di equivalente petrolifero (BOE), mentre le riserve Proved Developed Producing (PDP) sono cresciute del 15% a 9 milioni di BOE.
Il Valore Attuale Netto (NPV) delle Riserve Proved ha raggiunto US$534,7 milioni (scontato al 10%), con un aumento dell'11% rispetto al 2023, nonostante le previsioni di prezzo più basse. Questo si traduce in un valore per azione ante imposte di US$15,08 o CAD$21,70.
L'azienda sta attualmente eseguendo un programma di perforazione che include 4 pozzi Lovina (interesse lavorativo del 100%) e il pozzo Forguson 17-20-3H (interesse lavorativo del 46%). Il programma di perforazione del 2025 prevede sette pozzi a lungo raggio e il completamento di due laterali di 1 miglio già perforati.
Ulteriori punti salienti includono:
- Riserve Proved più Probabili: 53,6 milioni di BOE (decremento dell'1%)
- Riserve Proved più Probabili più Possibili: 71,5 milioni di BOE (decremento del 10%)
- Produzione 2024: 1,27 milioni di BOE
Kolibri Global Energy (KEI) reportó un crecimiento significativo en su evaluación de reservas al 31 de diciembre de 2024. Las Reservas Probadas aumentaron un 24% alcanzando 40.2 millones de barriles de equivalente de petróleo (BOE), mientras que las reservas Probadas Desarrolladas en Producción (PDP) crecieron un 15% hasta 9 millones de BOE.
El Valor Presente Neto (NPV) de las Reservas Probadas alcanzó US$534.7 millones (descontado al 10%), un aumento del 11% respecto a 2023, a pesar de las previsiones de precios más bajos. Esto se traduce en un valor por acción antes de impuestos de US$15.08 o CAD$21.70.
La empresa está ejecutando actualmente un programa de perforación que incluye 4 pozos Lovina (100% de interés de trabajo) y el pozo Forguson 17-20-3H (46% de interés de trabajo). El programa de perforación de 2025 incluye siete pozos de mayor longitud y la finalización de dos laterales de 1 milla perforados anteriormente.
Los puntos destacados adicionales incluyen:
- Reservas Probadas más Probables: 53.6 millones de BOE (disminución del 1%)
- Reservas Probadas más Probables más Posibles: 71.5 millones de BOE (disminución del 10%)
- Producción 2024: 1.27 millones de BOE
Kolibri Global Energy (KEI)는 2024년 12월 31일 기준으로 상당한 성장세를 보고했습니다. 회사의 확정 매장량이 24% 증가하여 4020만 배럴의 석유 등가물(BOE)에 도달했으며, 확정 개발 생산(PDP) 매장량은 15% 증가하여 900만 BOE에 이릅니다.
확정 매장량의 순현재가치(NPV)는 US$534.7 백만에 도달했으며(10% 할인 적용), 2023년 대비 11% 증가했습니다. 이는 낮은 가격 예측에도 불구하고 이루어진 결과입니다. 이는 세전 주당 가치가 US$15.08 또는 CAD$21.70에 해당합니다.
회사는 현재 4개의 로비나 유정(100% 작업 지분)과 포거슨 17-20-3H 유정(46% 작업 지분)을 포함한 드릴링 프로그램을 실행하고 있습니다. 2025년 드릴링 프로그램에는 7개의 긴 측면 유정과 이전에 드릴링된 1마일 측면 유정 2개의 완료가 포함됩니다.
추가 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:
- 확정 및 가능성 있는 매장량: 5360만 BOE (1% 감소)
- 확정 및 가능성 있는 매장량: 7150만 BOE (10% 감소)
- 2024년 생산량: 127만 BOE
Kolibri Global Energy (KEI) a rapporté une croissance significative dans son évaluation des réserves au 31 décembre 2024. Les Réserves Prouvées ont augmenté de 24% pour atteindre 40,2 millions de barils d'équivalent pétrole (BOE), tandis que les réserves Prouvées Développées en Production (PDP) ont crû de 15% pour atteindre 9 millions de BOE.
La Valeur Actuelle Nette (NPV) des Réserves Prouvées a atteint 534,7 millions USD (actualisé à 10%), soit une augmentation de 11% par rapport à 2023, malgré des prévisions de prix plus faibles. Cela se traduit par une valeur par action avant impôts de 15,08 USD ou 21,70 CAD.
L'entreprise exécute actuellement un programme de forage comprenant 4 puits Lovina (100% d'intérêt de travail) et le puits Forguson 17-20-3H (46% d'intérêt de travail). Le programme de forage 2025 comprend sept puits latéraux plus longs et l'achèvement de deux latéraux de 1 mile déjà forés.
D'autres points saillants comprennent :
- Réserves Prouvées plus Probables : 53,6 millions de BOE (diminution de 1%)
- Réserves Prouvées plus Probables plus Possibles : 71,5 millions de BOE (diminution de 10%)
- Production 2024 : 1,27 million de BOE
Kolibri Global Energy (KEI) berichtete von einem signifikanten Wachstum in seiner Reservenbewertung zum 31. Dezember 2024. Die nachgewiesenen Reserven stiegen um 24% auf 40,2 Millionen Barrel Öl-Äquivalent (BOE), während die nachgewiesenen entwickelten Produktionsreserven (PDP) um 15% auf 9 Millionen BOE wuchsen.
Der Nettobarwert (NPV) der nachgewiesenen Reserven erreichte 534,7 Millionen US-Dollar (abgezinst auf 10%), was einem Anstieg von 11% im Vergleich zu 2023 entspricht, trotz niedrigerer Preisprognosen. Dies entspricht einem vorsteuerlichen Wert pro Aktie von 15,08 US-Dollar oder 21,70 CAD.
Das Unternehmen führt derzeit ein Bohrprogramm durch, das 4 Lovina-Brunnen (100% Arbeitsanteil) und den Forguson 17-20-3H-Brunnen (46% Arbeitsanteil) umfasst. Das Bohrprogramm für 2025 umfasst sieben längere laterale Brunnen und den Abschluss von zwei zuvor gebohrten 1-Meilen-Lateralen.
Weitere Highlights umfassen:
- Nachgewiesene plus wahrscheinliche Reserven: 53,6 Millionen BOE (1% Rückgang)
- Nachgewiesene plus wahrscheinliche plus mögliche Reserven: 71,5 Millionen BOE (10% Rückgang)
- Produktion 2024: 1,27 Millionen BOE
- Proved Reserves increased 24% to 40.2 million BOEs
- PDP reserves grew 15% to 9 million BOEs
- NPV of Proved Reserves increased 11% to US$534.7 million
- 2024 production reached 1.27 million BOEs
- Expansion potential with east side acreage not included in current reserves
- Proved plus Probable Reserves decreased 1% year-over-year
- Proved plus Probable plus Possible Reserves declined 10%
- Lower forecast pricing used in reserve report compared to prior year
Kolibri's 24% growth in Proved Reserves to 40.2 million BOEs represents significant asset strengthening despite challenging energy pricing conditions. Most impressive is the company achieving an 11% increase in Proved Reserves NPV to $534.7 million against lower commodity price forecasts, demonstrating enhanced operational efficiency and successful execution of their 2024 drilling program.
The 15% expansion in Proved Developed Producing reserves to 9 million BOEs bolsters Kolibri's immediate cash-generating capability while maintaining substantial future development potential. With PDP reserves representing just 22% of total Proved reserves, Kolibri maintains a healthy balance between current production and growth opportunities.
The five-well program currently underway, particularly the Forguson well targeting previously unreserved acreage, represents a potential step-change in Kolibri's development portfolio. Success here could unlock approximately 3,000 net acres not currently factored into reserves - essentially providing free optionality for shareholders.
While Probable and Possible reserve categories showed slight declines, this appears primarily driven by conservative price modeling rather than reservoir performance concerns. The 2025 drilling program featuring seven longer laterals plus completing two previous wells should accelerate production growth and reserve conversion from the substantial inventory of 48.45 net drilling locations identified in the reserve report.
This reserve report demonstrates Kolibri's continued de-risking of their SCOOP acreage while maintaining disciplined well spacing (107-213 acres), suggesting sustainable long-term development without aggressive density assumptions that could compromise recovery rates.
Kolibri's reserve update reveals substantial value creation with their pre-tax NPV-10 per share reaching $15.08 USD ($21.70 CAD) compared to the current share price of $7.98 - indicating the market is valuing the company at just 53% of its proved reserve value. This valuation gap appears excessive given the company's demonstrated execution ability and growing production base.
The 5% NPV growth in Proved Developed Producing reserves despite lower price deck assumptions and after producing 1.27 million BOEs during 2024 highlights improved well performance and cost efficiency. The company is effectively replacing and growing its most valuable reserve category while generating current cash flow.
Kolibri's expansion into its eastern acreage represents a potential catalyst not reflected in current valuations. The Forguson well targets 3,000 net acres completely excluded from current reserve calculations. If successful, this single well could unlock substantial value by proving economic Caney formation development across this additional footprint.
The 2025 drilling program focusing on longer laterals should drive improved capital efficiency, as extended reach wells typically deliver superior economics through shared infrastructure and reduced surface costs per barrel. Management's clear articulation of reserve growth translating directly to increased cash flow suggests confidence in the development program's financial returns.
While the slight decrease in Probable and Possible reserves warrants monitoring, the significant growth in Proved reserves - the category with highest certainty - demonstrates Kolibri's focus on converting resource potential into bankable value. The company appears positioned to continue growing production and cash flow throughout 2025 through its active drilling program.
Wolf Regener, President and CEO, commented: “We are very pleased with the large growth we had in Proved Reserves, which grew by
"We are also pleased that the Net Present Value (“NPV”) of the PDP reserves increased by
“Despite the lower pricing used in the reserve report, our Proved Reserves value of
“We look forward to continuing our success with the 4 Lovina wells (
“We expect our 2025 drilling program, which currently includes drilling and completing seven longer lateral wells, as well as completing two previously drilled 1-mile laterals, to continue to significantly increase the Company’s cash flow and add incremental value to our shareholders.”
2024 Gross Reserves Summary
Total Proved Reserves of 40.2 million BOEs
an increase of
24% from the December 31, 2023, estimate
an increase of
Proved plus Probable Reserves of 53.6 million BOEs
a decrease of
1% from the December 31, 2023, estimate
a decrease of
Proved plus Probable plus Possible Reserves of 71.5 million BOEs
a decrease of
10% from the December 31, 2023, estimate
a decrease of
Net Present Value of Reserves discounted at
Total Proved Reserves before tax of
US $534.7 million -
an increase of
11% from the December 31, 2023, estimate
an increase of
Proved plus Probable Reserves before tax of
US $691.1 million -
a decrease of
4% from the December 31, 2023, estimate
a decrease of
Proved plus Probable plus Possible Reserves before tax of
US $904.7 million -
a decrease of
8% from the December 31, 2023, estimate
a decrease of
The evaluation of the Company’s reserves in the
The above total Proved reserves are attributed to the 36 Caney wells, four
Summary of Oil & Gas Reserves |
Tight Oil |
Shale Gas |
Natural Gas Liquids |
Reserve Category |
KEI Gross (Mbbl) |
Net (Mbbl) |
KEI Gross (MMcf) |
Net (MMcf) |
KEI (Mbbl) |
Net (Mbbl) |
KEI (Mbbl) |
Net (Mbbl) |
Proved |
Developed Producing |
6,168 |
4,826 |
6,958 |
5,439 |
1,706 |
1,334 |
9,034 |
7,066 |
Undeveloped |
20,364 |
16,119 |
26,248 |
20,771 |
6,442 |
5,082 |
31,161 |
24,663 |
Total Proved |
26,532 |
20,945 |
33,207 |
26,210 |
8,128 |
6,416 |
40,195 |
31,729 |
Probable |
9,160 |
7,240 |
10,410 |
8,216 |
2,547 |
2,010 |
13,442 |
10,619 |
Total Proved Plus Probable |
35,692 |
28,185 |
43,616 |
34,426 |
10,675 |
8,426 |
53,636 |
42,348 |
Possible |
13,334 |
10,711 |
11,075 |
8,854 |
2,710 |
2,166 |
17,889 |
14,353 |
Total Proved Plus Probable Plus Possible |
49,025 |
38,896 |
54,691 |
43,279 |
13,385 |
10,592 |
71,525 |
56,701 |
Net Present Value of Future Net Revenue |
As of December 31, 2024 | ||||||||||
Forecast Prices & Costs |
Net Present Value of Future Net Revenue ($ millions) |
Before Income Tax |
After Income Tax |
Reserve Category |
Proved |
Developed Producing |
304.8 |
219.2 |
172.5 |
143.7 |
124.3 |
304.8 |
219.2 |
172.5 |
143.7 |
124.3 |
Undeveloped |
884.9 |
535.7 |
362.2 |
262.1 |
198.1 |
605.8 |
391.9 |
268.0 |
192.2 |
143.2 |
Total Proved |
1,189.7 |
755.0 |
534.7 |
405.8 |
322.4 |
910.5 |
611.1 |
440.5 |
335.9 |
267.5 |
Probable |
516.9 |
258.2 |
156.4 |
105.9 |
76.8 |
383.0 |
206.4 |
124.9 |
83.5 |
60.2 |
Total Proved Plus Probable |
1,706.6 |
1,013.1 |
691.1 |
511.7 |
399.2 |
1,293.5 |
817.5 |
565.4 |
419.4 |
327.7 |
Possible |
838.3 |
375.7 |
213.6 |
138.1 |
96.3 |
621.1 |
299.2 |
165.2 |
102.3 |
69.1 |
Total Proved Plus Probable plus Possible |
2,544.9 |
1,388.8 |
904.7 |
649.8 |
495.5 |
1,914.6 |
1,116.7 |
730.6 |
521.7 |
396.8 |
Note: All dollar values are expressed in |
The Company's reserves are derived from non-conventional oil and gas activities. The Company's reserves are contained in a shale oil reservoir from which light/medium oil is produced and gas and natural gas liquids are produced as by-products. In previous statements, the light/medium oil was referred to as “tight oil”.
These after-income tax net present values reflect the tax burden on the Company’s Tishomingo Field interests on a standalone basis, do not consider the business-entity-level tax situation or tax planning, and do not provide an estimate of the value at the level of the business entity, which may be significantly different. The financial statements and the management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A) of the Company should be consulted for information at the level of the business entity.
Readers are referred to the Company’s Form 51-101F1 Statement of Reserves Data and Other Oil & Gas Information for the year ended December 31, 2024, which can be accessed electronically from the SEDAR+ website at www.sedarplus.ca, for additional information.
“BOEs” refers to barrels of oil equivalent. BOEs/boes may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A boe conversion ratio of 6 Mcf:1 Bbl is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead. Possible reserves are those additional reserves that are less certain to be recovered than probable reserves. There is a
This news release includes references to sales volumes of "oil", "natural gas", and “barrels of oil equivalent” or “BOEs”. “Oil” refers to light crude oil and medium crude oil combined, and "natural gas" refers to shale gas, in each case as defined by NI 51-101. Production from our wells, primarily disclosed in this news release in BOEs, consists of mainly oil and associated wet gas. The wet gas is delivered via gathering system and then pipelines to processing plant where it is treated and sold as natural gas and NGLs.
About Kolibri Global Energy Inc.
Kolibri Global Energy Inc. is a North American energy company focused on finding and exploiting energy projects in oil and gas. Through various subsidiaries, the Company owns and operates energy properties in
Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Information
Certain statements contained in this news release constitute "forward-looking information" as such term is used in applicable Canadian securities laws, including statements regarding estimates of reserves and future net revenue and cash flow, expectations regarding additional reserves and statements regarding
Information on other important economic factors or significant uncertainties that may affect components of the reserves data and the other forward looking statements in this release are contained in the Company’s Form 51-101F1 Statement of Reserves Data and Other Oil & Gas Information for the year ended December 31, 2024, the Company’s Management Discussion and Analysis and the Company’s Annual Information Form under "Risk Factors", which are available under the Company's profile at www.sedarplus.ca. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements, other than as required by applicable law.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250313208643/en/
For further information, contact:
Wolf E. Regener +1 (805) 484-3613
Email: wregener@kolibrienergy.com
Website: www.kolibrienergy.com
Source: Kolibri Global Energy Inc.