Keysight to Demonstrate AI Innovations at OFC 2025
Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) is set to showcase cutting-edge AI innovations at OFC 2025, focusing on optical transmission and data center interconnect technologies. The company will demonstrate its first 448 Gbps transmission system, a important component for 3.2Tb AI data center networks.
Key demonstrations include:
- Photonics IC Testing for verifying integrated circuits at wafer/die levels
- 1.6T Optical Tx Validation using the new N1093B DCA-M
- 224G Interconnect Validation for energy-efficient optical receiver interfaces
- 1.6T Interconnect Testing with comprehensive Layer 1-3 testing capabilities
The company will also present research papers on optical amplification-free 400 Gbps links, silicon photonics modulators, and various short courses on optical transceivers and data center short links.
Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) presenterà innovazioni all'avanguardia nell'AI all'OFC 2025, concentrandosi sulle tecnologie di trasmissione ottica e interconnessione dei data center. L'azienda dimostrerà il suo primo sistema di trasmissione a 448 Gbps, un componente fondamentale per le reti di data center AI da 3.2Tb.
Le dimostrazioni principali includono:
- Test IC fotonici per la verifica dei circuiti integrati a livello wafer/die
- Validazione del Tx ottico da 1.6T utilizzando il nuovo N1093B DCA-M
- Validazione dell'interconnessione da 224G per interfacce di ricezione ottica a basso consumo energetico
- Test dell'interconnessione da 1.6T con capacità di test complete di livello 1-3
L'azienda presenterà anche articoli di ricerca su collegamenti a 400 Gbps senza amplificazione ottica, modulatori in fotonica silicio e vari corsi brevi su trasceiver ottici e collegamenti brevi nei data center.
Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) está preparada para mostrar innovaciones de IA de vanguardia en OFC 2025, centrándose en tecnologías de transmisión óptica e interconexión de centros de datos. La compañía demostrará su primer sistema de transmisión de 448 Gbps, un componente importante para redes de centros de datos de IA de 3.2Tb.
Las demostraciones clave incluyen:
- Pruebas de IC fotónicos para verificar circuitos integrados a nivel de oblea/die
- Validación de Tx óptico de 1.6T utilizando el nuevo N1093B DCA-M
- Validación de interconexión de 224G para interfaces de receptor óptico energéticamente eficientes
- Pruebas de interconexión de 1.6T con capacidades de prueba completas de capa 1-3
La empresa también presentará artículos de investigación sobre enlaces de 400 Gbps sin amplificación óptica, moduladores de fotónica de silicio y varios cursos cortos sobre transceptores ópticos y enlaces cortos de centros de datos.
Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS)는 OFC 2025에서 최첨단 AI 혁신을 선보일 예정이며, 광 전송 및 데이터 센터 상호 연결 기술에 중점을 둡니다. 이 회사는 3.2Tb AI 데이터 센터 네트워크의 중요한 구성 요소인 448 Gbps 전송 시스템을 처음으로 시연할 것입니다.
주요 시연 항목은 다음과 같습니다:
- 웨이퍼/다이 수준에서 집적 회로를 검증하기 위한 포토닉 IC 테스트
- 새로운 N1093B DCA-M을 사용한 1.6T 광 Tx 검증
- 에너지 효율적인 광 수신기 인터페이스를 위한 224G 상호 연결 검증
- 포괄적인 레이어 1-3 테스트 기능을 갖춘 1.6T 상호 연결 테스트
회사는 또한 광 증폭 없는 400 Gbps 링크, 실리콘 포토닉스 변조기 및 광 트랜시버와 데이터 센터의 짧은 링크에 대한 다양한 단기 강의를 포함한 연구 논문을 발표할 것입니다.
Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) est prêt à présenter des innovations AI de pointe lors de l'OFC 2025, en se concentrant sur les technologies de transmission optique et d'interconnexion des centres de données. L'entreprise démontrera son premier système de transmission à 448 Gbps, un élément important pour les réseaux de centres de données AI de 3.2Tb.
Les démonstrations clés incluent :
- Tests de circuits intégrés photoniques pour vérifier les circuits intégrés au niveau de la plaquette/die
- Validation du Tx optique de 1.6T utilisant le nouveau N1093B DCA-M
- Validation de l'interconnexion de 224G pour des interfaces de récepteurs optiques écoénergétiques
- Tests d'interconnexion de 1.6T avec des capacités de test complètes des couches 1-3
L'entreprise présentera également des articles de recherche sur des liaisons de 400 Gbps sans amplification optique, des modulateurs en photonique silicium, et divers cours courts sur les transceivers optiques et les liaisons courtes des centres de données.
Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) wird auf der OFC 2025 bahnbrechende KI-Innovationen präsentieren, die sich auf optische Übertragungs- und Datenzentrum-Interkonnektivitätstechnologien konzentrieren. Das Unternehmen wird sein erstes 448 Gbps Übertragungssystem demonstrieren, ein wichtiger Bestandteil für 3.2Tb KI-Datenzentrumsnetzwerke.
Wichtige Demonstrationen umfassen:
- Photonik-IC-Tests zur Überprüfung integrierter Schaltungen auf Wafer-/Die-Ebene
- Validierung von 1.6T optischem Tx mit dem neuen N1093B DCA-M
- Validierung der 224G-Interkonnektivität für energieeffiziente optische Empfänger-Schnittstellen
- 1.6T Interkonnektivitätstests mit umfassenden Testmöglichkeiten für die Schichten 1-3
Das Unternehmen wird auch Forschungspapiere zu optisch verstärkungsfreien 400 Gbps-Verbindungen, Siliziumphotonik-Modulatoren und verschiedenen Kurzschulungen zu optischen Transceivern und kurzen Datenzentrum-Verbindungen präsentieren.
- First-to-market demonstration of 448 Gbps transmission technology for AI data centers
- Introduction of new N1093B DCA-M product for 1.6T optical transmission validation
- Expansion into high-growth AI data center infrastructure market
- None.
Keysight Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: KEYS):
What: |
At OFC 2025, Keysight will showcase cutting-edge design, emulation, and testing solutions for smarter testing and deeper insights to optimize AI data center performance. |
When: |
April 1-3, 2025 |
Where: |
Keysight booth #1301 |
Moscone Center, |
Info: |
Join Keysight experts for the following demonstrations featuring the latest innovations in optical transmission and data center interconnect – powering next-gen AI experiences:
Research and Design Simulation
- 448 Gbps Optical Research: Keysight will demonstrate its first 448 Gbps transmission using Keysight’s AWGs to drive an optical 448 Gbps PAM-4 modulator. 448G is the key enabler of 3.2Tb networks needed primarily for next-gen AI data center networks.
- Photonics IC Testing: Keysight will illustrate how to verify photonics integrated circuits (PIC) at the wafer / die levels using a probing technology platform. PICs are instrumental in innovating data center interconnects for speed and power performance.
- Keysight Photonics Designer: This demo will illustrate how to verify photonic integrated circuits (PIC) at the wafer/die levels.
Transceiver Solutions
- 1.6 T Optical Tx Validation: This demo will showcase the new Keysight N1093B DCA-M to measure a TeraHop 1.6 T optical transceiver module, displaying an eye diagram and key measurements including TDECQ, OMA and RLM.
- 224 G Interconnect Validation: This demo will showcase Keysight’s solution for validating the optical receiver interface of two energy efficient 224G interconnect candidates: linear pluggable optics and retimed transmitter, and linear receiver optical modules.
- 1.6 Interconnect Testing: Keysight will demonstrate its benchtop test system and the new interconnect test software with level one stats validating BER/FEC and qualifying interconnects. This solution provides complete, high-quality interconnect testing, saving time, and ensuring accurate data transmission.
These three solutions are essential to enabling 1.6T transceiver development and compliance, scaling manufacturing and production, and ensuring reliability in AI data center networks with comprehensive Layer 1 – 3 testing.
Keysight will also be presenting several papers during OFC including:
Research Paper: Optical Amplification-Free 400 Gbps Net Bitrate Links with a TFLN-based Transmitter
Armands Ostrovskis
March 31 – 8:00-8:15 a.m.
Room 211-212
Research Paper: Traveling-Wave Silicon Photonics Mach-Zehnder Modulator for Beyond 350 Gb/s Transmission in C-band
Armands Ostrovskis
March 31 – 8:15-8:30 a.m.
Room 211-212
Short Course: SC369 Test and Measurement for Coherent Optical Transceivers
Fabio Pittalà and Michael Koenigsmann
March 31 – 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Short Course: SC513 Data Center Short Links – Link Design, Modeling, Test and Measurements
Greg D. Le Cheminant
March 31 – 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Invited Paper: Toward 6G: Analog Fronthaul Solutions for Mobile Networks
April 2 – 2:45-3:15 p.m.
Room 215
About Keysight Technologies
At Keysight (NYSE: KEYS), we inspire and empower innovators to bring world-changing technologies to life. As an S&P 500 company, we're delivering market-leading design, emulation, and test solutions to help engineers develop and deploy faster, with less risk, throughout the entire product life cycle. We're a global innovation partner enabling customers in communications, industrial automation, aerospace and defense, automotive, semiconductor, and general electronics markets to accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world. Learn more at Keysight Newsroom and
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Keysight Media Contacts
North America PR Team
Fusako Dohi
+81 42 660-2162
Jenny Gallacher,
+44 118 927 4003
Source: Keysight Technologies, Inc.