Keysight Introduces Isolated Probing Technology for Fast-Switching Power Device Testing
Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) has unveiled a new family of optically isolated differential probes designed for testing fast-switching power devices. The technology enables accurate measurement of floating circuits in high-voltage, noisy environments, particularly for wide bandgap GaN and SiC semiconductors.
The probes offer up to 100 dB greater common-mode rejection than standard differential probes, featuring up to 1 GHz bandwidth and a ±2,500 V differential voltage range. This innovation is specifically targeted at validating floating half-bridge and full-bridge architectures in power conversion, motor drives, and inverters.
The technology will be showcased at APEC 2025 alongside Keysight's MXR B and HD3 series oscilloscopes, supporting applications in electric vehicles, solar energy, and battery management systems.
Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) ha presentato una nuova famiglia di sonde differenziali otticamente isolate progettate per testare dispositivi di potenza a commutazione rapida. Questa tecnologia consente misurazioni accurate di circuiti flottanti in ambienti ad alta tensione e rumorosi, in particolare per i semiconduttori GaN e SiC a banda larga.
Le sonde offrono fino a 100 dB di maggiore rifiuto del modo comune rispetto alle sonde differenziali standard, con una larghezza di banda fino a 1 GHz e un intervallo di tensione differenziale di ±2.500 V. Questa innovazione è specificamente mirata alla validazione di architetture a ponte metà galleggiante e a ponte completo nella conversione di potenza, nei motori e negli inverter.
La tecnologia sarà presentata all'APEC 2025 insieme agli oscilloscopi della serie MXR B e HD3 di Keysight, supportando applicazioni nei veicoli elettrici, nell'energia solare e nei sistemi di gestione delle batterie.
Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) ha presentado una nueva familia de sondas diferenciales ópticamente aisladas diseñadas para probar dispositivos de potencia de conmutación rápida. Esta tecnología permite mediciones precisas de circuitos flotantes en entornos de alta tensión y ruidosos, especialmente para semiconductores GaN y SiC de banda ancha.
Las sondas ofrecen hasta 100 dB de mayor rechazo de modo común que las sondas diferenciales estándar, con un ancho de banda de hasta 1 GHz y un rango de voltaje diferencial de ±2.500 V. Esta innovación está específicamente dirigida a validar arquitecturas de medio puente flotante y puente completo en la conversión de energía, accionamientos de motores e inversores.
La tecnología se presentará en APEC 2025 junto con los osciloscopios de las series MXR B y HD3 de Keysight, apoyando aplicaciones en vehículos eléctricos, energía solar y sistemas de gestión de baterías.
Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS)는 빠르게 스위칭되는 전력 장치를 테스트하기 위해 설계된 새로운 광학적으로 격리된 차동 프로브 패밀리를 공개했습니다. 이 기술은 고전압의 소음이 많은 환경에서 부유 회로의 정확한 측정을 가능하게 하며, 특히 광대역 갤리움 나이트라이드(GaN) 및 실리콘 카바이드(SiC) 반도체에 적합합니다.
이 프로브는 표준 차동 프로브보다 최대 100 dB 더 높은 공통 모드 억제를 제공하며, 최대 1 GHz의 대역폭과 ±2,500 V의 차동 전압 범위를 특징으로 합니다. 이 혁신은 전력 변환, 모터 드라이브 및 인버터에서 부유 반교 및 전체 교량 아키텍처를 검증하는 데 특히 중점을 두고 있습니다.
이 기술은 APEC 2025에서 Keysight의 MXR B 및 HD3 시리즈 오실로스코프와 함께 전시될 예정이며, 전기차, 태양광 에너지 및 배터리 관리 시스템의 응용 프로그램을 지원합니다.
Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) a dévoilé une nouvelle famille de sondes différentielles optiquement isolées conçues pour tester des dispositifs de puissance à commutation rapide. Cette technologie permet des mesures précises de circuits flottants dans des environnements à haute tension et bruyants, notamment pour les semi-conducteurs GaN et SiC à large bande.
Les sondes offrent jusqu'à 100 dB de rejet de mode commun supérieur par rapport aux sondes différentielles standard, avec une bande passante allant jusqu'à 1 GHz et une plage de tension différentielle de ±2.500 V. Cette innovation vise spécifiquement à valider les architectures à demi-pont et à pont complet flottantes dans la conversion de puissance, les entraînements de moteurs et les onduleurs.
La technologie sera présentée à APEC 2025 aux côtés des oscilloscopes des séries MXR B et HD3 de Keysight, soutenant des applications dans les véhicules électriques, l'énergie solaire et les systèmes de gestion des batteries.
Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) hat eine neue Familie von optisch isolierten differentiellen Sonden vorgestellt, die für Tests an schnell schaltenden Leistungsgeräten entwickelt wurden. Diese Technologie ermöglicht präzise Messungen von schwebenden Schaltungen in Hochspannungs- und geräuschbelasteten Umgebungen, insbesondere für Wide-Bandgap-GaN- und SiC-Halbleiter.
Die Sonden bieten bis zu 100 dB höheren Gleichtaktunterdrückung als Standarddifferentialsonden, mit einer Bandbreite von bis zu 1 GHz und einem differenziellen Spannungsbereich von ±2.500 V. Diese Innovation zielt speziell darauf ab, schwebende Halbbrücken- und Vollbrückenarchitekturen in der Energieumwandlung, Motorantrieben und Wechselrichtern zu validieren.
Die Technologie wird auf der APEC 2025 zusammen mit den MXR B- und HD3-Serie Oszilloskopen von Keysight präsentiert, die Anwendungen in Elektrofahrzeugen, Solarenergie und Batteriesystemen unterstützen.
- Introduction of innovative probing technology addressing growing market needs in power electronics
- Superior technical specifications with 100 dB greater common-mode rejection than standard probes
- Strategic positioning in fast-growing markets (EVs, solar energy, battery management)
- None.
Keysight's new optically isolated differential probing technology represents a strategic expansion of the company's test portfolio addressing the critical challenges in wide bandgap semiconductor testing. This technology innovation provides up to 100 dB greater common-mode rejection than standard differential probes, enabling engineers to accurately measure floating circuits in high-voltage, noisy environments.
The timing of this release aligns perfectly with the accelerating adoption of GaN and SiC power devices across multiple high-growth industries. With up to 1 GHz bandwidth and a ±2,500 V differential voltage range, these probes enable precise characterization of the fast-switching behavior that makes wide bandgap semiconductors valuable yet challenging to implement. The technology addresses a important measurement barrier that has the broader adoption of these more efficient semiconductor technologies.
This product launch strengthens Keysight's position in the power electronics testing ecosystem, particularly for applications in:
- Electric vehicle powertrains and charging systems
- Solar energy conversion
- Battery management systems
- Industrial power conversion
While representing an incremental addition to Keysight's extensive test equipment portfolio, this technology directly targets the testing needs of next-generation power conversion designs. The ability to accurately measure switching characteristics in high-voltage environments allows engineers to optimize efficiency, reduce power losses, and increase power density - all critical factors in electrification trends driving market growth.
This release demonstrates Keysight's continued commitment to serving emerging technology markets with specialized measurement solutions that address specific engineering challenges in high-growth sectors.
- Enables accurate and safe measurement of floating circuits in high-voltage, noisy environments
- Provides superior rejection of high common-mode voltages and accompanying noise to isolate small, fast-switching signals

Keysight’s isolated differential probes provide up to 100 dB greater common-mode rejection than standard differential probes. (Photo: Business Wire)
Validation of floating half-bridge and full-bridge architectures commonly used in power conversion, motor drives, and inverters requires measurement of small differential signals riding on high common-mode voltages. This measurement can be challenging due to voltage source fluctuations relative to ground, noise interference, and safety concerns. Isolated differential probes are galvanically isolated and reject common-mode voltages, enabling power electronics engineers to measure floating circuits accurately and safely in high-voltage, noisy environments. This technology will drive progress in efficiency and switching loss testing for high-voltage applications like electric vehicles (EVs), solar energy, battery management systems, and more.
Keysight’s isolated differential probes provide up to 10 billion times greater common-mode rejection than standard differential probes, making them ideal for high-voltage, high-side measurements. With up to 1 GHz bandwidth and a ±2,500 V differential voltage range, these probes enable accurate analysis of fast-switching GaN and SiC devices.
Robert Saponas, Vice President and General Manager of Keysight’s Digital and Photonics Center of Excellence, said: “Keysight recognizes the future of power integrated circuits going beyond Moore’s law, and we are committed to equipping our customers with the best power testing technology for their next breakthrough. Introducing Keysight’s isolated probes expands our suite of power solutions that streamline our customer's power integrity, supply, and efficiency testing workflow.”
Visit booth #829 at APEC to learn more about this new probing technology and other cutting-edge Keysight solutions, including power electronics modeling, device characterization, power integrity analysis, teaching labs, and power source emulation.
- Product Page: Optically Isolated Differential Probe
- Product Page: Infiniium MXR B-Series Real-Time Oscilloscopes
- Product Page: InfiniiVision HD3 Series Oscilloscopes
About Keysight Technologies
At Keysight (NYSE: KEYS), we inspire and empower innovators to bring world-changing technologies to life. As an S&P 500 company, we’re delivering market-leading design, emulation, and test solutions to help engineers develop and deploy faster, with less risk, throughout the entire product life cycle. We’re a global innovation partner enabling customers in communications, industrial automation, aerospace and defense, automotive, semiconductor, and general electronics markets to accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world. Learn more at Keysight Newsroom and
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Andrea Mueller
Fusako Dohi
+81 42 660-2162
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+44 (0) 7800 737 982
Source: Keysight Technologies, Inc.