Way Finders Receives $10,000 Grant From KeyBank Foundation To Support Ready To Work: My Story, My Goals Program

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Way Finders has received a $10,000 grant from KeyBank Foundation to implement its Ready to Work: My Story, My Goals program in Hamden County, MA. The program provides a six-week employment readiness course with in-class instruction and one-to-one support for up to 15 low- to moderate-income residents.

The initiative targets Holyoke and Springfield's underserved neighborhoods, where 35% to 80% of residents identify as people of color and/or Latino/Latina. Participants will receive assistance in resume writing, digital literacy skills, job search strategies, and access to employment resources.

This grant is part of KeyBank's broader $40 billion commitment established in 2017 for lending and investments across its national footprint, supporting affordable housing, community development, and philanthropic efforts focused on education and workforce development.

Way Finders ha ricevuto un contributo di $10.000 dalla KeyBank Foundation per attuare il suo programma Pronto per Lavorare: La Mia Storia, I Miei Obiettivi nella contea di Hamden, MA. Il programma offre un corso di preparazione all'occupazione della durata di sei settimane con istruzione in aula e supporto individuale per un massimo di 15 residenti a basso e medio reddito.

L'iniziativa si rivolge ai quartieri svantaggiati di Holyoke e Springfield, dove il 35% - 80% dei residenti si identifica come persone di colore e/o Latino/Latina. I partecipanti riceveranno assistenza nella scrittura di curriculum, nelle competenze digitali, nelle strategie di ricerca di lavoro e nell'accesso alle risorse per l'occupazione.

Questo contributo fa parte del più ampio impegno di $40 miliardi della KeyBank, stabilito nel 2017 per prestiti e investimenti in tutto il suo territorio nazionale, a sostegno di alloggi accessibili, sviluppo comunitario e iniziative filantropiche focalizzate su educazione e sviluppo della forza lavoro.

Way Finders ha recibido una de la Fundación KeyBank para implementar su programa Listo para Trabajar: Mi Historia, Mis Objetivos en el condado de Hamden, MA. El programa ofrece un curso de preparación para el empleo de seis semanas con instrucción en clase y apoyo uno a uno para un máximo de 15 residentes de ingresos bajos y moderados.

La iniciativa se enfoca en los vecindarios desatendidos de Holyoke y Springfield, donde el 35% al 80% de los residentes se identifican como personas de color y/o latinas. Los participantes recibirán asistencia en la redacción de currículums, habilidades de alfabetización digital, estrategias de búsqueda de empleo y acceso a recursos laborales.

Esta subvención es parte del compromiso de $40 mil millones de KeyBank establecido en 2017 para préstamos e inversiones en todo su territorio nacional, apoyando la vivienda asequible, el desarrollo comunitario y los esfuerzos filantrópicos centrados en la educación y el desarrollo de la fuerza laboral.

Way Finders는 KeyBank Foundation으로부터 $10,000의 보조금을 받아 매사추세츠주 햄든 카운티에서 준비 완료: 나의 이야기, 나의 목표 프로그램을 실행합니다. 이 프로그램은 15명의 저소득 및 중간 소득 주민을 위해 수업 내 교육과 일대일 지원이 포함된 6주간의 취업 준비 과정입니다.

이 프로그램은 Holyoke와 Springfield의 저소득층을 대상으로 하며, 이 지역 주민의 35%에서 80%까지가 유색인종 및/또는 라틴계로 식별됩니다. 참가자는 이력서 작성, 디지털 리터러시 기술, 구직 전략 및 고용 자원에 대한 접근을 지원받게 됩니다.

이 보조금은 2017년에 수립된 KeyBank의 $40억 의약의 더 넓은 약속의 일환으로, 주거 문제 해결, 지역 사회 개발, 교육 및 직업 개발에 초점을 맞춘 필란트로피적 노력을 지원합니다.

Way Finders a reçu une aide financière de 10 000 $ de la KeyBank Foundation pour mettre en œuvre son programme Prêt à Travailler : Mon Histoire, Mes Objectifs dans le comté de Hamden, MA. Le programme propose un cours de préparation à l'emploi de six semaines avec des cours en classe et un accompagnement individuel pour un maximum de 15 résidents à faible et moyen revenu.

L'initiative cible les quartiers défavorisés de Holyoke et Springfield, où 35 % à 80 % des habitants s'identifient comme des personnes de couleur et/ou Latino/Latina. Les participants bénéficieront d'une aide pour la rédaction de CV, les compétences numériques, les stratégies de recherche d'emploi et l'accès aux ressources d'emploi.

Cette subvention fait partie de l'engagement global de 40 milliards $ de KeyBank établi en 2017 pour les prêts et les investissements à l'échelle nationale, soutenant le logement abordable, le développement communautaire et les efforts philanthropiques axés sur l'éducation et le développement de la main-d'œuvre.

Way Finders hat einen Zuschuss in Höhe von 10.000 USD von der KeyBank Foundation erhalten, um sein Programm Bereit für die Arbeit: Meine Geschichte, meine Ziele im Landkreis Hamden, MA, umzusetzen. Das Programm bietet einen sechs Wochen dauernden Kurs zur Beschäftigungsbereitschaft mit Unterricht im Klassenzimmer und individueller Unterstützung für bis zu 15 Bewohner mit niedrigem bis mittlerem Einkommen.

Die Initiative richtet sich an die benachteiligten Stadtviertel von Holyoke und Springfield, wo sich 35 % bis 80 % der Bewohner als Menschen mit Farbigen und/oder Latinos/Latinas identifizieren. Die Teilnehmer erhalten Unterstützung beim Verfassen von Lebensläufen, im digitalen Schreiben, bei Strategien zur Arbeitssuche und beim Zugang zu Beschäftigungsressourcen.

Dieser Zuschuss ist Teil des umfassenderen Engagements von 40 Milliarden USD von KeyBank, das 2017 ins Leben gerufen wurde, um Kredite und Investitionen landesweit zu unterstützen, einschließlich bezahlbaren Wohnraums, Gemeinschaftsentwicklung und philanthropische Bemühungen, die sich auf Bildung und Arbeitskräfteentwicklung konzentrieren.

  • Part of KeyBank's $40 billion community investment commitment
  • Expands KeyBank's presence in underserved communities
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / January 6, 2025 / KeyBank

Way Finders, Inc. of Springfield MA recently received a grant from KeyBank Foundation for $10,000 to implement its Ready to Work: My Story, My Goals program, which provides employment readiness resources to unemployed and underemployed residents in Hamden County.

KeyBank's funding enables Way Finders to provide a six-week employment readiness course consisting of in-class instruction and one-to-one support for up to 15 low- to moderate-income residents with limited or no documented work experience.

"Taking the first step on the journey to employment can be intimidating, especially if you are missing important things like a valid ID, a resume, interview clothes, or the ability to access and use the internet," says Bea Dewberry, Director of Community Building and Engagement at Way Finders. "This KeyBank funding allows us to work hand-in-hand with Holyoke and Springfield residents, helping them ready themselves for employment, and ultimately securing a more stable future for themselves and their families."

Participants reflect the diversity of Holyoke's and Springfield's underserved neighborhoods, where 35% to 80% of the residents identify as people of color and/or Latino/Latina. At the conclusion of the program, each participant will have a resume and cover letter, understand how to translate their life experiences into marketable skills, improve their digital literacy skills, conduct a job search and complete an application, and understand area resources and programs that can provide additional and/or ongoing employment support.

Way Finders knows this approach works - as noted by a program participant who recently re-entered the workforce. "It's OK to put your guard down. It's OK to ask for help. At Way Finders, I feel like my voice was heard, and I'm really grateful."

"KeyBank is proud to support Way Finder's Ready to Work program, as it aligns with our commitment to helping individuals achieve financial stability and independence," said Matthew Hummel, KeyBank Market President and Regional Commercial Banking Executive for Connecticut and Massachusetts. "By investing in workforce development, we aim to empower local residents with the skills and resources needed to sustain employment, obtain affordable housing, and build brighter futures for themselves and their families."

KeyBank Foundation grants are part of a $40 billion commitment for lending and investments across Key's national footprint established in 2017 and supporting affordable housing and community development projects, home, and small business lending in low- and-moderate income communities, and philanthropic efforts targeted toward education, workforce development, and safe, vital neighborhoods. For more information, visit

About Way Finders:
Way Finders is a nonprofit community development corporation, headquartered in Springfield, MA, working to strengthen housing stability and economic mobility and build thriving neighborhoods throughout western Massachusetts. Way Finders is the largest nonprofit housing developer in the region and has created over 1200 units of affordable housing in Hampden and Hampshire Counties. Way Finders also offers first time homebuyer classes, resident leadership training, family homeless shelters, fair housing counseling, and much more. Visit to learn more.

About KeyBank Foundation:
KeyBank Foundation serves to fulfill KeyBank's purpose to help clients and communities thrive, and its mission is to support organizations and programs that prepare people for thriving futures. The Foundation's mission is advanced through three funding priorities - neighbors, education, and workforce - and through community service. To provide meaningful philanthropy that transforms lives, KeyBank Foundation listens carefully to understand the unique characteristics and needs of its communities and then backs solutions with targeted philanthropic investments. KeyBank Foundation is a nonprofit charitable foundation, funded by KeyCorp.

Photo caption: (from left) KeyBank leaders Greg Mularki, Branch Manager; Analisha Michanczyk, Corporate Responsibility Officer; and Tracy Menges, Regional Community Sales Manager present a grant check to Way Finders Chief Development Officer John Bidwell.

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What is the value of KeyBank Foundation's grant to Way Finders in 2025?

KeyBank Foundation granted $10,000 to Way Finders in January 2025 to support their Ready to Work: My Story, My Goals program.

How many residents will benefit from KEY's Way Finders program grant?

The program will provide employment readiness resources for up to 15 low- to moderate-income residents in Hamden County.

What is the total value of KeyBank's (KEY) community investment commitment?

KeyBank has committed $40 billion for lending and investments across its national footprint, established in 2017.

What demographics does the KEY-funded Way Finders program serve?

The program serves communities where 35% to 80% of residents identify as people of color and/or Latino/Latina in Holyoke and Springfield's underserved neighborhoods.



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