Neighborhood Health Clinic Receives KeyBank Foundation Grant for Dental Program

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Neighborhood Health Clinic in Naples, FL received a $20,000 charitable grant from KeyBank Foundation and Key Private Bank to support its dental program. The grant will fund the purchase of dental tools, equipment, and supplies, as well as training for volunteer hygienists and dental assistants. It aims to improve the overall health of Collier County's uninsured workers through the clinic's "Promoting Wellness through Positive Impact on Overall Dental Health and Education for the Underserved" program.

The clinic's Dental Suite, opened in 2019, features four dental operatories, a dental lab, and a classroom for patient education. In 2023, the clinic provided over 12,000 patient visits and 30,000 patient procedures. KeyBank's grant is part of a $40 billion commitment established in 2017 to support community development projects and philanthropic efforts across its national footprint.

La Clinica Sanitaria di Quartiere a Naples, FL, ha ricevuto un contributo caritativo di 20.000 dollari dalla KeyBank Foundation e dalla Key Private Bank per sostenere il suo programma di odontoiatria. Il finanziamento sarà utilizzato per l'acquisto di strumenti, attrezzature e forniture odontoiatriche, oltre alla formazione per igienisti e assistenti odontotecnici volontari. L'obiettivo è migliorare la salute complessiva dei lavoratori senza assicurazione della Contea di Collier attraverso il programma della clinica "Promuovere il Benessere attraverso un Impatto Positivo sulla Salute Odontoiatrica e Educazione per i Non Serviti".

La Sala Odontoiatrica della clinica, aperta nel 2019, dispone di quattro operatori odontoiatrici, un laboratorio odontoiatrico e un'aula per l'educazione dei pazienti. Nel 2023, la clinica ha fornito oltre 12.000 visite di pazienti e 30.000 interventi odontoiatrici. Il contributo della KeyBank fa parte di un impegno di 40 miliardi di dollari stabilito nel 2017 per sostenere progetti di sviluppo comunitario e iniziative filantropiche in tutto il Paese.

La Clínica de Salud del Vecindario en Naples, FL, recibió una de la KeyBank Foundation y Key Private Bank para apoyar su programa dental. La subvención financiará la compra de herramientas, equipos y suministros dentales, así como la capacitación de higienistas y asistentes dentales voluntarios. Su objetivo es mejorar la salud general de los trabajadores no asegurados del Condado de Collier a través del programa de la clínica "Promover el Bienestar a través de un Impacto Positivo en la Salud Dental General y la Educación para los No Atendidos".

La suite dental de la clínica, inaugurada en 2019, cuenta con cuatro consultorios dentales, un laboratorio dental y un aula para la educación de los pacientes. En 2023, la clínica proporcionó más de 12,000 visitas de pacientes y 30,000 procedimientos dentales. La subvención de KeyBank es parte de un compromiso de $40 mil millones establecido en 2017 para apoyar proyectos de desarrollo comunitario y esfuerzos filantrópicos a nivel nacional.

플로리다 네이플스에 있는 이웃 건강 클리닉은 KeyBank 재단과 Key Private Bank로부터 20,000달러의 자선 기금을 받았습니다. 이 기금은 치과 도구, 장비 및 용품을 구입하고 자원봉사 치과 위생사 및 치과 보조원 교육을 지원하는 데 사용될 것입니다. 이 프로그램의 목표는 클리닉의 "소외된 이들을 위한 전반적인 치과 건강 및 교육에 대한 긍정적 영향으로 웰빙 증진" 프로그램을 통해 콜리어 카운티의 무보험 근로자의 전반적인 건강을 개선하는 것입니다.

2019년에 개장한 클리닉의 치과실은 네 개의 진료실, 치과 실험실 및 환자 교육을 위한 교실을 갖추고 있습니다. 2023년에는 클리닉이 12,000명의 환자 방문과 30,000개의 환자 절차를 제공했습니다. KeyBank의 기금은 2017년에 발표된 400억 달러의 기여 약속의 일환으로, 전국적으로 커뮤니티 개발 프로젝트와 자선 노력을 지원하는 데 사용되고 있습니다.

La Clinique de Santé de Quartier à Naples, FL, a reçu une subvention caritative de 20 000 dollars de la KeyBank Foundation et de la Key Private Bank pour soutenir son programme dentaire. La subvention servira à financer l'achat d'outils, d'équipements et de fournitures dentaires, ainsi que à la formation d'hygiénistes et d'assistants dentaires bénévoles. L'objectif est d'améliorer la santé globale des travailleurs non assurés du comté de Collier grâce au programme de la clinique "Promouvoir le Bien-être par un Impact Positif sur la Santé Dentaire Globale et l'Éducation des Personnes Mal Servies".

La salle dentaire de la clinique, ouverte en 2019, dispose de quatre salles de traitement, d'un laboratoire dentaire et d'une salle de classe pour l'éducation des patients. En 2023, la clinique a fourni plus de 12 000 visites de patients et 30 000 procédures dentaires. La subvention de KeyBank fait partie d'un engagement de 40 milliards de dollars établi en 2017 pour soutenir des projets de développement communautaire et des efforts philanthropiques à l'échelle nationale.

Die Nachbarschaftsgesundheitsklinik in Naples, FL, erhielt einen gemeinnützigen Zuschuss über 20.000 US-Dollar von der KeyBank Foundation und der Key Private Bank zur Unterstützung ihres Zahnprogramms. Der Zuschuss wird für den Kauf von zahnmedizinischen Werkzeugen, Geräten und Materialien sowie für die Ausbildung von freiwilligen Hygienikern und zahnmedizinischen Assistenten verwendet. Ziel ist es, die Gesundheit der unversicherten Arbeiter im Collier County durch das Programm der Klinik "Gesundheitsförderung durch positiven Einfluss auf die allgemeine Zahngesundheit und Bildung für Benachteiligte" zu verbessern.

Die Zahnarztpraxis der Klinik, die 2019 eröffnet wurde, verfügt über vier Behandlungsräume, ein zahnmedizinisches Labor und einen Schulungsraum für die Patientenaufklärung. Im Jahr 2023 bot die Klinik über 12.000 Patientenbesuche und 30.000 zahnmedizinische Verfahren an. Der Zuschuss von KeyBank ist Teil eines Verpflichtungsprogramms über 40 Milliarden US-Dollar, das 2017 ins Leben gerufen wurde, um Projekte zur Gemeinschaftsentwicklung und philanthropische Bemühungen landesweit zu unterstützen.

  • None.
  • None.

NAPLES, FL / ACCESSWIRE / September 17, 2024 / Neighborhood Health Clinic was awarded a $20,000 charitable grant from KeyBank Foundation and Key Private Bank in support of the nonprofit organization's ongoing efforts to meet the dental needs of Collier County's uninsured workers, and also create awareness among community partners and residents.

"This grant from the KeyBank Foundation ensures Neighborhood Health Clinic has the resources to meet our patients' dental needs by allowing us to purchase more dental tools, equipment and supplies, as well as provide training for new volunteer hygienists and dental assistants," details Chief Executive Officer Leslie Lascheid. "Generous supporters like KeyBank help ensure the Clinic continues to provide the highest quality comprehensive care for our community."

This $20,000 grant will help support the Clinic's "Promoting Wellness through Positive Impact on Overall Dental Health and Education for the Underserved" program, an initiative designed to dramatically improve the health and wellbeing of the nonprofit organization's patients.

"As a community-minded bank, KeyBank believes in doing our part to improve the lives of disadvantaged populations in the communities we serve," said Michael T. Schneider, Key Private Bank Florida Market President. " We are proud to partner with Neighborhood Health Clinic to help provide resources and oral care to their clients in an effort to positively impact the overall health and well-being of the community."

KeyBank Foundation grants are part of a $40 billion commitment for lending and investments across Key's national footprint established in 2017 and supporting affordable housing and community development projects, home, and small business lending in low- and-moderate income communities, and philanthropic efforts targeted toward education, workforce development, and safe, vital neighborhoods.

Neighborhood Health Clinic opened the Dental Suite in 2019 to improve the overall health and wellbeing of patients by addressing the link between oral health and chronic illness, providing Collier County's uninsured workers comprehensive care on one campus to reduce the amount of time spent away from family and work. The Dental Suite features four dental operatories, dental lab, dental sterilization room and a classroom for one-on-one patient education.

Collier County is home to more than 50,000 uninsured workers who could qualify for Clinic services if they became ill. Founded in 1999, the Neighborhood Health Clinic provides comprehensive medical and dental care to working, uninsured adults (aged 19-64) residing in Collier County:

  • Offers access to general medical practitioners, specialty clinics for complex and chronic conditions; dental care; an onsite laboratory for basic tests for established patients and Radiology services

  • Provides patient education and research projects

  • Houses an onsite medication room which allows patients to leave appointments with their non-narcotic medications, increasing adherence and improving health outcomes

  • Provided over 12,000 patient visits and 30,000 patient procedures in 2023

  • Delivered more than 120,000 patient procedures since 1999

  • Volunteer driven 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization with approximately 250 physicians, 50 dentists, 100 nurses and 300 non-medical personnel donating their expertise and supported by 13 fulltime and 5 part-time paid staff

  • 94 cents of every dollar goes directly to patient services

To learn more about Neighborhood Health Clinic, or support the charity's programs, please call 239.261.6600, or visit

KeyBank provides banking and financial services to full-time and seasonal residents throughout Collier, Lee, and Palm beach counties through Key Private Bank's offices at 3777 Tamiami North Suite 100, Naples; 3507 Kyoto Gardens Drive Suite 100 Palm Beach Gardens; and 12830 University Drive Fort Myers. For more information on Key Private Bank's services in Florida, contact Michael T. Schneider, Key Private Bank Florida Market President at (239) 659-8803, or

Neighborhood Health Clinic is a volunteer driven 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization with approximately 250 physicians, 50 dentists, 100 nurses and 300 non-medical personnel donating their professional expertise to provide Collier County's working, uninsured residents with medical and dental care. Neighborhood Health Clinic holds the coveted 4-star ranking by independent evaluator Charity Navigator (since 2013) and the highest-level rating, Platinum from GuideStar for seven consecutive years. For more information on volunteer opportunities, eligibility and services, please call 239.261.6600, or visit

KeyBank Foundation serves to fulfill KeyBank's purpose to help clients and communities thrive, and its mission is to support organizations and programs that prepare people for thriving futures. The Foundation's mission is advanced through three funding priorities - neighbors, education, and workforce - and through community service. To provide meaningful philanthropy that transforms lives, KeyBank Foundation listens carefully to understand the unique characteristics and needs of its communities and then backs solutions with targeted philanthropic investments. KeyBank Foundation is a nonprofit charitable foundation, funded by KeyCorp.

About Key Private Bank

Key Private Bank is a leading provider of wealth management solutions and advice for high-net worth and ultra-high-net-worth clients, including wealth advisory, investment management, trust administration, customized credit, and private banking services. Key's wealth management platform combines the market insights of local advisors with a national team of wealth and investment strategists to deliver proactive and personalized advice and expertise to clients. Advisors also leverage partnerships with Key's business banking and capital markets teams to build wealth plans tailored to meet each client's specific need. Key Private Bank's wealth management platform is delivered across 15 of the United States. Key Private Bank has $17.3 billion in AUA at June 30, 2024.

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How much was the KeyBank Foundation grant to Neighborhood Health Clinic?

The KeyBank Foundation and Key Private Bank awarded a $20,000 charitable grant to Neighborhood Health Clinic in Naples, FL.

What will the KeyBank Foundation grant be used for at Neighborhood Health Clinic?

The grant will be used to purchase dental tools, equipment, and supplies, as well as provide training for new volunteer hygienists and dental assistants in the clinic's dental program.

When did Neighborhood Health Clinic open its Dental Suite?

Neighborhood Health Clinic opened its Dental Suite in 2019 to improve the overall health and wellbeing of patients by addressing the link between oral health and chronic illness.

How many patient visits and procedures did Neighborhood Health Clinic provide in 2023?

In 2023, Neighborhood Health Clinic provided over 12,000 patient visits and 30,000 patient procedures.

What is KeyBank's (KEY) larger commitment for community development and philanthropy?

KeyBank (KEY) established a $40 billion commitment in 2017 for lending and investments across its national footprint, supporting affordable housing, community development projects, and philanthropic efforts.



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