KeyBank Hits Another Important Milestone, Surpassing $1 Million in Neighbors First Credits

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KeyBank has surpassed $1 million in Neighbors First Credits, helping 200 clients achieve homeownership. This Special Purpose Credit Program provides $5,000 toward closing costs and other pre-paid fees for eligible properties. KeyBank's efforts are making homeownership more attainable, especially as their 2024 Financial Mobility Survey found 69% of non-homeowners believe owning a home is not very achievable.

The bank has made significant impacts in various communities, including Cleveland (47 credits, $235,000) and Columbus (25 credits, $125,000). KeyBank also offers two other special purpose credit programs: the Homebuyer Credit (over $2.4 million funded, helping 533 clients) and the Key Opportunities Home Equity Loan ($13 million funded, assisting 259 clients).

These initiatives align with KeyBank's purpose of helping communities thrive by making homeownership more affordable, accessible, and sustainable.

KeyBank ha superato 1 milione di Crediti per Vicini Prima, aiutando 200 clienti a raggiungere la proprietà di una casa. Questo Programma di Credito a Scopo Speciale fornisce $5,000 per le spese di chiusura e altre tasse prepagate per le proprietà idonee. Gli sforzi di KeyBank stanno rendendo la proprietà di una casa più accessibile, soprattutto poiché il loro Rapporto sulla Mobilità Finanziaria 2024 ha rilevato che il 69% degli affittuari non crede che possedere una casa sia molto realizzabile.

La banca ha avuto un impatto significativo in varie comunità, tra cui Cleveland (47 crediti, $235,000) e Columbus (25 crediti, $125,000). KeyBank offre anche altri due programmi di credito a scopo speciale: il Credito per Acquirenti di Casa (oltre 2.4 milioni di dollari finanziati, aiutando 533 clienti) e il Prestito per Equità della Casa Key Opportunities (13 milioni di dollari finanziati, assistendo 259 clienti).

Queste iniziative si allineano con lo scopo di KeyBank di aiutare le comunità a prosperare rendendo la proprietà di una casa più conveniente, accessibile e sostenibile.

KeyBank ha superado $1 millón en Créditos Vecinos Primero, ayudando a 200 clientes a lograr la propiedad de una vivienda. Este Programa de Crédito de Propósito Especial ofrece $5,000 para costos de cierre y otras tarifas prepagadas para propiedades elegibles. Los esfuerzos de KeyBank están haciendo que la propiedad de una vivienda sea más alcanzable, especialmente ya que su Encuesta de Movilidad Financiera 2024 encontró que el 69% de los inquilinos no creen que poseer una casa sea muy realizable.

El banco ha tenido un impacto significativo en varias comunidades, incluyendo Cleveland (47 créditos, $235,000) y Columbus (25 créditos, $125,000). KeyBank también ofrece otros dos programas de crédito de propósito especial: el Crédito para Compradores de Vivienda (más de $2.4 millones financiados, ayudando a 533 clientes) y el Préstamo de Equidad de Vivienda Key Opportunities ($13 millones financiados, asistiendo a 259 clientes).

Estas iniciativas se alinean con el propósito de KeyBank de ayudar a las comunidades a prosperar, haciendo que la propiedad de una vivienda sea más asequible, accesible y sostenible.

KeyBank는 이웃 우선 크레딧에서 100만 달러를 초과하며 200명의 고객이 주택 소유를 달성하도록 도왔습니다. 이 특별 목적 신용 프로그램은 적격 재산에 대해 종료 비용 및 기타 선불 수수료에 대해 5,000달러를 제공합니다. KeyBank의 노력은 주택 소유를 더욱 실현 가능하게 하고 있으며, 특히 그들의 2024 재정 이동성 조사에 따르면 비소유자 중 69%가 주택 소유가 그렇게 실현 가능하지 않다고 믿고 있습니다.

이 은행은 클리블랜드(47 크레딧, 235,000달러) 및 콜럼버스(25 크레딧, 125,000달러) 등 다양한 커뮤니티에서 중요한 영향을 미쳤습니다. KeyBank은 또한 두 가지 다른 특별 목적 신용 프로그램을 제공합니다: 주택 구매자 신용 (자금 지원 240만 달러 이상, 533 고객 지원) 및 Key Opportunities 주택 자산 대출 (1,300만 달러 지원, 259 고객 지원).

이러한 이니셔티브는 KeyBank의 목표인 주택 소유를 더 저렴하고 접근 가능하며 지속 가능하게 하여 커뮤니티가 번영하도록 돕는 것과 일치합니다.

KeyBank a dépassé 1 million de dollars en Crédits Voisins d'Abord, aidant 200 clients à accéder à la propriété. Ce Programme de Crédit à But Spécial fournit 5 000 dollars pour les frais de clôture et d'autres frais prépayés pour les propriétés éligibles. Les efforts de KeyBank rendent la propriété plus accessible, surtout que leur Enquête sur la Mobilité Financière 2024 a révélé que 69 % des non-propriétaires estiment qu'acquérir un logement n'est pas très réalisable.

La banque a eu un impact significatif dans diverses communautés, y compris Cleveland (47 crédits, 235 000 dollars) et Columbus (25 crédits, 125 000 dollars). KeyBank propose également deux autres programmes de crédit à but spécial : le Crédit pour Acheteurs de Maison (plus de 2,4 millions de dollars financés, aidant 533 clients) et le Prêt sur Valeur Domiciliaire Key Opportunities (13 millions de dollars financés, aidant 259 clients).

Ces initiatives s'alignent avec l'objectif de KeyBank d'aider les communautés à prospérer en rendant la propriété immobilière plus abordable, accessible et durable.

KeyBank hat über 1 Million Dollar in Nachbarn zuerst Krediten überschritten und 200 Kunden dabei geholfen, Wohneigentum zu erlangen. Dieses Sonderkreditprogramm bietet 5.000 Dollar für Abschlusskosten und andere Vorauszahlungen für berechtigte Immobilien. Die Bemühungen von KeyBank machen Wohneigentum erreichbarer, insbesondere da ihre Finanzmobilitätsumfrage 2024 ergeben hat, dass 69 % der Nicht-Eigenheimbesitzer glauben, dass der Besitz eines Hauses nicht wirklich erreichbar ist.

Die Bank hat bedeutende Auswirkungen in verschiedenen Gemeinschaften erzielt, darunter Cleveland (47 Kredite, 235.000 Dollar) und Columbus (25 Kredite, 125.000 Dollar). KeyBank bietet auch zwei weitere Sonderkreditprogramme an: den Hauskäuferkredit (über 2,4 Millionen Dollar finanziert, 533 Kunden geholfen) und den Key Opportunities Eigenheimdarlehen (13 Millionen Dollar finanziert, 259 Kunden unterstützt).

Diese Initiativen stehen im Einklang mit dem Ziel von KeyBank, Gemeinschaften zum Gedeihen zu verhelfen, indem sie Wohneigentum erschwinglicher, zugänglicher und nachhaltiger machen.

  • None.
  • None.

Program has helped 200 clients across America achieve sustainable and affordable homeownership

CLEVELAND, Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, KeyBank announced that it has funded more than $1 million in KeyBank Neighbors First Credits, helping 200 clients achieve their dream of homeownership in areas where the program is available. This milestone is the latest KeyBank has achieved since launching this program in July 2023.

The KeyBank Neighbors First Crediti is a Special Purpose Credit Program that provides $5,000 toward closing costs and other pre-paid fees that may come with financing a new, owner-occupied home to homebuyers for the purchase of eligible properties. Additional costs include mortgage, flood and hazard insurance, escrow deposit, real estate taxes, and per diem interest for eligible properties.

KeyBank's 2024 Financial Mobility Survey found that many Americans believe homeownership is out of reach due to rising costs. Of those people (20%) who are not currently in the market to purchase a home and haven't purchased one in the past year, 69% believe the dream of owning a home is not very attainable.

"At a time when many feel they simply can't afford a home, KeyBank's efforts, specifically with our Neighbors First Credit, are erasing doubt and helping our clients see what is possible when they partner with their bank," said Dale Baker, Head of Home Lending at KeyBank. "Whether they are looking to buy a new home or improve the home they are in, KeyBank is committed to working with our clients to help them achieve their dreams and goals."   

Some of the communities KeyBank's Neighbors First Credit has made a difference in include:

  • Cleveland, OH: 47 credits funded for $235,000
  • Columbus, OH: 25 credits funded for $125,000
  • Dayton, OH: 11 credits funded for $55,000
  • Albany, NY: 9 credits funded for $45,000

The KeyBank Neighbors First Credit is one of three special purpose credit programs (SPCPs) from KeyBank. The KeyBank Homebuyer Creditii provides up to $5,000 in credits toward closing costs and other pre-paid fees that may come with financing a new home to homebuyers for the purchase of eligible properties in eligible communities. The Homebuyer Credit launched in September 2022. Through this program, Key has funded more than $2.4 million in credits, helping 533 clients.

In addition, the Key Opportunities Home Equity Loaniii provides affordable terms for borrowers with qualifying properties to refinance their primary residence to a lower interest rate, consolidate debt, finance home improvements, or tap into their equity when needed. This loan features a fixed rate, with no origination fee, and a first or second lien option for loans up to $100,000. Since the program began on March 1, 2023, through September 19, 2024, KeyBank funded $13 million in loans, helping 259 clients secure loans for their primary home in designated communities.

"Making homeownership more affordable, accessible and, most importantly, sustainable is a critical part of KeyBank's purpose of helping the communities we serve thrive," said Rachael Sampson, Head of Community Banking for KeyBank's Consumer Bank. "Block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood, we are committed to helping our clients build wealth and grow by providing them with resources and programs that help make homeownership possible."

Learn more about KeyBank's home lending opportunities and programs, determine whether a property qualifies for Special Purpose Credit Programs, or get started on the journey to homeownership by visiting For details on the current state of local markets and to answer any questions you may have, including whether a property qualifies for Key's Special Purpose Credit Programs, KeyBank Mortgage Loan Officers are available to help.

KeyCorp's (NYSE: KEY) roots trace back nearly 200 years to Albany, New York. Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, Key is one of the nation's largest bank-based financial services companies, with assets of approximately $187 billion at June 30, 2024. Key provides deposit, lending, cash management, and investment services to individuals and businesses in 15 states under the name KeyBank National Association through a network of approximately 1,000 branches and approximately 1,200 ATMs. Key also provides a broad range of sophisticated corporate and investment banking products, such as merger and acquisition advice, public and private debt and equity, syndications and derivatives to middle market companies in selected industries throughout the United States under the KeyBanc Capital Markets trade name. For more information, visit KeyBank Member FDIC. 

NMLS #399797. KeyBank extends credit secured by residential real estate without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, handicap, or familial status. All credit products are subject to collateral and/or credit approval, terms, conditions, availability and are subject to change.

CFMA #240925-2801809
i Available on primary residence first lien purchases only. Property must be located in an eligible community in KeyBank's retail footprint or Florida. Eligible communities are determined by KeyBank and subject to change without notice. Additional terms or restrictions may apply. Ask us for details.

ii Available on primary residence first lien purchases only. Property must be located in an eligible community as determined by KeyBank. Eligible Communities are subject to change without notice. Additional terms or restrictions may apply. Ask us for details. 

iii Loan features reduced interest rate and no origination fees. Available on existing primary residence and loans up to $100,000. First or second lien only. Loan must close in a branch. Property must be located in an eligible community in KeyBank's retail footprint. Additional terms or restrictions may apply. Ask us for details. 

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How much has KeyBank funded through its Neighbors First Credits program?

KeyBank has funded more than $1 million in Neighbors First Credits, helping 200 clients achieve homeownership since the program's launch in July 2023.

What is the amount of credit provided by KeyBank's Neighbors First Credit program?

The KeyBank Neighbors First Credit program provides $5,000 toward closing costs and other pre-paid fees for the purchase of eligible properties.

Which city has received the most funding from KeyBank's Neighbors First Credit program?

Cleveland, OH has received the most funding, with 47 credits funded for a total of $235,000.

How many special purpose credit programs does KeyBank offer?

KeyBank offers three special purpose credit programs: Neighbors First Credit, Homebuyer Credit, and Key Opportunities Home Equity Loan.

What is KeyBank's stock symbol?

KeyBank's stock symbol is KEY, traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).



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