Avalon Housing Receives $300,000 from KeyBank to Bolster Intensive Case Management Services for Residents, Fostering Housing Stability in Washtenaw County

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KeyBank and the KeyBank Foundation have announced a $300,000 investment in Avalon Housing, a nonprofit provider of affordable housing in Ann Arbor. This funding will enhance Avalon's supportive services for tenants and clients, specifically focusing on intensive case management services for individuals and families at the highest risk of housing instability.

Avalon Housing uses the supportive housing approach, which prioritizes tenants' health and well-being by providing resources to help them thrive in their homes. This approach has led to a 95% housing retention success rate. The investment will allow Avalon to provide personalized support, helping tenants navigate complex care systems and connect with necessary resources.

The partnership aims to address the increasing homelessness in Washtenaw County due to a lack of affordable housing. Avalon is currently developing nearly 175 new housing units to further combat this issue.

KeyBank e la KeyBank Foundation hanno annunciato un investimento di 300.000 dollari in Avalon Housing, un fornitore nonprofit di alloggi a prezzi accessibili ad Ann Arbor. Questo finanziamento migliorerà i servizi di supporto di Avalon per inquilini e clienti, con un focus particolare sui servizi di gestione dei casi intensivi per individui e famiglie ad alto rischio di instabilità abitativa.

Avalon Housing adotta un approccio di housing supportivo, che dà priorità alla salute e al benessere degli inquilini fornendo risorse per aiutarli a prosperare nelle loro abitazioni. Questo approccio ha portato a un tasso di successo del 95% nella retention abitativa. L'investimento consentirà ad Avalon di offrire supporto personalizzato, aiutando gli inquilini a navigare nei complessi sistemi di assistenza e a connettersi con le risorse necessarie.

La partnership mira ad affrontare l’aumento della senza fissa dimora nella Contea di Washtenaw a causa della mancanza di alloggi a prezzi accessibili. Avalon sta attualmente sviluppando quasi 175 nuove unità abitative per combattere ulteriormente questo problema.

KeyBank y la Fundación KeyBank han anunciado una inversión de 300,000 dólares en Avalon Housing, un proveedor sin fines de lucro de vivienda asequible en Ann Arbor. Este financiamiento mejorará los servicios de apoyo de Avalon para inquilinos y clientes, centrándose específicamente en servicios de gestión de casos intensivos para individuos y familias en mayor riesgo de inestabilidad habitacional.

Avalon Housing utiliza un enfoque de vivienda de apoyo, que prioriza la salud y el bienestar de los inquilinos al proporcionar recursos para ayudarles a prosperar en sus hogares. Este enfoque ha dado lugar a una tasa de éxito del 95% en la retención de vivienda. La inversión permitirá a Avalon proporcionar apoyo personalizado, ayudando a los inquilinos a navegar por sistemas de atención complejos y conectarse con los recursos necesarios.

La asociación tiene como objetivo abordar el creciente problema de la falta de vivienda en el condado de Washtenaw debido a la falta de viviendas asequibles. Avalon está desarrollando actualmente casi 175 nuevas unidades de vivienda para combatir aún más este problema.

키뱅크와 키뱅크 재단은 앤아버의 저소득 주택 제공 비영리 단체인 아발론 하우징에 30만 달러의 투자를 발표했습니다. 이 자금은 주택 불안정 위험이 가장 높은 개인과 가족을 위한 집중 사례 관리 서비스에 특히 초점을 맞춰 아발론의 지원 서비스를 강화할 것입니다.

아발론 하우징은 인근 주민의 건강과 웰빙을 우선시하며, 그들이 자택에서 잘 적응할 수 있도록 돕는 자원을 제공하는 지원 주택 접근 방식을 사용합니다. 이 접근 방식은 주택 유지 성공률 95%를 달성하는 결과로 이어졌습니다. 이 투자는 아발론이 개인화된 지원을 제공하고, 세밀한 케어 시스템을 탐색하고 필요한 리소스와 연결할 수 있도록 도울 것입니다.

이 파트너십은 저렴한 주택 부족으로 인해 와시타노우 카운티에서 증가하는 노숙 문제를 해결하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 아발론은 현재 이 문제에 맞서기 위해 175개의 신규 주택 유닛을 거의 개발하고 있습니다.

KeyBank et la Fondation KeyBank ont annoncé un investissement de 300 000 dollars dans Avalon Housing, un fournisseur à but non lucratif de logements abordables à Ann Arbor. Ce financement améliorera les services de soutien d'Avalon pour les locataires et les clients, en se concentrant spécifiquement sur les services de gestion de cas intensifs pour les individus et les familles les plus à risque d'instabilité en matière de logement.

Avalon Housing utilise une approche de logement de soutien, qui privilégie la santé et le bien-être des locataires en fournissant des ressources pour les aider à s'épanouir dans leur maison. Cette approche a conduit à un taux de réussite de 95 % en matière de maintien dans le logement. L'investissement permettra à Avalon de fournir un soutien personnalisé, aidant ainsi les locataires à naviguer dans des systèmes de soins complexes et à se connecter avec les ressources nécessaires.

Le partenariat vise à résoudre l'accroissement du sans-abrisme dans le comté de Washtenaw en raison d'un manque de logements abordables. Avalon développe actuellement près de 175 nouvelles unités de logement pour lutter encore contre ce problème.

KeyBank und die KeyBank Foundation haben eine 300.000-Dollar-Investition in Avalon Housing, einem gemeinnützigen Anbieter von erschwinglichem Wohnraum in Ann Arbor, angekündigt. Diese Finanzierung wird die unterstützenden Dienstleistungen von Avalon für Mieter und Klienten verbessern, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf intensiven Fallmanagementdiensten für Personen und Familien mit dem höchsten Risiko von Wohninstabilität liegt.

Avalon Housing verfolgt einen Ansatz der unterstützenden Wohnversorgung, der die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Mieter priorisiert, indem er Ressourcen bereitstellt, die ihnen helfen, in ihren Wohnungen erfolgreich zu sein. Dieser Ansatz hat zu einer Erfolgsquote von 95% bei der Wohnraumerhaltung geführt. Die Investition wird es Avalon ermöglichen, personalisierte Unterstützung anzubieten und Mietern zu helfen, sich in komplexen Versorgungssystemen zurechtzufinden und notwendige Ressourcen zu nutzen.

Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, die zunehmende Obdachlosigkeit im Washtenaw County aufgrund des Mangels an erschwinglichem Wohnraum anzugehen. Avalon entwickelt derzeit fast 175 neue Wohneinheiten, um dieses Problem weiter zu bekämpfen.

  • KeyBank's $300,000 investment will enhance Avalon Housing's supportive services
  • Avalon Housing maintains a 95% housing retention success rate
  • Avalon Housing has 175 new housing units in development
  • None.

Avalon will be focused on providing support to individuals and families who are at the highest risk of housing instability and require intensive support to maintain their housing and improve their overall well-being

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 8, 2024 / KeyBank and the KeyBank Foundation announced an investment of $300,000 in Ann Arbor's Avalon Housing to bolster its supportive services for tenants and clients. This investment will allow Avalon to provide intensive case management services to enhance personalized support for tenants, helping them navigate complex care systems, connect with necessary resources, and achieve long-term stability.

Avalon Housing, a nonprofit provider of affordable housing, uses what's known as the supportive housing approach. Widely considered the best long-term solution to homelessness, supportive housing prioritizes the health and well-being of tenants by providing resources to help them stay-and thrive-in their homes.

Using grant funding, the staff at Avalon will be focused on providing support to individuals and families who are at the highest risk of housing instability and require intensive support to maintain their housing and improve their overall well-being. Avalon has found that this approach leads to a decrease in evictions, improved health outcomes and increased economic stability for residents.

"KeyBank's purpose is to help the communities we serve thrive, and accessibility to safe, affordable housing resources is a crucial element," said Dave Mannarino, KeyBank Michigan Market President. "We are excited to partner with and support Avalon Housing once again, helping to enhance support services necessary in the effort to end homelessness. This partnership will not only strengthen our community, but it will provide Avalon tenants equitable access to jobs, education, healthcare and more."

A lack of affordable housing is driving a dramatic increase in homelessness in Washtenaw County. Housing First is a proven model for addressing homelessness with an 84% success rate of keeping people housed. By pairing Housing First principles with wraparound support services, Avalon is able to maintain a 95% housing retention success rate. For tenants with a higher acuity of needs and co-occurring issues, they require a higher level of Intensive Case Management (ICM) support from staff who are able to engage them in deeper and more frequent services. Providing these services requires additional support coordinators who manage lower client caseloads.

"We're grateful for the support from KeyBank," said Avalon Housing Executive Director Aaron Cooper. "He know the problems of homelessness and a lack of housing affordability are not going away, and we will continue to work to provide solutions. In fact, we have nearly 175 new housing units in the pipeline right now. Partnership and support from the community are essential in our journey toward housing justice and creating a place for all of our neighbors to call home."


KeyCorp's roots trace back nearly 200 years to Albany, New York. Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, Key is one of the nation's largest bank-based financial services companies, with assets of approximately $187 billion at June 30, 2024.

Key provides deposit, lending, cash management, and investment services to individuals and businesses in 15 states under the name KeyBank National Association through a network of approximately 1,000 branches and approximately 1,200 ATMs. Key also provides a broad range of sophisticated corporate and investment banking products, such as merger and acquisition advice, public and private debt and equity, syndications and derivatives to middle market companies in selected industries throughout the United States under the KeyBanc Capital Markets trade name. For more information, visit KeyBank Member FDIC.


Avalon Housing's mission since its founding in 1992 is to build healthy, safe and inclusive supportive housing communities as a long-term solution to homelessness. Avalon owns and manages 29 sites in Ann Arbor, Dexter and Chelsea, and has 150 units in the pipeline in new projects in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti.

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What is the amount of KeyBank's investment in Avalon Housing?

KeyBank and the KeyBank Foundation announced an investment of $300,000 in Avalon Housing.

What will Avalon Housing use the KeyBank investment for?

Avalon Housing will use the investment to provide intensive case management services and enhance personalized support for tenants at high risk of housing instability.

What is Avalon Housing's success rate in keeping people housed?

Avalon Housing maintains a 95% housing retention success rate through its supportive housing approach.

How many new housing units does Avalon Housing have in development?

Avalon Housing has nearly 175 new housing units in the pipeline.



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