$250,000 Investment by the KeyBank Foundation to Support United Way of Central New York’s Thrive at Work Financial Education & Resource Program

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KeyBank Foundation is investing $250,000 in the United Way of Central New York's Thrive at Work Program. This innovative initiative aims to help employed individuals facing financial challenges due to access to resources and support. The program will offer financial education, low-interest loans, one-on-one coaching, and free tax preparation services to employees in entry-level or lower-income positions at small to mid-sized companies in Central New York.

The program targets Asset , Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE) individuals, who represent 25% of Onondaga County households. Expected outcomes include improvements in financial literacy, credit scores, debt reduction, and savings. Since 2017, KeyBank has invested over $700 million in Syracuse and Central New York, supporting various community development projects.

La KeyBank Foundation sta investendo 250.000 dollari nel programma Thrive at Work della United Way del Centro New York. Questa iniziativa innovativa mira ad aiutare le persone occupate che affrontano sfide finanziarie a causa della mancanza di accesso a risorse e supporto. Il programma offrirà educazione finanziaria, prestiti a basso interesse, coaching individuale e servizi di preparazione fiscale gratuiti ai dipendenti in posizioni di ingresso o a basso reddito presso piccole e medie imprese nel Centro New York.

Il programma si rivolge agli individui ALICE (Asset, Income Constrained, Employed), che rappresentano il 25% delle famiglie della Contea di Onondaga. Gli esiti attesi includono miglioramenti nella alfabetizzazione finanziaria, punteggi di credito, riduzione del debito e risparmi. Dal 2017, KeyBank ha investito oltre 700 milioni di dollari a Syracuse e nel Centro New York, sostenendo vari progetti di sviluppo della comunità.

La KeyBank Foundation está invirtiendo 250,000 dólares en el programa Thrive at Work de United Way de Nueva York Central. Esta innovadora iniciativa tiene como objetivo ayudar a las personas empleadas que enfrentan desafíos financieros debido a la falta de acceso a recursos y apoyo. El programa ofrecerá educación financiera, préstamos a bajo interés, asesoramiento individual y servicios de preparación de impuestos gratuitos a empleados en posiciones de nivel inicial o de bajos ingresos en empresas pequeñas y medianas en Nueva York Central.

El programa está dirigido a individuos ALICE (Asset, Income Constrained, Employed), que representan el 25% de los hogares del Condado de Onondaga. Se esperan resultados como mejoras en la alfabetización financiera, puntuaciones de crédito, reducción de deudas y ahorro. Desde 2017, KeyBank ha invertido más de 700 millones de dólares en Syracuse y Nueva York Central, apoyando varios proyectos de desarrollo comunitario.

KeyBank 재단은 25만 달러를 중앙 뉴욕 United Way의 Thrive at Work Program에 투자하고 있습니다. 이 혁신적인 이니셔티브는 리소스와 지원에 접근할 수 없는 재정적 어려움을 겪고 있는 고용된 개인들을 돕는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 프로그램은 중앙 뉴욕의 중소기업에서 준급 또는 저소득 직위에 있는 직원들에게 재정 교육, 저금리 대출, 1:1 코칭 및 무료 세금 준비 서비스를 제공합니다.

이 프로그램은 온돈다가 카운티 가구의 25%를 차지하는 자산 및 소득 제약 고용(ALICE) 개인들을 대상으로 하고 있습니다. 기대되는 결과로는 재정적 문해력, 신용 점수, 부채 감소 및 저축의 개선이 포함됩니다. 2017년 이후, KeyBank는 시러큐스와 중앙 뉴욕에 7억 달러 이상을 투자하여 다양한 지역 사회 개발 프로젝트를 지원했습니다.

La KeyBank Foundation investit 250 000 dollars dans le programme Thrive at Work de United Way de New York Central. Cette initiative innovante vise à aider les personnes employées qui rencontrent des défis financiers en raison d'un accès limité aux ressources et au soutien. Le programme proposera une éducation financière, des prêts à faible intérêt, du coaching individuel et des services de préparation fiscale gratuits aux employés occupant des postes de débutants ou à faible revenu dans les petites et moyennes entreprises de New York Central.

Le programme cible les personnes ALICE (Avaries, Limitées par leurs Revenus, Employées), qui représentent 25 % des ménages du comté d'Onondaga. Les résultats attendus comprennent des améliorations en matière de littératie financière, de scores de crédit, de réduction de la dette et d'épargne. Depuis 2017, KeyBank a investi plus de 700 millions de dollars à Syracuse et dans le New York Central, soutenant divers projets de développement communautaire.

Die KeyBank Stiftung investiert 250.000 Dollar in das Thrive at Work Programm der United Way von Zentral-New York. Diese innovative Initiative zielt darauf ab, beschäftigten Personen zu helfen, die aufgrund eingeschränkten Zugangs zu Ressourcen und Unterstützung finanzielle Herausforderungen haben. Das Programm bietet finanzielle Bildung, zinsgünstige Darlehen, individuelles Coaching und kostenlose Steuervorbereitungsdienste für Mitarbeiter in Einstiegspositionen oder mit niedrigem Einkommen in kleinen bis mittelgroßen Unternehmen in Zentral-New York an.

Das Programm richtet sich an ALICE-Personen (Asset, Income Constrained, Employed), die 25 % der Haushalte im Onondaga County ausmachen. Erwartete Ergebnisse sind Verbesserungen in der finanziellen Bildung, Kreditwürdigkeit, Schuldenabbau und Ersparnissen. Seit 2017 hat KeyBank über 700 Millionen Dollar in Syracuse und Zentral-New York investiert und damit verschiedene Gemeinschaftsentwicklungsprojekte unterstützt.

  • KeyBank Foundation's $250,000 investment supports financial education and resources for lower-income workers
  • The Thrive at Work Program aims to improve financial literacy, credit scores, and savings for participants
  • KeyBank has invested over $700 million in Syracuse and Central New York since 2017
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 12, 2024 / KeyBank
New, innovative initiative is meant to help individuals who are employed but face challenges meeting basic financial needs due to limited access to financial resources and support

The KeyBank Foundation is investing $250,000 in the United Way of Central New York's Thrive at Work Program. This new, innovative initiative is meant to help individuals who are employed but face challenges meeting basic financial needs due to limited access to financial resources and support.

Thrive at Work will focus on employees in entry-level or lower-income positions at small- to mid-sized companies in Central New York. Following a six-to-nine month build phase, the program will offer financial education, low-interest loans, one-on-one financial coaching, and free tax preparation services, empowering employees to better manage their finances.

"We applaud the United Way of Central New York for their innovative approach to helping working people in our community overcome challenges and access resources and support that can help them grow financially," said Stephen Fournier, KeyBank Central New York Market President. "KeyBank's purpose is to help the communities we serve thrive. Thrive at Work is a program we are proud to help build and support. We look forward to seeing the ways this will help people and communities in Central New York grow."

"KeyBank Foundation's investment makes it possible for us to launch this critical program to assist hardworking families who are striving yet struggling to get by," said Nancy Kern Eaton, United Way of Central New York President. "Far too many people in our community are one financial emergency away from a downward spiral. Helping people manage financial and other crises will keep people focused on work while they continue to move forward in efforts to achieve their dreams and build a more stable future."

Specifically, Thrive at Work will provide financial stability and resilience for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE) individuals in Onondaga County, who represent 25% of the county's households. The United Way of Central New York anticipates participants will show significant improvements in financial literacy, credit scores, debt reduction and savings. Additionally, it expects enhanced workplace engagement, reduced absenteeism due to financial stress, and increased job satisfaction.

"We are excited about the resources and education Thrive at Work will bring to our community, said Tamika Otis, KeyBank Corporate Responsibility Officer in Central New York. "This initiative will help working people in our region access the tools they need to help them reduce debt, save money and build wealth."

Since 2017, KeyBank has made more than $700 million in investments in Syracuse and Central New York, supporting affordable housing and community development projects; small business and home lending to low-to-moderate income individuals and communities, and transformative philanthropy.


KeyCorp's roots trace back nearly 200 years to Albany, New York. Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, Key is one of the nation's largest bank-based financial services companies, with assets of approximately $187 billion at June 30, 2024. Key provides deposit, lending, cash management, and investment services to individuals and businesses in 15 states under the name KeyBank National Association through a network of approximately 1,000 branches and approximately 1,200 ATMs. Key also provides a broad range of sophisticated corporate and investment banking products, such as merger and acquisition advice, public and private debt and equity, syndications and derivatives to middle market companies in selected industries throughout the United States under the KeyBanc Capital Markets trade name. For more information, visit KeyBank Member FDIC.


United Way of Central New York, Inc., is an innovative and collaborative local nonprofit organization that drives solutions to the most pressing human service community needs of Central New York. Through our advocacy and relevant leadership, we provide options for impactful giving and we fund programs and initiatives that help create a thriving community. We are guided by our values of compassion, empowerment, collaboration, leadership, and inclusion. For more information, visit United, we do more.

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What is the KeyBank Foundation investing in the United Way of Central New York's Thrive at Work Program?

The KeyBank Foundation is investing $250,000 in the United Way of Central New York's Thrive at Work Program to support financial education and resources for lower-income workers.

What services will the Thrive at Work Program offer to participants?

The Thrive at Work Program will offer financial education, low-interest loans, one-on-one financial coaching, and free tax preparation services to employees in entry-level or lower-income positions at small to mid-sized companies in Central New York.

How much has KeyBank (KEY) invested in Syracuse and Central New York since 2017?

Since 2017, KeyBank has invested more than $700 million in Syracuse and Central New York, supporting affordable housing, community development projects, small business lending, and philanthropy.

What percentage of Onondaga County households does the ALICE population represent?

The Asset , Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE) population represents 25% of Onondaga County households, which is the target demographic for the Thrive at Work Program.



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