State of Wisconsin Approves Kelly Education to Provide Substitute Teacher Certificate Training
Kelly Education, the leading education workforce solutions provider, has received approval from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction to provide substitute teacher training. The program addresses teacher shortages by offering a comprehensive online curriculum for individuals seeking three-year substitute permits.
The training, priced at an introductory rate of $39.99 (normally $59.99), is designed for non-education degree holders including retired school personnel, parents, and healthcare professionals. Led by Dr. Stephanie Wall, Kelly Education's director of learning, the program features interactive modules covering instructional strategies, classroom management, and specialized practices for teaching students with special needs.
Through Teachers on Call, a Kelly Education company, the program leverages over 26 years of expertise in maintaining instructional continuity. Participants have 90 days to complete the training, and must undergo background checks for certification.
Kelly Education, il principale fornitore di soluzioni per il personale educativo, ha ricevuto l'approvazione dal Dipartimento dell'Istruzione Pubblica del Wisconsin per fornire formazione per insegnanti supplenti. Il programma affronta la carenza di insegnanti offrendo un curriculum online completo per le persone che cercano permessi di supplenza di tre anni.
La formazione, offerta a un prezzo introduttivo di $39.99 (normalmente $59.99), è progettata per coloro che non possiedono una laurea in educazione, inclusi ex membri del personale scolastico, genitori e professionisti della salute. Guidato dalla Dr.ssa Stephanie Wall, direttrice dell'apprendimento di Kelly Education, il programma presenta moduli interattivi che coprono strategie didattiche, gestione della classe e pratiche specializzate per insegnare agli studenti con bisogni speciali.
Attraverso Teachers on Call, una compagnia di Kelly Education, il programma sfrutta oltre 26 anni di esperienza nel mantenere la continuità didattica. I partecipanti hanno 90 giorni per completare la formazione e devono sottoporsi a controlli dei precedenti per la certificazione.
Kelly Education, el principal proveedor de soluciones para la fuerza laboral educativa, ha recibido la aprobación del Departamento de Instrucción Pública de Wisconsin para ofrecer capacitación a maestros sustitutos. El programa aborda la escasez de maestros ofreciendo un currículo en línea integral para individuos que buscan permisos de sustituto por tres años.
La capacitación, con un precio introductorio de $39.99 (normalmente $59.99), está diseñada para personas que no tienen un título en educación, incluidos ex miembros del personal escolar, padres y profesionales de la salud. Dirigido por la Dra. Stephanie Wall, directora de aprendizaje de Kelly Education, el programa cuenta con módulos interactivos que cubren estrategias de instrucción, gestión del aula y prácticas especializadas para enseñar a estudiantes con necesidades especiales.
A través de Teachers on Call, una empresa de Kelly Education, el programa aprovecha más de 26 años de experiencia en mantener la continuidad instruccional. Los participantes tienen 90 días para completar la capacitación y deben someterse a verificaciones de antecedentes para la certificación.
켈리 교육, 선도적인 교육 인력 솔루션 제공업체가 위스콘신 공립 교육부로부터 대체 교사 교육 제공 승인을 받았습니다. 이 프로그램은 3년 대체 교사 허가를 원하는 개인을 위해 포괄적인 온라인 커리큘럼을 제공하여 교사 부족 문제를 해결합니다.
39.99달러(정상가 59.99달러)의 도입 가격으로 제공되는 이 교육 과정은 교육 학위가 없는 퇴직 교직원, 부모 및 의료 전문가를 포함한 사람들을 위해 설계되었습니다. 켈리 교육의 학습 담당 이사인 스테파니 월 박사가 이끄는 이 프로그램은 교수 전략, 교실 관리 및 특별한 필요가 있는 학생들을 위한 전문적인 교육 방법을 다루는 대화형 모듈로 구성되어 있습니다.
Teachers on Call라는 켈리 교육의 자회사를 통해 이 프로그램은 26년 이상의 교육 지속성 유지 경험을 활용합니다. 참가자는 교육을 완료할 수 있는 기간이 90일이며, 인증을 받기 위해 배경 확인을 받아야 합니다.
Kelly Education, le principal fournisseur de solutions en ressources humaines pour l'éducation, a obtenu l'approbation du Département de l'Instruction Publique du Wisconsin pour proposer une formation pour les enseignants suppléants. Le programme répond au manque d'enseignants en offrant un curriculum en ligne complet pour les personnes cherchant des permis de suppléance de trois ans.
La formation, proposée à un tarif d'introduction de 39,99 $ (normalement 59,99 $), est conçue pour les personnes sans diplôme en éducation, y compris les anciens membres du personnel scolaire, les parents et les professionnels de la santé. Dirigé par Dr. Stephanie Wall, directrice de l'apprentissage chez Kelly Education, le programme comprend des modules interactifs couvrant des stratégies d'enseignement, la gestion de classe et des pratiques spécialisées pour enseigner aux élèves ayant des besoins particuliers.
À travers Teachers on Call, une entreprise de Kelly Education, le programme s'appuie sur plus de 26 ans d'expertise dans le maintien de la continuité pédagogique. Les participants disposent de 90 jours pour compléter la formation et doivent passer des vérifications de leurs antécédents pour obtenir la certification.
Kelly Education, der führende Anbieter von Lösungen für das Bildungspersonal, hat die Genehmigung des Department of Public Instruction von Wisconsin erhalten, um Schulungen für Vertretungslehrer anzubieten. Das Programm geht der Lehrermangel-Problematik nach, indem es ein umfassendes Online-Curriculum für Personen anbietet, die eine dreijährige Vertretungserlaubnis anstreben.
Die Schulung, die zu einem Einführungspreis von 39,99 $ (normalerweise 59,99 $) angeboten wird, richtet sich an Personen ohne Bildungsabschluss, einschließlich pensionierter Schulmitarbeiter, Eltern und Fachkräfte im Gesundheitswesen. Unter der Leitung von Dr. Stephanie Wall, der Direktorin für Lernen bei Kelly Education, umfasst das Programm interaktive Module, die Unterrichtsstrategien, Klassenmanagement und spezialisierte Praktiken für den Unterricht von Schülern mit besonderen Bedürfnissen abdecken.
Durch Teachers on Call, ein Unternehmen von Kelly Education, nutzt das Programm über 26 Jahre Erfahrung in der Aufrechterhaltung der Unterrichtskontinuität. Die Teilnehmer haben 90 Tage Zeit, um die Schulung abzuschließen, und müssen sich einer Hintergrundüberprüfung zur Zertifizierung unterziehen.
- State approval enables expansion into Wisconsin education market
- New revenue stream through $39.99 training program fees
- Leverages existing expertise and infrastructure through Teachers on Call subsidiary
- Significant price discount from $59.99 to $39.99 may impact profit margins
Kelly Education's approval as a vendor by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction represents a strategic market expansion for Kelly Services' education division. This regulatory green light creates a new revenue stream through the company's substitute teacher training program, priced at
This approval leverages Kelly's 26-year expertise in education workforce solutions and establishes an additional service offering in Wisconsin's education market. The business value extends beyond just training fees - by creating a pipeline of certified substitute teachers, Kelly positions itself to potentially convert these newly-trained substitutes into placement opportunities through their staffing services.
The timing is opportune as the article explicitly mentions Wisconsin's teacher shortage, which creates market demand for Kelly's services. Their comprehensive curriculum, including specialized modules for teaching students with special needs, differentiates their offering in the education workforce solutions space.
While the direct revenue impact from training fees alone is likely modest relative to Kelly's
Wisconsin Program Aims to Address Teacher Shortage and Support Schools with Qualified Substitute Educators
TROY, Mich., March 11, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Kelly Education, the nation’s leading provider of education workforce solutions, announced that it is approved as a vendor by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (Wisconsin DPI) to provide substitute teacher training. To qualify for a three-year substitute permit, the State of Wisconsin requires that individuals who do not hold a degree or certification in education complete a state-approved course. This designation allows Kelly Education to support Wisconsin schools by offering an engaging online program featuring a comprehensive curriculum for individuals aspiring to become substitute teachers. The training provides a convenient and cost-effective way for potential applicants like retired non-certified school personnel, parents, healthcare professionals, and other community members to secure employment as a substitute teacher.
“Kelly Education has a longstanding commitment to recruiting and retaining qualified substitute educators across the country,” said Dr. Stephanie Wall, director of learning for Kelly Education. “Our curriculum combines practical know-how with advanced instructional strategies, meeting state standards. This ensures that approved candidates can begin making an impact in the classroom promptly, providing necessary relief for schools across the State of Wisconsin.”
Leveraging more than 26 years of expertise, Kelly Education has developed rigorous curriculum materials for substitute teacher training in Wisconsin. Through Teachers on Call, a Kelly Education company that has connected schools and centers with qualified K-12 and early childhood staff for over 20 years, the organization integrates proven best practices in maintaining instructional continuity. Guided by insights from in-house education experts, the comprehensive training content ensures substitutes are well-prepared to excel in critical areas, including supporting their role effectively, fostering a positive and productive learning environment, ensuring continuity of instruction, and managing student behavior with professionalism.
Training modules range from basic instructional strategies to specialized practices for teaching children with autism, ADHD, and learning disabilities. Each module is interactive and includes relevant interactions and knowledge checks, including quizzes, to ensure learners are engaged with the material.
Key Highlights of the Wisconsin DPI Certification Process & Kelly Education Training:
- Eligibility: To learn more about Wisconsin DPI’s requirements for substitute certification, visit
- Registration: To register, potential candidates should visit to register.
- Online Training Fee: Once registered, applicants will pay the introductory rate of
$39.99 (normally$59.99) . - Timing: Once started, applicants have 90 days to complete the training.
- Background Checks: Each applicant is required to complete a background check if he/she is requesting a new certificate or is considered to be a new hire at a school district. If an applicant has previously been fingerprinted for the Wisconsin DPI, a new fingerprint clearance will be required if the previous one is over twelve months old.
About Kelly Education
Kelly Education powers the future of learning through customized workforce solutions, including hiring and recruiting, business management, professional development, academic and well-being support across the full continuum of education––from PreK-12, special education, and therapeutic services to executive search and beyond. Kelly Education is a business of Kelly (Nasdaq: KELYA, KELYB), a global workforce solutions provider that connects businesses and individuals with limitless opportunities through meaningful work. Learn more at or connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and X.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Danielle Nixon
Director of Public Relations
Kelly Education
Phone: 816-737-8414