KellyOCG Partners with Brightfield to Offer Clients Real-time Labor Insights

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KellyOCG, part of Kelly (Nasdaq: KELYA, KELYB), has partnered with Brightfield to integrate TDX AI into its Kelly Helix technology platform. This integration provides clients with real-time contingent labor insights and access to Brightfield's AI-powered market intelligence platform. Key features include:

- In-depth extended workforce economics benchmarks
- Automated statement of work (SOW) analysis
- Improved rate card management
- On-demand data and job title recommendations
- SOW market rate comparisons

The partnership aims to enhance decision-making for procurement and HR teams, potentially saving companies 10-20% in vendor costs. Kelly Helix's advanced technology stack now offers real-time, customized data for better management of external workforces, including access to KellyOCG's Human Cloud solution for freelance talent management.

KellyOCG, parte di Kelly (Nasdaq: KELYA, KELYB), ha stretto una partnership con Brightfield per integrare TDX AI nella sua piattaforma tecnologica Kelly Helix. Questa integrazione fornisce ai clienti analisi in tempo reale sulle risorse contingenti e accesso alla piattaforma di intelligence di mercato basata su AI di Brightfield. Le caratteristiche principali includono:

- Indicatori economici approfonditi per il lavoro esteso
- Analisi automatizzata delle dichiarazioni di lavoro (SOW)
- Migliore gestione delle tariffe
- Raccomandazioni sui dati e sui titoli di lavoro on-demand
- Confronti delle tariffe di mercato SOW

La partnership punta a migliorare il processo decisionale per i team di approvvigionamento e HR, con la possibilità di far risparmiare alle aziende dal 10 al 20% sui costi dei fornitori. La tecnologia avanzata di Kelly Helix ora offre dati personalizzati in tempo reale per una migliore gestione delle forze lavoro esterne, incluso l'accesso alla soluzione Human Cloud di KellyOCG per la gestione dei talenti freelance.

KellyOCG, parte de Kelly (Nasdaq: KELYA, KELYB), se ha asociado con Brightfield para integrar TDX AI en su plataforma tecnológica Kelly Helix. Esta integración proporciona a los clientes informes de trabajo contingente en tiempo real y acceso a la plataforma de inteligencia de mercado impulsada por IA de Brightfield. Las características clave incluyen:

- Indicadores económicos profundos para la fuerza laboral ampliada
- Análisis automatizado de las declaraciones de trabajo (SOW)
- Mejora en la gestión de tarifas
- Recomendaciones de datos y títulos de trabajo bajo demanda
- Comparaciones de tarifas de mercado SOW

La asociación busca mejorar la toma de decisiones para los equipos de adquisición y recursos humanos, lo que podría ahorrar a las empresas entre un 10-20% en costos de proveedores. La avanzada pila tecnológica de Kelly Helix ahora ofrece datos personalizados en tiempo real para una mejor gestión de las fuerzas laborales externas, incluido el acceso a la solución Human Cloud de KellyOCG para la gestión de talentos freelance.

KellyOCG는 Kelly (Nasdaq: KELYA, KELYB)의 일환으로 Brightfield와 협력하여 Kelly Helix 기술 플랫폼에 TDX AI를 통합했습니다. 이 통합은 고객에게 실시간 조건부 노동 통찰력과 Brightfield의 AI 기반 시장 정보 플랫폼에 대한 접근을 제공합니다. 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

- 심층적인 확장 인력 경제 벤치마크
- 자동화된 작업 명세서(SOW) 분석
- 개선된 요율 카드 관리
- 요구에 맞춘 데이터 및 직무 제목 추천
- SOW 시장 요율 비교

이번 파트너십은 조달 및 HR 팀의 의사 결정을 개선하여 기업들이 공급업체 비용을 10-20% 절약할 수 있도록 하는 것을 목표로 합니다. Kelly Helix의 고급 기술 스택은 이제 외부 인력 관리를 위한 맞춤형 실시간 데이터를 제공하며, 프리랜서 인재 관리를 위한 KellyOCG의 Human Cloud 솔루션에도 접근할 수 있습니다.

KellyOCG, partie intégrante de Kelly (Nasdaq: KELYA, KELYB), a établi un partenariat avec Brightfield pour intégrer TDX AI dans sa plateforme technologique Kelly Helix. Cette intégration offre aux clients des aperçus en temps réel sur le travail contingent et un accès à la plateforme d'intelligence de marché alimentée par AI de Brightfield. Les principales caractéristiques comprennent :

- Indices économiques approfondis sur la main-d'œuvre élargie
- Analyse automatisée des déclarations de travail (SOW)
- Meilleure gestion des tarifications
- Recommandations de données et de titres d'emploi à la demande
- Comparaisons des taux de marché SOW

Le partenariat vise à améliorer la prise de décision pour les équipes d'approvisionnement et RH, permettant aux entreprises d'économiser potentiellement 10 à 20 % sur les coûts des fournisseurs. La technologie avancée de Kelly Helix offre désormais des données personnalisées en temps réel pour une meilleure gestion des équipes externes, y compris l'accès à la solution Human Cloud de KellyOCG pour la gestion des talents freelance.

KellyOCG, Teil von Kelly (Nasdaq: KELYA, KELYB), hat sich mit Brightfield zusammengetan, um TDX AI in seine Kelly Helix-Technologieplattform zu integrieren. Diese Integration bietet den Kunden Echtzeit-Insights zu flexibler Arbeitskraft und Zugang zur KI-gesteuerten Marktforschungsplattform von Brightfield. Zu den Hauptmerkmalen gehören:

- Tiefgehende Benchmarking-Analysen der erweiterten Arbeitskräfteökonomie
- Automatisierte Analyse von Arbeitsverträgen (SOW)
- Verbesserte Verwaltung von Preiskarten
- On-Demand-Daten und Jobtitel-Empfehlungen
- SOW-Marktratenvergleiche

Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, die Entscheidungsfindung für Einkaufs- und HR-Teams zu verbessern, was Unternehmen potenziell 10-20% bei den Lieferantenkosten sparen könnte. Der fortschrittliche Technologie-Stack von Kelly Helix bietet jetzt in Echtzeit maßgeschneiderte Daten für ein besseres Management externer Arbeitskräfte und umfasst den Zugang zur Human Cloud Lösung von KellyOCG für das Freelance-Management.

  • Integration of Brightfield TDX AI into Kelly Helix platform
  • Potential for 10-20% savings in vendor costs
  • Enhanced decision-making capabilities for procurement and HR teams
  • Improved contingent workforce management and SOW contract cost-effectiveness
  • Access to real-time, customized data for external workforce management
  • None.

The partnership between KellyOCG and Brightfield marks a significant advancement in workforce management technology. By integrating Brightfield's TDX AI into the Kelly Helix platform, KellyOCG is offering a powerful tool for real-time labor insights. This move addresses a critical need in the market for data-driven decision-making in contingent workforce management.

The AI-powered capabilities of TDX, including job title recommendations and SOW market rate comparisons, could be game-changers for procurement and HR teams. The potential for 10-20% savings in vendor costs is particularly noteworthy. However, the true value lies in the improved data quality and accessibility, which could lead to more strategic workforce planning and cost optimization.

While this partnership strengthens KellyOCG's position in the workforce solutions market, the long-term impact will depend on user adoption and the actual performance of the integrated platform in real-world scenarios.

This partnership positions KellyOCG at the forefront of the evolving workforce management landscape. The integration of Brightfield's TDX AI into Kelly Helix addresses the growing demand for data-driven insights in contingent labor management. With the gig economy and flexible work arrangements on the rise, tools that provide real-time labor market intelligence are becoming increasingly valuable.

The emphasis on cost savings (potentially 10-20% in vendor costs) is likely to resonate with procurement teams, especially in the current economic climate where efficiency is paramount. However, the true differentiator here is the combination of AI-powered insights with an intuitive user interface, which could significantly enhance adoption rates and user satisfaction.

This move could potentially disrupt the workforce management software market, putting pressure on competitors to enhance their AI and data analytics capabilities.

While the financial terms of this partnership aren't disclosed, the potential impact on KellyOCG's business model and revenue streams is significant. By enhancing its Kelly Helix platform with Brightfield's TDX AI, KellyOCG is likely aiming to increase its market share and client retention rates in the competitive workforce solutions sector.

The promise of 10-20% savings in vendor costs for clients is a strong value proposition that could drive adoption and potentially justify premium pricing for the enhanced platform. However, investors should watch for metrics on user adoption rates and the impact on KellyOCG's revenue per client in the coming quarters.

Long-term, this partnership could position KellyOCG to capture a larger share of the growing market for AI-powered workforce management solutions, potentially leading to improved profit margins and shareholder value.

Brightfield TDX AI now fully accessible via the Kelly Helix technology platform

TROY, Mich., Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- KellyOCG, the outsourcing and consulting group of Kelly (Nasdaq: KELYA, KELYB), has partnered with Brightfield to provide clients with real-time contingent labor insights via its industry-leading Kelly Helix technology platform.

Kelly Helix users now have access to Brightfield TDX, an AI-powered market intelligence platform that offers in-depth extended workforce economics benchmarks, automated statement of work (SOW) analysis, and improved rate card management. TDX’s market-leading data, now easily accessible via the Helix interface, enhances decision-making for procurement and human resources teams and enables significant cost savings.

“Bad data can cost companies millions of dollars and organizations can save somewhere between 10 to 20% in vendor costs with improved data quality,” Tammy Browning, president of KellyOCG, said. “By integrating TDX AI with Kelly Helix, we’re giving procurement and HR leaders easy access to improved contingent workforce management, cost-effective SOW contracts, and emerging market trends.”

Among the key features of TDX AI are on-demand data, job title recommendations, and reliable SOW market rate comparisons. TDX AI offers client-centric taxonomy, project-specific filters, and advanced search capabilities in an intuitive user interface seamlessly built into Kelly Helix.

“Workforce data are inherently fuzzy and volatile, requiring AI to make business sense from the noise,” Brightfield CEO Jason Ezratty said. “Partnering with KellyOCG accelerates the impacts TDX AI is having when realizing hard savings is a strategic imperative for every corporation around the globe.”

TDX AI is the latest upgrade to KellyOCG’s advanced technology stack, Helix. Built on a state-of-the-art technical architecture, Helix delivers real-time, customized data for better management of external workforces. The platform allows clients to transform that data into actionable insights and provides unparalleled visibility into performance indicators and supply chain effectiveness. Clients can also access KellyOCG’s Human Cloud solution via Kelly Helix to acquire and manage freelance talent.

“With Kelly Helix, our clients have better data at their fingertips, enabling them to make the right decisions faster,” Browning said. “Total talent management has never been this easy.”

To learn more about Kelly Helix’s capabilities and to request a demo, visit

About KellyOCG®

KellyOCG connects companies with the talented people they need to fuel and grow their business through our unrivaled global talent supply chain and leading workforce solutions including Managed Service Provider (MSP) and Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO). We combine decades of people industry experience with proprietary insights and a continued focus on technology to produce world-class programs that meet an organization's unique workforce needs and can start them on their journey to total talent management. Our ability to anticipate what's next for talent solutions drives us to challenge the status quo making us a trusted partner for our global client portfolio, which spans leading industries across North America, APAC and EMEA. Visit or connect with us on LinkedIn to learn more.

About Brightfield

Brightfield helps the Global 2000 spend smarter with TDX – a proprietary, AI-powered market intelligence platform. TDX provides true market benchmarks and reviews contracts for savings opportunities and compliance, generating millions in realized savings for enterprises around the globe. Visit to learn more or connect with us on LinkedIn.

Media Contact
Christian Taske


What is the partnership between KellyOCG and Brightfield for KELYA stock?

KellyOCG has partnered with Brightfield to integrate TDX AI into its Kelly Helix technology platform, providing clients with real-time contingent labor insights and access to Brightfield's AI-powered market intelligence platform.

How much can companies potentially save with the KellyOCG and Brightfield partnership?

According to Tammy Browning, president of KellyOCG, organizations can potentially save between 10 to 20% in vendor costs with improved data quality provided by the integration of TDX AI with Kelly Helix.

What are the key features of Brightfield's TDX AI integrated into Kelly Helix?

Key features of TDX AI integrated into Kelly Helix include in-depth extended workforce economics benchmarks, automated SOW analysis, improved rate card management, on-demand data, job title recommendations, and reliable SOW market rate comparisons.

How does the Kelly Helix platform benefit clients of KELYA?

Kelly Helix provides clients with real-time, customized data for better management of external workforces, actionable insights, visibility into performance indicators and supply chain effectiveness, and access to KellyOCG's Human Cloud solution for freelance talent management.

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